path: root/src/ortho/debug
diff options
authorTristan Gingold <tgingold@free.fr>2014-11-04 20:14:19 +0100
committerTristan Gingold <tgingold@free.fr>2014-11-04 20:14:19 +0100
commit9c195bf5d86d67ea5eb419ccf6e48dc153e57c68 (patch)
tree575346e529b99e26382b4a06f6ff2caa0b391ab2 /src/ortho/debug
parent184a123f91e07c927292d67462561dc84f3a920d (diff)
Move sources to src/ subdirectory.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/ortho/debug')
13 files changed, 3943 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ortho/debug/Makefile b/src/ortho/debug/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0c15111ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ortho/debug/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# -*- Makefile -*- for the ortho-code back-end
+# Copyright (C) 2005 Tristan Gingold
+# GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+# for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+# 02111-1307, USA.
+ALL_GNAT_FLAGS=-pipe -g -gnato -gnatwl -gnatf -gnaty3befhkmr -gnatwu
+GNATMAKE_FLAGS=-m $(ALL_GNAT_FLAGS) $(GNAT_FLAGS) -aI$(ortho_srcdir) -aI$(orthobe_srcdir) -aI.
+#LARGS=-largs -static
+all: $(ortho_exec)
+$(ortho_exec): force $(ortho_srcdir)/$(BE)/ortho_debug.ads
+ gnatmake -o $@ $(GNATMAKE_FLAGS) ortho_debug-main -bargs -E $(LARGS)
+ $(RM) -f *.o *.ali *~ b~*.ad? ortho_nodes-main
+ $(RM) ortho_debug.ads
+# Automatically build ortho_debug.ads from ortho_node.common.ads and
+# ortho_debug.private.ads
+include $(ortho_srcdir)/Makefile.inc
diff --git a/src/ortho/debug/ortho_debug-disp.adb b/src/ortho/debug/ortho_debug-disp.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2725668bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ortho/debug/ortho_debug-disp.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,1064 @@
+-- Display the code from the ortho debug tree.
+-- Copyright (C) 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+package body Ortho_Debug.Disp is
+ Disp_All_Types : constant Boolean := False;
+ package Formated_Output is
+ use Interfaces.C_Streams;
+ type Disp_Context is limited private;
+ procedure Init_Context (File : FILEs);
+ -- Save the current context, and create a new one.
+ procedure Push_Context (File : FILEs; Prev_Ctx : out Disp_Context);
+ -- Restore a previous context, saved by Push_Context.
+ procedure Pop_Context (Prev_Ctx : Disp_Context);
+ procedure Put (Str : String);
+ procedure Put_Line (Str : String);
+ -- Add a tabulation.
+ -- Every new line will start at this tabulation.
+ procedure Add_Tab;
+ -- Removed a tabulation.
+ -- The next new line will start at the previous tabulation.
+ procedure Rem_Tab;
+ -- Flush the current output.
+ procedure Flush;
+ -- Return TRUE if the ident level is nul.
+ function Is_Top return Boolean;
+ procedure Put_Tab;
+ procedure New_Line;
+ procedure Put (C : Character);
+ procedure Put_Trim (Str : String);
+ procedure Set_Mark;
+ -- Flush to disk. Only for debugging in case of crash.
+ procedure Flush_File;
+ pragma Unreferenced (Flush_File);
+ private
+ type Disp_Context is record
+ -- File where the info are written to.
+ File : FILEs;
+ -- Line number of the line to be written.
+ Lineno : Natural;
+ -- Buffer for the current line.
+ Line : String (1 .. 256);
+ -- Number of characters currently in the line.
+ Line_Len : Natural;
+ -- Current tabulation.
+ Tab : Natural;
+ -- Tabulation to be used for the next line.
+ Next_Tab : Natural;
+ Mark : Natural;
+ end record;
+ end Formated_Output;
+ package body Formated_Output is
+ -- The current context.
+ Ctx : Disp_Context;
+ procedure Init_Context (File : FILEs) is
+ begin
+ Ctx.File := File;
+ Ctx.Lineno := 1;
+ Ctx.Line_Len := 0;
+ Ctx.Tab := 0;
+ Ctx.Next_Tab := 0;
+ Ctx.Mark := 0;
+ end Init_Context;
+ procedure Push_Context (File : FILEs; Prev_Ctx : out Disp_Context)
+ is
+ begin
+ Prev_Ctx := Ctx;
+ Init_Context (File);
+ end Push_Context;
+ -- Restore a previous context, saved by Push_Context.
+ procedure Pop_Context (Prev_Ctx : Disp_Context) is
+ begin
+ Flush;
+ Ctx := Prev_Ctx;
+ end Pop_Context;
+ procedure Flush
+ is
+ Status : size_t;
+ Res : int;
+ pragma Unreferenced (Status, Res);
+ begin
+ if Ctx.Line_Len > 0 then
+ Status := fwrite (Ctx.Line'Address, size_t (Ctx.Line_Len), 1,
+ Ctx.File);
+ Res := fputc (Character'Pos (ASCII.Lf), Ctx.File);
+ Ctx.Line_Len := 0;
+ end if;
+ Ctx.Mark := 0;
+ end Flush;
+ function Is_Top return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Ctx.Tab = 0;
+ end Is_Top;
+ procedure Put_Tab
+ is
+ Tab : Natural := Ctx.Next_Tab;
+ Max_Tab : constant Natural := 40;
+ begin
+ if Tab > Max_Tab then
+ -- Limit indentation length, to limit line length.
+ Tab := Max_Tab;
+ end if;
+ Ctx.Line (1 .. Tab) := (others => ' ');
+ Ctx.Line_Len := Tab;
+ Ctx.Next_Tab := Ctx.Tab + 2;
+ end Put_Tab;
+ procedure Put (Str : String) is
+ Saved : String (1 .. 80);
+ Len : Natural;
+ begin
+ if Ctx.Line_Len + Str'Length >= 80 then
+ if Ctx.Mark > 0 then
+ Len := Ctx.Line_Len - Ctx.Mark + 1;
+ Saved (1 .. Len) := Ctx.Line (Ctx.Mark .. Ctx.Line_Len);
+ Ctx.Line_Len := Ctx.Mark - 1;
+ Flush;
+ Put_Tab;
+ Ctx.Line (Ctx.Line_Len + 1 .. Ctx.Line_Len + Len) :=
+ Saved (1 .. Len);
+ Ctx.Line_Len := Ctx.Line_Len + Len;
+ else
+ Flush;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if Ctx.Line_Len = 0 then
+ Put_Tab;
+ end if;
+ Ctx.Line (Ctx.Line_Len + 1 .. Ctx.Line_Len + Str'Length) := Str;
+ Ctx.Line_Len := Ctx.Line_Len + Str'Length;
+ end Put;
+ procedure Put_Trim (Str : String) is
+ begin
+ for I in Str'Range loop
+ if Str (I) /= ' ' then
+ Put (Str (I .. Str'Last));
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Put_Trim;
+ procedure Put_Line (Str : String) is
+ begin
+ Put (Str);
+ Flush;
+ Ctx.Next_Tab := Ctx.Tab;
+ end Put_Line;
+ procedure New_Line
+ is
+ Status : int;
+ pragma Unreferenced (Status);
+ begin
+ if Ctx.Line_Len > 0 then
+ Flush;
+ else
+ Status := fputc (Character'Pos (ASCII.LF), Ctx.File);
+ end if;
+ Ctx.Next_Tab := Ctx.Tab;
+ end New_Line;
+ procedure Put (C : Character)
+ is
+ S : constant String (1 .. 1) := (1 => C);
+ begin
+ Put (S);
+ end Put;
+ -- Add a tabulation.
+ -- Every new line will start at this tabulation.
+ procedure Add_Tab is
+ begin
+ Ctx.Tab := Ctx.Tab + 2;
+ Ctx.Next_Tab := Ctx.Tab;
+ end Add_Tab;
+ -- Removed a tabulation.
+ -- The next new line will start at the previous tabulation.
+ procedure Rem_Tab is
+ begin
+ Ctx.Tab := Ctx.Tab - 2;
+ Ctx.Next_Tab := Ctx.Tab;
+ end Rem_Tab;
+ procedure Set_Mark is
+ begin
+ Ctx.Mark := Ctx.Line_Len;
+ end Set_Mark;
+ procedure Flush_File is
+ Status : int;
+ pragma Unreferenced (Status);
+ begin
+ Flush;
+ Status := fflush (Ctx.File);
+ end Flush_File;
+ end Formated_Output;
+ use Formated_Output;
+ procedure Init_Context (File : Interfaces.C_Streams.FILEs) is
+ begin
+ Formated_Output.Init_Context (File);
+ end Init_Context;
+ procedure Disp_Enode (E : O_Enode; Etype : O_Tnode);
+ procedure Disp_Lnode (Node : O_Lnode);
+ procedure Disp_Snode (First, Last : O_Snode);
+ procedure Disp_Dnode (Decl : O_Dnode);
+ procedure Disp_Tnode (Atype : O_Tnode; Full : Boolean);
+ procedure Disp_Ident (Id : O_Ident) is
+ begin
+ Put (Get_String (Id));
+ end Disp_Ident;
+ procedure Disp_Tnode_Name (Atype : O_Tnode) is
+ begin
+ Disp_Tnode (Atype, False);
+ end Disp_Tnode_Name;
+ procedure Disp_Dnode_Name (Decl : O_Dnode) is
+ begin
+ Disp_Ident (Decl.Name);
+ end Disp_Dnode_Name;
+ procedure Disp_Loop_Name (Stmt : O_Snode) is
+ begin
+ Put ("loop" & Natural'Image (Stmt.Loop_Level));
+ end Disp_Loop_Name;
+ function Get_Enode_Name (Kind : OE_Kind) return String
+ is
+ begin
+ case Kind is
+-- when OE_Boolean_Lit =>
+-- return "boolean_lit";
+-- when OE_Unsigned_Lit =>
+-- return "unsigned_lit";
+-- when OE_Signed_Lit =>
+-- return "signed lit";
+-- when OE_Float_Lit =>
+-- return "float lit";
+-- when OE_Null_Lit =>
+-- return "null lit";
+-- when OE_Enum_Lit =>
+-- return "enum lit";
+-- when OE_Sizeof_Lit =>
+-- return "sizeof lit";
+-- when OE_Offsetof_Lit =>
+-- return "offsetof lit";
+-- when OE_Aggregate =>
+-- return "aggregate";
+-- when OE_Aggr_Element =>
+-- return "aggr_element";
+-- when OE_Union_Aggr =>
+-- return "union aggr";
+ when OE_Lit =>
+ return "lit";
+ when OE_Add_Ov =>
+ return "+#";
+ when OE_Sub_Ov =>
+ return "-#";
+ when OE_Mul_Ov =>
+ return "*#";
+ when OE_Div_Ov =>
+ return "/#";
+ when OE_Rem_Ov =>
+ return "rem#";
+ when OE_Mod_Ov =>
+ return "mod#";
+ when OE_Exp_Ov =>
+ return "**#";
+ when OE_And =>
+ return "and";
+ when OE_Or =>
+ return "or";
+ when OE_Xor =>
+ return "xor";
+ when OE_And_Then =>
+ return "and_then";
+ when OE_Or_Else =>
+ return "or_else";
+ when OE_Not =>
+ return "not";
+ when OE_Neg_Ov =>
+ return "-";
+ when OE_Abs_Ov =>
+ return "abs";
+ when OE_Eq =>
+ return "=";
+ when OE_Neq =>
+ return "/=";
+ when OE_Le =>
+ return "<=";
+ when OE_Lt =>
+ return "<";
+ when OE_Ge =>
+ return ">=";
+ when OE_Gt =>
+ return ">";
+ when OE_Function_Call =>
+ return "function call";
+ when OE_Convert_Ov =>
+ return "convert_ov";
+ when OE_Address =>
+ return "address";
+ when OE_Unchecked_Address =>
+ return "unchecked_address";
+-- when OE_Subprogram_Address =>
+-- return "subprg_address";
+ when OE_Alloca =>
+ return "alloca";
+ when OE_Value =>
+ return "value";
+ when OE_Nil =>
+ return "??";
+ end case;
+ end Get_Enode_Name;
+ function Get_Lnode_Name (Kind : OL_Kind) return String
+ is
+ begin
+ case Kind is
+ when OL_Obj =>
+ return "obj";
+ when OL_Indexed_Element =>
+ return "indexed_element";
+ when OL_Slice =>
+ return "slice";
+ when OL_Selected_Element =>
+ return "selected_element";
+ when OL_Access_Element =>
+ return "access_element";
+-- when OL_Param_Ref =>
+-- return "param_ref";
+-- when OL_Var_Ref =>
+-- return "var_ref";
+-- when OL_Const_Ref =>
+-- return "const_ref";
+ end case;
+ end Get_Lnode_Name;
+ pragma Unreferenced (Get_Lnode_Name);
+ procedure Disp_Enode_Name (Kind : OE_Kind) is
+ begin
+ Put (Get_Enode_Name (Kind));
+ end Disp_Enode_Name;
+ procedure Disp_Assoc_List (Head : O_Anode)
+ is
+ El : O_Anode;
+ begin
+ El := Head;
+ Put ("(");
+ if El /= null then
+ loop
+ Disp_Enode (El.Actual, El.Formal.Dtype);
+ El := El.Next;
+ exit when El = null;
+ Put (", ");
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ Put (")");
+ end Disp_Assoc_List;
+ function Image (Lit : Integer) return String
+ is
+ S : constant String := Integer'Image (Lit);
+ begin
+ if S (1) = ' ' then
+ return S (2 .. S'Length);
+ else
+ return S;
+ end if;
+ end Image;
+ -- Disp STR as a literal for scalar type LIT_TYPE.
+ procedure Disp_Lit (Lit_Type : O_Tnode; Known : Boolean; Str : String) is
+ begin
+ if Known and not Disp_All_Types then
+ Put_Trim (Str);
+ else
+ Disp_Tnode_Name (Lit_Type);
+ Put ("'[");
+ Put_Trim (Str);
+ Put (']');
+ end if;
+ end Disp_Lit;
+ -- Display C. If CTYPE is set, this is the known type of C.
+ procedure Disp_Cnode (C : O_Cnode; Ctype : O_Tnode)
+ is
+ Known : constant Boolean := Ctype /= O_Tnode_Null;
+ begin
+ -- Sanity check.
+ if Known then
+ if Ctype /= C.Ctype then
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ case C.Kind is
+ when OC_Unsigned_Lit =>
+ if False and then (C.U_Val >= Character'Pos(' ')
+ and C.U_Val <= Character'Pos ('~'))
+ then
+ Put (''');
+ Put (Character'Val (C.U_Val));
+ Put (''');
+ else
+ Disp_Lit (C.Ctype, Known, Unsigned_64'Image (C.U_Val));
+ end if;
+ when OC_Signed_Lit =>
+ Disp_Lit (C.Ctype, Known, Integer_64'Image (C.S_Val));
+ when OC_Float_Lit =>
+ Disp_Lit (C.Ctype, Known, IEEE_Float_64'Image (C.F_Val));
+ when OC_Boolean_Lit =>
+ -- Always disp the type of boolean literals.
+ Disp_Lit (C.Ctype, False, Get_String (C.B_Id));
+ when OC_Null_Lit =>
+ -- Always disp the type of null literals.
+ Disp_Lit (C.Ctype, False, "null");
+ when OC_Enum_Lit =>
+ -- Always disp the type of enum literals.
