path: root/pyGHDL/libghdl/utils
diff options
authorPatrick Lehmann <Patrick.Lehmann@plc2.de>2021-01-09 00:52:47 +0100
committertgingold <tgingold@users.noreply.github.com>2021-01-10 10:14:16 +0100
commit00274e966e0e10cca9707d489cf75090ae7f1b96 (patch)
treeee4e4c0ec4c6b72333d7af35b94800c93b661a12 /pyGHDL/libghdl/utils
parente4379c7f1f6188f845fc9b895f0b982c7c0b66ca (diff)
Changed pyGHDL.libghdl.utils from package to module.
Diffstat (limited to 'pyGHDL/libghdl/utils')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 459 deletions
diff --git a/pyGHDL/libghdl/utils/__init__.py b/pyGHDL/libghdl/utils/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b64e7698..000000000
--- a/pyGHDL/libghdl/utils/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,459 +0,0 @@
-# =============================================================================
-# ____ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
-# _ __ _ _ / ___| | | | _ \| | | (_) |__ __ _| |__ __| | |
-# | '_ \| | | | | _| |_| | | | | | | | | '_ \ / _` | '_ \ / _` | |
-# | |_) | |_| | |_| | _ | |_| | |___ _| | | |_) | (_| | | | | (_| | |
-# | .__/ \__, |\____|_| |_|____/|_____(_)_|_|_.__/ \__, |_| |_|\__,_|_|
-# |_| |___/ |___/
-# =============================================================================
-# Authors: Tristan Gingold
-# Package module: Generators/iterators and low-level helpers for pyGHDL.libghdl.
-# License:
-# ============================================================================
-# Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Tristan Gingold
-# GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
-# Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
-# version.
-# GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
-# for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with GHDL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-# Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
-# 02111-1307, USA.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
-# ============================================================================
-from ctypes import byref
-from typing import List, Any, Generator
-from pydecor import export
-from pyGHDL.libghdl._decorator import EnumLookupTable
-from pyGHDL.libghdl._types import NameId
-import pyGHDL.libghdl.name_table as name_table
-import pyGHDL.libghdl.files_map as files_map
-import pyGHDL.libghdl.vhdl.nodes as nodes
-import pyGHDL.libghdl.vhdl.nodes_meta as nodes_meta
-import pyGHDL.libghdl.vhdl.lists as lists
-import pyGHDL.libghdl.vhdl.flists as flists
-def name_image(NameId: NameId) -> str:
- """Lookup a :obj:`NameId` and return its string."""
- return name_table.Get_Name_Ptr(NameId)
-#@export # FIXME: see above
-def fields_image(idx: int) -> str:
- """String representation of Nodes_Meta.fields :obj:`idx`."""
-#@export # FIXME: see above
-def kind_image(k: int) -> str:
- """String representation of Nodes.Iir_Kind :obj:`k`."""
-#@export # FIXME: see above
-def types_image(t: int) -> str:
- """String representation of Nodes_Meta.Types :obj:`t`."""
-#@export # FIXME: see above
-def attr_image(a: int) -> str:
- """String representation of Nodes_Meta.Attr :obj:`a`."""
-def leftest_location(n):
- while True:
- if n == nodes.Null_Iir:
- return files_map.No_Location
- k = nodes.Get_Kind(n)
- if k == nodes.Iir_Kind.Array_Subtype_Definition:
- n = nodes.Get_Subtype_Type_Mark(n)
- else:
- return nodes.Get_Location(n)
-def fields_iter(n) -> Generator[Any, None, None]:
- """Iterate on fields of node :obj:`n`."""
- if n == nodes.Null_Iir:
- return
- k = nodes.Get_Kind(n)
- first = nodes_meta.get_fields_first(k)
- last = nodes_meta.get_fields_last(k)
- for i in range(first, last + 1):
- yield nodes_meta.get_field_by_index(i)
-def chain_iter(n) -> Generator[Any, None, None]:
- """Iterate of a chain headed by node :obj:`n`."""
- while n != nodes.Null_Iir:
- yield n
- n = nodes.Get_Chain(n)
-def chain_to_list(n) -> List[Any]:
- """Convert a chain headed by node :obj:`n` to a Python list."""
