path: root/src
diff options
authorTristan Gingold <tgingold@free.fr>2020-03-28 08:40:10 +0100
committerTristan Gingold <tgingold@free.fr>2020-03-28 08:40:10 +0100
commit437614dcd2483de09244d04b1ade8946e51de61f (patch)
tree5eb9497fae6b247b4a06d6db32383c53ba099593 /src
parent1047cf8a647b1eb42d99b0a3e730b55b3994752a (diff)
synth: preliminary support of multiport rams (using shared variable).
For #1069
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
6 files changed, 648 insertions, 333 deletions
diff --git a/src/synth/ghdlsynth_gates.h b/src/synth/ghdlsynth_gates.h
index 90ea283e8..aa4053010 100644
--- a/src/synth/ghdlsynth_gates.h
+++ b/src/synth/ghdlsynth_gates.h
@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ enum Module_Id {
Id_Mem_Rd = 76,
Id_Mem_Rd_Sync = 77,
Id_Mem_Wr_Sync = 78,
+ Id_Mem_Multiport = 79,
Id_Edge = 80,
Id_Assert = 81,
Id_Assume = 82,
diff --git a/src/synth/netlists-builders.adb b/src/synth/netlists-builders.adb
index eb1b984bb..ac1115af7 100644
--- a/src/synth/netlists-builders.adb
+++ b/src/synth/netlists-builders.adb
@@ -374,6 +374,15 @@ package body Netlists.Builders is
4 => Create_Input ("data"));
Outputs (0 .. 0) := (0 => Create_Output ("oport"));
Set_Ports_Desc (Res, Inputs (0 .. 4), Outputs (0 .. 0));
+ Res := New_User_Module
+ (Ctxt.Design,
+ New_Sname_Artificial (Get_Identifier ("mem_multiport"), No_Sname),
+ Id_Mem_Multiport, 2, 1, 0);
+ Ctxt.M_Mem_Multiport := Res;
+ Inputs (0 .. 1) := (0 => Create_Input ("i0"),
+ 1 => Create_Input ("i1"));
+ Set_Ports_Desc (Res, Inputs (0 .. 1), Outputs (0 .. 0));
end Create_Memory_Modules;
procedure Create_Edge_Module (Ctxt : Context_Acc;
@@ -1245,6 +1254,21 @@ package body Netlists.Builders is
return Inst;
end Build_Mem_Wr_Sync;
+ function Build_Mem_Multiport (Ctxt : Context_Acc; I0, I1 : Net) return Net
+ is
+ W : constant Width := Get_Width (I0);
+ pragma Assert (Get_Width (I1) = W);
+ Inst : Instance;
+ O : Net;
+ begin
+ Inst := New_Internal_Instance (Ctxt, Ctxt.M_Mem_Multiport);
+ O := Get_Output (Inst, 0);
+ Set_Width (O, W);
+ Connect (Get_Input (Inst, 0), I0);
+ Connect (Get_Input (Inst, 1), I1);
+ return O;
+ end Build_Mem_Multiport;
function Build_Object (Ctxt : Context_Acc; M : Module; W : Width) return Net
Inst : Instance;
diff --git a/src/synth/netlists-builders.ads b/src/synth/netlists-builders.ads
index 62c31502b..5c67384be 100644
--- a/src/synth/netlists-builders.ads
+++ b/src/synth/netlists-builders.ads
@@ -150,6 +150,8 @@ package Netlists.Builders is
En : Net;
Data : Net) return Instance;
+ function Build_Mem_Multiport (Ctxt : Context_Acc; I0, I1 : Net) return Net;
function Build_Output (Ctxt : Context_Acc; W : Width) return Net;
function Build_Ioutput (Ctxt : Context_Acc; Init : Net) return Net;
function Build_Inout (Ctxt : Context_Acc; W : Width) return Instance;
@@ -250,6 +252,7 @@ private
M_Mem_Rd : Module;
M_Mem_Rd_Sync : Module;
M_Mem_Wr_Sync : Module;
+ M_Mem_Multiport : Module;
M_Assert : Module;
M_Assume : Module;
M_Cover : Module;
diff --git a/src/synth/netlists-gates.ads b/src/synth/netlists-gates.ads
index 6435b24e9..04920b224 100644
--- a/src/synth/netlists-gates.ads
+++ b/src/synth/netlists-gates.ads
@@ -272,6 +272,9 @@ package Netlists.Gates is
-- Outputs: NPORT (next memory port)
Id_Mem_Wr_Sync : constant Module_Id := 78;
+ -- Virtual gate to gather 2 dffs of a multiport memory.
+ Id_Mem_Multiport : constant Module_Id := 79;
-- Positive/rising edge detector. This is a pseudo gate.
-- A negative edge detector can be made using by negating the clock before
-- the detector.
diff --git a/src/synth/netlists-memories.adb b/src/synth/netlists-memories.adb
index f490d54e3..d7ec4d8d3 100644
--- a/src/synth/netlists-memories.adb
+++ b/src/synth/netlists-memories.adb
@@ -655,11 +655,15 @@ package body Netlists.Memories is
| Id_Signal =>
return Inst;
when Id_Dff
- | Id_Idff =>
+ | Id_Idff
+ | Id_Mem_Multiport =>
O := Get_Output (Inst, 0);
when others =>
- Info_Msg_Synth
- (+Last, "gate %i cannot be part of a memory", (1 => +Inst));
+ if False then
+ Info_Msg_Synth
+ (+Last, "gate %i cannot be part of a memory",
+ (1 => +Inst));
+ end if;
return No_Instance;
end case;
@@ -728,15 +732,15 @@ package body Netlists.Memories is
-- Validate that signal SIG is a RAM. It must be a loop of inserts
-- and extracts.