+ Disp_Lit (C.Ctype, False, Get_String (C.E_Name));
+ when OC_Sizeof_Lit =>
+ Disp_Tnode_Name (C.Ctype);
+ Put ("'sizeof (");
+ Disp_Tnode_Name (C.S_Type);
+ Put (")");
+ when OC_Alignof_Lit =>
+ Disp_Tnode_Name (C.Ctype);
+ Put ("'alignof (");
+ Disp_Tnode_Name (C.S_Type);
+ Put (")");
+ when OC_Offsetof_Lit =>
+ Disp_Tnode_Name (C.Ctype);
+ Put ("'offsetof (");
+ Disp_Tnode_Name (C.Off_Field.Parent);
+ Put (".");
+ Disp_Ident (C.Off_Field.Ident);
+ Put (")");
+ when OC_Aggregate =>
+ declare
+ El : O_Cnode;
+ El_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Field : O_Fnode;
+ begin
+ Put ('{');
+ El := C.Aggr_Els;
+ case C.Ctype.Kind is
+ when ON_Record_Type =>
+ Field := C.Ctype.Elements;
+ El_Type := Field.Ftype;
+ when ON_Array_Sub_Type =>
+ Field := null;
+ El_Type := C.Ctype.Base_Type.El_Type;
+ when others =>
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end case;
+ if El /= null then
+ loop
+ Set_Mark;
+ if Field /= null then
+ if Disp_All_Types then
+ Put ('.');
+ Disp_Ident (Field.Ident);
+ Put (" = ");
+ end if;
+ El_Type := Field.Ftype;
+ Field := Field.Next;
+ end if;
+ Disp_Cnode (El.Aggr_Value, El_Type);
+ El := El.Aggr_Next;
+ exit when El = null;
+ Put (", ");
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ Put ('}');
+ end;
+ when OC_Aggr_Element =>
+ Disp_Cnode (C.Aggr_Value, Ctype);
+ when OC_Union_Aggr =>
+ Put ('{');
+ Put ('.');
+ Disp_Ident (C.Uaggr_Field.Ident);
+ Put (" = ");
+ Disp_Cnode (C.Uaggr_Value, C.Uaggr_Field.Ftype);
+ Put ('}');
+ when OC_Address =>
+ Disp_Tnode_Name (C.Ctype);
+ Put ("'address (");
+ Disp_Dnode_Name (C.Decl);
+ Put (")");
+ when OC_Unchecked_Address =>
+ Disp_Tnode_Name (C.Ctype);
+ Put ("'unchecked_address (");
+ Disp_Dnode_Name (C.Decl);
+ Put (")");
+ when OC_Subprogram_Address =>
+ Disp_Tnode_Name (C.Ctype);
+ Put ("'subprg_addr (");
+ Disp_Dnode_Name (C.Decl);
+ Put (")");
+ end case;
+ end Disp_Cnode;
+ -- Disp E whose expected type is ETYPE (may not be set).
+ procedure Disp_Enode (E : O_Enode; Etype : O_Tnode)
+ is
+ begin
+ case E.Kind is
+ when OE_Lit =>
+ Disp_Cnode (E.Lit, Etype);
+ when OE_Dyadic_Expr_Kind =>
+ Put ("(");
+ Disp_Enode (E.Left, O_Tnode_Null);
+ Put (' ');
+ Disp_Enode_Name (E.Kind);
+ Put (' ');
+ Disp_Enode (E.Right, E.Left.Rtype);
+ Put (')');
+ when OE_Compare_Expr_Kind =>
+ Disp_Tnode_Name (E.Rtype);
+ Put ("'(");
+ Disp_Enode (E.Left, O_Tnode_Null);
+ Put (' ');
+ Disp_Enode_Name (E.Kind);
+ Put (' ');
+ Disp_Enode (E.Right, E.Left.Rtype);
+ Put (')');
+ when OE_Monadic_Expr_Kind =>
+ Disp_Enode_Name (E.Kind);
+ if E.Kind /= OE_Neg_Ov then
+ Put (' ');
+ end if;
+ Disp_Enode (E.Operand, Etype);
+ when OE_Address =>
+ Disp_Tnode_Name (E.Rtype);
+ Put ("'address (");
+ Disp_Lnode (E.Lvalue);
+ Put (")");
+ when OE_Unchecked_Address =>
+ Disp_Tnode_Name (E.Rtype);
+ Put ("'unchecked_address (");
+ Disp_Lnode (E.Lvalue);
+ Put (")");
+ when OE_Convert_Ov =>
+ Disp_Tnode_Name (E.Rtype);
+ Put ("'conv (");
+ Disp_Enode (E.Conv, O_Tnode_Null);
+ Put (')');
+ when OE_Function_Call =>
+ Disp_Dnode_Name (E.Func);
+ Put (' ');
+ Disp_Assoc_List (E.Assoc);
+ when OE_Alloca =>
+ Disp_Tnode_Name (E.Rtype);
+ Put ("'alloca (");
+ Disp_Enode (E.A_Size, O_Tnode_Null);
+ Put (')');
+ when OE_Value =>
+ Disp_Lnode (E.Value);
+ when OE_Nil =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end Disp_Enode;
+ procedure Disp_Lnode (Node : O_Lnode) is
+ begin
+ case Node.Kind is
+ when OL_Obj =>
+ Disp_Dnode_Name (Node.Obj);
+ when OL_Access_Element =>
+ Disp_Enode (Node.Acc_Base, O_Tnode_Null);
+ Put (".all");
+ when OL_Indexed_Element =>
+ Disp_Lnode (Node.Array_Base);
+ Put ('[');
+ Disp_Enode (Node.Index, O_Tnode_Null);
+ Put (']');
+ when OL_Slice =>
+ Disp_Lnode (Node.Slice_Base);
+ Put ('[');
+ Disp_Enode (Node.Slice_Index, O_Tnode_Null);
+ Put ("...]");
+ when OL_Selected_Element =>
+ Disp_Lnode (Node.Rec_Base);
+ Put ('.');
+ Disp_Ident (Node.Rec_El.Ident);
+-- when OL_Var_Ref
+-- | OL_Const_Ref
+-- | OL_Param_Ref =>
+-- Disp_Dnode_Name (Node.Decl);
+ end case;
+ end Disp_Lnode;
+ procedure Disp_Fnodes (First : O_Fnode)
+ is
+ El : O_Fnode;
+ begin
+ Add_Tab;
+ El := First;
+ while El /= null loop
+ Disp_Ident (El.Ident);
+ Put (": ");
+ Disp_Tnode (El.Ftype, False);
+ Put_Line ("; ");
+ El := El.Next;
+ end loop;
+ Rem_Tab;
+ end Disp_Fnodes;
+ procedure Disp_Tnode (Atype : O_Tnode; Full : Boolean) is
+ begin
+ if not Full and Atype.Decl /= null then
+ Disp_Ident (Atype.Decl.Name);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Atype.Kind is
+ when ON_Boolean_Type =>
+ Put ("boolean {");
+ Disp_Ident (Atype.False_N.B_Id);
+ Put (", ");
+ Disp_Ident (Atype.True_N.B_Id);
+ Put ("}");
+ when ON_Unsigned_Type =>
+ Put ("unsigned (");
+ Put_Trim (Natural'Image (Atype.Int_Size));
+ Put (")");
+ when ON_Signed_Type =>
+ Put ("signed (");
+ Put_Trim (Natural'Image (Atype.Int_Size));
+ Put (")");
+ when ON_Float_Type =>
+ Put ("float");
+ when ON_Enum_Type =>
+ declare
+ El : O_Cnode;
+ begin
+ Put ("enum {");
+ El := Atype.Literals;
+ while El /= O_Cnode_Null loop
+ Set_Mark;
+ Disp_Ident (El.E_Name);
+ Put (" = ");
+ Put (Image (El.E_Val));
+ El := El.E_Next;
+ exit when El = O_Cnode_Null;
+ Put (", ");
+ end loop;
+ Put ("}");
+ end;
+ when ON_Array_Type =>
+ Put ("array [");
+ Disp_Tnode (Atype.Index_Type, False);
+ Put ("] of ");
+ Disp_Tnode (Atype.El_Type, False);
+ when ON_Access_Type =>
+ Put ("access ");
+ if Atype.D_Type /= O_Tnode_Null then
+ Disp_Tnode (Atype.D_Type, False);
+ end if;
+ when ON_Record_Type =>
+ Put_Line ("record ");
+ Disp_Fnodes (Atype.Elements);
+ Put ("end record");
+ when ON_Union_Type =>
+ Put_Line ("union ");
+ Disp_Fnodes (Atype.Elements);
+ Put ("end union");
+ when ON_Array_Sub_Type =>
+ Put ("subarray ");
+ Disp_Tnode_Name (Atype.Base_Type);
+ Put ("[");
+ Disp_Cnode (Atype.Length, Atype.Base_Type.Index_Type);
+ Put ("]");
+ end case;
+ end Disp_Tnode;
+ procedure Disp_Storage_Name (Storage : O_Storage) is
+ begin
+ case Storage is
+ when O_Storage_External =>
+ Put ("external");
+ when O_Storage_Public =>
+ Put ("public");
+ when O_Storage_Private =>
+ Put ("private");
+ when O_Storage_Local =>
+ Put ("local");
+ end case;
+ end Disp_Storage_Name;
+ procedure Disp_Decls (Decls : O_Dnode)
+ is
+ El : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ El := Decls;
+ while El /= null loop
+ Disp_Dnode (El);
+ El := El.Next;
+ if Is_Top then
+ -- NOTE: some declaration does not disp anything, so there may be
+ -- double new line.
+ New_Line;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Disp_Decls;
+ procedure Disp_Function_Decl (Decl : O_Dnode) is
+ begin
+ Disp_Storage_Name (Decl.Storage);
+ Put (" ");
+ if Decl.Dtype = null then
+ Put ("procedure ");
+ else
+ Put ("function ");
+ end if;
+ Disp_Ident (Decl.Name);
+ Put_Line (" (");
+ Add_Tab;
+ declare
+ El : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ El := Decl.Interfaces;
+ if El /= null then
+ loop
+ Disp_Dnode (El);
+ El := El.Next;
+ exit when El = null;
+ Put_Line (";");
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ Put (")");
+ end;
+ if Decl.Dtype /= null then
+ New_Line;
+ Put ("return ");
+ Disp_Tnode (Decl.Dtype, False);
+ end if;
+ Rem_Tab;
+ end Disp_Function_Decl;
+ procedure Disp_Dnode (Decl : O_Dnode) is
+ begin
+ case Decl.Kind is
+ when ON_Type_Decl =>
+ Put ("type ");
+ Disp_Ident (Decl.Name);
+ Put (" is ");
+ if not Decl.Dtype.Uncomplete then
+ Disp_Tnode (Decl.Dtype, True);
+ else
+ case Decl.Dtype.Kind is
+ when ON_Record_Type =>
+ Put ("record");
+ when ON_Access_Type =>
+ Put ("access");
+ when others =>
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ Put_Line (";");
+ when ON_Completed_Type_Decl =>
+ Put ("type ");
+ Disp_Ident (Decl.Name);
+ Put (" is ");
+ Disp_Tnode (Decl.Dtype, True);
+ Put_Line (";");
+ when ON_Const_Decl =>
+ Disp_Storage_Name (Decl.Storage);
+ Put (" ");
+ Put ("constant ");
+ Disp_Ident (Decl.Name);
+ Put (" : ");
+ Disp_Tnode_Name (Decl.Dtype);
+ Put_Line (";");
+ when ON_Const_Value =>
+ Put ("constant ");
+ Disp_Ident (Decl.Name);
+ Put (" := ");
+ Disp_Cnode (Decl.Value, Decl.Dtype);
+ Put_Line (";");
+ when ON_Var_Decl =>
+ Disp_Storage_Name (Decl.Storage);
+ Put (" ");
+ Put ("var ");
+ Disp_Ident (Decl.Name);
+ Put (" : ");
+ Disp_Tnode_Name (Decl.Dtype);
+ Put_Line (";");
+ when ON_Function_Decl =>
+ if Decl.Next = null or Decl.Next /= Decl.Func_Body then
+ -- This is a forward/external declaration.
+ Disp_Function_Decl (Decl);
+ Put_Line (";");
+ end if;
+ when ON_Function_Body =>
+ Disp_Function_Decl (Decl.Func_Decl);
+ New_Line;
+ Disp_Snode (Decl.Func_Stmt, Decl.Func_Stmt);
+ when ON_Interface_Decl =>
+ Disp_Ident (Decl.Name);
+ Put (": ");
+ Disp_Tnode (Decl.Dtype, False);
+ when ON_Debug_Line_Decl =>
+ Put_Line ("--#" & Natural'Image (Decl.Line));
+ when ON_Debug_Comment_Decl =>
+ Put_Line ("-- " & Decl.Comment.all);
+ when ON_Debug_Filename_Decl =>
+ Put_Line ("--F " & Decl.Filename.all);
+ end case;
+ end Disp_Dnode;
+ procedure Disp_Snode (First : O_Snode; Last : O_Snode) is
+ Stmt : O_Snode;
+ begin
+ Stmt := First;
+ loop
+ --if Stmt.Kind = ON_Elsif_Stmt or Stmt.Kind = ON_When_Stmt then
+ -- Put_Indent (Tab - 1);
+ --else
+ -- Put_Indent (Tab);
+ --end if;
+ case Stmt.Kind is
+ when ON_Declare_Stmt =>
+ Put_Line ("declare");
+ Add_Tab;
+ Disp_Decls (Stmt.Decls);
+ Rem_Tab;
+ Put_Line ("begin");
+ Add_Tab;
+ if Stmt.Stmts /= null then
+ Disp_Snode (Stmt.Stmts, null);
+ end if;
+ Rem_Tab;
+ Put_Line ("end;");
+ when ON_Assign_Stmt =>
+ Disp_Lnode (Stmt.Target);
+ Put (" := ");
+ Disp_Enode (Stmt.Value, Stmt.Target.Rtype);
+ Put_Line (";");
+ when ON_Return_Stmt =>
+ Put ("return ");
+ if Stmt.Ret_Val /= null then
+ Disp_Enode (Stmt.Ret_Val, O_Tnode_Null);
+ end if;
+ Put_Line (";");
+ when ON_If_Stmt =>
+ Add_Tab;
+ Disp_Snode (Stmt.Next, Stmt.If_Last);
+ Stmt := Stmt.If_Last;
+ Rem_Tab;
+ Put_Line ("end if;");
+ when ON_Elsif_Stmt =>
+ Rem_Tab;
+ if Stmt.Cond = null then
+ Put_Line ("else");
+ else
+ if First = Stmt then
+ Put ("if ");
+ else
+ Put ("elsif ");
+ end if;
+ Disp_Enode (Stmt.Cond, O_Tnode_Null);
+ Put_Line (" then");
+ end if;
+ Add_Tab;
+ when ON_Loop_Stmt =>
+ Disp_Loop_Name (Stmt);
+ Put_Line (":");
+ Add_Tab;
+ Disp_Snode (Stmt.Next, Stmt.Loop_Last);
+ Stmt := Stmt.Loop_Last;
+ Rem_Tab;
+ Put_Line ("end loop;");
+ when ON_Exit_Stmt =>
+ Put ("exit ");
+ Disp_Loop_Name (Stmt.Loop_Id);
+ Put_Line (";");
+ when ON_Next_Stmt =>
+ Put ("next ");
+ Disp_Loop_Name (Stmt.Loop_Id);
+ Put_Line (";");
+ when ON_Case_Stmt =>
+ Put ("case ");
+ Disp_Enode (Stmt.Selector, O_Tnode_Null);
+ Put_Line (" is");
+ Add_Tab;
+ Disp_Snode (Stmt.Next, Stmt.Case_Last);
+ Stmt := Stmt.Case_Last;
+ Rem_Tab;
+ Put_Line ("end case;");
+ when ON_When_Stmt =>
+ declare
+ Choice: O_Choice;
+ Choice_Type : constant O_Tnode :=
+ Stmt.Branch_Parent.Selector.Rtype;
+ begin
+ Rem_Tab;
+ Choice := Stmt.Choice_List;
+ Put ("when ");
+ loop
+ case Choice.Kind is
+ when ON_Choice_Expr =>
+ Disp_Cnode (Choice.Expr, Choice_Type);
+ when ON_Choice_Range =>
+ Disp_Cnode (Choice.Low, Choice_Type);
+ Put (" ... ");
+ Disp_Cnode (Choice.High, Choice_Type);
+ when ON_Choice_Default =>
+ Put ("default");
+ end case;
+ Choice := Choice.Next;
+ exit when Choice = null;
+ Put_Line (",");
+ Put (" ");
+ end loop;
+ Put_Line (" =>");
+ Add_Tab;
+ end;
+ when ON_Call_Stmt =>
+ Disp_Dnode_Name (Stmt.Proc);
+ Put (' ');
+ Disp_Assoc_List (Stmt.Assoc);
+ Put_Line (";");
+ when ON_Debug_Line_Stmt =>
+ Put_Line ("--#" & Natural'Image (Stmt.Line));
+ when ON_Debug_Comment_Stmt =>
+ Put_Line ("-- " & Stmt.Comment.all);
+ end case;
+ exit when Stmt = Last;
+ Stmt := Stmt.Next;
+ exit when Stmt = null and Last = null;
+ end loop;
+ end Disp_Snode;
+ procedure Disp_Ortho (Decls : O_Snode) is
+ begin
+ Disp_Decls (Decls.Decls);
+ Flush;
+ end Disp_Ortho;
+ procedure Disp_Tnode_Decl (N : O_Tnode) is
+ begin
+ Disp_Ident (N.Decl.Name);
+ Put (" : ");
+ Disp_Tnode (N, True);
+ end Disp_Tnode_Decl;
+ procedure Debug_Tnode (N : O_Tnode)
+ is
+ Ctx : Disp_Context;
+ begin
+ Push_Context (Interfaces.C_Streams.stdout, Ctx);
+ Disp_Tnode_Decl (N);
+ Pop_Context (Ctx);
+ end Debug_Tnode;
+ procedure Debug_Enode (N : O_Enode)
+ is
+ Ctx : Disp_Context;
+ begin
+ Push_Context (Interfaces.C_Streams.stdout, Ctx);
+ Disp_Enode (N, O_Tnode_Null);
+ Put (" : ");
+ Disp_Tnode_Decl (N.Rtype);
+ Pop_Context (Ctx);
+ end Debug_Enode;
+ procedure Debug_Fnode (N : O_Fnode)
+ is
+ Ctx : Disp_Context;
+ begin
+ Push_Context (Interfaces.C_Streams.stdout, Ctx);
+ Disp_Ident (N.Ident);
+ Put (": ");
+ Disp_Tnode (N.Ftype, False);
+ Pop_Context (Ctx);
+ end Debug_Fnode;
+ procedure Debug_Dnode (N : O_Dnode)
+ is
+ Ctx : Disp_Context;
+ begin
+ Push_Context (Interfaces.C_Streams.stdout, Ctx);
+ Disp_Dnode (N);
+ Pop_Context (Ctx);
+ end Debug_Dnode;
+ procedure Debug_Lnode (N : O_Lnode)
+ is
+ Ctx : Disp_Context;
+ begin
+ Push_Context (Interfaces.C_Streams.stdout, Ctx);
+ Disp_Lnode (N);
+ Put (" : ");
+ Disp_Tnode_Decl (N.Rtype);
+ Pop_Context (Ctx);
+ end Debug_Lnode;
+ procedure Debug_Snode (N : O_Snode)
+ is
+ Ctx : Disp_Context;
+ begin
+ Push_Context (Interfaces.C_Streams.stdout, Ctx);
+ Disp_Snode (N, null);
+ Pop_Context (Ctx);
+ end Debug_Snode;
+ pragma Unreferenced (Debug_Tnode, Debug_Enode, Debug_Fnode,
+ Debug_Dnode, Debug_Lnode, Debug_Snode);
+end Ortho_Debug.Disp;
diff --git a/src/ortho/debug/ortho_debug-disp.ads b/src/ortho/debug/ortho_debug-disp.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c365a3530
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ortho/debug/ortho_debug-disp.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+-- Display the ortho codes from a tree.