- return [e for e in chain_iter(n)]
-def nodes_iter(n) -> Generator[Any, None, None]:
- """
- Iterate all nodes of :obj:`n`, including :obj:`n`.
- Nodes are returned only once.
- """
- if n == nodes.Null_Iir:
- return
- # print 'nodes_iter for {0}'.format(n)
- yield n
- for f in fields_iter(n):
- typ = nodes_meta.get_field_type(f)
- # print ' {0}: field {1} (type: {2})'.format(
- # n, fields_image(f), types_image(typ))
- if typ == nodes_meta.types.Iir:
- attr = nodes_meta.get_field_attribute(f)
- if attr == nodes_meta.Attr.ANone:
- for n1 in nodes_iter(nodes_meta.Get_Iir(n, f)):
- yield n1
- elif attr == nodes_meta.Attr.Chain:
- n2 = nodes_meta.Get_Iir(n, f)
- while n2 != nodes.Null_Iir:
- for n1 in nodes_iter(n2):
- yield n1
- n2 = nodes.Get_Chain(n2)
- elif attr == nodes_meta.Attr.Maybe_Ref:
- if not nodes.Get_Is_Ref(n, f):
- for n1 in nodes_iter(nodes_meta.Get_Iir(n, f)):
- yield n1
- elif typ == nodes_meta.types.Iir_List:
- attr = nodes_meta.get_field_attribute(f)
- if attr == nodes_meta.Attr.ANone:
- for n1 in list_iter(nodes_meta.Get_Iir_List(n, f)):
- for n2 in nodes_iter(n1):
- yield n2
- elif typ == nodes_meta.types.Iir_Flist:
- attr = nodes_meta.get_field_attribute(f)
- if attr == nodes_meta.Attr.ANone:
- for n1 in flist_iter(nodes_meta.Get_Iir_Flist(n, f)):
- for n2 in nodes_iter(n1):
- yield n2
-def list_iter(lst) -> Generator[Any, None, None]:
- """Iterate all element of Iir_List :obj:`lst`."""
- if lst <= nodes.Iir_List_All:
- return
- iter = lists.Iterate(lst)
- while lists.Is_Valid(byref(iter)):
- yield lists.Get_Element(byref(iter))
- lists.Next(byref(iter))
-def flist_iter(lst) -> Generator[Any, None, None]:
- """Iterate all element of Iir_List :obj:`lst`."""
- if lst <= nodes.Iir_Flist_All:
- return
- for i in range(flists.Flast(lst) + 1):
- yield flists.Get_Nth_Element(lst, i)
-def declarations_iter(n) -> Generator[Any, None, None]:
- """Iterate all declarations in node :obj:`n`."""
- k = nodes.Get_Kind(n)
- if nodes_meta.Has_Generic_Chain(k):
- for n1 in chain_iter(nodes.Get_Generic_Chain(n)):
- yield n1
- if nodes_meta.Has_Port_Chain(k):
- for n1 in chain_iter(nodes.Get_Port_Chain(n)):
- yield n1
- if nodes_meta.Has_Interface_Declaration_Chain(k):
- for n1 in chain_iter(nodes.Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain(n)):
- yield n1
- if nodes_meta.Has_Declaration_Chain(k):
- for n1 in chain_iter(nodes.Get_Declaration_Chain(n)):
- k1 = nodes.Get_Kind(n1)
- if k1 in nodes.Iir_Kinds.Specification or k1 == nodes.Iir_Kind.Use_Clause:
- # Not a declaration
- pass
- elif k1 == nodes.Iir_Kind.Signal_Attribute_Declaration:
- # Not a declaration
- pass
- elif k1 in (
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Type_Declaration,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Anonymous_Type_Declaration,
- ):
- yield n1
- # Handle nested declarations: record elements, physical units,
- # enumeration literals...
