path: root/src/synth
diff options
authorTristan Gingold <tgingold@free.fr>2019-09-21 16:18:53 +0200
committerTristan Gingold <tgingold@free.fr>2019-09-21 16:18:53 +0200
commitc1a00497e2357f5518c7f89c682dc6f25cd48101 (patch)
tree31b653cc3393e5501f7499dd8494be49ba0f7ddf /src/synth
parentace42254549d3d47cdb897e95c45cbb3ff966da0 (diff)
synth: use constant for constant values.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/synth')
2 files changed, 64 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/src/synth/netlists-disp_vhdl.adb b/src/synth/netlists-disp_vhdl.adb
index 632966645..f72defe4f 100644
--- a/src/synth/netlists-disp_vhdl.adb
+++ b/src/synth/netlists-disp_vhdl.adb
@@ -326,6 +326,8 @@ package body Netlists.Disp_Vhdl is
Put (Q);
end Disp_X_Lit;
+ procedure Disp_Extract (Inst : Instance);
procedure Disp_Constant_Inline (Inst : Instance)
Imod : constant Module := Get_Module (Inst);
@@ -350,6 +352,8 @@ package body Netlists.Disp_Vhdl is
Disp_Const_Bit (Inst);
when Id_Const_Log =>
raise Internal_Error;
+ when Id_Extract =>
+ Disp_Extract (Inst);
when others =>
raise Internal_Error;
end case;
@@ -497,6 +501,26 @@ package body Netlists.Disp_Vhdl is
end loop;
end Disp_Template;
+ procedure Disp_Extract (Inst : Instance)
+ is
+ O : constant Net := Get_Output (Inst, 0);
+ I : constant Net := Get_Input_Net (Inst, 0);
+ Wd : constant Width := Get_Width (O);
+ Off : constant Uns32 := Get_Param_Uns32 (Inst, 0);
+ begin
+ Disp_Template ("\i0", Inst);
+ if Get_Width (I) > 1 then
+ -- If width is 1, the signal is declared as a scalar and
+ -- therefore cannot be indexed.
+ if Wd > 1 then
+ Disp_Template (" (\n0 downto \n1)", Inst,
+ (0 => Off + Wd - 1, 1 => Off));
+ else
+ Disp_Template (" (\n0)", Inst, (0 => Off));
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Disp_Extract;
procedure Disp_Instance_Inline (Inst : Instance)
Imod : constant Module := Get_Module (Inst);
@@ -530,25 +554,9 @@ package body Netlists.Disp_Vhdl is
when Id_Not =>
Disp_Template (" \o0 <= not \i0;" & NL, Inst);
when Id_Extract =>
- declare
- O : constant Net := Get_Output (Inst, 0);
- I : constant Net := Get_Input_Net (Inst, 0);
- Wd : constant Width := Get_Width (O);
- Off : constant Uns32 := Get_Param_Uns32 (Inst, 0);
- begin
- Disp_Template (" \o0 <= \i0", Inst);
- if Get_Width (I) > 1 then
- -- If width is 1, the signal is declared as a scalar and
- -- therefore cannot be indexed.
- if Wd > 1 then
- Disp_Template (" (\n0 downto \n1)", Inst,
- (0 => Off + Wd - 1, 1 => Off));
- else
- Disp_Template (" (\n0)", Inst, (0 => Off));
- end if;
- end if;
- Put_Line (";");
- end;
+ Disp_Template (" \o0 <= ", Inst);
+ Disp_Extract (Inst);
+ Put_Line (";");
when Id_Dyn_Extract =>
O : constant Net := Get_Output (Inst, 0);
@@ -579,11 +587,29 @@ package body Netlists.Disp_Vhdl is
-- I0: Input, I1: Value, I2: position
-- P0: Step, P1: offset
+ I0 : constant Net := Get_Input_Net (Inst, 0);
+ I1 : constant Net := Get_Input_Net (Inst, 1);
+ I2 : constant Net := Get_Input_Net (Inst, 2);
+ Iarr : constant Net_Array (0 .. 2) := (I0, I1, I2);
Iw : constant Width := Get_Width (Get_Input_Net (Inst, 1));
+ First : Boolean;
+ Put (" process (");
+ First := True;
+ for I in Iarr'Range loop
+ if Get_Id (Get_Parent (Iarr (I))) not in Constant_Module_Id
+ then
+ if First then
+ First := False;
+ else
+ Put (", ");
+ end if;
+ Disp_Net_Name (Iarr (I));
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Put (")" & NL);
- (" process (\i0, \i1, \i2)" & NL &
- " begin" & NL &
+ (" begin" & NL &
" \o0 <= \i0;" & NL &
" \o0 (" &
"to_integer (\ui2) * \p0 + (\sp1 + \n0)" & NL &
@@ -752,30 +778,37 @@ package body Netlists.Disp_Vhdl is
end case;
end Disp_Instance_Inline;
- procedure Disp_Architecture_Declarations (M : Module) is
+ procedure Disp_Architecture_Declarations (M : Module)
+ is
+ Id : Module_Id;
-- Display signal declarations.
-- There are as many signals as gate outputs.
for Inst of Instances (M) loop
+ Id := Get_Id (Inst);
if not Is_Self_Instance (Inst)
and then not (Flag_Merge_Lit
- and then Is_Const_Module (Get_Id (Inst))
+ and then Id in Constant_Module_Id
and then not Need_Signal (Inst))
- and then Get_Id (Inst) < Id_User_None
+ and then Id < Id_User_None
for N of Outputs (Inst) loop
- Put (" signal ");
+ if Id in Constant_Module_Id then
+ Put (" constant ");
+ else
+ Put (" signal ");
+ end if;
Disp_Net_Name (N);
Put (" : ");
Put_Type (Get_Width (N));
- case Get_Id (Inst) is
+ case Id is
when Id_Idff =>
Put (" := ");
(Get_Parent (Get_Input_Net (Inst, 2)));
- when Id_Const_Bit =>
+ when Constant_Module_Id =>
Put (" := ");
- Disp_Const_Bit (Inst);
+ Disp_Constant_Inline (Inst);
when others =>
end case;
@@ -806,8 +839,7 @@ package body Netlists.Disp_Vhdl is
for Inst of Instances (M) loop
if not (Flag_Merge_Lit
- and then Is_Const_Module (Get_Id (Inst))
- and then not Need_Signal (Inst))
+ and then Is_Const_Module (Get_Id (Inst)))
Disp_Instance_Inline (Inst);
end if;
diff --git a/src/synth/netlists-gates.ads b/src/synth/netlists-gates.ads
index 7f3012063..e1de55289 100644
--- a/src/synth/netlists-gates.ads
+++ b/src/synth/netlists-gates.ads
@@ -169,5 +169,7 @@ package Netlists.Gates is
Id_Const_Bit : constant Module_Id := 104;
Id_Const_Log : constant Module_Id := 105;
+ subtype Constant_Module_Id is Module_Id range Id_Const_UB32 .. Id_Const_Log;
-- Id 128 is the first user id.
end Netlists.Gates;