+-- Copyright (C) 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Interfaces.C_Streams;
+package Ortho_Debug.Disp is
+ -- Initialize the current context.
+ -- Must be called before any use of the DISP_* subprograms.
+ procedure Init_Context (File : Interfaces.C_Streams.FILEs);
+ -- Disp nodes in a pseudo-language.
+ procedure Disp_Ortho (Decls : O_Snode);
+end Ortho_Debug.Disp;
diff --git a/src/ortho/debug/ortho_debug-main.adb b/src/ortho/debug/ortho_debug-main.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b470deaab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ortho/debug/ortho_debug-main.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+-- Main procedure of ortho debug back-end.
+-- Copyright (C) 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line;
+with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
+with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
+with Ortho_Debug; use Ortho_Debug;
+with Ortho_Debug_Front; use Ortho_Debug_Front;
+with Ortho_Debug.Disp;
+with System; use System;
+with Interfaces.C_Streams; use Interfaces.C_Streams;
+procedure Ortho_Debug.Main is
+ -- Do not output the ortho code.
+ Flag_Silent : Boolean := False;
+ -- Force output, even in case of crash.
+ Flag_Force : Boolean := False;
+ I : Natural;
+ Argc : Natural;
+ Arg : String_Acc;
+ Opt : String_Acc;
+ Res : Natural;
+ File : String_Acc;
+ Output : FILEs;
+ R : Boolean;
+ procedure Unchecked_Deallocation is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
+ (Name => String_Acc, Object => String);
+ Ortho_Debug_Front.Init;
+ Output := NULL_Stream;
+ Set_Exit_Status (Failure);
+ -- Decode options.
+ Argc := Argument_Count;
+ I := 1;
+ loop
+ exit when I > Argc;
+ exit when Argument (I) (1) /= '-';
+ if Argument (I) = "--silent" or else Argument (I) = "-quiet" then
+ Flag_Silent := True;
+ I := I + 1;
+ elsif Argument (I) = "--force" then
+ Flag_Force := True;
+ I := I + 1;
+ elsif Argument (I)'Length >= 2 and then Argument (I)(2) = 'g' then
+ -- Skip -g[XXX] flags.
+ I := I + 1;
+ elsif Argument (I) = "-o" and then I + 1 <= Argc then
+ -- TODO: write the output to the file ?
+ if Output /= NULL_Stream then
+ Put_Line (Command_Name & ": only one output allowed");
+ return;
+ end if;
+ declare
+ Name : String := Argument (I + 1) & ASCII.Nul;
+ Mode : String := 'w' & ASCII.Nul;
+ begin
+ Output := fopen (Name'Address, Mode'Address);
+ if Output = NULL_Stream then
+ Put_Line (Command_Name & ": cannot open " & Argument (I + 1));
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ I := I + 2;
+ else
+ Opt := new String'(Argument (I));
+ if I < Argc then
+ Arg := new String'(Argument (I + 1));
+ else
+ Arg := null;
+ end if;
+ Res := Ortho_Debug_Front.Decode_Option (Opt, Arg);
+ Unchecked_Deallocation (Opt);
+ Unchecked_Deallocation (Arg);
+ if Res = 0 then
+ Put_Line (Argument (I) & ": unknown option");
+ return;
+ else
+ I := I + Res;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ -- Initialize tree.
+ begin
+ Ortho_Debug.Init;
+ if I <= Argc then
+ R := True;
+ for J in I .. Argc loop
+ File := new String'(Argument (J));
+ R := R and Ortho_Debug_Front.Parse (File);
+ Unchecked_Deallocation (File);
+ end loop;
+ else
+ R := Ortho_Debug_Front.Parse (null);
+ end if;
+ Ortho_Debug.Finish;
+ exception
+ when others =>
+ if not Flag_Force then
+ raise;
+ else
+ R := False;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ -- Write down the result.
+ if (R and (Output /= NULL_Stream or not Flag_Silent))
+ or Flag_Force
+ then
+ if Output = NULL_Stream then
+ Ortho_Debug.Disp.Init_Context (stdout);
+ else
+ Ortho_Debug.Disp.Init_Context (Output);
+ end if;
+ Ortho_Debug.Disp.Disp_Ortho (Ortho_Debug.Top);
+ if Output /= NULL_Stream then
+ declare
+ Status : int;
+ pragma Unreferenced (Status);
+ begin
+ Status := fclose (Output);
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if R then
+ Set_Exit_Status (Success);
+ else
+ Set_Exit_Status (Failure);
+ end if;
+end Ortho_Debug.Main;
diff --git a/src/ortho/debug/ortho_debug.adb b/src/ortho/debug/ortho_debug.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8285a6473
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ortho/debug/ortho_debug.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,1931 @@
+-- Ortho debug back-end.
+-- Copyright (C) 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
+package body Ortho_Debug is
+ -- If True, disable some checks so that the output can be generated.
+ Disable_Checks : constant Boolean := False;
+ type ON_Op_To_OE_Type is array (ON_Op_Kind) of OE_Kind;
+ ON_Op_To_OE : constant ON_Op_To_OE_Type :=
+ (
+ ON_Nil => OE_Nil,
+ -- Dyadic operations.
+ ON_Add_Ov => OE_Add_Ov,
+ ON_Sub_Ov => OE_Sub_Ov,
+ ON_Mul_Ov => OE_Mul_Ov,
+ ON_Div_Ov => OE_Div_Ov,
+ ON_Rem_Ov => OE_Rem_Ov,
+ ON_Mod_Ov => OE_Mod_Ov,
+ -- Binary operations.
+ ON_And => OE_And,
+ ON_Or => OE_Or,
+ ON_Xor => OE_Xor,
+ -- Monadic operations.
+ ON_Not => OE_Not,
+ ON_Neg_Ov => OE_Neg_Ov,
+ ON_Abs_Ov => OE_Abs_Ov,
+ -- Comparaisons
+ ON_Eq => OE_Eq,
+ ON_Neq => OE_Neq,
+ ON_Le => OE_Le,
+ ON_Lt => OE_Lt,
+ ON_Ge => OE_Ge,
+ ON_Gt => OE_Gt
+ );
+ type Decl_Scope_Type is record
+ -- Declarations are chained.
+ Parent : O_Snode;
+ Last_Decl : O_Dnode;
+ Last_Stmt : O_Snode;
+ -- If this scope corresponds to a function, PREV_FUNCTION contains
+ -- the previous function.
+ Prev_Function : O_Dnode;
+ -- Declaration scopes are chained.
+ Prev : Decl_Scope_Acc;
+ end record;
+ type Stmt_Kind is
+ (Stmt_Function, Stmt_Declare, Stmt_If, Stmt_Loop, Stmt_Case);
+ type Stmt_Scope_Type (Kind : Stmt_Kind);
+ type Stmt_Scope_Acc is access Stmt_Scope_Type;
+ type Stmt_Scope_Type (Kind : Stmt_Kind) is record
+ -- Statement which created this scope.
+ Parent : O_Snode;
+ -- Previous (parent) scope.
+ Prev : Stmt_Scope_Acc;
+ case Kind is
+ when Stmt_Function =>
+ Prev_Function : Stmt_Scope_Acc;
+ -- Declaration for the function.
+ Decl : O_Dnode;
+ when Stmt_Declare =>
+ null;
+ when Stmt_If =>
+ Last_Elsif : O_Snode;
+ when Stmt_Loop =>
+ null;
+ when Stmt_Case =>
+ Last_Branch : O_Snode;
+ Last_Choice : O_Choice;
+ Case_Type : O_Tnode;
+ end case;
+ end record;
+ subtype Stmt_Function_Scope_Type is Stmt_Scope_Type (Stmt_Function);
+ subtype Stmt_Declare_Scope_Type is Stmt_Scope_Type (Stmt_Declare);
+ subtype Stmt_If_Scope_Type is Stmt_Scope_Type (Stmt_If);
+ subtype Stmt_Loop_Scope_Type is Stmt_Scope_Type (Stmt_Loop);
+ subtype Stmt_Case_Scope_Type is Stmt_Scope_Type (Stmt_Case);
+ Current_Stmt_Scope : Stmt_Scope_Acc := null;
+ Current_Function : Stmt_Scope_Acc := null;
+ Current_Decl_Scope : Decl_Scope_Acc := null;
+ Current_Loop_Level : Natural := 0;
+ procedure Push_Decl_Scope (Parent : O_Snode)
+ is
+ Res : Decl_Scope_Acc;
+ begin
+ Res := new Decl_Scope_Type'(Parent => Parent,
+ Last_Decl => null,
+ Last_Stmt => null,
+ Prev_Function => null,
+ Prev => Current_Decl_Scope);
+ Parent.Alive := True;
+ Current_Decl_Scope := Res;
+ end Push_Decl_Scope;
+ procedure Pop_Decl_Scope
+ is
+ procedure Unchecked_Deallocation is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
+ (Object => Decl_Scope_Type, Name => Decl_Scope_Acc);
+ Old : Decl_Scope_Acc;
+ begin
+ Old := Current_Decl_Scope;
+ Old.Parent.Alive := False;
+ Current_Decl_Scope := Old.Prev;
+ Unchecked_Deallocation (Old);
+ end Pop_Decl_Scope;
+ procedure Add_Decl (El : O_Dnode; Check_Dup : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ if Current_Decl_Scope = null then
+ -- Not yet initialized, or after compilation.
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end if;
+ -- Note: this requires an hashed ident table.
+ -- Use ortho_ident_hash.
+ if False and then Check_Dup
+ and then not Is_Nul (El.Name)
+ then
+ -- Check the name is not already defined.
+ declare
+ E : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ E := Current_Decl_Scope.Parent.Decls;
+ while E /= O_Dnode_Null loop
+ if Is_Equal (E.Name, El.Name) then
+ raise Syntax_Error;
+ end if;
+ E := E.Next;
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ if Current_Decl_Scope.Last_Decl = null then
+ if Current_Decl_Scope.Parent.Kind = ON_Declare_Stmt then
+ Current_Decl_Scope.Parent.Decls := El;
+ else
+ raise Type_Error;
+ end if;
+ else
+ Current_Decl_Scope.Last_Decl.Next := El;
+ end if;
+ El.Next := null;
+ Current_Decl_Scope.Last_Decl := El;
+ end Add_Decl;
+ procedure Add_Stmt (Stmt : O_Snode)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Current_Decl_Scope = null or Current_Function = null then
+ -- You are adding a statement at the global level, ie not inside
+ -- a function.
+ raise Syntax_Error;
+ end if;
+ Stmt.Next := null;
+ if Current_Decl_Scope.Last_Stmt = null then
+ if Current_Decl_Scope.Parent.Kind = ON_Declare_Stmt then
+ Current_Decl_Scope.Parent.Stmts := Stmt;
+ else
+ raise Syntax_Error;
+ end if;
+ else
+ Current_Decl_Scope.Last_Stmt.Next := Stmt;
+ end if;
+ Current_Decl_Scope.Last_Stmt := Stmt;
+ end Add_Stmt;
+ procedure Push_Stmt_Scope (Scope : Stmt_Scope_Acc)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Scope.Prev /= Current_Stmt_Scope then
+ -- SCOPE was badly initialized.
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end if;
+ Current_Stmt_Scope := Scope;
+ end Push_Stmt_Scope;
+ procedure Pop_Stmt_Scope (Kind : Stmt_Kind)
+ is
+ procedure Unchecked_Deallocation is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
+ (Object => Stmt_Scope_Type, Name => Stmt_Scope_Acc);
+ Old : Stmt_Scope_Acc;
+ begin
+ Old := Current_Stmt_Scope;
+ if Old.Kind /= Kind then
+ raise Syntax_Error;
+ end if;
+ --Old.Parent.Last_Stmt := Current_Decl_Scope.Last_Stmt;
+ Current_Stmt_Scope := Old.Prev;
+ Unchecked_Deallocation (Old);
+ end Pop_Stmt_Scope;
+ -- Check declaration DECL is reachable, ie its scope is in the current
+ -- stack of scopes.
+ procedure Check_Scope (Decl : O_Dnode)
+ is
+ Res : Boolean;
+ begin
+ case Decl.Kind is
+ when ON_Interface_Decl =>
+ Res := Decl.Func_Scope.Alive;
+ when others =>
+ Res := Decl.Scope.Alive;
+ end case;
+ if not Res then
+ raise Syntax_Error;
+ end if;
+ end Check_Scope;
+ -- Raise SYNTAX_ERROR if OBJ is not at a constant address.