- typ = nodes.Get_Type_Definition(n1)
- for n2 in declarations_iter(n1):
- yield n2
- else:
- yield n1
- # There can be nested declarations (subprograms)
- for n2 in declarations_iter(n1):
- yield n2
- if nodes_meta.Has_Concurrent_Statement_Chain(k):
- for n1 in chain_iter(nodes.Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain(n)):
- for n2 in declarations_iter(n1):
- yield n2
- if nodes_meta.Has_Sequential_Statement_Chain(k):
- for n1 in chain_iter(nodes.Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain(n)):
- for n2 in declarations_iter(n1):
- yield n2
- if nodes_meta.Has_Parameter_Specification(k):
- yield nodes.Get_Parameter_Specification(n)
- if nodes_meta.Has_Generate_Statement_Body(k):
- for n1 in declarations_iter(nodes.Get_Generate_Statement_Body(n)):
- yield n1
- if nodes_meta.Has_Else_Clause(k):
- n1 = nodes.Get_Else_Clause(n)
- if n1 != nodes.Null_Iir:
- for n2 in declarations_iter(n1):
- yield n2
- if nodes_meta.Has_Generate_Else_Clause(k):
- n1 = nodes.Get_Generate_Else_Clause(n)
- if n1 != nodes.Null_Iir:
- for n2 in declarations_iter(n1):
- yield n2
- if nodes_meta.Has_Block_Header(k):
- n1 = nodes.Get_Block_Header(n)
- if n1 != nodes.Null_Iir:
- for n2 in declarations_iter(n1):
- yield n2
- # All these nodes are handled:
- if k in (
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Entity_Declaration,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Architecture_Body,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Package_Declaration,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Package_Body,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Process_Statement,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Sensitized_Process_Statement,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Concurrent_Assertion_Statement,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Concurrent_Simple_Signal_Assignment,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Concurrent_Selected_Signal_Assignment,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Concurrent_Conditional_Signal_Assignment,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Concurrent_Procedure_Call_Statement,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Block_Statement,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Block_Header,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.For_Generate_Statement,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.If_Generate_Statement,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Generate_Statement_Body,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Assertion_Statement,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Wait_Statement,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Simple_Signal_Assignment_Statement,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Variable_Assignment_Statement,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.For_Loop_Statement,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.While_Loop_Statement,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Case_Statement,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Null_Statement,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Exit_Statement,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Next_Statement,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Procedure_Call_Statement,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Signal_Declaration,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Constant_Declaration,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Variable_Declaration,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.File_Declaration,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Object_Alias_Declaration,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Attribute_Declaration,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Component_Declaration,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Use_Clause,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.If_Statement,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Elsif,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Return_Statement,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Type_Declaration,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Anonymous_Type_Declaration,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Subtype_Declaration,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Function_Declaration,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Function_Body,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Procedure_Declaration,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Procedure_Body,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Component_Instantiation_Statement,
- ):
- return
- raise Exception("Unknown node of kind {}".format(kind_image(k)))
-def concurrent_stmts_iter(n) -> Generator[Any, None, None]:
- """Iterate concurrent statements in node :obj:`n`."""
- k = nodes.Get_Kind(n)
- if k == nodes.Iir_Kind.Design_File:
- for n1 in chain_iter(nodes.Get_First_Design_Unit(n)):
- for n2 in concurrent_stmts_iter(n1):
- yield n2
- elif k == nodes.Iir_Kind.Design_Unit:
- for n1 in concurrent_stmts_iter(nodes.Get_Library_Unit(n)):
- yield n1
- elif k in (
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Entity_Declaration,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Architecture_Body,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Block_Statement
- ):
- for n1 in chain_iter(nodes.Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain(n)):
- yield n1
- for n2 in concurrent_stmts_iter(n1):
- yield n2
- elif k == nodes.Iir_Kind.For_Generate_Statement:
- for n1 in concurrent_stmts_iter(nodes.Get_Generate_Statement_Body(n)):
- yield n1
- elif k == nodes.Iir_Kind.If_Generate_Statement:
- while n != nodes.Null_Iir:
- for n1 in concurrent_stmts_iter(nodes.Get_Generate_Statement_Body(n)):
- yield n1
- n = nodes.Get_Generate_Else_Clause(n)
- elif k == nodes.Iir_Kind.Case_Generate_Statement:
- alt = nodes.Get_Case_Statement_Alternative_Chain(n)
- for n1 in chain_iter(alt):
- blk = nodes.Get_Associated_Block(n1)
- if blk != nodes.Null_Iir:
- for n2 in concurrent_stmts_iter(nodes.Get_Generate_Statement_Body(n)):
- yield n2
-def constructs_iter(n) -> Generator[Any, None, None]:
- """
- Iterate library units, concurrent statements and declarations
- that appear directly within a declarative part.
