path: root/src/synth/synth-expr.adb
diff options
authorTristan Gingold <tgingold@free.fr>2019-07-30 07:29:10 +0200
committerTristan Gingold <tgingold@free.fr>2019-07-30 08:29:15 +0200
commit59fda76c701948c840c7e60d352ed8abb7699955 (patch)
tree24b12a969e374d629550375e4e13c669d5d3ad69 /src/synth/synth-expr.adb
parent3dcf90fdee4286d5852604df417a5b6e75382265 (diff)
synth: rework indexed names.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/synth/synth-expr.adb')
1 files changed, 57 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/src/synth/synth-expr.adb b/src/synth/synth-expr.adb
index abdedf37b..10173471f 100644
--- a/src/synth/synth-expr.adb
+++ b/src/synth/synth-expr.adb
@@ -1130,22 +1130,20 @@ package body Synth.Expr is
end case;
end In_Bounds;
- function Index_To_Offset (Pfx : Value_Acc; Idx : Int64; Loc : Node)
- return Uns32
- is
- Rng : constant Type_Acc := Pfx.Typ;
+ function Index_To_Offset (Bnd : Bound_Type; Idx : Int64; Loc : Node)
+ return Uns32 is
- if not In_Bounds (Rng.Vbound, Int32 (Idx)) then
+ if not In_Bounds (Bnd, Int32 (Idx)) then
Error_Msg_Synth (+Loc, "index not within bounds");
return 0;
end if;
-- The offset is from the LSB (bit 0). Bit 0 is the rightmost one.
- case Rng.Vbound.Dir is
+ case Bnd.Dir is
when Iir_To =>
- return Uns32 (Rng.Vbound.Right - Int32 (Idx));
+ return Uns32 (Bnd.Right - Int32 (Idx));
when Iir_Downto =>
- return Uns32 (Int32 (Idx) - Rng.Vbound.Right);
+ return Uns32 (Int32 (Idx) - Bnd.Right);
end case;
end Index_To_Offset;
@@ -1175,64 +1173,78 @@ package body Synth.Expr is
return Off;
end Dyn_Index_To_Offset;
- function Synth_Indexed_Name (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Name : Node)
- return Value_Acc
+ procedure Synth_Indexed_Name (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
+ Name : Node;
+ Pfx_Type : Type_Acc;
+ Voff : out Net;
+ Mul : out Uns32;
+ Off : out Uns32;
+ W : out Width)
Indexes : constant Iir_Flist := Get_Index_List (Name);
Idx_Expr : constant Node := Get_Nth_Element (Indexes, 0);
Idx_Val : Value_Acc;
- Pfx_Val : Value_Acc;
if Get_Nbr_Elements (Indexes) /= 1 then
Error_Msg_Synth (+Name, "multi-dim arrays not yet supported");
- return null;
+ raise Internal_Error;
end if;
- Pfx_Val := Synth_Expression (Syn_Inst, Get_Prefix (Name));
-- Use the base type as the subtype of the index is not synth-ed.
Idx_Val := Synth_Expression_With_Type
(Syn_Inst, Idx_Expr, Get_Base_Type (Get_Type (Idx_Expr)));
- if Pfx_Val.Typ.Kind = Type_Vector then
+ if Pfx_Type.Kind = Type_Vector then
+ W := 1;
+ Mul := 0;
if Idx_Val.Kind = Value_Discrete then
- declare
- Off : Uns32;
- begin
- Off := Index_To_Offset (Pfx_Val, Idx_Val.Scal, Name);
- return Bit_Extract (Pfx_Val, Off, Name);
- end;
+ Voff := No_Net;
+ Off := Index_To_Offset (Pfx_Type.Vbound, Idx_Val.Scal, Name);
- declare
- Off : Net;
- Res : Net;
- begin
- Off := Dyn_Index_To_Offset (Pfx_Val.Typ.Vbound, Idx_Val, Name);
- Res := Build_Dyn_Extract
- (Build_Context, Get_Net (Pfx_Val), Off, 1, 0, 1);
- Set_Location (Res, Name);
- return Create_Value_Net (Res, Pfx_Val.Typ.Vec_El);
- end;
+ Voff := Dyn_Index_To_Offset (Pfx_Type.Vbound, Idx_Val, Name);
+ Off := 0;
end if;
- elsif Pfx_Val.Typ.Kind = Type_Array then
- declare
- Off : Net;
- Res : Net;
- El_Width : Width;
- begin
- Off := Dyn_Index_To_Offset
- (Pfx_Val.Typ.Abounds.D (1), Idx_Val, Name);
- El_Width := Get_Type_Width (Pfx_Val.Typ.Arr_El);
- Res := Build_Dyn_Extract
- (Build_Context, Get_Net (Pfx_Val), Off, El_Width, 0, El_Width);
- Set_Location (Res, Name);
- return Create_Value_Net (Res, Pfx_Val.Typ.Arr_El);
- end;
+ elsif Pfx_Type.Kind = Type_Array then
+ Voff := Dyn_Index_To_Offset (Pfx_Type.Abounds.D (1), Idx_Val, Name);
+ W := Get_Type_Width (Pfx_Type.Arr_El);
+ Mul := W;
+ Off := 0;
raise Internal_Error;
end if;
end Synth_Indexed_Name;
+ function Synth_Indexed_Name (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Name : Node)
+ return Value_Acc
+ is
+ Pfx_Val : Value_Acc;
+ Voff : Net;
+ Mul : Uns32;
+ Off : Uns32;
+ W : Width;
+ Res : Net;
+ begin
+ Pfx_Val := Synth_Expression (Syn_Inst, Get_Prefix (Name));
+ Synth_Indexed_Name (Syn_Inst, Name, Pfx_Val.Typ, Voff, Mul, Off, W);
+ if Voff = No_Net then
+ pragma Assert (Mul = 0);
+ if W = 1 and then Pfx_Val.Kind = Value_Array then
+ return Bit_Extract (Pfx_Val, Off, Name);
+ else
+ Res := Build_Extract (Build_Context, Get_Net (Pfx_Val), Off, W);
+ Set_Location (Res, Name);
+ return Create_Value_Net (Res, Get_Array_Element (Pfx_Val.Typ));
+ end if;
+ else
+ Res := Build_Dyn_Extract
+ (Build_Context, Get_Net (Pfx_Val), Voff, Mul, Int32 (Off), W);
+ Set_Location (Res, Name);
+ return Create_Value_Net (Res, Get_Array_Element (Pfx_Val.Typ));
+ end if;
+ end Synth_Indexed_Name;
function Is_Const (N : Net) return Boolean is
case Get_Id (Get_Module (Get_Parent (N))) is