path: root/src/ortho/mcode/binary_file-memory.adb
diff options
authorTristan Gingold <tgingold@free.fr>2018-11-19 20:47:30 +0100
committerTristan Gingold <tgingold@free.fr>2018-11-19 20:47:30 +0100
commitfef22520072c40329a5e61559a723666748c7a0e (patch)
tree3e61bfbe69b8d77707fda2a712eedc7e0fe2afb8 /src/ortho/mcode/binary_file-memory.adb
parent59a7cdd7433954e651b94576c3573317f695b4f5 (diff)
ortho/mcode: pack all sections for huge programs on x86-64.
For #698
Diffstat (limited to 'src/ortho/mcode/binary_file-memory.adb')
1 files changed, 84 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/src/ortho/mcode/binary_file-memory.adb b/src/ortho/mcode/binary_file-memory.adb
index 99789c602..0a41803f7 100644
--- a/src/ortho/mcode/binary_file-memory.adb
+++ b/src/ortho/mcode/binary_file-memory.adb
@@ -77,30 +77,96 @@ package body Binary_File.Memory is
end if;
end Write_Memory_Init;
+ type Segment_Kind is (Seg_Text, Seg_Ro, Seg_Data, Seg_None);
+ function Get_Segment (Sect : Section_Acc) return Segment_Kind is
+ begin
+ if Sect = Sect_Abs then
+ return Seg_None;
+ end if;
+ if (Sect.Flags and Section_Exec) /= 0 then
+ return Seg_Text;
+ elsif (Sect.Flags and Section_Write) /= 0 then
+ return Seg_Data;
+ elsif (Sect.Flags and Section_Read) /= 0 then
+ return Seg_Ro;
+ else
+ return Seg_None;
+ end if;
+ end Get_Segment;
procedure Write_Memory_Relocate (Error : out Boolean)
+ Log_Pagesize : constant := 12;
+ type Seg_Size_Array is array (Segment_Kind) of Pc_Type;
+ Seg_Size : Seg_Size_Array;
+ Seg_Offs : Seg_Size_Array;
+ Size : Pc_Type;
+ Program_Seg : Memsegs.Memseg_Type;
+ Program : Byte_Array_Acc;
Sect : Section_Acc;
Rel : Reloc_Acc;
N_Rel : Reloc_Acc;
- -- Relocate section in memory.
+ -- Compute sizes.
+ Seg_Size := (others => 0);
Sect := Section_Chain;
while Sect /= null loop
- -- Allocate memory if needed (eg: .bss)
- if Sect.Data = null then
- if Sect.Pc > 0 then
- Resize (Sect, Sect.Pc);
- Sect.Data (0 .. Sect.Pc - 1) := (others => 0);
- end if;
- end if;
+ declare
+ Seg : constant Segment_Kind := Get_Segment (Sect);
+ begin
+ Seg_Size (Seg) :=
+ Pow_Align (Seg_Size (Seg), Sect.Align) + Sect.Pc;
+ end;
+ Sect := Sect.Next;
+ end loop;
- -- Set virtual address.
- if Sect.Pc > 0
- and (Sect /= Sect_Abs and Sect.Flags /= Section_Debug)
- then
- Sect.Vaddr := To_Pc_Type (Sect.Data (0)'Address);
- end if;
+ -- Align.
+ for I in Seg_Text .. Seg_Data loop
+ Seg_Size (I) := Pow_Align (Seg_Size (I), Log_Pagesize);
+ end loop;
+ -- Whole size.
+ Size := 0;
+ for I in Seg_Text .. Seg_Data loop
+ Size := Size + Seg_Size (I);
+ end loop;
+ -- Allocate and copy.
+ Program_Seg := Memsegs.Create;
+ Memsegs.Resize (Program_Seg, Natural (Size));
+ Program := To_Byte_Array_Acc (Memsegs.Get_Address (Program_Seg));
+ Seg_Offs (Seg_Text) := 0;
+ Seg_Offs (Seg_Ro) := Seg_Size (Seg_Text);
+ Seg_Offs (Seg_Data) := Seg_Size (Seg_Text) + Seg_Size (Seg_Ro);
+ Sect := Section_Chain;
+ while Sect /= null loop
+ declare
+ Seg : constant Segment_Kind := Get_Segment (Sect);
+ Off : Pc_Type renames Seg_Offs (Seg);
+ begin
+ if Seg /= Seg_None then
+ if Sect.Pc > 0 then
+ Off := Pow_Align (Off, Sect.Align);
+ if Sect.Data = null then
+ -- For bss.
+ Program (Off .. Off + Sect.Pc - 1) := (others => 0);
+ else
+ Program (Off .. Off + Sect.Pc - 1) :=
+ Sect.Data (0 .. Sect.Pc - 1);
+ Memsegs.Delete (Sect.Seg);
+ end if;
+ Sect.Data := To_Byte_Array_Acc (Program (Off)'Address);
+ -- Set virtual address.
+ Sect.Vaddr := To_Pc_Type (Program (Off)'Address);
+ Off := Off + Sect.Pc;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end;
Sect := Sect.Next;
end loop;
@@ -128,14 +194,12 @@ package body Binary_File.Memory is
Sect.Last_Reloc := null;
Sect.Nbr_Relocs := 0;
- if (Sect.Flags and Section_Exec) /= 0
- and (Sect.Flags and Section_Write) = 0
- then
- Memsegs.Set_Rx (Sect.Seg);
- end if;
Sect := Sect.Next;
end loop;
+ if Seg_Size (Seg_Text) /= 0 then
+ Memsegs.Set_Rx (Program_Seg, 0, Natural (Seg_Size (Seg_Text)));
+ end if;
end Write_Memory_Relocate;
function Get_Section_Addr (Sect : Section_Acc) return System.Address is