path: root/src/synth
diff options
authorTristan Gingold <tgingold@free.fr>2020-05-15 19:28:13 +0200
committerTristan Gingold <tgingold@free.fr>2020-05-15 19:28:13 +0200
commit504b8130f23f5116bb39a0a95c54c0101b9b6ef2 (patch)
treef10ccbccfbbc7f6de649a6de638192dd5d0fa940 /src/synth
parent626cdb38aa503ea4fdaf8cd348d112d12b9ee05b (diff)
synth-static_oper: handle eq_sgn_int comparision. For #1310
Diffstat (limited to 'src/synth')
1 files changed, 56 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/synth/synth-static_oper.adb b/src/synth/synth-static_oper.adb
index f7bf518e3..5ad632e73 100644
--- a/src/synth/synth-static_oper.adb
+++ b/src/synth/synth-static_oper.adb
@@ -280,6 +280,54 @@ package body Synth.Static_Oper is
return Res;
end Synth_Compare_Sgn_Sgn;
+ function Synth_Compare_Sgn_Int
+ (Left, Right : Memtyp; Err : Order_Type; Loc : Node) return Order_Type
+ is
+ Lw : constant Uns32 := Left.Typ.W;
+ Rval : constant Int64 := Read_Discrete (Right);
+ Rd : Uns32;
+ R1 : Uns64;
+ Res : Order_Type;
+ L : Std_Ulogic;
+ begin
+ if Lw = 0 then
+ Warn_Compare_Null (Loc);
+ return Err;
+ end if;
+ Res := Equal;
+ R1 := To_Uns64 (Rval);
+ -- Same sign.
+ for I in 0 .. Lw - 1 loop
+ L := To_X01 (Read_Std_Logic (Left.Mem, Lw - 1 - I));
+ if L = 'X' then
+ Warn_Compare_Meta (Loc);
+ return Err;
+ end if;
+ Rd := Uns32 (R1 and 1);
+ R1 := Shift_Right_Arithmetic (R1, 1);
+ if L = '1' and then Rd = 0 then
+ Res := Greater;
+ elsif L = '0' and then Rd = 1 then
+ Res := Less;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ if L = '1' then
+ if Rval >= 0 then
+ Res := Less;
+ end if;
+ else
+ if Rval < 0 then
+ Res := Greater;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ return Res;
+ end Synth_Compare_Sgn_Int;
function Create_Res_Bound (Prev : Type_Acc) return Type_Acc is
if Prev.Vbound.Dir = Dir_Downto
@@ -819,6 +867,14 @@ package body Synth.Static_Oper is
Synth_Compare_Uns_Nat (Left, Right, Greater, Expr) = Equal;
return Create_Memory_U8 (Boolean'Pos (Res), Res_Typ);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Ieee_Numeric_Std_Eq_Sgn_Int =>
+ declare
+ Res : Boolean;
+ begin
+ Res :=
+ Synth_Compare_Sgn_Int (Left, Right, Greater, Expr) = Equal;
+ return Create_Memory_U8 (Boolean'Pos (Res), Res_Typ);
+ end;
when Iir_Predefined_Ieee_Numeric_Std_Gt_Uns_Uns =>