- function Validate_RAM_Simple (Sig : Instance) return Boolean
+ function Validate_RAM_Simple (Last : Net) return Instance
Inst : Instance;
N : Net;
Inp : Input;
- Ok : Boolean;
- Ok := False;
- N := Get_Output (Sig, 0);
+ -- For each gate of the chain, starting from LAST and going forward
+ -- until the signal.
+ N := Last;
while N /= No_Net loop
Inp := Get_First_Sink (N);
N := No_Net;
@@ -744,36 +748,66 @@ package body Netlists.Memories is
while Inp /= No_Input loop
Inst := Get_Input_Parent (Inp);
case Get_Id (Inst) is
- when Id_Dyn_Insert_En =>
+ when Id_Dyn_Insert_En
+ | Id_Dff
+ | Id_Idff
+ | Id_Mem_Multiport =>
if N /= No_Net then
- -- There must be only one dyn_insert.
- return False;
+ -- There must be only one such gate per stage.
+ return No_Instance;
end if;
N := Get_Output (Inst, 0);
when Id_Dyn_Extract =>
when Id_Isignal
| Id_Signal =>
- if Inst /= Sig then
- return False;
- end if;
- Ok := True;
- when Id_Dff
- | Id_Idff =>
- if N /= No_Net then
- -- There must be only one dff.
- return False;
- end if;
- N := Get_Output (Inst, 0);
+ return Inst;
when others =>
- return False;
+ return No_Instance;
end case;
Inp := Get_Next_Sink (Inp);
end loop;
end loop;
- return Ok;
+ return No_Instance;
end Validate_RAM_Simple;
+ -- Validate that signal SIG is a RAM. It must be a loop of inserts
+ -- and extracts.
+ function Validate_RAM_Multiple (Sig : Instance) return Boolean
+ is
+ Ok : Boolean;
+ Inst : Instance;
+ N : Net;
+ Inp : Input;
+ begin
+ Ok := False;
+ N := Get_Output (Sig, 0);
+ Inp := Get_First_Sink (N);
+ -- For multiple ports, there can be parallel pathes.
+ while Inp /= No_Input loop
+ Inst := Get_Input_Parent (Inp);
+ case Get_Id (Inst) is
+ when Id_Dyn_Insert_En
+ | Id_Dyn_Insert =>
+ -- Look.
+ N := Get_Output (Inst, 0);
+ if Validate_RAM_Simple (N) /= Sig then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ Ok := True;
+ when Id_Dyn_Extract =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ return False;
+ end case;
+ Inp := Get_Next_Sink (Inp);
+ end loop;
+ -- Need at least one dyn_insert.
+ return Ok;
+ end Validate_RAM_Multiple;
-- Extract the step (equivalent to data width) of a dyn_insert/dyn_extract
-- address. This is either a memidx or an addidx gate.
function Extract_Memidx_Step (Memidx : Instance) return Width
@@ -946,6 +980,450 @@ package body Netlists.Memories is
end case;
end Extract_Sub_Constant;
+ -- Subroutine of Convert_To_Memory.
+ --
+ -- Compute the number of ports (dyn_extract and dyn_insert) and the width
+ -- of the memory. Just walk all the gates.
+ procedure Compute_Ports_And_Width
+ (Sig : Instance; Nbr_Ports : out Int32; Wd : out Width)
+ is
+ procedure Add_Port_And_Width (Memidx : Instance) is
+ begin
+ Nbr_Ports := Nbr_Ports + 1;
+ if Wd = 0 then
+ Wd := Extract_Memidx_Step (Memidx);
+ elsif Wd /= Extract_Memidx_Step (Memidx) then
+ Info_Msg_Synth (+Sig, "memory %n uses different widths",
+ (1 => +Sig));
+ Nbr_Ports := 0;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end Add_Port_And_Width;
+ Inst, Inst2 : Instance;
+ Inp2 : Input;
+ begin
+ Nbr_Ports := 0;
+ Wd := 0;
+ -- Top-level loop, for each parallel path of multiport RAMs.
+ Inp2 := Get_First_Sink (Get_Output (Sig, 0));
+ while Inp2 /= No_Input loop
+ Inst2 := Get_Input_Parent (Inp2);
+ case Get_Id (Inst2) is
+ when Id_Dyn_Extract =>
+ Add_Port_And_Width (Get_Input_Instance (Inst2, 1));
+ if Nbr_Ports = 0 then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ when Id_Dyn_Insert
+ | Id_Dyn_Insert_En =>
+ Add_Port_And_Width (Get_Input_Instance (Inst2, 2));
+ if Nbr_Ports = 0 then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Walk till the signal.
+ Inst := Inst2;
+ loop
+ declare
+ Inp : Input;
+ N_Inst : Instance;
+ In_Inst : Instance;
+ begin
+ -- Check gates connected to the output.
