path: root/scan.adb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scan.adb')
1 files changed, 1175 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scan.adb b/scan.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9dddf2ec1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scan.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,1175 @@
+-- VHDL lexical scanner.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Ada.Characters.Latin_1; use Ada.Characters.Latin_1;
+with Ada.Characters.Handling;
+with Tokens; use Tokens;
+with Errorout; use Errorout;
+with Name_Table;
+with Files_Map; use Files_Map;
+with Std_Names;
+with Str_Table;
+with Flags; use Flags;
+package body Scan is
+ -- This classification is a simplification of the categories of LRM93 13.1
+ -- LRM93 13.1
+ -- The only characters allowed in the text of a VHDL description are the
+ -- graphic characters and format effector.
+ type Character_Kind_Type is
+ (
+ -- Neither a format effector nor a graphic character.
+ Invalid,
+ Format_Effector,
+ Upper_Case_Letter,
+ Digit,
+ Special_Character,
+ Space_Character,
+ Lower_Case_Letter,
+ Other_Special_Character);
+ -- LRM93 13.1
+ --subtype Basic_Graphic_Character is
+ -- Character_Kind_Type range Upper_Case_Letter .. Space_Character;
+ -- LRM93 13.1
+ -- Note: There is 191 graphic character.
+ subtype Graphic_Character is
+ Character_Kind_Type range Upper_Case_Letter .. Other_Special_Character;
+ -- LRM93 13.1
+ -- The characters included in each of the categories of basic graphic
+ -- characters are defined as follows:
+ type Character_Array is array (Character) of Character_Kind_Type;
+ Characters_Kind : constant Character_Array :=
+ (NUL .. BS => Invalid,
+ -- Format effectors are the ISO (and ASCII) characters called horizontal
+ -- tabulation, vertical tabulation, carriage return, line feed, and form
+ -- feed.
+ HT | LF | VT | FF | CR => Format_Effector,
+ SO .. US => Invalid,
+ -- 1. upper case letters
+ 'A' .. 'Z' | UC_A_Grave .. UC_O_Diaeresis |
+ UC_O_Oblique_Stroke .. UC_Icelandic_Thorn => Upper_Case_Letter,
+ -- 2. digits
+ '0' .. '9' => Digit,
+ -- 3. special characters
+ Quotation | '#' | '&' | ''' | '(' | ')' | '+' | ',' | '-' | '.' | '/' |
+ ':' | ';' | '<' | '=' | '>' | '_' | '|' | '*' => Special_Character,
+ -- 4. the space characters
+ ' ' | No_Break_Space => Space_Character,
+ -- 5. lower case letters
+ 'a' .. 'z' | LC_German_Sharp_S .. LC_O_Diaeresis |
+ LC_O_Oblique_Stroke .. LC_Y_Diaeresis => Lower_Case_Letter,
+ -- 6. other special characters
+ '!' | '$' | '%' | '@' | '?' | '[' | '\' | ']' | '^' | '{' | '}' | '~' |
+ '`' | Inverted_Exclamation .. Inverted_Question | Multiplication_Sign |
+ Division_Sign => Other_Special_Character,
+ DEL .. APC => Invalid);
+ -- The context contains the whole internal state of the scanner, ie
+ -- it can be used to push/pop a lexical analysis, to restart the
+ -- scanner from a context marking a previous point.
+ type Scan_Context is record
+ Source: File_Buffer_Acc;
+ Source_File: Source_File_Entry;
+ Line_Number: Natural;
+ Line_Pos: Source_Ptr;
+ Pos: Source_Ptr;
+ Token_Pos: Source_Ptr;
+ File_Len: Source_Ptr;
+ File_Name: Name_Id;
+ Token: Token_Type;
+ Prev_Token: Token_Type;
+ Str_Id : String_Id;
+ Str_Len : Nat32;
+ Identifier: Name_Id;
+ Int64: Iir_Int64;
+ Fp64: Iir_Fp64;
+ end record;
+ -- The current context.
+ -- Default value is an invalid context.
+ Current_Context: Scan_Context := (Source => null,
+ Source_File => No_Source_File_Entry,
+ Line_Number => 0,
+ Line_Pos => 0,
+ Pos => 0,
+ Token_Pos => 0,
+ File_Len => 0,
+ File_Name => Null_Identifier,
+ Token => Tok_Invalid,
+ Prev_Token => Tok_Invalid,
+ Identifier => Null_Identifier,
+ Str_Id => Null_String,
+ Str_Len => 0,
+ Int64 => 0,
+ Fp64 => 0.0);
+ Source: File_Buffer_Acc renames Current_Context.Source;
+ Pos: Source_Ptr renames Current_Context.Pos;
+ -- When CURRENT_TOKEN is an identifier, its name_id is stored into
+ -- this global variable.