+-- procedure Check_Const_Address (Obj : O_Lnode) is
+-- begin
+-- case Obj.Kind is
+-- when OL_Const_Ref
+-- | OL_Var_Ref =>
+-- case Obj.Decl.Storage is
+-- when O_Storage_External
+-- | O_Storage_Public
+-- | O_Storage_Private =>
+-- null;
+-- when O_Storage_Local =>
+-- raise Syntax_Error;
+-- end case;
+-- when others =>
+-- -- FIXME: constant indexed element, selected element maybe
+-- -- of const address.
+-- raise Syntax_Error;
+-- end case;
+-- end Check_Const_Address;
+ procedure Check_Type (T1, T2 : O_Tnode) is
+ begin
+ if T1 = T2 then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if T1.Kind = ON_Array_Sub_Type and then T2.Kind = ON_Array_Sub_Type
+ and then T1.Base_Type = T2.Base_Type
+ and then T1.Length.all = T2.Length.all
+ then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ raise Type_Error;
+ end Check_Type;
+ procedure Check_Ref (N : O_Enode) is
+ begin
+ if N.Ref then
+ -- Already referenced.
+ raise Syntax_Error;
+ end if;
+ N.Ref := True;
+ end Check_Ref;
+ procedure Check_Ref (N : O_Lnode) is
+ begin
+ if N.Ref then
+ raise Syntax_Error;
+ end if;
+ N.Ref := True;
+ end Check_Ref;
+ procedure Check_Complete_Type (T : O_Tnode) is
+ begin
+ if not T.Complete then
+ -- Uncomplete type cannot be used here (since its size is required,
+ -- for example).
+ raise Syntax_Error;
+ end if;
+ end Check_Complete_Type;
+ function New_Dyadic_Op (Kind : ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind; Left, Right : O_Enode)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ K : constant OE_Kind := ON_Op_To_OE (Kind);
+ Res : O_Enode;
+ begin
+ Check_Type (Left.Rtype, Right.Rtype);
+ Check_Ref (Left);
+ Check_Ref (Right);
+ Res := new O_Enode_Type (K);
+ Res.Rtype := Left.Rtype;
+ Res.Ref := False;
+ Res.Left := Left;
+ Res.Right := Right;
+ return Res;
+ end New_Dyadic_Op;
+ function New_Monadic_Op (Kind : ON_Monadic_Op_Kind; Operand : O_Enode)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Res : O_Enode;
+ begin
+ Check_Ref (Operand);
+ Res := new O_Enode_Type (ON_Op_To_OE (Kind));
+ Res.Ref := False;
+ Res.Operand := Operand;
+ Res.Rtype := Operand.Rtype;
+ return Res;
+ end New_Monadic_Op;
+ function New_Compare_Op
+ (Kind : ON_Compare_Op_Kind; Left, Right : O_Enode; Ntype : O_Tnode)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Res : O_Enode;
+ begin
+ if Ntype.Kind /= ON_Boolean_Type then
+ raise Type_Error;
+ end if;
+ if Left.Rtype /= Right.Rtype then
+ raise Type_Error;
+ end if;
+ Check_Ref (Left);
+ Check_Ref (Right);
+ Res := new O_Enode_Type (ON_Op_To_OE (Kind));
+ Res.Ref := False;
+ Res.Left := Left;
+ Res.Right := Right;
+ Res.Rtype := Ntype;
+ return Res;
+ end New_Compare_Op;
+ function New_Signed_Literal (Ltype : O_Tnode; Value : Integer_64)
+ return O_Cnode
+ is
+ subtype O_Cnode_Signed_Lit is O_Cnode_Type (OC_Signed_Lit);
+ begin
+ if Ltype.Kind = ON_Signed_Type then
+ return new O_Cnode_Signed_Lit'(Kind => OC_Signed_Lit,
+ Ctype => Ltype,
+ Ref => False,
+ S_Val => Value);
+ else
+ raise Type_Error;
+ end if;
+ end New_Signed_Literal;
+ function New_Unsigned_Literal (Ltype : O_Tnode; Value : Unsigned_64)
+ return O_Cnode
+ is
+ subtype O_Cnode_Unsigned_Lit is O_Cnode_Type (OC_Unsigned_Lit);
+ begin
+ if Ltype.Kind = ON_Unsigned_Type then
+ return new O_Cnode_Unsigned_Lit'(Kind => OC_Unsigned_Lit,
+ Ctype => Ltype,
+ Ref => False,
+ U_Val => Value);
+ else
+ raise Type_Error;
+ end if;
+ end New_Unsigned_Literal;
+ function New_Float_Literal (Ltype : O_Tnode; Value : IEEE_Float_64)
+ return O_Cnode
+ is
+ subtype O_Cnode_Float_Lit is O_Cnode_Type (OC_Float_Lit);
+ begin
+ if Ltype.Kind = ON_Float_Type then
+ return new O_Cnode_Float_Lit'(Kind => OC_Float_Lit,
+ Ctype => Ltype,
+ Ref => False,
+ F_Val => Value);
+ else
+ raise Type_Error;
+ end if;
+ end New_Float_Literal;
+ function New_Null_Access (Ltype : O_Tnode) return O_Cnode
+ is
+ subtype O_Cnode_Null_Lit_Type is O_Cnode_Type (OC_Null_Lit);
+ begin
+ if Ltype.Kind /= ON_Access_Type then
+ raise Type_Error;
+ end if;
+ return new O_Cnode_Null_Lit_Type'(Kind => OC_Null_Lit,
+ Ctype => Ltype,
+ Ref => False);
+ end New_Null_Access;
+ function New_Sizeof (Atype : O_Tnode; Rtype : O_Tnode) return O_Cnode
+ is
+ subtype O_Cnode_Sizeof_Type is O_Cnode_Type (OC_Sizeof_Lit);
+ begin
+ if Rtype.Kind /= ON_Unsigned_Type
+ and then Rtype.Kind /= ON_Access_Type
+ then
+ raise Type_Error;
+ end if;
+ Check_Complete_Type (Atype);
+ if Atype.Kind = ON_Array_Type then
+ raise Type_Error;
+ end if;
+ return new O_Cnode_Sizeof_Type'(Kind => OC_Sizeof_Lit,
+ Ctype => Rtype,
+ Ref => False,
+ S_Type => Atype);
+ end New_Sizeof;
+ function New_Alignof (Atype : O_Tnode; Rtype : O_Tnode) return O_Cnode
+ is
+ subtype O_Cnode_Alignof_Type is O_Cnode_Type (OC_Alignof_Lit);
+ begin
+ if Rtype.Kind /= ON_Unsigned_Type then
+ raise Type_Error;
+ end if;
+ Check_Complete_Type (Atype);
+ return new O_Cnode_Alignof_Type'(Kind => OC_Alignof_Lit,
+ Ctype => Rtype,
+ Ref => False,
+ S_Type => Atype);
+ end New_Alignof;
+ function New_Offsetof (Atype : O_Tnode; Field : O_Fnode; Rtype : O_Tnode)
+ return O_Cnode
+ is
+ subtype O_Cnode_Offsetof_Type is O_Cnode_Type (OC_Offsetof_Lit);
+ begin
+ if Rtype.Kind /= ON_Unsigned_Type
+ and then Rtype.Kind /= ON_Access_Type
+ then
+ raise Type_Error;
+ end if;
+ if Field.Parent /= Atype then
+ raise Type_Error;
+ end if;
+ return new O_Cnode_Offsetof_Type'(Kind => OC_Offsetof_Lit,
+ Ctype => Rtype,
+ Ref => False,
+ Off_Field => Field);
+ end New_Offsetof;
+ function New_Alloca (Rtype : O_Tnode; Size : O_Enode) return O_Enode
+ is
+ subtype O_Enode_Alloca_Type is O_Enode_Type (OE_Alloca);
+ Res : O_Enode;
+ begin
+ if Rtype.Kind /= ON_Access_Type then
+ raise Type_Error;
+ end if;
+ if Size.Rtype.Kind /= ON_Unsigned_Type then
+ raise Type_Error;
+ end if;
+ Res := new O_Enode_Alloca_Type'(Kind => OE_Alloca,
+ Rtype => Rtype,
+ Ref => False,
+ A_Size => Size);
+ return Res;
+ end New_Alloca;
+ procedure Check_Constrained_Type (Atype : O_Tnode) is
+ begin
+ case Atype.Kind is
+ when ON_Array_Type =>
+ raise Type_Error;
+ when ON_Unsigned_Type
+ | ON_Signed_Type
+ | ON_Boolean_Type
+ | ON_Record_Type
+ | ON_Union_Type
+ | ON_Access_Type
+ | ON_Float_Type
+ | ON_Array_Sub_Type
+ | ON_Enum_Type =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end Check_Constrained_Type;
+ procedure New_Completed_Type_Decl (Atype : O_Tnode)
+ is
+ N : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ if Atype.Decl = null then
+ -- The uncompleted type must have been declared.
+ raise Type_Error;
+ end if;
+ N := new O_Dnode_Type (ON_Completed_Type_Decl);
+ N.Name := Atype.Decl.Name;
+ N.Dtype := Atype;
+ Add_Decl (N, False);
+ end New_Completed_Type_Decl;
+ procedure New_Uncomplete_Record_Type (Res : out O_Tnode)
+ is
+ subtype O_Tnode_Record_Type is O_Tnode_Type (ON_Record_Type);
+ begin
+ Res := new O_Tnode_Record_Type'(Kind => ON_Record_Type,
+ Decl => O_Dnode_Null,
+ Uncomplete => True,
+ Complete => False,
+ Elements => O_Fnode_Null);
+ end New_Uncomplete_Record_Type;
+ procedure Start_Uncomplete_Record_Type (Res : O_Tnode;
+ Elements : out O_Element_List) is
+ begin
+ if not Res.Uncomplete then
+ -- RES record type is not an uncomplete record type.
+ raise Syntax_Error;
+ end if;
+ if Res.Elements /= O_Fnode_Null then
+ -- RES record type already has elements...
+ raise Syntax_Error;
+ end if;
+ Elements.Res := Res;
+ Elements.Last := null;
+ end Start_Uncomplete_Record_Type;
+ procedure Start_Record_Type (Elements : out O_Element_List)
+ is
+ subtype O_Tnode_Record_Type is O_Tnode_Type (ON_Record_Type);
+ begin
+ Elements.Res := new O_Tnode_Record_Type'(Kind => ON_Record_Type,
+ Decl => O_Dnode_Null,
+ Uncomplete => False,
+ Complete => False,
+ Elements => O_Fnode_Null);
+ Elements.Last := null;
+ end Start_Record_Type;
+ procedure New_Record_Field
+ (Elements : in out O_Element_List;
+ El : out O_Fnode;
+ Ident : O_Ident; Etype : O_Tnode)
+ is
+ begin
+ Check_Complete_Type (Etype);
+ Check_Constrained_Type (Etype);
+ El := new O_Fnode_Type'(Parent => Elements.Res,
+ Next => null,
+ Ident => Ident,
+ Ftype => Etype,
+ Offset => 0);
+ -- Append EL.
+ if Elements.Last = null then
+ Elements.Res.Elements := El;
+ else
+ Elements.Last.Next := El;
+ end if;
+ Elements.Last := El;
+ end New_Record_Field;
+ procedure Finish_Record_Type
+ (Elements : in out O_Element_List; Res : out O_Tnode) is
+ begin
+ -- Align the structure.
+ Res := Elements.Res;
+ if Res.Uncomplete then
+ New_Completed_Type_Decl (Res);
+ end if;
+ Res.Complete := True;
+ end Finish_Record_Type;
+ procedure Start_Union_Type (Elements : out O_Element_List)
+ is
+ subtype O_Tnode_Union_Type is O_Tnode_Type (ON_Union_Type);
+ begin
+ Elements.Res := new O_Tnode_Union_Type'(Kind => ON_Union_Type,
+ Decl => O_Dnode_Null,
+ Uncomplete => False,
+ Complete => False,
+ Elements => O_Fnode_Null);
+ Elements.Last := null;
+ end Start_Union_Type;
+ procedure New_Union_Field
+ (Elements : in out O_Element_List;
+ El : out O_Fnode;
+ Ident : O_Ident; Etype : O_Tnode)
+ is
+ begin
+ New_Record_Field (Elements, El, Ident, Etype);
+ end New_Union_Field;
+ procedure Finish_Union_Type
+ (Elements : in out O_Element_List; Res : out O_Tnode) is
+ begin
+ Res := Elements.Res;
+ Res.Complete := True;
+ end Finish_Union_Type;
+ function New_Access_Type (Dtype : O_Tnode) return O_Tnode
+ is
+ subtype O_Tnode_Access is O_Tnode_Type (ON_Access_Type);
+ Res : O_Tnode;
+ begin
+ if Dtype /= O_Tnode_Null
+ and then Dtype.Kind = ON_Array_Sub_Type
+ then
+ -- Access to sub array are not allowed, use access to array.
+ raise Type_Error;
+ end if;
+ Res := new O_Tnode_Access'(Kind => ON_Access_Type,
+ Decl => O_Dnode_Null,
+ Uncomplete => Dtype = O_Tnode_Null,
+ Complete => True,
+ D_Type => Dtype);
+ return Res;
+ end New_Access_Type;
+ procedure Finish_Access_Type (Atype : O_Tnode; Dtype : O_Tnode)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Dtype.Kind = ON_Array_Sub_Type then
+ -- Access to sub array are not allowed, use access to array.
+ raise Type_Error;
+ end if;
+ if Atype.D_Type /= O_Tnode_Null
+ or Atype.Uncomplete = False
+ then
+ -- Type already completed.
+ raise Syntax_Error;
+ end if;
+ Atype.D_Type := Dtype;
+ New_Completed_Type_Decl (Atype);
+ end Finish_Access_Type;
+ function New_Array_Type (El_Type : O_Tnode; Index_Type : O_Tnode)
+ return O_Tnode
+ is
+ subtype O_Tnode_Array is O_Tnode_Type (ON_Array_Type);
+ begin
+ Check_Constrained_Type (El_Type);
+ Check_Complete_Type (El_Type);
+ return new O_Tnode_Array'(Kind => ON_Array_Type,
+ Decl => O_Dnode_Null,
+ Uncomplete => False,
+ Complete => True,
+ El_Type => El_Type,
+ Index_Type => Index_Type);
+ end New_Array_Type;
+ function New_Constrained_Array_Type (Atype : O_Tnode; Length : O_Cnode)
+ return O_Tnode
+ is
+ subtype O_Tnode_Sub_Array is O_Tnode_Type (ON_Array_Sub_Type);
+ begin
+ if Atype.Kind /= ON_Array_Type then
+ raise Type_Error;
+ end if;
+ return new O_Tnode_Sub_Array'(Kind => ON_Array_Sub_Type,
+ Decl => O_Dnode_Null,
+ Uncomplete => False,
+ Complete => True,
+ Base_Type => Atype,
+ Length => Length);
+ end New_Constrained_Array_Type;
+ function New_Unsigned_Type (Size : Natural) return O_Tnode
+ is
+ subtype O_Tnode_Unsigned is O_Tnode_Type (ON_Unsigned_Type);
+ begin
+ return new O_Tnode_Unsigned'(Kind => ON_Unsigned_Type,
+ Decl => O_Dnode_Null,
+ Uncomplete => False,
+ Complete => True,
+ Int_Size => Size);
+ end New_Unsigned_Type;
+ function New_Signed_Type (Size : Natural) return O_Tnode
+ is
+ subtype O_Tnode_Signed is O_Tnode_Type (ON_Signed_Type);
+ begin
+ return new O_Tnode_Signed'(Kind => ON_Signed_Type,
+ Decl => O_Dnode_Null,
+ Uncomplete => False,
+ Complete => True,
+ Int_Size => Size);
+ end New_Signed_Type;
+ function New_Float_Type return O_Tnode
+ is
+ subtype O_Tnode_Float is O_Tnode_Type (ON_Float_Type);
+ begin
+ return new O_Tnode_Float'(Kind => ON_Float_Type,
+ Decl => O_Dnode_Null,
+ Uncomplete => False,
+ Complete => True);
+ end New_Float_Type;
+ procedure New_Boolean_Type (Res : out O_Tnode;
+ False_Id : O_Ident;
+ False_E : out O_Cnode;
+ True_Id : O_Ident;
+ True_E : out O_Cnode)
+ is
+ subtype O_Tnode_Boolean is O_Tnode_Type (ON_Boolean_Type);
+ subtype O_Cnode_Boolean_Lit is O_Cnode_Type (OC_Boolean_Lit);
+ begin
+ Res := new O_Tnode_Boolean'(Kind => ON_Boolean_Type,
+ Decl => O_Dnode_Null,
+ Uncomplete => False,
+ Complete => True,
+ True_N => O_Cnode_Null,
+ False_N => O_Cnode_Null);
+ True_E := new O_Cnode_Boolean_Lit'(Kind => OC_Boolean_Lit,
+ Ctype => Res,
+ Ref => False,
+ B_Val => True,
+ B_Id => True_Id);
+ False_E := new O_Cnode_Boolean_Lit'(Kind => OC_Boolean_Lit,
+ Ctype => Res,
+ Ref => False,
+ B_Val => False,
+ B_Id => False_Id);
+ Res.True_N := True_E;
+ Res.False_N := False_E;
+ end New_Boolean_Type;
+ procedure Start_Enum_Type (List : out O_Enum_List; Size : Natural)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Size);
+ subtype O_Tnode_Enum is O_Tnode_Type (ON_Enum_Type);
+ Res : O_Tnode;
+ begin
+ Res := new O_Tnode_Enum'(Kind => ON_Enum_Type,
+ Decl => O_Dnode_Null,
+ Uncomplete => False,
+ Complete => False,
+ Nbr => 0,
+ Literals => O_Cnode_Null);
+ List.Res := Res;
+ List.Last := O_Cnode_Null;
+ end Start_Enum_Type;
+ procedure New_Enum_Literal (List : in out O_Enum_List;
+ Ident : O_Ident;
+ Res : out O_Cnode)
+ is
+ subtype O_Cnode_Enum_Lit is O_Cnode_Type (OC_Enum_Lit);
+ begin
+ Res := new O_Cnode_Enum_Lit'(Kind => OC_Enum_Lit,
+ Ctype => List.Res,
+ Ref => False,
+ E_Val => List.Res.Nbr,
+ E_Name => Ident,
+ E_Next => O_Cnode_Null);
+ -- Link it.