+ Inp := Get_First_Sink (Get_Output (Inst, 0));
+ N_Inst := No_Instance;
+ while Inp /= No_Input loop
+ In_Inst := Get_Input_Parent (Inp);
+ case Get_Id (In_Inst) is
+ when Id_Dyn_Extract =>
+ Add_Port_And_Width
+ (Get_Input_Instance (In_Inst, 1));
+ if Nbr_Ports = 0 then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ when Id_Dyn_Insert_En
+ | Id_Dyn_Insert =>
+ Add_Port_And_Width
+ (Get_Input_Instance (In_Inst, 2));
+ if Nbr_Ports = 0 then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ pragma Assert (N_Inst = No_Instance);
+ N_Inst := In_Inst;
+ when Id_Dff
+ | Id_Idff
+ | Id_Signal
+ | Id_Isignal
+ | Id_Mem_Multiport =>
+ pragma Assert (N_Inst = No_Instance);
+ N_Inst := In_Inst;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Inp := Get_Next_Sink (Inp);
+ end loop;
+ Inst := N_Inst;
+ exit when Inst = Sig;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Inp2 := Get_Next_Sink (Inp2);
+ end loop;
+ end Compute_Ports_And_Width;
+ -- Subroutine of Convert_To_Memory.
+ --
+ -- Extract offsets/width of each port.
+ procedure Extract_Ports_Offsets
+ (Sig : Instance; Offs : Off_Array_Acc; Nbr_Offs : out Int32)
+ is
+ procedure Add_Offset (Off : Uns32; Wd : Uns32)
+ is
+ Ow : Off_Array (1 .. 2);
+ begin
+ Ow := (Off, Off + Wd);
+ if Nbr_Offs = 0 or else Ow /= Offs (1 .. 2) then
+ Nbr_Offs := Nbr_Offs + 2;
+ Offs (Nbr_Offs -1 .. Nbr_Offs) := Ow;
+ end if;
+ end Add_Offset;
+ procedure Add_Extract_Offset (Inst : Instance) is
+ begin
+ Add_Offset (Get_Param_Uns32 (Inst, 0),
+ Get_Width (Get_Output (Inst, 0)));
+ end Add_Extract_Offset;
+ procedure Add_Insert_Offset (Inst : Instance) is
+ begin
+ Add_Offset (Get_Param_Uns32 (Inst, 0),
+ Get_Width (Get_Input_Net (Inst, 1)));
+ end Add_Insert_Offset;
+ Inst, Inst2 : Instance;
+ Inp2 : Input;
+ begin
+ Nbr_Offs := 0;
+ -- Top-level loop, for each parallel path of multiport RAMs.
+ Inp2 := Get_First_Sink (Get_Output (Sig, 0));
+ while Inp2 /= No_Input loop
+ Inst2 := Get_Input_Parent (Inp2);
+ case Get_Id (Inst2) is
+ when Id_Dyn_Extract =>
+ Add_Extract_Offset (Inst2);
+ when Id_Dyn_Insert_En
+ | Id_Dyn_Insert =>
+ Add_Insert_Offset (Inst2);
+ Inst := Inst2;
+ loop
+ declare
+ Inp : Input;
+ N_Inst : Instance;
+ In_Inst : Instance;
+ begin
+ -- Check gates connected to the output.
+ Inp := Get_First_Sink (Get_Output (Inst, 0));
+ N_Inst := No_Instance;
+ while Inp /= No_Input loop
+ In_Inst := Get_Input_Parent (Inp);
+ case Get_Id (In_Inst) is
+ when Id_Dyn_Extract =>
+ Add_Extract_Offset (In_Inst);
+ when Id_Dyn_Insert_En
+ | Id_Dyn_Insert =>
+ Add_Insert_Offset (In_Inst);
+ pragma Assert (N_Inst = No_Instance);
+ N_Inst := In_Inst;
+ when Id_Dff
+ | Id_Idff
+ | Id_Signal
+ | Id_Isignal
+ | Id_Mem_Multiport =>
+ pragma Assert (N_Inst = No_Instance);
+ N_Inst := In_Inst;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Inp := Get_Next_Sink (Inp);
+ end loop;
+ Inst := N_Inst;
+ exit when Inst = Sig;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Inp2 := Get_Next_Sink (Inp2);
+ end loop;
+ end Extract_Ports_Offsets;
+ procedure Convert_Memory_Read_Port (Ctxt : Context_Acc;
+ In_Inst : Instance;
+ Mem_Sz : Uns32;
+ Mem_W : Width;
+ Offs : Off_Array_Acc;
+ Tails : Net_Array_Acc;
+ Outs : Net_Array_Acc)
+ is
+ Off : constant Uns32 := Get_Param_Uns32 (In_Inst, 0);
+ Wd : constant Width := Get_Width (Get_Output (In_Inst, 0));
+ Idx : Int32;
+ Len : Int32;
+ Addr : Net;
+ Rd_Inst : Instance;
+ Rd : Net;
+ Inp2 : Input;
+ En : Net;
+ Clk : Net;
+ Last_Inst : Instance;
+ begin
+ Off_Array_To_Idx (Offs.all, Off, Wd, Idx, Len);
+ Inp2 := Get_Input (In_Inst, 1);
+ Addr := Get_Driver (Inp2);
+ Disconnect (Inp2);
+ Convert_Memidx (Ctxt, Mem_Sz, Addr, Mem_W);
+ Extract_Extract_Dff (Ctxt, In_Inst, Last_Inst, Clk, En);
+ if Clk /= No_Net and then En = No_Net then
+ En := Build_Const_UB32 (Ctxt, 1, 1);
+ end if;
+ -- iterate to build mem_rd/mem_rd_sync
+ for I in Idx .. Idx + Len - 1 loop
+ if Clk /= No_Net then
+ Rd_Inst := Build_Mem_Rd_Sync (Ctxt, Tails (I), Addr, Clk, En,
+ Offs (Idx + 1) - Offs (Idx));
+ else
+ Rd_Inst := Build_Mem_Rd (Ctxt, Tails (I), Addr,
+ Offs (Idx + 1) - Offs (Idx));
+ end if;
+ Tails (I) := Get_Output (Rd_Inst, 0);
+ Outs (I) := Get_Output (Rd_Inst, 1);
+ end loop;
+ Rd := Build2_Concat (Ctxt, Outs (Idx .. Idx + Len - 1));
+ Redirect_Inputs (Get_Output (Last_Inst, 0), Rd);
+ if Last_Inst /= In_Inst then
+ Remove_Instance (Last_Inst);
+ end if;
+ end Convert_Memory_Read_Port;
+ -- Subroutine of Convert_To_Memory.