+ -- Function current_text can be used to convert it into an iir.
+ function Current_Identifier return Name_Id is
+ begin
+ return Current_Context.Identifier;
+ end Current_Identifier;
+ procedure Invalidate_Current_Identifier is
+ begin
+ Current_Context.Identifier := Null_Identifier;
+ end Invalidate_Current_Identifier;
+ procedure Invalidate_Current_Token is
+ begin
+ if Current_Token /= Tok_Invalid then
+ Current_Context.Prev_Token := Current_Token;
+ Current_Token := Tok_Invalid;
+ end if;
+ end Invalidate_Current_Token;
+ function Current_String_Id return String_Id is
+ begin
+ return Current_Context.Str_Id;
+ end Current_String_Id;
+ function Current_String_Length return Nat32 is
+ begin
+ return Current_Context.Str_Len;
+ end Current_String_Length;
+ function Current_Iir_Int64 return Iir_Int64 is
+ begin
+ return Current_Context.Int64;
+ end Current_Iir_Int64;
+ function Current_Iir_Fp64 return Iir_Fp64 is
+ begin
+ return Current_Context.Fp64;
+ end Current_Iir_Fp64;
+ function Get_Current_File return Name_Id is
+ begin
+ return Current_Context.File_Name;
+ end Get_Current_File;
+ function Get_Current_Source_File return Source_File_Entry is
+ begin
+ return Current_Context.Source_File;
+ end Get_Current_Source_File;
+ function Get_Current_Line return Natural is
+ begin
+ return Current_Context.Line_Number;
+ end Get_Current_Line;
+ function Get_Current_Column return Natural
+ is
+ Col : Natural;
+ Name : Name_Id;
+ begin
+ Coord_To_Position
+ (Current_Context.Source_File,
+ Current_Context.Line_Pos,
+ Integer (Current_Context.Pos - Current_Context.Line_Pos),
+ Name, Col);
+ return Col;
+ end Get_Current_Column;
+ function Get_Token_Column return Natural
+ is
+ Col : Natural;
+ Name : Name_Id;
+ begin
+ Coord_To_Position
+ (Current_Context.Source_File,
+ Current_Context.Line_Pos,
+ Integer (Current_Context.Token_Pos - Current_Context.Line_Pos),
+ Name, Col);
+ return Col;
+ end Get_Token_Column;
+ function Get_Token_Position return Source_Ptr is
+ begin
+ return Current_Context.Token_Pos;
+ end Get_Token_Position;
+ function Get_Position return Source_Ptr is
+ begin
+ return Current_Context.Pos;
+ end Get_Position;
+ procedure Set_File (Source_File : Source_File_Entry)
+ is
+ N_Source: File_Buffer_Acc;
+ begin
+ if Current_Context.Source /= null then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ if Source_File = No_Source_File_Entry then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ N_Source := Get_File_Source (Source_File);
+ Current_Context :=
+ (Source => N_Source,
+ Source_File => Source_File,
+ Line_Number => 1,
+ Line_Pos => 0,
+ Pos => N_Source'First,
+ Token_Pos => 0, -- should be invalid,
+ File_Len => Get_File_Length (Source_File),
+ File_Name => Get_File_Name (Source_File),
+ Token => Tok_Invalid,
+ Prev_Token => Tok_Invalid,
+ Identifier => Null_Identifier,
+ Str_Id => Null_String,
+ Str_Len => 0,
+ Int64 => -1,
+ Fp64 => 0.0);
+ Current_Token := Tok_Invalid;
+ end Set_File;
+ procedure Set_Current_Position (Position: Source_Ptr)
+ is
+ Loc : Location_Type;
+ Offset: Natural;
+ File_Entry : Source_File_Entry;
+ begin
+ if Current_Context.Source = null then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Current_Token := Tok_Invalid;
+ Current_Context.Pos := Position;
+ Loc := File_Pos_To_Location (Current_Context.Source_File,
+ Current_Context.Pos);
+ Location_To_Coord (Loc,
+ File_Entry, Current_Context.Line_Pos,
+ Current_Context.Line_Number, Offset);
+ end Set_Current_Position;
+ procedure Close_File is
+ begin
+ Current_Context.Source := null;
+ end Close_File;
+ -- Emit an error when a character above 128 was found.