- """
- if n == nodes.Null_Iir:
- return
- k = nodes.Get_Kind(n)
- if k == nodes.Iir_Kind.Design_File:
- for n1 in chain_iter(nodes.Get_First_Design_Unit(n)):
- for n2 in constructs_iter(n1):
- yield n2
- elif k == nodes.Iir_Kind.Design_Unit:
- n1 = nodes.Get_Library_Unit(n)
- yield n1
- for n2 in constructs_iter(n1):
- yield n2
- elif k in (
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Entity_Declaration,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Architecture_Body,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Block_Statement,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Generate_Statement_Body,
- ):
- for n1 in chain_iter(nodes.Get_Declaration_Chain(n)):
- yield n1
- for n2 in constructs_iter(n1):
- yield n2
- for n1 in chain_iter(nodes.Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain(n)):
- yield n1
- for n2 in constructs_iter(n1):
- yield n2
- elif k in (
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Configuration_Declaration,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Package_Declaration,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Package_Body,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Function_Body,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Procedure_Body,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Protected_Type_Declaration,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Protected_Type_Body,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Process_Statement,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Sensitized_Process_Statement,
- ):
- for n1 in chain_iter(nodes.Get_Declaration_Chain(n)):
- yield n1
- for n2 in constructs_iter(n1):
- yield n2
- elif k == nodes.Iir_Kind.For_Generate_Statement:
- n1 = nodes.Get_Generate_Statement_Body(n)
- yield n1
- for n2 in constructs_iter(n1):
- yield n2
- elif k == nodes.Iir_Kind.If_Generate_Statement:
- while n != nodes.Null_Iir:
- n1 = nodes.Get_Generate_Statement_Body(n)
- yield n1
- for n2 in constructs_iter(n1):
- yield n2
- n = nodes.Get_Generate_Else_Clause(n)
- elif k == nodes.Iir_Kind.Case_Generate_Statement:
- alt = nodes.Get_Case_Statement_Alternative_Chain(n)
- for n1 in chain_iter(alt):
- blk = nodes.Get_Associated_Block(n1)
- if blk != nodes.Null_Iir:
- n2 = nodes.Get_Generate_Statement_Body(blk)
- yield n2
- for n3 in constructs_iter(n2):
- yield n3
-def sequential_iter(n) -> Generator[Any, None, None]:
- """
- Iterate sequential statements. The first node must be either
- a process or a subprogram body.
- """
- if n == nodes.Null_Iir:
- return
- k = nodes.Get_Kind(n)
- if k in (
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Process_Statement,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Sensitized_Process_Statement,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Function_Body,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Procedure_Body,
- ):
- for n1 in chain_iter(nodes.Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain(n)):
- yield n1
- for n2 in sequential_iter(n1):
- yield n2
- elif k == nodes.Iir_Kind.If_Statement:
- while True:
- n = nodes.Get_Chain(n)
- if n == nodes.Null_Iir:
- break
- yield n
- for n1 in sequential_iter(n):
- yield n1
- elif k == nodes.Iir_Kind.Case_Statement:
- for ch in chain_iter(nodes.Get_Case_Statement_Alternative_Chain(n)):
- stmt = nodes.Get_Associated_Chain(ch)
- if stmt != nodes.Null_Iir:
- for n1 in chain_iter(stmt):
- yield n1
- for n2 in sequential_iter(n1):
- yield n2
- elif k in [nodes.Iir_Kind.For_Loop_Statement, nodes.Iir_Kind.While_Loop_Statement]:
- for n1 in chain_iter(nodes.Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain(n)):
- yield n1
- for n2 in sequential_iter(n1):
- yield n2
- elif k in (
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Assertion_Statement,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Wait_Statement,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Null_Statement,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Exit_Statement,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Next_Statement,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Return_Statement,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Variable_Assignment_Statement,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Simple_Signal_Assignment_Statement,
- nodes.Iir_Kind.Procedure_Call_Statement,
- ):
- return
- else:
- raise Exception("Unknown node of kind {}".format(kind_image(k)))