path: root/src/errorout.ads
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/errorout.ads')
1 files changed, 274 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/errorout.ads b/src/errorout.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1abacca3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/errorout.ads
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+-- Error message handling.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GHDL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Types; use Types;
+with Vhdl.Nodes; use Vhdl.Nodes;
+with Vhdl.Tokens;
+package Errorout is
+ Option_Error: exception;
+ Compilation_Error: exception;
+ -- This kind can't be handled.
+ procedure Error_Kind (Msg : String; N : PSL_Node);
+ pragma No_Return (Error_Kind);
+ -- The number of errors (ie, number of calls to error_msg*).
+ Nbr_Errors : Natural := 0;
+ -- Maximum number of errors, before silent them.
+ Max_Nbr_Errors : constant Natural := 100;
+ type Msgid_Type is
+ (
+ -- Any note
+ Msgid_Note,
+ -- Specific warnings
+ -- Design unit redefines another design unit.
+ Warnid_Library,
+ -- Missing Xref in pretty print.
+ Warnid_Missing_Xref,
+ -- No default binding for a component instantiation.
+ Warnid_Default_Binding,
+ -- Unbound component.
+ Warnid_Binding,
+ -- Unconnected IN port without defaults (in relaxed mode).
+ Warnid_Port,
+ -- Vhdl93 reserved word is used as a vhdl87 identifier.
+ Warnid_Reserved_Word,
+ -- Start of block comment ('/*') appears in a block comment.
+ Warnid_Nested_Comment,
+ -- Use of a tool directive.
+ Warnid_Directive,
+ -- Weird use of parenthesis.
+ Warnid_Parenthesis,
+ -- Generic of a vital entity is not a vital name.
+ Warnid_Vital_Generic,
+ -- Delayed checks (checks performed at elaboration time).
+ Warnid_Delayed_Checks,
+ -- Package body is not required but is analyzed.
+ Warnid_Body,
+ -- An all/others specification does not apply, because there is no such
+ -- named entities.
+ Warnid_Specs,
+ -- Incorrect use of universal value.
+ Warnid_Universal,
+ -- Mismatch of bounds between actual and formal in a scalar port
+ -- association
+ Warnid_Port_Bounds,
+ -- Runtime error detected at analysis time.
+ Warnid_Runtime_Error,
+ -- Signal assignment creates a delta cycle in a postponed process.
+ Warnid_Delta_Cycle,
+ -- Declaration of a shared variable with a non-protected type.
+ Warnid_Shared,
+ -- A declaration hides a previous one.
+ Warnid_Hide,
+ -- Emit a warning when a declaration is never used.
+ -- FIXME: currently only subprograms are handled.
+ Warnid_Unused,
+ -- Others choice is not needed, all values are already covered.
+ Warnid_Others,
+ -- Violation of pure rules.
+ Warnid_Pure,
+ -- Violation of staticness rules
+ Warnid_Static,
+ -- Any warning
+ Msgid_Warning,
+ -- Any error
+ Msgid_Error,
+ -- Any fatal error
+ Msgid_Fatal
+ );
+ -- All specific warning messages.
+ subtype Msgid_Warnings is Msgid_Type
+ range Warnid_Library .. Warnid_Static;
+ -- Get the image of a warning. This correspond the the identifier of ID,
+ -- in lower case, without the Msgid_Warn_ prefix and with '_' replaced
+ -- by '-'.
+ function Warning_Image (Id : Msgid_Warnings) return String;
+ -- Enable or disable a warning.
+ procedure Enable_Warning (Id : Msgid_Warnings; Enable : Boolean);
+ -- Get enable status of a warning.
+ function Is_Warning_Enabled (Id : Msgid_Warnings) return Boolean;
+ -- State of warnings.
+ type Warnings_Setting is private;
+ -- Global control of warnings.
+ -- Used to disable warnings while a referenced unit is analyzed.
+ procedure Save_Warnings_Setting (Res : out Warnings_Setting);
+ procedure Disable_All_Warnings;
+ procedure Restore_Warnings_Setting (Res : Warnings_Setting);
+ type Earg_Type is private;
+ type Earg_Arr is array (Natural range <>) of Earg_Type;
+ -- An empty array (for no arguments).