+ -- This must be called only in vhdl87.
+ procedure Error_8bit is
+ begin
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("8 bits characters not allowed in vhdl87");
+ end Error_8bit;
+ -- Emit an error when a separator is expected.
+ procedure Error_Separator is
+ begin
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("a separator is required here");
+ end Error_Separator;
+ -- scan a decimal literal or a based literal.
+ --
+ -- LRM93 13.4.1
+ --
+ -- LRM93 13.4.2
+ procedure Scan_Literal is separate;
+ -- Scan a string literal.
+ --
+ -- LRM93 13.6
+ -- A string literal is formed by a sequence of graphic characters
+ -- (possibly none) enclosed between two quotation marks used as string
+ -- brackets.
+ --
+ -- IN: for a string, at the call of this procedure, the current character
+ -- must be either '"' or '%'.
+ procedure Scan_String
+ is
+ -- The quotation character (can be " or %).
+ Mark: Character;
+ -- Current character.
+ C : Character;
+ -- Current length.
+ Length : Nat32;
+ begin
+ Mark := Source (Pos);
+ if Mark /= Quotation and then Mark /= '%' then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ Length := 0;
+ Current_Context.Str_Id := Str_Table.Start;
+ loop
+ C := Source (Pos);
+ if C = Mark then
+ -- LRM93 13.6
+ -- If a quotation mark value is to be represented in the sequence
+ -- of character values, then a pair of adjacent quoatation
+ -- characters marks must be written at the corresponding place
+ -- within the string literal.
+ -- LRM93 13.10
+ -- Any pourcent sign within the sequence of characters must then
+ -- be doubled, and each such doubled percent sign is interpreted
+ -- as a single percent sign value.
+ -- The same replacement is allowed for a bit string literal,
+ -- provieded that both bit string brackets are replaced.
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ exit when Source (Pos) /= Mark;
+ end if;
+ case Characters_Kind (C) is
+ when Format_Effector =>
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("format effector not allowed in a string");
+ exit;
+ when Invalid =>
+ Error_Msg_Scan
+ ("invalid character not allowed, even in a string");
+ when Graphic_Character =>
+ if Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 and then C > Character'Val (127) then
+ Error_8bit;
+ end if;
+ end case;
+ if C = Quotation and Mark = '%' then
+ -- LRM93 13.10
+ -- The quotation marks (") used as string brackets at both ends of
+ -- a string literal can be replaced by percent signs (%), provided
+ -- that the enclosed sequence of characters constains no quotation
+ -- marks, and provided that both string brackets are replaced.
+ Error_Msg_Scan
+ ("'""' cannot be used in a string delimited with '%'");
+ end if;
+ Length := Length + 1;
+ Str_Table.Append (C);
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ end loop;
+ Str_Table.Finish;
+ Current_Token := Tok_String;
+ Current_Context.Str_Len := Length;
+ end Scan_String;
+ -- Scan a bit string literal.
+ --
+ -- LRM93 13.7
+ -- A bit string literal is formed by a sequence of extended digits
+ -- (possibly none) enclosed between two quotations used as bit string
+ -- brackets, preceded by a base specifier.
+ --
+ -- The current character must be a base specifier, followed by '"' or '%'.
+ -- The base must be valid.
+ procedure Scan_Bit_String
+ is
+ -- The base specifier.
+ Base_Len : Nat32 range 1 .. 4;
+ -- The quotation character (can be " or %).
+ Mark: Character;
+ -- Current character.
+ C : Character;
+ -- Current length.
+ Length : Nat32;
+ -- Digit value.
+ V : Natural;
+ begin
+ case Source (Pos) is
+ when 'x' | 'X' =>
+ Base_Len := 4;
+ when 'o' | 'O' =>
+ Base_Len := 3;
+ when 'b' | 'B' =>
+ Base_Len := 1;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ Mark := Source (Pos);
+ if Mark /= Quotation and then Mark /= '%' then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ Length := 0;
+ Current_Context.Str_Id := Str_Table.Start;
+ loop
+ << Again >> null;
+ C := Source (Pos);
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ exit when C = Mark;
+ -- LRM93 13.7
+ -- If the base specifier is 'B', the extended digits in the bit
+ -- value are restricted to 0 and 1.