+ --
+ -- Convert dyn_insert/dyn_extract to memory write/read ports.
+ -- TAILS is the output of memories (so the next value to be read).
+ -- OUTS is a temporary array.
+ procedure Create_Memory_Ports (Ctxt : Context_Acc;
+ Sig : Instance;
+ Mem_Sz : Uns32;
+ Mem_W : Width;
+ Offs : Off_Array_Acc;
+ Tails : Net_Array_Acc;
+ Outs : Net_Array_Acc)
+ is
+ Inst, Inst2 : Instance;
+ Inp, Inp2 : Input;
+ N_Inp, N_Inp2 : Input;
+ N_Inst : Instance;
+ In_Inst : Instance;
+ Dff_Clk : Net;
+ begin
+ -- Start from the end.
+ -- First: the read ports at the end.
+ Inp2 := Get_First_Sink (Get_Output (Sig, 0));
+ while Inp2 /= No_Input loop
+ N_Inp2 := Get_Next_Sink (Inp2);
+ Inst2 := Get_Input_Parent (Inp2);
+ case Get_Id (Inst2) is
+ when Id_Dyn_Extract =>
+ Convert_Memory_Read_Port
+ (Ctxt, Inst2, Mem_Sz, Mem_W, Offs, Tails, Outs);
+ Disconnect (Get_Input (Inst2, 0));
+ Remove_Instance (Inst2);
+ when Id_Dyn_Insert_En
+ | Id_Dyn_Insert =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Inp2 := N_Inp2;
+ end loop;
+ -- Second, the chains.
+ Inp2 := Get_First_Sink (Get_Output (Sig, 0));
+ while Inp2 /= No_Input loop
+ N_Inp2 := Get_Next_Sink (Inp2);
+ Inst2 := Get_Input_Parent (Inp2);
+ -- Find the dff (if any).
+ Dff_Clk := No_Net;
+ Inst := Inst2;
+ while Inst /= No_Instance loop
+ Inp := Get_First_Sink (Get_Output (Inst, 0));
+ Inst := No_Instance;
+ while Inp /= No_Input loop
+ In_Inst := Get_Input_Parent (Inp);
+ case Get_Id (In_Inst) is
+ when Id_Dyn_Extract =>
+ null;
+ when Id_Dyn_Insert_En
+ | Id_Dyn_Insert =>
+ Inst := Get_Net_Parent (Get_Output (In_Inst, 0));
+ exit;
+ when Id_Signal
+ | Id_Isignal =>
+ -- No dff.
+ exit;
+ when Id_Dff
+ | Id_Idff =>
+ Dff_Clk := Get_Input_Net (In_Inst, 0);
+ exit;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Inp := Get_Next_Sink (Inp);
+ end loop;
+ end loop;
+ -- Do the real work: transform gates to ports.
+ Disconnect (Get_Input (Inst2, 0));
+ Inst := Inst2;
+ loop
+ -- Handle Inst. If the output is connected to a write port,
+ -- add it (after the read ports).
+ case Get_Id (Inst) is
+ when Id_Dyn_Insert_En
+ | Id_Dyn_Insert =>
+ declare
+ Off : constant Uns32 := Get_Param_Uns32 (Inst, 0);
+ Wd : constant Width :=
+ Get_Width (Get_Input_Net (Inst, 1));
+ Idx : Int32;
+ Len : Int32;
+ Addr : Net;
+ Wr_Inst : Instance;
+ Inp2 : Input;
+ Dat : Net;
+ En : Net;
+ Clk : Net;
+ begin
+ Off_Array_To_Idx (Offs.all, Off, Wd, Idx, Len);
+ Inp2 := Get_Input (Inst, 2);
+ Addr := Get_Driver (Inp2);
+ Disconnect (Inp2);
+ Convert_Memidx (Ctxt, Mem_Sz, Addr, Mem_W);
+ if Get_Id (Inst) = Id_Dyn_Insert_En then
+ Inp2 := Get_Input (Inst, 3);
+ En := Get_Driver (Inp2);
+ Disconnect (Inp2);
+ Clk := Dff_Clk;
+ else
+ Clk := Dff_Clk;
+ En := No_Net;
+ end if;
+ pragma Assert (Clk /= No_Net);
+ if En = No_Net then
+ En := Build_Const_UB32 (Ctxt, 1, 1);
+ end if;
+ Inp2 := Get_Input (Inst, 1);
+ Dat := Get_Driver (Inp2);
+ for I in Idx .. Idx + Len - 1 loop
+ Wr_Inst := Build_Mem_Wr_Sync
+ (Ctxt, Tails (I), Addr, Clk, En,
+ Build2_Extract (Ctxt, Dat, Offs (I) - Offs (Idx),
+ Offs (I + 1) - Offs (I)));
+ Tails (I) := Get_Output (Wr_Inst, 0);
+ end loop;
+ Disconnect (Inp2);
+ end;
+ when Id_Dff
+ | Id_Idff =>
+ null;
+ when Id_Signal
+ | Id_Isignal =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ -- Check gates connected to the output.