+ if List.Last = O_Cnode_Null then
+ List.Res.Literals := Res;
+ else
+ List.Last.E_Next := Res;
+ end if;
+ List.Last := Res;
+ List.Res.Nbr := List.Res.Nbr + 1;
+ end New_Enum_Literal;
+ procedure Finish_Enum_Type (List : in out O_Enum_List; Res : out O_Tnode) is
+ begin
+ Res := List.Res;
+ Res.Complete := True;
+ end Finish_Enum_Type;
+ function Get_Base_Type (Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Tnode
+ is
+ begin
+ case Atype.Kind is
+ when ON_Array_Sub_Type =>
+ return Atype.Base_Type;
+ when others =>
+ return Atype;
+ end case;
+ end Get_Base_Type;
+ procedure Start_Record_Aggr (List : out O_Record_Aggr_List; Atype : O_Tnode)
+ is
+ subtype O_Cnode_Aggregate is O_Cnode_Type (OC_Aggregate);
+ Res : O_Cnode;
+ begin
+ if Atype.Kind /= ON_Record_Type then
+ raise Type_Error;
+ end if;
+ Check_Complete_Type (Atype);
+ Res := new O_Cnode_Aggregate'(Kind => OC_Aggregate,
+ Ctype => Atype,
+ Ref => False,
+ Aggr_Els => null);
+ List.Res := Res;
+ List.Last := null;
+ List.Field := Atype.Elements;
+ end Start_Record_Aggr;
+ procedure New_Record_Aggr_El (List : in out O_Record_Aggr_List;
+ Value : O_Cnode)
+ is
+ subtype O_Cnode_Aggrel_Type is O_Cnode_Type (OC_Aggr_Element);
+ El : O_Cnode;
+ begin
+ if List.Field = O_Fnode_Null then
+ -- No more element in the aggregate.
+ raise Syntax_Error;
+ end if;
+ Check_Type (Value.Ctype, List.Field.Ftype);
+ El := new O_Cnode_Aggrel_Type'(Kind => OC_Aggr_Element,
+ Ctype => Value.Ctype,
+ Ref => False,
+ Aggr_Value => Value,
+ Aggr_Next => null);
+ if List.Last = null then
+ List.Res.Aggr_Els := El;
+ else
+ List.Last.Aggr_Next := El;
+ end if;
+ List.Last := El;
+ List.Field := List.Field.Next;
+ end New_Record_Aggr_El;
+ procedure Finish_Record_Aggr
+ (List : in out O_Record_Aggr_List; Res : out O_Cnode)
+ is
+ begin
+ if List.Field /= null then
+ -- Not enough elements in aggregate.
+ raise Type_Error;
+ end if;
+ Res := List.Res;
+ end Finish_Record_Aggr;
+ procedure Start_Array_Aggr (List : out O_Array_Aggr_List; Atype : O_Tnode)
+ is
+ subtype O_Cnode_Aggregate is O_Cnode_Type (OC_Aggregate);
+ Res : O_Cnode;
+ begin
+ if Atype.Kind /= ON_Array_Sub_Type then
+ raise Type_Error;
+ end if;
+ Check_Complete_Type (Atype);
+ Res := new O_Cnode_Aggregate'(Kind => OC_Aggregate,
+ Ctype => Atype,
+ Ref => False,
+ Aggr_Els => null);
+ List.Res := Res;
+ List.Last := null;
+ List.El_Type := Atype.Base_Type.El_Type;
+ end Start_Array_Aggr;
+ procedure New_Array_Aggr_El (List : in out O_Array_Aggr_List;
+ Value : O_Cnode)
+ is
+ subtype O_Cnode_Aggrel_Type is O_Cnode_Type (OC_Aggr_Element);
+ El : O_Cnode;
+ begin
+ Check_Type (Value.Ctype, List.El_Type);
+ El := new O_Cnode_Aggrel_Type'(Kind => OC_Aggr_Element,
+ Ctype => Value.Ctype,
+ Ref => False,
+ Aggr_Value => Value,
+ Aggr_Next => null);
+ if List.Last = null then
+ List.Res.Aggr_Els := El;
+ else
+ List.Last.Aggr_Next := El;
+ end if;
+ List.Last := El;
+ end New_Array_Aggr_El;
+ procedure Finish_Array_Aggr
+ (List : in out O_Array_Aggr_List; Res : out O_Cnode) is
+ begin
+ Res := List.Res;
+ end Finish_Array_Aggr;
+ function New_Union_Aggr (Atype : O_Tnode; Field : O_Fnode; Value : O_Cnode)
+ return O_Cnode
+ is
+ subtype O_Cnode_Union_Aggr is O_Cnode_Type (OC_Union_Aggr);
+ Res : O_Cnode;
+ begin
+ if Atype.Kind /= ON_Union_Type then
+ raise Type_Error;
+ end if;
+ Check_Type (Value.Ctype, Field.Ftype);
+ Res := new O_Cnode_Union_Aggr'(Kind => OC_Union_Aggr,
+ Ctype => Atype,
+ Ref => False,
+ Uaggr_Field => Field,
+ Uaggr_Value => Value);
+ return Res;
+ end New_Union_Aggr;
+ function New_Obj (Obj : O_Dnode) return O_Lnode
+ is
+ subtype O_Lnode_Obj is O_Lnode_Type (OL_Obj);
+ begin
+ case Obj.Kind is
+ when ON_Const_Decl
+ | ON_Var_Decl
+ | ON_Interface_Decl =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end case;
+ Check_Scope (Obj);
+ return new O_Lnode_Obj'(Kind => OL_Obj,
+ Rtype => Obj.Dtype,
+ Ref => False,
+ Obj => Obj);
+ end New_Obj;
+ function New_Indexed_Element (Arr : O_Lnode; Index : O_Enode)
+ return O_Lnode
+ is
+ subtype O_Lnode_Indexed is O_Lnode_Type (OL_Indexed_Element);
+ Res : O_Lnode;
+ begin
+ Check_Ref (Arr);
+ Res := new O_Lnode_Indexed'(Kind => OL_Indexed_Element,
+ Rtype => Get_Base_Type (Arr.Rtype).El_Type,
+ Ref => False,
+ Array_Base => Arr,
+ Index => Index);
+ return Res;
+ end New_Indexed_Element;
+ function New_Slice (Arr : O_Lnode; Res_Type : O_Tnode; Index : O_Enode)
+ return O_Lnode
+ is
+ subtype O_Lnode_Slice is O_Lnode_Type (OL_Slice);
+ Res : O_Lnode;
+ begin
+ if Res_Type.Kind /= ON_Array_Type
+ and then Res_Type.Kind /= ON_Array_Sub_Type
+ then
+ raise Type_Error;
+ end if;
+ Check_Ref (Arr);
+ Check_Ref (Index);
+ -- FIXME: check type.
+ Res := new O_Lnode_Slice'(Kind => OL_Slice,
+ Rtype => Res_Type,
+ Ref => False,
+ Slice_Base => Arr,
+ Slice_Index => Index);
+ return Res;
+ end New_Slice;
+ function New_Selected_Element (Rec : O_Lnode; El : O_Fnode)
+ return O_Lnode
+ is
+ subtype O_Lnode_Selected_Element is O_Lnode_Type (OL_Selected_Element);
+ begin
+ if Rec.Rtype.Kind /= ON_Record_Type then
+ raise Type_Error;
+ end if;
+ if Rec.Rtype /= El.Parent then
+ raise Type_Error;
+ end if;
+ Check_Ref (Rec);
+ return new O_Lnode_Selected_Element'(Kind => OL_Selected_Element,
+ Rtype => El.Ftype,
+ Ref => False,
+ Rec_Base => Rec,
+ Rec_El => El);
+ end New_Selected_Element;
+ function New_Access_Element (Acc : O_Enode) return O_Lnode
+ is
+ subtype O_Lnode_Access_Element is O_Lnode_Type (OL_Access_Element);
+ begin
+ if Acc.Rtype.Kind /= ON_Access_Type then
+ raise Type_Error;
+ end if;
+ Check_Ref (Acc);
+ return new O_Lnode_Access_Element'(Kind => OL_Access_Element,
+ Rtype => Acc.Rtype.D_Type,
+ Ref => False,
+ Acc_Base => Acc);
+ end New_Access_Element;
+ function Check_Conv (Source : ON_Type_Kind; Target : ON_Type_Kind)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ type Conv_Array is array (ON_Type_Kind, ON_Type_Kind) of Boolean;
+ T : constant Boolean := True;
+ F : constant Boolean := False;
+ Conv_Allowed : constant Conv_Array :=
+ (ON_Boolean_Type => (T, F, T, T, F, F, F, F, F, F),
+ ON_Enum_Type => (F, F, T, T, F, F, F, F, F, F),
+ ON_Unsigned_Type => (T, T, T, T, F, F, F, F, F, F),
+ ON_Signed_Type => (T, T, T, T, T, F, F, F, F, F),
+ ON_Float_Type => (F, F, F, T, T, F, F, F, F, F),
+ ON_Array_Type => (F, F, F, F, F, F, T, F, F, F),
+ ON_Array_Sub_Type =>(F, F, F, F, F, T, T, F, F, F),
+ ON_Record_Type => (F, F, F, F, F, F, F, F, F, F),
+ ON_Union_Type => (F, F, F, F, F, F, F, F, F, F),
+ ON_Access_Type => (F, F, F, F, F, F, F, F, F, T));
+ begin
+ if Source = Target then
+ return True;
+ else
+ return Conv_Allowed (Source, Target);
+ end if;
+ end Check_Conv;
+ function New_Convert_Ov (Val : O_Enode; Rtype : O_Tnode) return O_Enode
+ is
+ subtype O_Enode_Convert is O_Enode_Type (OE_Convert_Ov);
+ Res : O_Enode;
+ begin
+ Check_Ref (Val);
+ if not Check_Conv (Val.Rtype.Kind, Rtype.Kind) then
+ raise Type_Error;
+ end if;
+ Res := new O_Enode_Convert'(Kind => OE_Convert_Ov,
+ Rtype => Rtype,
+ Ref => False,
+ Conv => Val);
+ return Res;
+ end New_Convert_Ov;
+ function New_Unchecked_Address (Lvalue : O_Lnode; Atype : O_Tnode)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ subtype O_Enode_Address is O_Enode_Type (OE_Unchecked_Address);
+ begin
+ Check_Ref (Lvalue);
+ if Atype.Kind /= ON_Access_Type then
+ -- An address is of type access.
+ raise Type_Error;
+ end if;
+ return new O_Enode_Address'(Kind => OE_Unchecked_Address,
+ Rtype => Atype,
+ Ref => False,
+ Lvalue => Lvalue);
+ end New_Unchecked_Address;
+ function New_Address (Lvalue : O_Lnode; Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Enode
+ is
+ subtype O_Enode_Address is O_Enode_Type (OE_Address);
+ begin
+ Check_Ref (Lvalue);
+ if Atype.Kind /= ON_Access_Type then
+ -- An address is of type access.
+ raise Type_Error;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Base_Type (Lvalue.Rtype) /= Get_Base_Type (Atype.D_Type) then
+ if not Disable_Checks then
+ raise Type_Error;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ return new O_Enode_Address'(Kind => OE_Address,
+ Rtype => Atype,
+ Ref => False,
+ Lvalue => Lvalue);
+ end New_Address;
+ function New_Global_Unchecked_Address (Decl : O_Dnode; Atype : O_Tnode)
+ return O_Cnode
+ is
+ subtype O_Cnode_Address is O_Cnode_Type (OC_Unchecked_Address);
+ begin
+ Check_Scope (Decl);
+ if Atype.Kind /= ON_Access_Type then
+ -- An address is of type access.
+ raise Type_Error;
+ end if;
+ return new O_Cnode_Address'(Kind => OC_Unchecked_Address,
+ Ctype => Atype,
+ Ref => False,
+ Decl => Decl);
+ end New_Global_Unchecked_Address;
+ function New_Global_Address (Decl : O_Dnode; Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Cnode
+ is
+ subtype O_Cnode_Address is O_Cnode_Type (OC_Address);
+ begin
+ Check_Scope (Decl);
+ if Atype.Kind /= ON_Access_Type then
+ -- An address is of type access.
+ raise Type_Error;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Base_Type (Decl.Dtype) /= Get_Base_Type (Atype.D_Type) then
+ raise Type_Error;
+ end if;
+ return new O_Cnode_Address'(Kind => OC_Address,
+ Ctype => Atype,
+ Ref => False,
+ Decl => Decl);
+ end New_Global_Address;
+ function New_Subprogram_Address (Subprg : O_Dnode; Atype : O_Tnode)
+ return O_Cnode
+ is
+ subtype O_Cnode_Subprg_Address is O_Cnode_Type (OC_Subprogram_Address);
+ begin
+ if Atype.Kind /= ON_Access_Type then
+ -- An address is of type access.
+ raise Type_Error;
+ end if;
+ return new O_Cnode_Subprg_Address'(Kind => OC_Subprogram_Address,
+ Ctype => Atype,
+ Ref => False,
+ Decl => Subprg);
+ end New_Subprogram_Address;
+ -- Raise TYPE_ERROR is ATYPE is a composite type.