+ -- If the base specifier is 'O', the extended digits int the bit
+ -- value are restricted to legal digits in the octal number
+ -- system, ie, the digits 0 through 7.
+ -- If the base specifier is 'X', the extended digits are all digits
+ -- together with the letters A through F.
+ case C is
+ when '0' .. '9' =>
+ V := Character'Pos (C) - Character'Pos ('0');
+ when 'A' .. 'F' =>
+ V := Character'Pos (C) - Character'Pos ('A') + 10;
+ when 'a' .. 'f' =>
+ V := Character'Pos (C) - Character'Pos ('a') + 10;
+ when '_' =>
+ if Source (Pos) = '_' then
+ Error_Msg_Scan
+ ("double underscore not allowed in a bit string");
+ end if;
+ if Source (Pos - 2) = Mark then
+ Error_Msg_Scan
+ ("underscore not allowed at the start of a bit string");
+ elsif Source (Pos) = Mark then
+ Error_Msg_Scan
+ ("underscore not allowed at the end of a bit string");
+ end if;
+ goto Again;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Scan
+ ("character '" & C & "' not allowed in a bit string");
+ goto Again;
+ end case;
+ case Base_Len is
+ when 1 =>
+ if V > 1 then
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("invalid character in a binary bit string");
+ end if;
+ Str_Table.Append (C);
+ when 2 =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ when 3 =>
+ if V > 7 then
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("invalid character in a octal bit string");
+ end if;
+ for I in 1 .. 3 loop
+ if (V / 4) = 1 then
+ Str_Table.Append ('1');
+ else
+ Str_Table.Append ('0');
+ end if;
+ V := (V mod 4) * 2;
+ end loop;
+ when 4 =>
+ for I in 1 .. 4 loop
+ if (V / 8) = 1 then
+ Str_Table.Append ('1');
+ else
+ Str_Table.Append ('0');
+ end if;
+ V := (V mod 8) * 2;
+ end loop;
+ end case;
+ Length := Length + Base_Len;
+ end loop;
+ Str_Table.Finish;
+ if Length = 0 then
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("empty bit string is not allowed");
+ end if;
+ Current_Token := Tok_Bit_String;
+ Current_Context.Int64 := Iir_Int64 (Base_Len);
+ Current_Context.Str_Len := Length;
+ end Scan_Bit_String;
+ -- LRM93 13.3.1
+ -- Basic Identifiers
+ -- A basic identifier consists only of letters, digits, and underlines.
+ --
+ -- NB: At the call of this procedure, the current character must be a legal
+ -- character for a basic identifier.
+ procedure Scan_Identifier
+ is
+ use Name_Table;
+ C : Character;
+ Len : Natural;
+ begin
+ -- This is an identifier or a key word.
+ Len := 0;
+ loop
+ -- source (pos) is correct.
+ -- LRM93 13.3.1
+ -- All characters if a basic identifier are signifiant, including
+ -- any underline character inserted between a letter or digit and
+ -- an adjacent letter or digit.
+ -- Basic identifiers differing only in the use of the corresponding
+ -- upper and lower case letters are considered as the same.
+ -- This is achieved by converting all upper case letters into
+ -- equivalent lower case letters.
+ -- The opposite (converting in lower case letters) is not possible,
+ -- because two characters have no upper-case equivalent.
+ C := Source (Pos);
+ case Characters_Kind (C) is
+ when Upper_Case_Letter =>
+ if Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 and C > 'Z' then
+ Error_8bit;
+ end if;
+ Len := Len + 1;
+ Name_Buffer (Len) := Ada.Characters.Handling.To_Lower (C);
+ when Lower_Case_Letter | Digit =>
+ if Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 and C > 'z' then
+ Error_8bit;
+ end if;
+ Len := Len + 1;
+ Name_Buffer (Len) := C;
+ when Special_Character =>
+ -- The current character is legal in an identifier.
+ if C = '_' then
+ if Source (Pos + 1) = '_' then
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("two underscores can't be consecutive");
+ end if;
+ Len := Len + 1;
+ Name_Buffer (Len) := C;
+ else
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ exit;
+ end case;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ end loop;
+ -- LRM93 13.2
+ -- At least one separator is required between an identifier or an
+ -- abstract literal and an adjacent identifier or abstract literal.