+ -- First the read ports (dyn_extract), and also find the next
+ -- gate in the loop.
+ N_Inst := No_Instance;
+ Inp := Get_First_Sink (Get_Output (Inst, 0));
+ while Inp /= No_Input loop
+ In_Inst := Get_Input_Parent (Inp);
+ N_Inp := Get_Next_Sink (Inp);
+ case Get_Id (In_Inst) is
+ when Id_Dyn_Extract =>
+ Convert_Memory_Read_Port
+ (Ctxt, In_Inst, Mem_Sz, Mem_W, Offs, Tails, Outs);
+ pragma Assert (Inp = Get_Input (In_Inst, 0));
+ Disconnect (Inp);
+ Remove_Instance (In_Inst);
+ when Id_Dyn_Insert_En
+ | Id_Dyn_Insert
+ | Id_Signal
+ | Id_Isignal =>
+ pragma Assert (Inp = Get_Input (In_Inst, 0));
+ Disconnect (Inp);
+ -- This is the next instance (and there must be only
+ -- one next instance).
+ pragma Assert (N_Inst = No_Instance);
+ N_Inst := In_Inst;
+ when Id_Idff
+ | Id_Dff =>
+ pragma Assert (Inp = Get_Input (In_Inst, 1));
+ Disconnect (Inp);
+ -- This is the next instance (and there must be only
+ -- one next instance).
+ pragma Assert (N_Inst = No_Instance);
+ N_Inst := In_Inst;
+ when Id_Mem_Multiport =>
+ Disconnect (Inp);
+ pragma Assert (N_Inst = No_Instance);
+ N_Inst := In_Inst;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Inp := N_Inp;
+ end loop;
+ -- Remove INST.
+ case Get_Id (Inst) is
+ when Id_Dyn_Insert_En
+ | Id_Dyn_Insert =>
+ Remove_Instance (Inst);
+ when Id_Dff
+ | Id_Idff =>
+ -- Disconnect clock and init value.
+ Disconnect (Get_Input (Inst, 0));
+ if Get_Id (Inst) = Id_Idff then
+ Disconnect (Get_Input (Inst, 2));
+ end if;
+ Remove_Instance (Inst);
+ when Id_Signal
+ | Id_Isignal =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Inst := N_Inst;
+ case Get_Id (Inst) is
+ when Id_Signal
+ | Id_Isignal
+ | Id_Mem_Multiport =>
+ exit;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ Inp2 := N_Inp2;
+ end loop;
+ end Create_Memory_Ports;
procedure Convert_To_Memory (Ctxt : Context_Acc; Sig : Instance)
-- Size of RAM (in bits).
@@ -977,55 +1455,10 @@ package body Netlists.Memories is
Nbr_Ports := 0;
Mem_W := 0;
Inst := Sig;
- loop
- declare
- Inp : Input;
- N_Inst : Instance;
- In_Inst : Instance;
- Memidx : Instance;
- begin
- -- Check gates connected to the output.
- Inp := Get_First_Sink (Get_Output (Inst, 0));
- N_Inst := No_Instance;
- while Inp /= No_Input loop
- In_Inst := Get_Input_Parent (Inp);
- Memidx := No_Instance;
- case Get_Id (In_Inst) is
- when Id_Dyn_Extract =>
- Nbr_Ports := Nbr_Ports + 1;
- Memidx := Get_Input_Instance (In_Inst, 1);
- when Id_Dyn_Insert_En
- | Id_Dyn_Insert =>
- Nbr_Ports := Nbr_Ports + 1;
- Memidx := Get_Input_Instance (In_Inst, 2);
- pragma Assert (N_Inst = No_Instance);
- N_Inst := In_Inst;
- when Id_Dff
- | Id_Idff
- | Id_Signal
- | Id_Isignal =>
- pragma Assert (N_Inst = No_Instance);
- N_Inst := In_Inst;
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- if Memidx /= No_Instance then
- if Mem_W = 0 then
- Mem_W := Extract_Memidx_Step (Memidx);
- elsif Mem_W /= Extract_Memidx_Step (Memidx) then
- Info_Msg_Synth
- (+Inst, "memory %n uses different widths",
- (1 => +Inst));
- return;
- end if;
- end if;
- Inp := Get_Next_Sink (Inp);
- end loop;
- Inst := N_Inst;
- exit when Inst = Sig;
- end;
- end loop;
+ Compute_Ports_And_Width (Sig, Nbr_Ports, Mem_W);
+ if Nbr_Ports = 0 then
+ return;
+ end if;
if Mem_W = 0 then
-- No ports ?
