path: root/src/synth/synth-vhdl_expr.adb
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1 files changed, 95 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/synth/synth-vhdl_expr.adb b/src/synth/synth-vhdl_expr.adb
index c2becbe6c..981dd5098 100644
--- a/src/synth/synth-vhdl_expr.adb
+++ b/src/synth/synth-vhdl_expr.adb
@@ -1495,6 +1495,71 @@ package body Synth.Vhdl_Expr is
return Create_Value_Discrete (R, Typ);
end Synth_Low_High_Type_Attribute;
+ -- For 'Succ, 'Pred, 'Leftof or 'Rightof
+ function Synth_Inc_Dec_Attribute (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
+ Expr : Node;
+ Dtype : Type_Acc;
+ Is_Inc : Boolean) return Valtyp
+ is
+ Param : constant Node := Get_Parameter (Expr);
+ Val : Valtyp;
+ Res : Valtyp;
+ begin
+ Val := Synth_Expression (Syn_Inst, Param);
+ if Is_Static (Val.Val) then
+ declare
+ T : Int64;
+ Err : Boolean;
+ begin
+ T := Read_Discrete (Val);
+ case Dtype.Drange.Dir is
+ when Dir_To =>
+ if Is_Inc then
+ Err := T >= Dtype.Drange.Right;
+ else
+ Err := T <= Dtype.Drange.Left;
+ end if;
+ when Dir_Downto =>
+ if Is_Inc then
+ Err := T >= Dtype.Drange.Left;
+ else
+ Err := T <= Dtype.Drange.Right;
+ end if;
+ end case;
+ if Err then
+ Error_Msg_Synth (+Expr, "value out of range");
+ Elab.Debugger.Debug_Error (Syn_Inst, Expr);
+ return No_Valtyp;
+ end if;
+ Res := Create_Value_Memory (Dtype, Expr_Pool'Access);
+ if Is_Inc then
+ T := T + 1;
+ else
+ T := T - 1;
+ end if;
+ Write_Discrete (Res, T);
+ end;
+ else
+ declare
+ Ctxt : constant Context_Acc := Get_Build (Syn_Inst);
+ N, One : Net;
+ Op : Module_Id;
+ begin
+ N := Get_Net (Ctxt, Val);
+ One := Build_Const_UB32 (Ctxt, 1, Dtype.W);
+ if Is_Inc then
+ Op := Id_Add;
+ else
+ Op := Id_Sub;
+ end if;
+ N := Build_Dyadic (Ctxt, Op, N, One);
+ Set_Location (N, Expr);
+ Res := Create_Value_Net (N, Dtype);
+ end;
+ end if;
+ return Res;
+ end Synth_Inc_Dec_Attribute;
function Synth_PSL_Expression
(Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Expr : PSL.Types.PSL_Node) return Net
@@ -2179,6 +2244,36 @@ package body Synth.Vhdl_Expr is
return Synth_Low_High_Type_Attribute (Syn_Inst, Expr, Dir_To);
when Iir_Kind_High_Type_Attribute =>
return Synth_Low_High_Type_Attribute (Syn_Inst, Expr, Dir_Downto);
+ when Iir_Kind_Succ_Attribute =>
+ declare
+ Dtype : Type_Acc;
+ begin
+ Dtype := Get_Subtype_Object (Syn_Inst, Get_Type (Expr));
+ return Synth_Inc_Dec_Attribute (Syn_Inst, Expr, Dtype, True);
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Pred_Attribute =>
+ declare
+ Dtype : Type_Acc;
+ begin
+ Dtype := Get_Subtype_Object (Syn_Inst, Get_Type (Expr));
+ return Synth_Inc_Dec_Attribute (Syn_Inst, Expr, Dtype, False);
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Leftof_Attribute =>
+ declare
+ Dtype : Type_Acc;
+ begin
+ Dtype := Get_Subtype_Object (Syn_Inst, Get_Type (Expr));
+ return Synth_Inc_Dec_Attribute
+ (Syn_Inst, Expr, Dtype, Dtype.Drange.Dir = Dir_Downto);
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Rightof_Attribute =>
+ declare
+ Dtype : Type_Acc;
+ begin
+ Dtype := Get_Subtype_Object (Syn_Inst, Get_Type (Expr));
+ return Synth_Inc_Dec_Attribute
+ (Syn_Inst, Expr, Dtype, Dtype.Drange.Dir = Dir_To);
+ end;
when Iir_Kind_Value_Attribute =>
return Elab.Vhdl_Expr.Exec_Value_Attribute (Syn_Inst, Expr);
when Iir_Kind_Image_Attribute =>