+ case Characters_Kind (C) is
+ when Digit
+ | Upper_Case_Letter
+ | Lower_Case_Letter =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ when Other_Special_Character =>
+ if Vhdl_Std /= Vhdl_87 and then C = '\' then
+ Error_Separator;
+ end if;
+ when Invalid
+ | Format_Effector
+ | Space_Character
+ | Special_Character =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ Name_Length := Len;
+ -- Hash it.
+ Current_Context.Identifier := Name_Table.Get_Identifier;
+ if Current_Identifier in Std_Names.Name_Id_Keywords then
+ -- LRM93 13.9
+ -- The identifiers listed below are called reserved words and are
+ -- reserved for signifiances in the language.
+ -- IN: this is also achieved in packages std_names and tokens.
+ if Current_Identifier > Std_Names.Name_Last_Vhdl87
+ and then Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87
+ then
+ if Flags.Warn_Reserved_Word then
+ Warning_Msg_Scan
+ ("using """ & Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Length)
+ & """ vhdl93 reserved word as a vhdl87 identifier");
+ Warning_Msg_Scan
+ ("(use option --std=93 to compile as vhdl93)");
+ end if;
+ Current_Token := Tok_Identifier;
+ elsif Current_Identifier > Std_Names.Name_Last_Vhdl93
+ and then Vhdl_Std < Vhdl_00
+ then
+ if Flags.Warn_Reserved_Word then
+ Warning_Msg_Scan
+ ("using """ & Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Length)
+ & """ vhdl00 reserved word as an identifier");
+ end if;
+ Current_Token := Tok_Identifier;
+ else
+ Current_Token := Token_Type'Val
+ (Token_Type'Pos (Tok_First_Keyword)
+ + Current_Identifier - Std_Names.Name_First_Keyword);
+ end if;
+ else
+ Current_Token := Tok_Identifier;
+ end if;
+ end Scan_Identifier;
+ -- LRM93 13.3.2
+ --
+ -- Create an (extended) indentifier.
+ -- Extended identifiers are stored as they appear (leading and tailing
+ -- backslashes, doubling backslashes inside).
+ procedure Scan_Extended_Identifier
+ is
+ use Name_Table;
+ begin
+ -- LRM93 13.3.2
+ -- Moreover, every extended identifiers is distinct from any basic
+ -- identifier.
+ -- This is satisfied by storing '\' in the name table.
+ Name_Length := 1;
+ Name_Buffer (1) := '\';
+ loop
+ -- Next character.
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ if Source (Pos) = '\' then
+ -- LRM93 13.3.2
+ -- If a backslash is to be used as one of the graphic characters
+ -- of an extended literal, it must be doubled.
+ -- LRM93 13.3.2
+ -- (a doubled backslash couting as one character)
+ Name_Length := Name_Length + 1;
+ Name_Buffer (Name_Length) := '\';
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ exit when Source (Pos) /= '\';
+ end if;
+ -- source (pos) is correct.
+ case Characters_Kind (Source (Pos)) is
+ when Format_Effector =>
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("format effector in extended identifier");
+ exit;
+ when Graphic_Character =>
+ null;
+ when Invalid =>
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("invalid character in extended identifier");
+ end case;
+ Name_Length := Name_Length + 1;
+ -- LRM93 13.3.2
+ -- Extended identifiers differing only in the use of corresponding
+ -- upper and lower case letters are distinct.
+ Name_Buffer (Name_Length) := Source (Pos);
+ end loop;
+ if Name_Length <= 2 then
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("empty extended identifier is not allowed");
+ end if;
+ -- LRM93 13.2
+ -- At least one separator is required between an identifier or an
+ -- abstract literal and an adjacent identifier or abstract literal.
+ case Characters_Kind (Source (Pos)) is
+ when Digit
+ | Upper_Case_Letter
+ | Lower_Case_Letter =>
+ Error_Separator;
+ when Invalid
+ | Format_Effector
+ | Space_Character
+ | Special_Character
+ | Other_Special_Character =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ -- Hash it.
+ Current_Context.Identifier := Name_Table.Get_Identifier;
+ Current_Token := Tok_Identifier;
+ end Scan_Extended_Identifier;
+ procedure Convert_Identifier
+ is
+ procedure Error_Bad is
+ begin
+ Error_Msg_Option ("bad character in identifier");
+ end Error_Bad;
+ procedure Error_8bit is
+ begin
+ Error_Msg_Option ("8 bits characters not allowed in vhdl87");
+ end Error_8bit;
+ use Name_Table;
+ C : Character;
+ begin
+ if Name_Length = 0 then
+ Error_Msg_Option ("identifier required");
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Name_Buffer (1) = '\' then
+ -- Extended identifier.