+ No_Eargs : constant Earg_Arr;
+ -- Report display:
+ -- %%: %
+ -- %i: identifier
+ -- %c: character
+ -- %t: token
+ -- %l: location
+ -- %n: node name
+ -- %s: a string
+ -- TODO: %m: mode, %y: type of
+ function "+" (V : Location_Type) return Earg_Type;
+ function "+" (V : Name_Id) return Earg_Type;
+ function "+" (V : Character) return Earg_Type;
+ function "+" (V : String8_Len_Type) return Earg_Type;
+ -- Convert location.
+ function "+" (L : PSL_Node) return Location_Type;
+ -- Pass that detected the error.
+ type Report_Origin is
+ (Option, Library, Scan, Parse, Semantic, Elaboration);
+ type Error_Record is record
+ Origin : Report_Origin;
+ Id : Msgid_Type;
+ Cont : Boolean;
+ File : Source_File_Entry;
+ -- The first line is line 1, 0 can be used when line number is not
+ -- relevant.
+ Line : Natural;
+ -- Offset in the line. The first character is at offset 0.
+ Offset : Natural;
+ -- Length of the location (for a range). It is assumed to be on the
+ -- same line; use 0 when unknown.
+ Length : Natural;
+ end record;
+ type Error_Start_Handler is access procedure (Err : Error_Record);
+ type Message_Handler is access procedure (Str : String);
+ type Message_End_Handler is access procedure;
+ type Report_Msg_Handler is record
+ Error_Start : Error_Start_Handler;
+ Message : Message_Handler;
+ Message_End : Message_End_Handler;
+ end record;
+ procedure Set_Report_Handler (Handler : Report_Msg_Handler);
+ -- Generic report message. LOC maybe No_Location.
+ -- If ORIGIN is Option or Library, LOC must be No_Location and the program
+ -- name is displayed.
+ procedure Report_Msg (Id : Msgid_Type;
+ Origin : Report_Origin;
+ Loc : Location_Type;
+ Msg : String;
+ Args : Earg_Arr := No_Eargs;
+ Cont : Boolean := False);
+ -- Disp an error, prepended with program name, and raise option_error.
+ -- This is used for errors before initialisation, such as bad option or
+ -- bad filename.
+ procedure Error_Msg_Option (Msg: String);
+ pragma No_Return (Error_Msg_Option);
+ -- Same as Error_Msg_Option but do not raise Option_Error.
+ procedure Error_Msg_Option_NR (Msg: String);
+ -- Warn about an option.
+ procedure Warning_Msg_Option (Id : Msgid_Warnings; Msg: String);
+ function Make_Earg_Vhdl_Node (V : Iir) return Earg_Type;
+ function Make_Earg_Vhdl_Token (V : Vhdl.Tokens.Token_Type) return Earg_Type;
+ type Earg_Kind is
+ (Earg_None,
+ Earg_Iir, Earg_Location, Earg_Id, Earg_Char, Earg_Token, Earg_String8);
+ type Earg_Type (Kind : Earg_Kind := Earg_None) is record
+ case Kind is
+ when Earg_None =>
+ null;
+ when Earg_Iir =>
+ Val_Iir : Iir;
+ when Earg_Location =>
+ Val_Loc : Location_Type;
+ when Earg_Id =>
+ Val_Id : Name_Id;
+ when Earg_Char =>
+ Val_Char : Character;
+ when Earg_Token =>
+ Val_Tok : Vhdl.Tokens.Token_Type;
+ when Earg_String8 =>
+ Val_Str8 : String8_Len_Type;
+ end case;
+ end record;
+ No_Eargs : constant Earg_Arr := (1 .. 0 => (Kind => Earg_None));
+ type Warning_Control_Type is record
+ Enabled : Boolean;
+ Error : Boolean;
+ end record;
+ type Warnings_Setting is array (Msgid_Warnings) of Warning_Control_Type;
+ Default_Warnings : constant Warnings_Setting :=
+ (Warnid_Library | Warnid_Binding | Warnid_Port | Warnid_Shared
+ | Warnid_Runtime_Error | Warnid_Pure | Warnid_Specs
+ | Warnid_Hide => (Enabled => True, Error => False),
+ others => (Enabled => False, Error => False));
+ -- Compute the column from Error_Record E.
+ function Get_Error_Col (E : Error_Record) return Natural;
+ -- Image of VAL, without the leading space.
+ function Natural_Image (Val: Natural) return String;
+end Errorout;