@@ -1040,55 +1473,7 @@ package body Netlists.Memories is
-- 2. Walk to extract offsets/width
Offs := new Off_Array (1 .. 2 * Nbr_Ports);
- Nbr_Offs := 0;
- Inst := Sig;
- loop
- declare
- Inp : Input;
- N_Inst : Instance;
- In_Inst : Instance;
- Ow : Off_Array (1 .. 2);
- begin
- -- Check gates connected to the output.
- Inp := Get_First_Sink (Get_Output (Inst, 0));
- N_Inst := No_Instance;
- while Inp /= No_Input loop
- In_Inst := Get_Input_Parent (Inp);
- Ow := (0, 0);
- case Get_Id (In_Inst) is
- when Id_Dyn_Extract =>
- Ow := (1 => Get_Param_Uns32 (In_Inst, 0),
- 2 => Get_Width (Get_Output (In_Inst, 0)));
- when Id_Dyn_Insert_En
- | Id_Dyn_Insert =>
- Ow := (1 => Get_Param_Uns32 (In_Inst, 0),
- 2 => Get_Width (Get_Input_Net (In_Inst, 1)));
- pragma Assert (N_Inst = No_Instance);
- N_Inst := In_Inst;
- when Id_Dff
- | Id_Idff
- | Id_Signal
- | Id_Isignal =>
- pragma Assert (N_Inst = No_Instance);
- N_Inst := In_Inst;
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- if Ow (2) /= 0 then
- -- Ow (2) was just a width, convert it to an offset.
- Ow (2) := Ow (1) + Ow (2);
- if Nbr_Offs = 0 or else Ow /= Offs (1 .. 2) then
- Nbr_Offs := Nbr_Offs + 2;
- Offs (Nbr_Offs -1 .. Nbr_Offs) := Ow;
- end if;
- end if;
- Inp := Get_Next_Sink (Inp);
- end loop;
- Inst := N_Inst;
- exit when Inst = Sig;
- end;
- end loop;
+ Extract_Ports_Offsets (Sig, Offs, Nbr_Offs);
-- 2.1 Sort the offsets.
@@ -1163,209 +1548,45 @@ package body Netlists.Memories is
end loop;
-- 5. For each part of the data, create memory ports
- declare
- Inp : Input;
- N_Inp : Input;
- N_Inst : Instance;
- In_Inst : Instance;
- Dff_Clk : Net;
- begin
- -- Try to extract clock from dff.
- -- FIXME: this is wrong as it assumes there is only one dff.
- Dff_Clk := No_Net;
- Inst := Get_Input_Instance (Sig, 0);
- case Get_Id (Inst) is
- when Id_Dff
- | Id_Idff =>
- Dff_Clk := Get_Input_Net (Inst, 0);
- when others =>
- null;
- end case;
+ Create_Memory_Ports (Ctxt, Sig, Mem_Sz, Mem_W, Offs, Tails, Outs);
- -- Do the real work: transform gates to ports.
- Inst := Sig;
- loop
- -- Check gates connected to the output.
- -- First the read ports (dyn_extract), and also find the next
- -- gate in the loop.
- N_Inst := No_Instance;
- Inp := Get_First_Sink (Get_Output (Inst, 0));
- while Inp /= No_Input loop
- In_Inst := Get_Input_Parent (Inp);
- N_Inp := Get_Next_Sink (Inp);
- case Get_Id (In_Inst) is
- when Id_Dyn_Extract =>
- declare
- Off : constant Uns32 := Get_Param_Uns32 (In_Inst, 0);
- Wd : constant Width := Get_Width (Get_Output
- (In_Inst, 0));
- Idx : Int32;
- Len : Int32;
- Addr : Net;
- Rd_Inst : Instance;
- Rd : Net;
- Inp2 : Input;
- En : Net;
- Clk : Net;
- Last_Inst : Instance;
- begin
- Off_Array_To_Idx (Offs.all, Off, Wd, Idx, Len);
- Inp2 := Get_Input (In_Inst, 1);
- Addr := Get_Driver (Inp2);
- Disconnect (Inp2);
- Convert_Memidx (Ctxt, Mem_Sz, Addr, Mem_W);
- Extract_Extract_Dff
- (Ctxt, In_Inst, Last_Inst, Clk, En);
- if Clk /= No_Net and then En = No_Net then
- En := Build_Const_UB32 (Ctxt, 1, 1);
- end if;
- -- iterate to build mem_rd/mem_rd_sync
- for I in Idx .. Idx + Len - 1 loop
- if Clk /= No_Net then
- Rd_Inst := Build_Mem_Rd_Sync
- (Ctxt, Tails (I), Addr, Clk, En,
- Offs (Idx + 1) - Offs (Idx));
- else
- Rd_Inst := Build_Mem_Rd
- (Ctxt, Tails (I), Addr,
- Offs (Idx + 1) - Offs (Idx));
- end if;
- Tails (I) := Get_Output (Rd_Inst, 0);
- Outs (I) := Get_Output (Rd_Inst, 1);
- end loop;
- if Len = 1 then
- Rd := Outs (Idx);
- else
- Rd := Build2_Concat
- (Ctxt, Outs (Idx .. Idx + Len - 1));
- end if;
- Redirect_Inputs (Get_Output (Last_Inst, 0), Rd);
- Disconnect (Get_Input (In_Inst, 0));
- if Last_Inst /= In_Inst then
- Remove_Instance (Last_Inst);
- end if;
- Remove_Instance (In_Inst);
- end;
- when Id_Dyn_Insert_En
- | Id_Dyn_Insert
- | Id_Signal
- | Id_Isignal =>
- Inp := Get_Input (In_Inst, 0);
- Disconnect (Inp);
- -- This is the next instance (and there must be only
- -- one next instance).