+ if Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Error_Msg_Option ("extended identifiers not allowed in vhdl87");
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Name_Length < 3 then
+ Error_Msg_Option ("extended identifier is too short");
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Name_Buffer (Name_Length) /= '\' then
+ Error_Msg_Option ("extended identifier must finish with a '\'");
+ return;
+ end if;
+ for I in 2 .. Name_Length - 1 loop
+ C := Name_Buffer (I);
+ case Characters_Kind (C) is
+ when Format_Effector =>
+ Error_Msg_Option ("format effector in extended identifier");
+ return;
+ when Graphic_Character =>
+ if C = '\' then
+ if Name_Buffer (I + 1) /= '\'
+ or else I = Name_Length - 1
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Option ("anti-slash must be doubled "
+ & "in extended identifier");
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ when Invalid =>
+ Error_Bad;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ else
+ -- Identifier
+ for I in 1 .. Name_Length loop
+ C := Name_Buffer (I);
+ case Characters_Kind (C) is
+ when Upper_Case_Letter =>
+ if Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 and C > 'Z' then
+ Error_8bit;
+ end if;
+ Name_Buffer (I) := Ada.Characters.Handling.To_Lower (C);
+ when Lower_Case_Letter | Digit =>
+ if Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 and C > 'z' then
+ Error_8bit;
+ end if;
+ when Special_Character =>
+ -- The current character is legal in an identifier.
+ if C = '_' then
+ if I = 1 then
+ Error_Msg_Option
+ ("identifier cannot start with an underscore");
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Name_Buffer (I - 1) = '_' then
+ Error_Msg_Option
+ ("two underscores can't be consecutive");
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if I = Name_Length then
+ Error_Msg_Option
+ ("identifier cannot finish with an underscore");
+ return;
+ end if;
+ else
+ Error_Bad;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Bad;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end Convert_Identifier;
+ -- Get a new token.
+ procedure Scan is
+ begin
+ if Current_Token /= Tok_Invalid then
+ Current_Context.Prev_Token := Current_Token;
+ end if;
+ << Again >> null;
+ -- Skip commonly used separators.
+ while Source(Pos) = ' ' or Source(Pos) = HT loop
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ end loop;
+ Current_Context.Token_Pos := Pos;
+ Current_Context.Identifier := Null_Identifier;
+ case Source (Pos) is
+ when HT | ' ' =>
+ -- Must have already been skipped just above.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ when NBSP =>
+ if Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("NBSP character not allowed in vhdl87");
+ end if;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ goto Again;
+ when VT | FF =>
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ goto Again;
+ when LF | CR =>
+ -- Accept CR, LF, CR+LF or LF+CR as line separator.
+ if (Source (Pos) = LF and then Source (Pos + 1) = CR)
+ or else (Source (Pos) = CR and then Source (Pos + 1) = LF)
+ then
+ Pos := Pos + 2;
+ else
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ end if;
+ Current_Context.Line_Number := Current_Context.Line_Number + 1;
+ Current_Context.Line_Pos := Pos;
+ File_Add_Line_Number
+ (Current_Context.Source_File, Current_Context.Line_Number, Pos);
+ if Flag_Newline then
+ Current_Token := Tok_Newline;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ goto Again;
+ when '-' =>
+ if Source (Pos + 1) = '-' then
+ -- This is a comment.
+ -- LRM93 13.8
+ -- A comment starts with two adjacent hyphens and extends up
+ -- to the end of the line.
+ -- A comment can appear on any line line of a VHDL
+ -- description.
+ -- The presence or absence of comments has no influence on
+ -- wether a description is legal or illegal.
+ -- Futhermore, comments do not influence the execution of a
+ -- simulation module; their sole purpose is the enlightenment
+ -- of the human reader.
+ -- GHDL note: As a consequence, an obfruscating comment
+ -- is out of purpose, and a warning could be reported :-)
+ Pos := Pos + 2;
+ -- LRM93 13.2
+ -- In any case, a sequence of one or more format effectors other
+ -- than horizontal tabulation must cause at least one end of
+ -- line.
