path: root/src/synth/synth-stmts.adb
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/synth/synth-stmts.adb')
1 files changed, 72 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/src/synth/synth-stmts.adb b/src/synth/synth-stmts.adb
index 67911c531..36b5deeba 100644
--- a/src/synth/synth-stmts.adb
+++ b/src/synth/synth-stmts.adb
@@ -103,36 +103,6 @@ package body Synth.Stmts is
end Synth_Assign;
- procedure Synth_Assignment_Aggregate (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
- Target : Node;
- Target_Type : Type_Acc;
- Val : Value_Acc;
- Loc : Node)
- is
- Choice : Node;
- Assoc : Node;
- Pos : Uns32;
- begin
- if Target_Type.Kind = Type_Vector then
- Choice := Get_Association_Choices_Chain (Target);
- Pos := Target_Type.W;
- while Is_Valid (Choice) loop
- Assoc := Get_Associated_Expr (Choice);
- case Get_Kind (Choice) is
- when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_None =>
- Pos := Pos - 1;
- Synth_Assignment
- (Syn_Inst, Assoc, Bit_Extract (Val, Pos, Target), Loc);
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("synth_assignment_aggregate", Choice);
- end case;
- Choice := Get_Chain (Choice);
- end loop;
- else
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
- end Synth_Assignment_Aggregate;
procedure Synth_Assignment_Prefix (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
Pfx : Node;
Dest_Obj : out Value_Acc;
@@ -454,6 +424,78 @@ package body Synth.Stmts is
procedure Synth_Assignment (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
Target : Target_Info;
Val : Value_Acc;
+ Loc : Node);
+ -- Extract a part of VAL from a target aggregate at offset OFF (offset
+ -- in the array).
+ function Aggregate_Extract
+ (Val : Value_Acc; Off : Uns32; Typ : Type_Acc; Loc : Node)
+ return Value_Acc
+ is
+ El_Typ : constant Type_Acc := Get_Array_Element (Val.Typ);
+ begin
+ case Val.Kind is
+ when Value_Array
+ | Value_Const_Array =>
+ if Typ /= El_Typ then
+ -- Sub-array (vhdl 2008) not yet supported.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ pragma Assert (Val.Typ.Vbound.Len >= Off);
+ return Val.Arr.V (Iir_Index32 (Val.Typ.Vbound.Len - Off));
+ when Value_Net
+ | Value_Wire =>
+ declare
+ N : Net;
+ begin
+ N := Build2_Extract
+ (Build_Context, Get_Net (Val), Off * El_Typ.W, Typ.W);
+ Set_Location (N, Loc);
+ return Create_Value_Net (N, Typ);
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Aggregate_Extract;
+ procedure Synth_Assignment_Aggregate (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
+ Target : Node;
+ Target_Typ : Type_Acc;
+ Val : Value_Acc;
+ Loc : Node)
+ is
+ Targ_Bnd : constant Bound_Type := Get_Array_Bound (Target_Typ, 1);
+ Choice : Node;
+ Assoc : Node;
+ Pos : Uns32;
+ Targ_Info : Target_Info;
+ begin
+ Choice := Get_Association_Choices_Chain (Target);
+ Pos := Targ_Bnd.Len;
+ while Is_Valid (Choice) loop
+ Assoc := Get_Associated_Expr (Choice);
+ case Get_Kind (Choice) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_None =>
+ Targ_Info := Synth_Target (Syn_Inst, Assoc);
+ if Get_Element_Type_Flag (Choice) then
+ Pos := Pos - 1;
+ else
+ Pos := Pos - Get_Array_Bound (Targ_Info.Targ_Type, 1).Len;
+ end if;
+ Synth_Assignment
+ (Syn_Inst, Targ_Info,
+ Aggregate_Extract (Val, Pos, Targ_Info.Targ_Type, Assoc),
+ Loc);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("synth_assignment_aggregate", Choice);
+ end case;
+ Choice := Get_Chain (Choice);
+ end loop;
+ end Synth_Assignment_Aggregate;
+ procedure Synth_Assignment (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
+ Target : Target_Info;
+ Val : Value_Acc;
Loc : Node) is
case Target.Kind is