+ procedure Check_Not_Composite (Atype : O_Tnode) is
+ begin
+ case Atype.Kind is
+ when ON_Boolean_Type
+ | ON_Unsigned_Type
+ | ON_Signed_Type
+ | ON_Float_Type
+ | ON_Enum_Type
+ | ON_Access_Type=>
+ return;
+ when ON_Array_Type
+ | ON_Record_Type
+ | ON_Union_Type
+ | ON_Array_Sub_Type =>
+ raise Type_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Check_Not_Composite;
+ function New_Value (Lvalue : O_Lnode) return O_Enode is
+ subtype O_Enode_Value is O_Enode_Type (OE_Value);
+ begin
+ Check_Not_Composite (Lvalue.Rtype);
+ Check_Ref (Lvalue);
+ return new O_Enode_Value'(Kind => OE_Value,
+ Rtype => Lvalue.Rtype,
+ Ref => False,
+ Value => Lvalue);
+ end New_Value;
+ function New_Obj_Value (Obj : O_Dnode) return O_Enode is
+ begin
+ return New_Value (New_Obj (Obj));
+ end New_Obj_Value;
+ function New_Lit (Lit : O_Cnode) return O_Enode is
+ subtype O_Enode_Lit is O_Enode_Type (OE_Lit);
+ begin
+ Check_Not_Composite (Lit.Ctype);
+ return new O_Enode_Lit'(Kind => OE_Lit,
+ Rtype => Lit.Ctype,
+ Ref => False,
+ Lit => Lit);
+ end New_Lit;
+ ---------------------
+ -- Declarations. --
+ ---------------------
+ procedure New_Debug_Filename_Decl (Filename : String)
+ is
+ subtype O_Dnode_Filename_Decl is O_Dnode_Type (ON_Debug_Filename_Decl);
+ N : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ N := new O_Dnode_Filename_Decl;
+ N.Filename := new String'(Filename);
+ Add_Decl (N, False);
+ end New_Debug_Filename_Decl;
+ procedure New_Debug_Line_Decl (Line : Natural)
+ is
+ subtype O_Dnode_Line_Decl is O_Dnode_Type (ON_Debug_Line_Decl);
+ N : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ N := new O_Dnode_Line_Decl;
+ N.Line := Line;
+ Add_Decl (N, False);
+ end New_Debug_Line_Decl;
+ procedure New_Debug_Comment_Decl (Comment : String)
+ is
+ subtype O_Dnode_Comment_Decl is O_Dnode_Type (ON_Debug_Comment_Decl);
+ N : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ N := new O_Dnode_Comment_Decl;
+ N.Comment := new String'(Comment);
+ Add_Decl (N, False);
+ end New_Debug_Comment_Decl;
+ procedure New_Type_Decl (Ident : O_Ident; Atype : O_Tnode)
+ is
+ N : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ if Atype.Decl /= null then
+ -- Type was already declared.
+ raise Type_Error;
+ end if;
+ N := new O_Dnode_Type (ON_Type_Decl);
+ N.Name := Ident;
+ N.Dtype := Atype;
+ Atype.Decl := N;
+ Add_Decl (N);
+ end New_Type_Decl;
+ procedure Check_Object_Storage (Storage : O_Storage) is
+ begin
+ if Current_Function /= null then
+ -- Inside a subprogram.
+ case Storage is
+ when O_Storage_Public =>
+ -- Cannot create public variables inside a subprogram.
+ raise Syntax_Error;
+ when O_Storage_Private
+ | O_Storage_Local
+ | O_Storage_External =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ else
+ -- Global scope.
+ case Storage is
+ when O_Storage_Public
+ | O_Storage_Private
+ | O_Storage_External =>
+ null;
+ when O_Storage_Local =>
+ -- Cannot create a local variables outside a subprogram.
+ raise Syntax_Error;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ end Check_Object_Storage;
+ procedure New_Const_Decl
+ (Res : out O_Dnode;
+ Ident : O_Ident;
+ Storage : O_Storage;
+ Atype : O_Tnode)
+ is
+ subtype O_Dnode_Const is O_Dnode_Type (ON_Const_Decl);
+ begin
+ Check_Complete_Type (Atype);
+ if Storage = O_Storage_Local then
+ -- A constant cannot be local.
+ raise Syntax_Error;
+ end if;
+ Check_Object_Storage (Storage);
+ Res := new O_Dnode_Const'(Kind => ON_Const_Decl,
+ Name => Ident,
+ Next => null,
+ Dtype => Atype,
+ Storage => Storage,
+ Scope => Current_Decl_Scope.Parent,
+ Lineno => 0,
+ Const_Value => O_Dnode_Null);
+ Add_Decl (Res);
+ end New_Const_Decl;
+ procedure Start_Const_Value (Const : in out O_Dnode)
+ is
+ subtype O_Dnode_Const_Value is O_Dnode_Type (ON_Const_Value);
+ N : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ if Const.Const_Value /= O_Dnode_Null then
+ -- Constant already has a value.
+ raise Syntax_Error;
+ end if;
+ if Const.Storage = O_Storage_External then
+ -- An external constant must not have a value.
+ raise Syntax_Error;
+ end if;
+ -- FIXME: check scope is the same.
+ N := new O_Dnode_Const_Value'(Kind => ON_Const_Value,
+ Name => Const.Name,
+ Next => null,
+ Dtype => Const.Dtype,
+ Storage => Const.Storage,
+ Scope => Current_Decl_Scope.Parent,
+ Lineno => 0,
+ Const_Decl => Const,
+ Value => O_Cnode_Null);
+ Const.Const_Value := N;
+ Add_Decl (N, False);
+ end Start_Const_Value;
+ procedure Finish_Const_Value (Const : in out O_Dnode; Val : O_Cnode)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Const.Const_Value = O_Dnode_Null then
+ -- Start_Const_Value not called.
+ raise Syntax_Error;
+ end if;
+ if Const.Const_Value.Value /= O_Cnode_Null then
+ -- Finish_Const_Value already called.
+ raise Syntax_Error;
+ end if;
+ if Val = O_Cnode_Null then
+ -- No value or bad type.
+ raise Type_Error;
+ end if;
+ Check_Type (Val.Ctype, Const.Dtype);
+ Const.Const_Value.Value := Val;
+ end Finish_Const_Value;
+ procedure New_Var_Decl
+ (Res : out O_Dnode;
+ Ident : O_Ident;
+ Storage : O_Storage;
+ Atype : O_Tnode)
+ is
+ subtype O_Dnode_Var is O_Dnode_Type (ON_Var_Decl);
+ begin
+ Check_Complete_Type (Atype);
+ Check_Object_Storage (Storage);
+ Res := new O_Dnode_Var'(Kind => ON_Var_Decl,
+ Name => Ident,
+ Next => null,
+ Dtype => Atype,
+ Storage => Storage,
+ Lineno => 0,
+ Scope => Current_Decl_Scope.Parent);
+ Add_Decl (Res);
+ end New_Var_Decl;
+ procedure Start_Subprogram_Decl_1
+ (Interfaces : out O_Inter_List;
+ Ident : O_Ident;
+ Storage : O_Storage;
+ Rtype : O_Tnode)
+ is
+ subtype O_Dnode_Function is O_Dnode_Type (ON_Function_Decl);
+ N : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ N := new O_Dnode_Function'(Kind => ON_Function_Decl,
+ Next => null,
+ Name => Ident,
+ Dtype => Rtype,
+ Storage => Storage,
+ Scope => Current_Decl_Scope.Parent,
+ Lineno => 0,
+ Interfaces => null,
+ Func_Body => null,
+ Alive => False);
+ Add_Decl (N);
+ Interfaces.Func := N;
+ Interfaces.Last := null;
+ end Start_Subprogram_Decl_1;
+ procedure Start_Function_Decl
+ (Interfaces : out O_Inter_List;
+ Ident : O_Ident;
+ Storage : O_Storage;
+ Rtype : O_Tnode)
+ is
+ begin
+ Check_Not_Composite (Rtype);
+ Check_Complete_Type (Rtype);
+ Start_Subprogram_Decl_1 (Interfaces, Ident, Storage, Rtype);
+ end Start_Function_Decl;
+ procedure Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interfaces : out O_Inter_List;
+ Ident : O_Ident;
+ Storage : O_Storage) is
+ begin
+ Start_Subprogram_Decl_1 (Interfaces, Ident, Storage, null);
+ end Start_Procedure_Decl;
+ procedure New_Interface_Decl
+ (Interfaces : in out O_Inter_List;
+ Res : out O_Dnode;
+ Ident : O_Ident;
+ Atype : O_Tnode)
+ is
+ subtype O_Dnode_Interface is O_Dnode_Type (ON_Interface_Decl);
+ begin
+ Check_Not_Composite (Atype);
+ Check_Complete_Type (Atype);
+ Res := new O_Dnode_Interface'(Kind => ON_Interface_Decl,
+ Next => null,
+ Name => Ident,
+ Dtype => Atype,
+ Storage => O_Storage_Private,
+ Scope => Current_Decl_Scope.Parent,
+ Lineno => 0,
+ Func_Scope => Interfaces.Func);
+ if Interfaces.Last = null then
+ Interfaces.Func.Interfaces := Res;
+ else
+ Interfaces.Last.Next := Res;
+ end if;
+ Interfaces.Last := Res;
+ end New_Interface_Decl;
+ procedure Finish_Subprogram_Decl
+ (Interfaces : in out O_Inter_List; Res : out O_Dnode)
+ is
+ begin
+ Res := Interfaces.Func;
+ end Finish_Subprogram_Decl;
+ procedure Start_Subprogram_Body (Func : O_Dnode)
+ is
+ B : O_Dnode;
+ S : O_Snode;
+ begin
+ if Func.Func_Body /= null then
+ -- Function was already declared.
+ raise Syntax_Error;
+ end if;
+ S := new O_Snode_Type (ON_Declare_Stmt);
+ S.all := O_Snode_Type'(Kind => ON_Declare_Stmt,
+ Next => null,
+ Decls => null,
+ Stmts => null,
+ Lineno => 0,
+ Alive => True);
+ B := new O_Dnode_Type (ON_Function_Body);
+ B.all := O_Dnode_Type'(ON_Function_Body,
+ Name => Func.Name,
+ Dtype => Func.Dtype,
+ Storage => Func.Storage,
+ Scope => Current_Decl_Scope.Parent,
+ Lineno => 0,
+ Func_Decl => Func,
+ Func_Stmt => S,
+ Next => null);
+ Add_Decl (B, False);
+ Func.Func_Body := B;
+ Push_Decl_Scope (S);
+ Push_Stmt_Scope
+ (new Stmt_Function_Scope_Type'(Kind => Stmt_Function,
+ Parent => S,
+ Prev => Current_Stmt_Scope,
+ Prev_Function => Current_Function,
+ Decl => Func));
+ Current_Function := Current_Stmt_Scope;
+ Func.Alive := True;
+ end Start_Subprogram_Body;
+ procedure Finish_Subprogram_Body is
+ begin
+ Pop_Decl_Scope;
+ if Current_Function.Kind /= Stmt_Function then
+ -- Internal error.
+ raise Syntax_Error;
+ end if;
+ Current_Function.Decl.Alive := False;
+ Current_Function := Current_Function.Prev_Function;
+ Pop_Stmt_Scope (Stmt_Function);
+ end Finish_Subprogram_Body;
+ -------------------
+ -- Statements. --
+ -------------------
+ procedure New_Debug_Line_Stmt (Line : Natural)
+ is
+ subtype O_Snode_Line_Stmt is O_Snode_Type (ON_Debug_Line_Stmt);
+ begin
+ Add_Stmt (new O_Snode_Line_Stmt'(Kind => ON_Debug_Line_Stmt,
+ Next => null,
+ Lineno => 0,
+ Line => Line));
+ end New_Debug_Line_Stmt;
+ procedure New_Debug_Comment_Stmt (Comment : String)
+ is
+ subtype O_Snode_Comment_Stmt is O_Snode_Type (ON_Debug_Comment_Stmt);
+ begin
+ Add_Stmt (new O_Snode_Comment_Stmt'(Kind => ON_Debug_Comment_Stmt,
+ Next => null,
+ Lineno => 0,
+ Comment => new String'(Comment)));
+ end New_Debug_Comment_Stmt;
+ procedure Start_Declare_Stmt
+ is
+ N : O_Snode;
+ begin
+ N := new O_Snode_Type (ON_Declare_Stmt);
+ Add_Stmt (N);
+ Push_Decl_Scope (N);
+ Push_Stmt_Scope
+ (new Stmt_Declare_Scope_Type'(Kind => Stmt_Declare,
+ Parent => N,
+ Prev => Current_Stmt_Scope));
+ end Start_Declare_Stmt;
+ procedure Finish_Declare_Stmt is
+ begin
+ Pop_Decl_Scope;
+ Pop_Stmt_Scope (Stmt_Declare);
+ end Finish_Declare_Stmt;
+ procedure New_Assign_Stmt (Target : O_Lnode; Value : O_Enode)
+ is
+ N : O_Snode;
+ begin
+ Check_Type (Target.Rtype, Value.Rtype);
+ Check_Not_Composite (Target.Rtype);
+ Check_Ref (Target);
+ Check_Ref (Value);
+ N := new O_Snode_Type (ON_Assign_Stmt);
+ N.all := O_Snode_Type'(Kind => ON_Assign_Stmt,
+ Next => null,
+ Lineno => 0,
+ Target => Target,
+ Value => Value);
+ Add_Stmt (N);
+ end New_Assign_Stmt;
+ procedure New_Return_Stmt_1 (Value : O_Enode)
+ is
+ subtype O_Snode_Return_Stmt is O_Snode_Type (ON_Return_Stmt);
+ N : O_Snode;
+ begin
+ N := new O_Snode_Return_Stmt'(Kind => ON_Return_Stmt,
+ Next => null,
+ Lineno => 0,
+ Ret_Val => Value);
+ Add_Stmt (N);
+ end New_Return_Stmt_1;
+ procedure New_Return_Stmt (Value : O_Enode)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Current_Function = null
+ or else Current_Function.Decl.Dtype = O_Tnode_Null
+ then
+ -- Either not in a function or in a procedure.
+ raise Syntax_Error;
+ end if;
+ Check_Type (Value.Rtype, Current_Function.Decl.Dtype);
+ Check_Ref (Value);
+ New_Return_Stmt_1 (Value);
+ end New_Return_Stmt;
+ procedure New_Return_Stmt is
+ begin
+ if Current_Function = null
+ or else Current_Function.Decl.Dtype /= O_Tnode_Null
+ then
+ -- Not in a procedure.
+ raise Syntax_Error;
+ end if;
+ New_Return_Stmt_1 (null);
+ end New_Return_Stmt;
+ procedure Start_Association (Assocs : out O_Assoc_List; Subprg : O_Dnode)
+ is
+ begin
+ Check_Scope (Subprg);
+ Assocs.Subprg := Subprg;
+ Assocs.Interfaces := Subprg.Interfaces;
+ Assocs.First := null;
+ Assocs.Last := null;
+ end Start_Association;
+ procedure New_Association (Assocs : in out O_Assoc_List; Val : O_Enode)
+ is
+ N : O_Anode;
+ begin
+ Check_Type (Assocs.Interfaces.Dtype, Val.Rtype);
+ Check_Ref (Val);
+ N := new O_Anode_Type'(Next => null,
+ Formal => Assocs.Interfaces, Actual => Val);
+ Assocs.Interfaces := Assocs.Interfaces.Next;
+ if Assocs.Last = null then
+ Assocs.First := N;
+ else
+ Assocs.Last.Next := N;
+ end if;
+ Assocs.Last := N;
+ end New_Association;
+ function New_Function_Call (Assocs : O_Assoc_List) return O_Enode
+ is
+ subtype O_Enode_Call is O_Enode_Type (OE_Function_Call);
+ Res : O_Enode;
+ begin
+ if Assocs.Interfaces /= null then
+ -- Not enough arguments.
+ raise Syntax_Error;
+ end if;
+ if Assocs.Subprg.Dtype = null then
+ -- This is a procedure.
+ raise Syntax_Error;
+ end if;
+ Res := new O_Enode_Call'(Kind => OE_Function_Call,
+ Rtype => Assocs.Subprg.Dtype,
+ Ref => False,
+ Func => Assocs.Subprg,
+ Assoc => Assocs.First);
+ return Res;
+ end New_Function_Call;
+ procedure New_Procedure_Call (Assocs : in out O_Assoc_List)
+ is
+ N : O_Snode;
+ begin
+ if Assocs.Interfaces /= null then
+ -- Not enough arguments.
+ raise Syntax_Error;
+ end if;
+ if Assocs.Subprg.Dtype /= null then
+ -- This is a function.