- pragma Assert (N_Inst = No_Instance);
- N_Inst := In_Inst;
- when Id_Idff
- | Id_Dff =>
- Inp := Get_Input (In_Inst, 1);
- Disconnect (Inp);
- -- This is the next instance (and there must be only
- -- one next instance).
- pragma Assert (N_Inst = No_Instance);
- N_Inst := In_Inst;
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- Inp := N_Inp;
- end loop;
- -- Handle N_Inst. If the output is connected to a write port,
- -- add it (after the read ports).
- case Get_Id (N_Inst) is
- when Id_Dyn_Insert_En
- | Id_Dyn_Insert =>
- declare
- Off : constant Uns32 := Get_Param_Uns32 (N_Inst, 0);
- Wd : constant Width :=
- Get_Width (Get_Input_Net (N_Inst, 1));
- Idx : Int32;
- Len : Int32;
- Addr : Net;
- Wr_Inst : Instance;
- Inp2 : Input;
- Dat : Net;
- En : Net;
- Clk : Net;
- begin
- Off_Array_To_Idx (Offs.all, Off, Wd, Idx, Len);
- Inp2 := Get_Input (N_Inst, 2);
- Addr := Get_Driver (Inp2);
- Disconnect (Inp2);
- Convert_Memidx (Ctxt, Mem_Sz, Addr, Mem_W);
- if Get_Id (N_Inst) = Id_Dyn_Insert_En then
- Inp2 := Get_Input (N_Inst, 3);
- En := Get_Driver (Inp2);
- Disconnect (Inp2);
- Clk := Dff_Clk;
- else
- Clk := Dff_Clk;
- En := No_Net;
- end if;
- pragma Assert (Clk /= No_Net);
- if En = No_Net then
- En := Build_Const_UB32 (Ctxt, 1, 1);
- end if;
- Inp2 := Get_Input (N_Inst, 1);
- Dat := Get_Driver (Inp2);
- for I in Idx .. Idx + Len - 1 loop
- Wr_Inst := Build_Mem_Wr_Sync
- (Ctxt, Tails (I), Addr, Clk, En,
- Build2_Extract (Ctxt, Dat, Offs (I) - Offs (Idx),
- Offs (I + 1) - Offs (I)));
- Tails (I) := Get_Output (Wr_Inst, 0);
- end loop;
- Disconnect (Inp2);
- end;
- when Id_Dff
- | Id_Idff =>
- null;
- when Id_Signal
- | Id_Isignal =>
- null;
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- -- Remove INST.
- case Get_Id (Inst) is
- when Id_Dyn_Insert_En
- | Id_Dyn_Insert =>
- Remove_Instance (Inst);
- when Id_Dff
- | Id_Idff =>
- -- Disconnect clock and init value.
- Disconnect (Get_Input (Inst, 0));
- if Get_Id (Inst) = Id_Idff then
- Disconnect (Get_Input (Inst, 2));
- end if;
- Remove_Instance (Inst);
- when Id_Signal
- | Id_Isignal =>
- null;
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
+ -- Close loops.
+ for I in Heads'Range loop
+ Connect (Get_Input (Heads (I), 0), Tails (I));
+ end loop;
- Inst := N_Inst;
- case Get_Id (Inst) is
- when Id_Signal =>
- exit;
- when Id_Isignal =>
- Disconnect (Get_Input (Inst, 1));
- exit;
- when others =>
- null;
- end case;
- end loop;
+ -- Finish to remove the signal/isignal.
+ case Get_Id (Inst) is
+ when Id_Isignal =>
+ Disconnect (Get_Input (Inst, 1));
+ when Id_Signal =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
- -- Close loops.
- for I in Heads'Range loop
- Connect (Get_Input (Heads (I), 0), Tails (I));
+ declare
+ Inst2 : Instance;
+ Inp2 : Input;
+ N2 : Net;
+ begin
+ -- The multiport.
+ Inst2 := Inst;
+ Inp2 := Get_Input (Inst2, 0);
+ loop
+ N2 := Get_Driver (Inp2);
+ if N2 /= No_Net then
+ Disconnect (Inp2);
+ Remove_Instance (Inst2);
+ else
+ Remove_Instance (Inst2);
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ Inst2 := Get_Net_Parent (N2);
+ pragma Assert (Get_Id (Inst2) = Id_Mem_Multiport);
+ pragma Assert (Get_Driver (Get_Input (Inst2, 0)) = No_Net);
+ Inp2 := Get_Input (Inst2, 1);
end loop;
- -- Finish to remove the signal/isignal.
- Remove_Instance (Inst);
-- 6. Cleanup.
@@ -1475,7 +1696,7 @@ package body Netlists.Memories is
Replace_ROM_Memory (Ctxt, Inst);
end if;
- if Validate_RAM_Simple (Inst) then
+ if Validate_RAM_Multiple (Inst) then
Convert_To_Memory (Ctxt, Inst);
end if;
end if;
diff --git a/src/synth/synth-environment.adb b/src/synth/synth-environment.adb
index b32ebfe49..f170d6093 100644
--- a/src/synth/synth-environment.adb
+++ b/src/synth/synth-environment.adb
@@ -541,17 +541,57 @@ package body Synth.Environment is
end if;
end Sort_Conc_Assign;
+ -- Return True iff PREV and NEXT are two concurrent assignments for
+ -- a multiport memory.