+ while Source (Pos) /= CR and Source (Pos) /= LF and
+ Source (Pos) /= VT and Source (Pos) /= FF and
+ Source (Pos) /= Files_Map.EOT
+ loop
+ if not Flags.Mb_Comment
+ and then Characters_Kind (Source (Pos)) = Invalid
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("invalid character, even in a comment");
+ end if;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ end loop;
+ if Flag_Comment then
+ Current_Token := Tok_Comment;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ goto Again;
+ else
+ Current_Token := Tok_Minus;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ when '+' =>
+ Current_Token := Tok_Plus;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ return;
+ when '*' =>
+ if Source (Pos + 1) = '*' then
+ Current_Token := Tok_Double_Star;
+ Pos := Pos + 2;
+ else
+ Current_Token := Tok_Star;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ end if;
+ return;
+ when '/' =>
+ if Source (Pos + 1) = '=' then
+ Current_Token := Tok_Not_Equal;
+ Pos := Pos + 2;
+ else
+ Current_Token := Tok_Slash;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ end if;
+ return;
+ when '(' =>
+ Current_Token := Tok_Left_Paren;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ return;
+ when ')' =>
+ Current_Token := Tok_Right_Paren;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ return;
+ when '|' | '!' =>
+ -- LRM93 13.10
+ -- A vertical line (|) can be replaced by an exclamation mark (!)
+ -- where used as a delimiter.
+ Current_Token := Tok_Bar;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ return;
+ when ':' =>
+ if Source (Pos + 1) = '=' then
+ Current_Token := Tok_Assign;
+ Pos := Pos + 2;
+ else
+ Current_Token := Tok_Colon;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ end if;
+ return;
+ when ';' =>
+ Current_Token := Tok_Semi_Colon;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ return;
+ when ',' =>
+ Current_Token := Tok_Comma;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ return;
+ when '.' =>
+ if Source (Pos + 1) = '.' then
+ -- Be Ada friendly...
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("'..' is invalid in vhdl, replaced by 'to'");
+ Current_Token := Tok_To;
+ Pos := Pos + 2;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Current_Token := Tok_Dot;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ return;
+ when '&' =>
+ Current_Token := Tok_Ampersand;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ return;
+ when '<' =>
+ if Source (Pos + 1) = '=' then
+ Current_Token := Tok_Less_Equal;
+ Pos := Pos + 2;
+ elsif Source (Pos + 1) = '>' then
+ Current_Token := Tok_Box;
+ Pos := Pos + 2;
+ else
+ Current_Token := Tok_Less;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ end if;
+ return;
+ when '>' =>
+ if Source (Pos + 1) = '=' then
+ Current_Token := Tok_Greater_Equal;
+ Pos := Pos + 2;
+ else
+ Current_Token := Tok_Greater;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ end if;
+ return;
+ when '=' =>
+ if Source (Pos + 1) = '>' then
+ Current_Token := Tok_Arrow;
+ Pos := Pos + 2;
+ else
+ Current_Token := Tok_Equal;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ end if;
+ return;
+ when ''' =>
+ -- Handle cases such as character'('a')
+ -- FIXME: what about f ()'length ? or .all'length
+ if Current_Context.Prev_Token /= Tok_Identifier
+ and then Current_Context.Prev_Token /= Tok_Character
+ and then Source (Pos + 2) = '''
+ then
+ -- LRM93 13.5
+ -- A character literal is formed by enclosing one of the 191
+ -- graphic character (...) between two apostrophe characters.
+ if Characters_Kind (Source (Pos + 1)) not in Graphic_Character
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Scan
+ ("a character literal can only be a graphic character");
+ elsif Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87
+ and then Source (Pos + 1) > Character'Val (127)
+ then
+ Error_8bit;
+ end if;
+ Current_Token := Tok_Character;
+ Current_Context.Identifier :=
+ Name_Table.Get_Identifier (Source (Pos + 1));
+ Pos := Pos + 3;
+ return;
+ else
+ Current_Token := Tok_Tick;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ end if;
+ return;
+ when '0' .. '9' =>
+ Scan_Literal;
+ -- LRM 13.2
+ -- At least one separator is required between an identifier or
+ -- an abstract literal and an adjacent identifier or abstract
+ -- literal.
+ case Characters_Kind (Source (Pos)) is
+ when Digit =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ when Upper_Case_Letter
+ | Lower_Case_Letter =>
+ -- Could call Error_Separator, but use a clearer message
+ -- for this common case.
+ -- Note: the term "unit name" is not correct here, since it
+ -- can be any identifier or even a keyword; however it is
+ -- probably the most common case (eg 10ns).