+ raise Syntax_Error;
+ end if;
+ N := new O_Snode_Type (ON_Call_Stmt);
+ N.Proc := Assocs.Subprg;
+ N.Assoc := Assocs.First;
+ Add_Stmt (N);
+ end New_Procedure_Call;
+ procedure New_Elsif_Stmt (Block : in out O_If_Block; Cond : O_Enode);
+ procedure Start_If_Stmt (Block : in out O_If_Block; Cond : O_Enode)
+ is
+ subtype O_Snode_If is O_Snode_Type (ON_If_Stmt);
+ N : O_Snode;
+ begin
+ -- Note: no checks are performed here, since they are done in
+ -- new_elsif_stmt.
+ N := new O_Snode_If'(Kind => ON_If_Stmt,
+ Next => null,
+ Lineno => 0,
+ Elsifs => null,
+ If_Last => null);
+ Add_Stmt (N);
+ Push_Stmt_Scope (new Stmt_If_Scope_Type'(Kind => Stmt_If,
+ Parent => N,
+ Prev => Current_Stmt_Scope,
+ Last_Elsif => null));
+ New_Elsif_Stmt (Block, Cond);
+ end Start_If_Stmt;
+ procedure New_Elsif_Stmt (Block : in out O_If_Block; Cond : O_Enode)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Block);
+ N : O_Snode;
+ begin
+ if Cond /= null then
+ if Cond.Rtype.Kind /= ON_Boolean_Type then
+ raise Type_Error;
+ end if;
+ Check_Ref (Cond);
+ end if;
+ N := new O_Snode_Type (ON_Elsif_Stmt);
+ N.all := O_Snode_Type'(Kind => ON_Elsif_Stmt,
+ Next => null,
+ Lineno => 0,
+ Cond => Cond,
+ Next_Elsif => null);
+ if Current_Stmt_Scope.Kind /= Stmt_If then
+ raise Syntax_Error;
+ end if;
+ Add_Stmt (N);
+ if Current_Stmt_Scope.Last_Elsif = null then
+ Current_Stmt_Scope.Parent.Elsifs := N;
+ else
+ -- Check for double 'else'
+ if Current_Stmt_Scope.Last_Elsif.Cond = null then
+ raise Syntax_Error;
+ end if;
+ Current_Stmt_Scope.Last_Elsif.Next_Elsif := N;
+ end if;
+ Current_Stmt_Scope.Last_Elsif := N;
+ end New_Elsif_Stmt;
+ procedure New_Else_Stmt (Block : in out O_If_Block) is
+ begin
+ New_Elsif_Stmt (Block, null);
+ end New_Else_Stmt;
+ procedure Finish_If_Stmt (Block : in out O_If_Block)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Block);
+ Parent : O_Snode;
+ begin
+ Parent := Current_Stmt_Scope.Parent;
+ Pop_Stmt_Scope (Stmt_If);
+ Parent.If_Last := Current_Decl_Scope.Last_Stmt;
+ end Finish_If_Stmt;
+ procedure Start_Loop_Stmt (Label : out O_Snode)
+ is
+ subtype O_Snode_Loop_Type is O_Snode_Type (ON_Loop_Stmt);
+ begin
+ Current_Loop_Level := Current_Loop_Level + 1;
+ Label := new O_Snode_Loop_Type'(Kind => ON_Loop_Stmt,
+ Next => null,
+ Lineno => 0,
+ Loop_Last => null,
+ Loop_Level => Current_Loop_Level);
+ Add_Stmt (Label);
+ Push_Stmt_Scope (new Stmt_Loop_Scope_Type'(Kind => Stmt_Loop,
+ Parent => Label,
+ Prev => Current_Stmt_Scope));
+ end Start_Loop_Stmt;
+ procedure Finish_Loop_Stmt (Label : in out O_Snode)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Label);
+ Parent : O_Snode;
+ begin
+ Parent := Current_Stmt_Scope.Parent;
+ Pop_Stmt_Scope (Stmt_Loop);
+ Parent.Loop_Last := Current_Decl_Scope.Last_Stmt;
+ Current_Loop_Level := Current_Loop_Level - 1;
+ end Finish_Loop_Stmt;
+ procedure New_Exit_Next_Stmt (Kind : ON_Stmt_Kind; L : O_Snode)
+ is
+ N : O_Snode;
+ begin
+ N := new O_Snode_Type (Kind);
+ N.Next := null;
+ N.Loop_Id := L;
+ Add_Stmt (N);
+ end New_Exit_Next_Stmt;
+ procedure New_Exit_Stmt (L : O_Snode) is
+ begin
+ New_Exit_Next_Stmt (ON_Exit_Stmt, L);
+ end New_Exit_Stmt;
+ procedure New_Next_Stmt (L : O_Snode) is
+ begin
+ New_Exit_Next_Stmt (ON_Next_Stmt, L);
+ end New_Next_Stmt;
+ procedure Start_Case_Stmt (Block : in out O_Case_Block; Value : O_Enode)
+ is
+ subtype O_Snode_Case_Type is O_Snode_Type (ON_Case_Stmt);
+ N : O_Snode;
+ begin
+ case Value.Rtype.Kind is
+ when ON_Boolean_Type
+ | ON_Unsigned_Type
+ | ON_Signed_Type
+ | ON_Enum_Type =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ raise Type_Error;
+ end case;
+ Check_Ref (Value);
+ N := new O_Snode_Case_Type'(Kind => ON_Case_Stmt,
+ Next => null,
+ Lineno => 0,
+ Case_Last => null,
+ Selector => Value,
+ Branches => null);
+ Block.Case_Stmt := N;
+ Add_Stmt (N);
+ Push_Stmt_Scope (new Stmt_Case_Scope_Type'(Kind => Stmt_Case,
+ Parent => N,
+ Prev => Current_Stmt_Scope,
+ Last_Branch => null,
+ Last_Choice => null,
+ Case_Type => Value.Rtype));
+ end Start_Case_Stmt;
+ procedure Start_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block)
+ is
+ N : O_Snode;
+ begin
+ if Current_Stmt_Scope.Kind /= Stmt_Case then
+ -- You are adding a branch outside a case statment.
+ raise Syntax_Error;
+ end if;
+ if Current_Stmt_Scope.Last_Choice /= null then
+ -- You are creating branch while the previous one was not finished.
+ raise Syntax_Error;
+ end if;
+ N := new O_Snode_Type (ON_When_Stmt);
+ N.all := O_Snode_Type'(Kind => ON_When_Stmt,
+ Next => null,
+ Lineno => 0,
+ Branch_Parent => Block.Case_Stmt,
+ Choice_List => null,
+ Next_Branch => null);
+ if Current_Stmt_Scope.Last_Branch = null then
+ Current_Stmt_Scope.Parent.Branches := N;
+ else
+ Current_Stmt_Scope.Last_Branch.Next_Branch := N;
+ end if;
+ Current_Stmt_Scope.Last_Branch := N;
+ Current_Stmt_Scope.Last_Choice := null;
+ Add_Stmt (N);
+ end Start_Choice;
+ procedure Add_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block; Choice : O_Choice)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Block);
+ begin
+ if Current_Stmt_Scope.Kind /= Stmt_Case then
+ -- You are adding a choice not inside a case statement.
+ raise Syntax_Error;
+ end if;
+ if Current_Stmt_Scope.Last_Branch = null then
+ -- You are not inside a branch.
+ raise Syntax_Error;
+ end if;
+ if Current_Stmt_Scope.Last_Choice = null then
+ if Current_Stmt_Scope.Last_Branch.Choice_List /= null then
+ -- The branch was already closed.
+ raise Syntax_Error;
+ end if;
+ Current_Stmt_Scope.Last_Branch.Choice_List := Choice;
+ else
+ Current_Stmt_Scope.Last_Choice.Next := Choice;
+ end if;
+ Current_Stmt_Scope.Last_Choice := Choice;
+ end Add_Choice;
+ procedure New_Expr_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block; Expr : O_Cnode)
+ is
+ N : O_Choice;
+ begin
+ if Current_Stmt_Scope.Kind /= Stmt_Case then
+ -- You are creating a choice not inside a case statement.
+ raise Syntax_Error;
+ end if;
+ if Current_Stmt_Scope.Case_Type /= Expr.Ctype then
+ -- Expr type is not the same as choice type.
+ raise Type_Error;
+ end if;
+ N := new O_Choice_Type (ON_Choice_Expr);
+ N.all := O_Choice_Type'(Kind => ON_Choice_Expr,
+ Next => null,
+ Expr => Expr);
+ Add_Choice (Block, N);
+ end New_Expr_Choice;
+ procedure New_Range_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block;
+ Low, High : O_Cnode)
+ is
+ N : O_Choice;
+ begin
+ if Current_Stmt_Scope.Kind /= Stmt_Case then
+ -- You are creating a choice not inside a case statement.
+ raise Syntax_Error;
+ end if;
+ if Current_Stmt_Scope.Case_Type /= Low.Ctype
+ or Current_Stmt_Scope.Case_Type /= High.Ctype
+ then
+ -- Low/High type is not the same as choice type.
+ raise Type_Error;
+ end if;
+ N := new O_Choice_Type (ON_Choice_Range);
+ N.all := O_Choice_Type'(Kind => ON_Choice_Range,
+ Next => null,
+ Low => Low,
+ High => High);
+ Add_Choice (Block, N);
+ end New_Range_Choice;
+ procedure New_Default_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block)
+ is
+ N : O_Choice;
+ begin
+ if Current_Stmt_Scope.Kind /= Stmt_Case then
+ -- You are creating a choice not inside a case statement.
+ raise Syntax_Error;
+ end if;
+ N := new O_Choice_Type (ON_Choice_Default);
+ N.all := O_Choice_Type'(Kind => ON_Choice_Default,
+ Next => null);
+ Add_Choice (Block, N);
+ end New_Default_Choice;
+ procedure Finish_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Block);
+ begin
+ if Current_Stmt_Scope.Kind /= Stmt_Case then
+ -- You are adding a choice not inside a case statement.
+ raise Syntax_Error;
+ end if;
+ if Current_Stmt_Scope.Last_Branch = null then
+ -- You are not inside a branch.
+ raise Syntax_Error;
+ end if;
+ if Current_Stmt_Scope.Last_Choice = null then
+ -- The branch is empty or you are not inside a branch.
+ raise Syntax_Error;
+ end if;
+ Current_Stmt_Scope.Last_Choice := null;
+ end Finish_Choice;
+ procedure Finish_Case_Stmt (Block : in out O_Case_Block)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Block);
+ Parent : O_Snode;
+ begin
+ Parent := Current_Stmt_Scope.Parent;
+ Pop_Stmt_Scope (Stmt_Case);
+ Parent.Case_Last := Current_Decl_Scope.Last_Stmt;
+ end Finish_Case_Stmt;
+ procedure Init is
+ begin
+ Top := new O_Snode_Type (ON_Declare_Stmt);
+ Push_Decl_Scope (Top);
+ end Init;
+ procedure Finish is
+ begin
+ Pop_Decl_Scope;
+ end Finish;
+end Ortho_Debug;
diff --git a/src/ortho/debug/ortho_debug.private.ads b/src/ortho/debug/ortho_debug.private.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..69ee16cf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ortho/debug/ortho_debug.private.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,467 @@
+-- Ortho debug back-end declarations.
+-- Copyright (C) 2005-2014 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
+with Ortho_Ident;
+use Ortho_Ident;
+-- Interface to create nodes.
+package Ortho_Debug is
+ procedure Init;
+ procedure Finish;
+ -- This back-end supports nested subprograms.
+ Has_Nested_Subprograms : constant Boolean := True;
+ -- A node for a type.
+ type O_Tnode_Type (<>);
+ type O_Tnode is access O_Tnode_Type;
+ -- A node for a statement.
+ type O_Snode_Type (<>);
+ type O_Snode is access O_Snode_Type;
+ Top : O_Snode;
+ type Str_Acc is access String;
+ type Decl_Scope_Type;
+ type Decl_Scope_Acc is access Decl_Scope_Type;
+ type On_Decl_Kind is
+ (ON_Type_Decl, ON_Completed_Type_Decl,
+ ON_Const_Decl, ON_Var_Decl, ON_Interface_Decl,
+ ON_Function_Decl, ON_Function_Body,
+ ON_Const_Value,
+ ON_Debug_Line_Decl, ON_Debug_Comment_Decl, ON_Debug_Filename_Decl);
+ type O_Dnode_Type (<>);
+ type O_Dnode is access O_Dnode_Type;
+ O_Dnode_Null : constant O_Dnode := null;
+ type O_Dnode_Type (Kind : On_Decl_Kind) is record
+ Next : O_Dnode;
+ Name : O_Ident;
+ Dtype : O_Tnode;
+ Storage : O_Storage;
+ -- Declare statement in which the declaration appears.
+ Scope : O_Snode;
+ -- Line number, for regen.
+ Lineno : Natural;
+ case Kind is
+ when ON_Type_Decl =>
+ null;
+ when ON_Completed_Type_Decl =>
+ null;
+ when ON_Const_Decl =>
+ Const_Value : O_Dnode;
+ when ON_Const_Value =>
+ Const_Decl : O_Dnode;
+ Value : O_Cnode;
+ when ON_Var_Decl =>
+ null;
+ when ON_Function_Decl =>
+ Interfaces : O_Dnode;
+ Func_Body : O_Dnode;
+ Alive : Boolean;
+ when ON_Function_Body =>
+ Func_Decl : O_Dnode;
+ Func_Stmt : O_Snode;
+ when ON_Interface_Decl =>
+ Func_Scope : O_Dnode;
+ when ON_Debug_Line_Decl =>
+ Line : Natural;
+ when ON_Debug_Comment_Decl =>
+ Comment : Str_Acc;
+ when ON_Debug_Filename_Decl =>
+ Filename : Str_Acc;
+ end case;
+ end record;
+ -- A node for a record element.
+ type O_Fnode_Type;
+ type O_Fnode is access O_Fnode_Type;
+ O_Fnode_Null : constant O_Fnode := null;
+ type O_Fnode_Type is record
+ -- Record type.
+ Parent : O_Tnode;
+ -- Next field in the record.
+ Next : O_Fnode;
+ -- Name of the record field.
+ Ident : O_Ident;
+ -- Type of the record field.
+ Ftype : O_Tnode;
+ -- Offset in the field.
+ Offset : Unsigned_32;
+ end record;
+ type O_Anode_Type;
+ type O_Anode is access O_Anode_Type;
+ type O_Anode_Type is record
+ Next : O_Anode;
+ Formal : O_Dnode;
+ Actual : O_Enode;
+ end record;
+ type OC_Kind is
+ (
+ OC_Boolean_Lit,
+ OC_Unsigned_Lit,
+ OC_Signed_Lit,
+ OC_Float_Lit,
+ OC_Enum_Lit,
+ OC_Null_Lit,
+ OC_Sizeof_Lit,
+ OC_Alignof_Lit,
+ OC_Offsetof_Lit,
+ OC_Aggregate,
+ OC_Aggr_Element,
+ OC_Union_Aggr,
+ OC_Address,
+ OC_Unchecked_Address,
+ OC_Subprogram_Address
+ );
+ type O_Cnode_Type (Kind : OC_Kind) is record
+ -- Type of the constant.
+ Ctype : O_Tnode;
+ -- True if referenced.
+ Ref : Boolean;
+ case Kind is
+ when OC_Unsigned_Lit =>
+ U_Val : Unsigned_64;
+ when OC_Signed_Lit =>
+ S_Val : Integer_64;
+ when OC_Float_Lit =>
+ F_Val : IEEE_Float_64;
+ when OC_Boolean_Lit =>
+ B_Val : Boolean;
+ B_Id : O_Ident;
+ when OC_Enum_Lit =>
+ E_Val : Integer;
+ E_Next : O_Cnode;
+ E_Name : O_Ident;
+ when OC_Null_Lit =>
+ null;
+ when OC_Sizeof_Lit
+ | OC_Alignof_Lit =>
+ S_Type : O_Tnode;
+ when OC_Offsetof_Lit =>
+ Off_Field : O_Fnode;
+ when OC_Aggregate =>
+ Aggr_Els : O_Cnode;
+ when OC_Union_Aggr =>
+ Uaggr_Field : O_Fnode;
+ Uaggr_Value : O_Cnode;
+ when OC_Aggr_Element =>
+ Aggr_Value : O_Cnode;
+ Aggr_Next : O_Cnode;
+ when OC_Address
+ | OC_Unchecked_Address
+ | OC_Subprogram_Address =>
+ Decl : O_Dnode;
+ end case;
+ end record;
+ type O_Cnode is access O_Cnode_Type;
+ O_Cnode_Null : constant O_Cnode := null;
+ type OE_Kind is
+ (
+ -- Literals.