+ function Is_Finalize_Assignment_Multiport (Prev, Next : Conc_Assign)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ use Netlists.Gates;
+ P_Val : Net;
+ N_Val : Net;
+ begin
+ -- The assignemnts must fully overlap (same offset and same width).
+ if Get_Conc_Offset (Prev) /= Get_Conc_Offset (Next) then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ P_Val := Get_Conc_Value (Prev);
+ N_Val := Get_Conc_Value (Next);
+ if Get_Width (P_Val) /= Get_Width (N_Val) then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ -- Both assignments must be a dff.
+ case Get_Id (Get_Net_Parent (P_Val)) is
+ when Id_Idff
+ | Id_Dff =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ return False;
+ end case;
+ case Get_Id (Get_Net_Parent (N_Val)) is
+ when Id_Idff
+ | Id_Dff =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ return False;
+ end case;
+ return True;
+ end Is_Finalize_Assignment_Multiport;
+ -- Compute the VALUE to be assigned to WIRE_REC. Handle partial
+ -- assignment, multiple assignments and error cases.
procedure Finalize_Complex_Assignment (Ctxt : Builders.Context_Acc;
Wire_Rec : Wire_Id_Record;
Value : out Net)
+ Wire_Width : constant Width := Get_Width (Wire_Rec.Gate);
First_Assign : Conc_Assign;
Asgn : Conc_Assign;
Last_Asgn : Conc_Assign;
New_Asgn : Conc_Assign;
Next_Off : Uns32;
Expected_Off : Uns32;
- Last_Off : Uns32;
Nbr_Assign : Natural;
Nbr_Assign := Wire_Rec.Nbr_Final_Assign;
@@ -563,13 +603,16 @@ package body Synth.Environment is
-- Report overlaps and holes, count number of inputs
Last_Asgn := No_Conc_Assign;
Expected_Off := 0;
- Last_Off := Get_Width (Wire_Rec.Gate);
- while (Expected_Off < Last_Off) or Asgn /= No_Conc_Assign loop
+ while (Expected_Off < Wire_Width) or Asgn /= No_Conc_Assign loop
+ -- NEXT_OFF is the offset of the next assignment.
+ -- EXPECTED_OFF is the offset just after the previous assignment.
if Asgn /= No_Conc_Assign then
Next_Off := Get_Conc_Offset (Asgn);
- Next_Off := Last_Off;
+ -- If there is no more assignment, simulate a hole until the end.
+ Next_Off := Wire_Width;
end if;
if Next_Off = Expected_Off then
-- Normal case.
pragma Assert (Asgn /= No_Conc_Assign);
@@ -606,14 +649,33 @@ package body Synth.Environment is
Expected_Off := Next_Off;
+ -- Overlap.
pragma Assert (Next_Off < Expected_Off);
- Error_Msg_Synth
- (+Wire_Rec.Decl, "multiple assignments for offsets %v:%v",
- (+Next_Off, +(Expected_Off - 1)));
- -- TODO: insert resolver
pragma Assert (Asgn /= No_Conc_Assign);
- Expected_Off := Expected_Off + Get_Width (Get_Conc_Value (Asgn));
- Last_Asgn := Asgn;
+ if Wire_Rec.Kind = Wire_Variable
+ and then Is_Finalize_Assignment_Multiport (Last_Asgn, Asgn)
+ then
+ -- Insert a multiport.
+ declare
+ Last_Asgn_Rec : Conc_Assign_Record renames
+ Conc_Assign_Table.Table (Last_Asgn);
+ begin
+ Last_Asgn_Rec.Value := Build_Mem_Multiport
+ (Ctxt, Last_Asgn_Rec.Value, Get_Conc_Value (Asgn));
+ end;
+ -- Remove this assignment.
+ Nbr_Assign := Nbr_Assign - 1;
+ Set_Conc_Chain (Last_Asgn, Get_Conc_Chain (Asgn));
+ else
+ Error_Msg_Synth
+ (+Wire_Rec.Decl, "multiple assignments for offsets %v:%v",
+ (+Next_Off, +(Expected_Off - 1)));
+ -- TODO: insert resolver
+ Expected_Off :=
+ Expected_Off + Get_Width (Get_Conc_Value (Asgn));
+ Last_Asgn := Asgn;
+ end if;
Asgn := Get_Conc_Chain (Asgn);
end if;
end loop;
@@ -627,7 +689,7 @@ package body Synth.Environment is
Get_Conc_Value (Last_Asgn),
Get_Conc_Value (First_Assign));
- Value := Build_Concatn (Ctxt, Last_Off, Uns32 (Nbr_Assign));
+ Value := Build_Concatn (Ctxt, Wire_Width, Uns32 (Nbr_Assign));
Inst : constant Instance := Get_Net_Parent (Value);
@@ -673,11 +735,12 @@ package body Synth.Environment is
-- Single and full assignment.
Value := Conc_Asgn.Value;
- -- Partial or multiple assignments.
+ -- Partial assignment.
Finalize_Complex_Assignment (Ctxt, Wire_Rec, Value);
end if;
when others =>
+ -- Multiple assignments.
Finalize_Complex_Assignment (Ctxt, Wire_Rec, Value);
end case;