+ Error_Msg_Scan
+ ("space is required between number and unit name");
+ when Other_Special_Character =>
+ if Vhdl_Std /= Vhdl_87 and then Source (Pos) = '\' then
+ Error_Separator;
+ end if;
+ when Invalid
+ | Format_Effector
+ | Space_Character
+ | Special_Character =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ return;
+ when '#' =>
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("'#' is used for based literals and "
+ & "must be preceded by a base");
+ -- Cannot easily continue.
+ raise Compilation_Error;
+ when Quotation | '%' =>
+ Scan_String;
+ return;
+ when '[' =>
+ if Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Error_Msg_Scan
+ ("'[' is an invalid character in vhdl87, replaced by '('");
+ Current_Token := Tok_Left_Paren;
+ else
+ Current_Token := Tok_Left_Bracket;
+ end if;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ return;
+ when ']' =>
+ if Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Error_Msg_Scan
+ ("']' is an invalid character in vhdl87, replaced by ')'");
+ Current_Token := Tok_Right_Paren;
+ else
+ Current_Token := Tok_Right_Bracket;
+ end if;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ return;
+ when '{' =>
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("'{' is an invalid character, replaced by '('");
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ Current_Token := Tok_Left_Paren;
+ return;
+ when '}' =>
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("'}' is an invalid character, replaced by ')'");
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ Current_Token := Tok_Right_Paren;
+ return;
+ when '\' =>
+ if Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Error_Msg_Scan
+ ("extended identifiers are not allowed in vhdl87");
+ end if;
+ Scan_Extended_Identifier;
+ return;
+ when '^' =>
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("'^' is not a VHDL operator, use 'xor'");
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ Current_Token := Tok_Xor;
+ return;
+ when '~' =>
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("'~' is not a VHDL operator, use 'not'");
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ Current_Token := Tok_Not;
+ return;
+ when '$' | '@' | '?' | '`'
+ | Inverted_Exclamation .. Inverted_Question
+ | Multiplication_Sign | Division_Sign =>
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("character """ & Source (Pos)
+ & """ can only be used in strings or comments");
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ goto Again;
+ when '_' =>
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("an identifier can't start with '_'");
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ goto Again;
+ when 'B' | 'b' | 'O' | 'o' | 'X' | 'x' =>
+ if Source (Pos + 1) = Quotation or else Source (Pos + 1) = '%' then
+ -- LRM93 13.7
+ -- BASE_SPECIFIER ::= B | O | X
+ -- A letter in a bit string literal (either an extended digit or
+ -- the base specifier) can be written either in lower case or
+ -- in upper case, with the same meaning.
+ Scan_Bit_String;
+ else
+ Scan_Identifier;
+ end if;
+ return;
+ when 'A' | 'C' .. 'N' | 'P' .. 'W' | 'Y'| 'Z'
+ | 'a' | 'c' .. 'n' | 'p' .. 'w' | 'y'| 'z' =>
+ Scan_Identifier;
+ return;
+ when UC_A_Grave .. UC_O_Diaeresis
+ | UC_O_Oblique_Stroke .. UC_Icelandic_Thorn =>
+ if Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Error_Msg_Scan
+ ("upper case letters above 128 are not allowed in vhdl87");
+ end if;
+ Scan_Identifier;
+ return;
+ when LC_German_Sharp_S .. LC_O_Diaeresis
+ | LC_O_Oblique_Stroke .. LC_Y_Diaeresis =>
+ if Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Error_Msg_Scan
+ ("lower case letters above 128 are not allowed in vhdl87");
+ end if;
+ Scan_Identifier;
+ return;
+ when NUL .. ETX | ENQ .. BS | SO .. US | DEL .. APC =>
+ Error_Msg_Scan
+ ("control character that is not CR, LF, FF, HT or VT " &
+ "is not allowed");
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ goto Again;
+ when Files_Map.EOT =>
+ if Pos >= Current_Context.File_Len then
+ -- FIXME: should conditionnaly emit a warning if the file
+ -- is not terminated by an end of line.
+ Current_Token := Tok_Eof;
+ else
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("EOT is not allowed inside the file");
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ goto Again;
+ end if;
+ return;
+ end case;
+ end Scan;
+ function Get_Token_Location return Location_Type is
+ begin
+ return File_Pos_To_Location
+ (Current_Context.Source_File, Current_Context.Token_Pos);
+ end Get_Token_Location;
+end Scan;