+ OE_Lit,
+ -- Dyadic operations.
+ OE_Add_Ov, -- OE_Dyadic_Op_Kind
+ OE_Sub_Ov, -- OE_Dyadic_Op_Kind
+ OE_Mul_Ov, -- OE_Dyadic_Op_Kind
+ OE_Div_Ov, -- OE_Dyadic_Op_Kind
+ OE_Rem_Ov, -- OE_Dyadic_Op_Kind
+ OE_Mod_Ov, -- OE_Dyadic_Op_Kind
+ OE_Exp_Ov, -- OE_Dyadic_Op_Kind
+ -- Binary operations.
+ OE_And, -- OE_Dyadic_Op_Kind
+ OE_Or, -- OE_Dyadic_Op_Kind
+ OE_Xor, -- OE_Dyadic_Op_Kind
+ OE_And_Then, -- OE_Dyadic_Op_Kind
+ OE_Or_Else, -- OE_Dyadic_Op_Kind
+ -- Monadic operations.
+ OE_Not, -- OE_Monadic_Op_Kind
+ OE_Neg_Ov, -- OE_Monadic_Op_Kind
+ OE_Abs_Ov, -- OE_Monadic_Op_Kind
+ -- Comparaisons
+ OE_Eq, -- OE_Compare_Op_Kind
+ OE_Neq, -- OE_Compare_Op_Kind
+ OE_Le, -- OE_Compare_Op_Kind
+ OE_Lt, -- OE_Compare_Op_Kind
+ OE_Ge, -- OE_Compare_Op_Kind
+ OE_Gt, -- OE_Compare_Op_Kind
+ -- Misc.
+ OE_Convert_Ov,
+ OE_Address,
+ OE_Unchecked_Address,
+ OE_Alloca,
+ OE_Function_Call,
+ OE_Value,
+ OE_Nil
+ );
+ subtype OE_Dyadic_Expr_Kind is OE_Kind range OE_Add_Ov .. OE_Or_Else;
+ subtype OE_Monadic_Expr_Kind is OE_Kind range OE_Not .. OE_Abs_Ov;
+ subtype OE_Compare_Expr_Kind is OE_Kind range OE_Eq .. OE_Gt;
+ type O_Enode_Type (Kind : OE_Kind);
+ type O_Enode is access O_Enode_Type;
+ O_Enode_Null : constant O_Enode := null;
+ type O_Enode_Type (Kind : OE_Kind) is record
+ -- Type of the result.
+ Rtype : O_Tnode;
+ -- True if referenced.
+ Ref : Boolean;
+ case Kind is
+ when OE_Dyadic_Expr_Kind
+ | OE_Compare_Expr_Kind =>
+ Left : O_Enode;
+ Right : O_Enode;
+ when OE_Monadic_Expr_Kind =>
+ Operand : O_Enode;
+ when OE_Lit =>
+ Lit : O_Cnode;
+ when OE_Address
+ | OE_Unchecked_Address =>
+ Lvalue : O_Lnode;
+ when OE_Convert_Ov =>
+ Conv : O_Enode;
+ when OE_Function_Call =>
+ Func : O_Dnode;
+ Assoc : O_Anode;
+ when OE_Value =>
+ Value : O_Lnode;
+ when OE_Alloca =>
+ A_Size : O_Enode;
+ when OE_Nil =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end record;
+ type O_Enode_Array is array (Natural range <>) of O_Enode;
+ type O_Enode_Array_Acc is access O_Enode_Array;
+ type OL_Kind is
+ (
+ -- Name.
+ OL_Obj,
+ OL_Indexed_Element,
+ OL_Slice,
+ OL_Selected_Element,
+ OL_Access_Element
+ -- Variable, constant, parameter reference.
+ -- This allows to read/write a declaration.
+ --OL_Var_Ref,
+ --OL_Const_Ref,
+ --OL_Param_Ref
+ );
+ type O_Lnode_Type (Kind : OL_Kind);
+ type O_Lnode is access O_Lnode_Type;
+ O_Lnode_Null : constant O_Lnode := null;
+ type O_Lnode_Type (Kind : OL_Kind) is record
+ -- Type of the result.
+ Rtype : O_Tnode;
+ -- True if referenced.
+ Ref : Boolean;
+ case Kind is
+ when OL_Obj =>
+ Obj : O_Dnode;
+ when OL_Indexed_Element =>
+ Array_Base : O_Lnode;
+ Index : O_Enode;
+ when OL_Slice =>
+ Slice_Base : O_Lnode;
+ Slice_Index : O_Enode;
+ when OL_Selected_Element =>
+ Rec_Base : O_Lnode;
+ Rec_El : O_Fnode;
+ when OL_Access_Element =>
+ Acc_Base : O_Enode;
+-- when OL_Var_Ref
+-- | OL_Const_Ref
+-- | OL_Param_Ref =>
+-- Decl : O_Dnode;
+ end case;
+ end record;
+ O_Tnode_Null : constant O_Tnode := null;
+ type ON_Type_Kind is
+ (ON_Boolean_Type, ON_Enum_Type,
+ ON_Unsigned_Type, ON_Signed_Type, ON_Float_Type, ON_Array_Type,
+ ON_Array_Sub_Type, ON_Record_Type, ON_Union_Type, ON_Access_Type);
+ type O_Tnode_Type (Kind : ON_Type_Kind) is record
+ Decl : O_Dnode;
+ -- True if the type was first created as an uncomplete type.
+ Uncomplete : Boolean;
+ -- True if the type is complete.
+ Complete : Boolean;
+ case Kind is
+ when ON_Boolean_Type =>
+ True_N : O_Cnode;
+ False_N : O_Cnode;
+ when ON_Unsigned_Type
+ | ON_Signed_Type =>
+ Int_Size : Natural;
+ when ON_Float_Type =>
+ null;
+ when ON_Enum_Type =>
+ Nbr : Natural;
+ Literals: O_Cnode;
+ when ON_Array_Type =>
+ El_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Index_Type : O_Tnode;
+ when ON_Access_Type =>
+ D_Type : O_Tnode;
+ when ON_Record_Type
+ | ON_Union_Type =>
+ Elements : O_Fnode;
+ when ON_Array_Sub_Type =>
+ Length : O_Cnode;
+ Base_Type : O_Tnode;
+ end case;
+ end record;
+ type ON_Choice_Kind is (ON_Choice_Expr, ON_Choice_Range, ON_Choice_Default);
+ type O_Choice_Type (Kind : ON_Choice_Kind);
+ type O_Choice is access O_Choice_Type;
+ type O_Choice_Type (Kind : ON_Choice_Kind) is record
+ Next : O_Choice;
+ case Kind is
+ when ON_Choice_Expr =>
+ Expr : O_Cnode;
+ when ON_Choice_Range =>
+ Low, High : O_Cnode;
+ when ON_Choice_Default =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end record;
+ O_Snode_Null : constant O_Snode := null;
+ type ON_Stmt_Kind is
+ (ON_Declare_Stmt, ON_Assign_Stmt, ON_Return_Stmt, ON_If_Stmt,
+ ON_Elsif_Stmt, ON_Loop_Stmt, ON_Exit_Stmt, ON_Next_Stmt,
+ ON_Case_Stmt, ON_When_Stmt, ON_Call_Stmt,
+ ON_Debug_Line_Stmt, ON_Debug_Comment_Stmt);
+ type O_Snode_Type (Kind : ON_Stmt_Kind) is record
+ Next : O_Snode;
+ Lineno : Natural;
+ case Kind is
+ when ON_Declare_Stmt =>
+ Decls : O_Dnode;
+ Stmts : O_Snode;
+ -- True if the statement is currently open.
+ Alive : Boolean;
+ when ON_Assign_Stmt =>
+ Target : O_Lnode;
+ Value : O_Enode;
+ when ON_Return_Stmt =>
+ Ret_Val : O_Enode;
+ when ON_If_Stmt =>
+ Elsifs : O_Snode;
+ If_Last : O_Snode;
+ when ON_Elsif_Stmt =>
+ Cond : O_Enode;
+ Next_Elsif : O_Snode;
+ when ON_Loop_Stmt =>
+ Loop_Last : O_Snode;
+ Loop_Level : Natural;
+ when ON_Exit_Stmt
+ | ON_Next_Stmt =>
+ Loop_Id : O_Snode;
+ when ON_Case_Stmt =>
+ Selector : O_Enode;
+ -- Simply linked list of branches
+ Branches : O_Snode;
+ Case_Last : O_Snode;
+ when ON_When_Stmt =>
+ -- The corresponding 'case'
+ Branch_Parent : O_Snode;
+ Choice_List : O_Choice;
+ Next_Branch : O_Snode;
+ when ON_Call_Stmt =>
+ Proc : O_Dnode;
+ Assoc : O_Anode;
+ when ON_Debug_Line_Stmt =>
+ Line : Natural;
+ when ON_Debug_Comment_Stmt =>
+ Comment : Str_Acc;
+ end case;
+ end record;
+ type O_Inter_List is record
+ Func : O_Dnode;
+ Last : O_Dnode;
+ end record;
+ type O_Element_List is record
+ -- The type definition.
+ Res : O_Tnode;
+ -- The last element added.
+ Last : O_Fnode;
+ end record;
+ type O_Record_Aggr_List is record
+ Res : O_Cnode;
+ Last : O_Cnode;
+ Field : O_Fnode;
+ end record;
+ type O_Array_Aggr_List is record
+ Res : O_Cnode;
+ Last : O_Cnode;
+ El_Type : O_Tnode;
+ end record;
+ type O_Assoc_List is record
+ Subprg : O_Dnode;
+ Interfaces : O_Dnode;
+ First, Last : O_Anode;
+ end record;
+ type O_Enum_List is record
+ -- The type built.
+ Res : O_Tnode;
+ -- the chain of declarations.
+ Last : O_Cnode;
+ end record;
+ type O_Case_Block is record
+ Case_Stmt : O_Snode;
+ end record;
+ type O_If_Block is record
+ null;
+ end record;
+end Ortho_Debug;
diff --git a/src/ortho/debug/ortho_debug_front.ads b/src/ortho/debug/ortho_debug_front.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..17e32c9ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ortho/debug/ortho_debug_front.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+-- Ortho debug interface with front-end.
+-- Copyright (C) 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Ortho_Front;
+package Ortho_Debug_Front renames Ortho_Front;
diff --git a/src/ortho/debug/ortho_ident.ads b/src/ortho/debug/ortho_ident.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..46aa8854d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ortho/debug/ortho_ident.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+-- Ortho debug back-end interface with identifiers package.
+-- Copyright (C) 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Ortho_Ident_Simple;
+package Ortho_Ident renames Ortho_Ident_Simple;
diff --git a/src/ortho/debug/ortho_ident_hash.adb b/src/ortho/debug/ortho_ident_hash.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..60ab89586
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ortho/debug/ortho_ident_hash.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+-- Ortho debug hashed identifiers implementation.
+-- Copyright (C) 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+package body Ortho_Ident_Hash is
+ type O_Ident_Array is array (Hash_Type range <>) of O_Ident;
+ Hash_Max : constant Hash_Type := 511;
+ Symtable : O_Ident_Array (0 .. Hash_Max - 1) := (others => null);
+ function Get_Identifier (Str : String) return O_Ident
+ is
+ Hash : Hash_Type;
+ Ent : Hash_Type;
+ Res : O_Ident;
+ begin
+ -- 1. Compute Hash.
+ Hash := 0;
+ for I in Str'Range loop
+ Hash := Hash * 31 + Character'Pos (Str (I));
+ end loop;
+ -- 2. Search.
+ Ent := Hash mod Hash_Max;
+ Res := Symtable (Ent);
+ while Res /= null loop
+ if Res.Hash = Hash and then Res.Ident.all = Str then
+ return Res;
+ end if;
+ Res := Res.Next;
+ end loop;
+ -- Not found: add.
+ Res := new Ident_Type'(Hash => Hash,
+ Ident => new String'(Str),
+ Next => Symtable (Ent));
+ Symtable (Ent) := Res;
+ return Res;
+ end Get_Identifier;
+ function Get_String (Id : O_Ident) return String is
+ begin
+ if Id = null then
+ return "?ANON?";
+ else
+ return Id.Ident.all;
+ end if;
+ end Get_String;
+ function Is_Nul (Id : O_Ident) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Id = null;
+ end Is_Nul;
+ function Is_Equal (Id : O_Ident; Str : String) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Id.Ident.all = Str;
+ end Is_Equal;
+end Ortho_Ident_Hash;
diff --git a/src/ortho/debug/ortho_ident_hash.ads b/src/ortho/debug/ortho_ident_hash.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a6e4a56cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ortho/debug/ortho_ident_hash.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+-- Ortho debug hashed identifiers implementation.
+-- Copyright (C) 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+package Ortho_Ident_Hash is
+ type O_Ident is private;
+ O_Ident_Nul : constant O_Ident;
+ function Get_Identifier (Str : String) return O_Ident;
+ function Get_String (Id : O_Ident) return String;
+ function Is_Equal (L, R : O_Ident) return Boolean renames "=";
+ function Is_Equal (Id : O_Ident; Str : String) return Boolean;
+ function Is_Nul (Id : O_Ident) return Boolean;
+ type Hash_Type is mod 2**32;
+ type String_Acc is access constant String;
+ -- Symbol table.
+ type Ident_Type;
+ type O_Ident is access Ident_Type;
+ type Ident_type is record
+ -- The hash for the symbol.
+ Hash : Hash_Type;
+ -- Identification of the symbol.
+ Ident : String_Acc;
+ -- Next symbol with the same collision.
+ Next : O_Ident;
+ end record;
+ O_Ident_Nul : constant O_Ident := null;
+end Ortho_Ident_Hash;
diff --git a/src/ortho/debug/ortho_ident_simple.adb b/src/ortho/debug/ortho_ident_simple.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..83b9756f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ortho/debug/ortho_ident_simple.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+-- Ortho debug identifiers simple implementation.
+-- Copyright (C) 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+package body Ortho_Ident_Simple is
+ function Get_Identifier (Str : String) return O_Ident
+ is
+ begin
+ return new String'(Str);
+ end Get_Identifier;
+ function Get_String (Id : O_Ident) return String is
+ begin
+ if Id = null then
+ return "?ANON?";
+ else
+ return Id.all;
+ end if;
+ end Get_String;
+ function Is_Nul (Id : O_Ident) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Id = null;
+ end Is_Nul;
+ function Is_Equal (Id : O_Ident; Str : String) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Id.all = Str;
+ end Is_Equal;
+end Ortho_Ident_Simple;
diff --git a/src/ortho/debug/ortho_ident_simple.ads b/src/ortho/debug/ortho_ident_simple.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f94fe1938
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ortho/debug/ortho_ident_simple.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+-- Ortho debug identifiers simple implementation.
+-- Copyright (C) 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+package Ortho_Ident_Simple is
+ type O_Ident is private;
+ O_Ident_Nul : constant O_Ident;
+ function Get_Identifier (Str : String) return O_Ident;
+ function Get_String (Id : O_Ident) return String;
+ function Is_Equal (L, R : O_Ident) return Boolean renames "=";
+ function Is_Equal (Id : O_Ident; Str : String) return Boolean;
+ function Is_Nul (Id : O_Ident) return Boolean;
+ type O_Ident is access String;
+ O_Ident_Nul : constant O_Ident := null;
+end Ortho_Ident_Simple;
diff --git a/src/ortho/debug/ortho_nodes.ads b/src/ortho/debug/ortho_nodes.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8ade66722
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ortho/debug/ortho_nodes.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+-- Ortho debug back-end interface with front-end.
+-- Copyright (C) 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Ortho_Debug;
+package Ortho_Nodes renames Ortho_Debug;