path: root/src
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1 files changed, 52 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/src/synth/synth-insts.adb b/src/synth/synth-insts.adb
index 0e4439111..28c3a2dbb 100644
--- a/src/synth/synth-insts.adb
+++ b/src/synth/synth-insts.adb
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ with GNAT.SHA1;
with Types; use Types;
with Types_Utils; use Types_Utils;
+with Files_Map;
with Name_Table;
with Libraries;
with Hash; use Hash;
@@ -70,19 +71,6 @@ package body Synth.Insts is
end case;
end Mode_To_Port_Kind;
- function Make_Port_Desc (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
- Inter : Node;
- Is_Inout : Boolean := False) return Port_Desc
- is
- Val : constant Value_Acc := Get_Value (Syn_Inst, Inter);
- Name : Sname;
- begin
- Name := New_Sname_User (Get_Identifier (Inter), No_Sname);
- return (Name => Name,
- Is_Inout => Is_Inout,
- W => Get_Type_Width (Val.Typ));
- end Make_Port_Desc;
-- Parameters that define an instance.
type Inst_Params is record
-- Declaration: either the entity or the component.
@@ -232,6 +220,23 @@ package body Synth.Insts is
end case;
end Hash_Const;
+ function Get_Source_Identifier (Decl : Node) return Name_Id
+ is
+ use Files_Map;
+ use Name_Table;
+ Loc : constant Location_Type := Get_Location (Decl);
+ Len : constant Natural := Get_Name_Length (Get_Identifier (Decl));
+ subtype Ident_Str is String (1 .. Len);
+ File : Source_File_Entry;
+ Pos : Source_Ptr;
+ Buf : File_Buffer_Acc;
+ begin
+ Location_To_File_Pos (Loc, File, Pos);
+ Buf := Get_File_Source (File);
+ return Get_Identifier
+ (Ident_Str (Buf (Pos .. Pos + Source_Ptr (Len - 1))));
+ end Get_Source_Identifier;
function Create_Module_Name (Params : Inst_Params) return Sname
use GNAT.SHA1;
@@ -325,7 +330,7 @@ package body Synth.Insts is
when Name_Asis
| Name_Parameters =>
- return New_Sname_User (Id, No_Sname);
+ return New_Sname_User (Get_Source_Identifier (Decl), No_Sname);
when Name_Index =>
-- TODO.
@@ -336,6 +341,22 @@ package body Synth.Insts is
return New_Sname_User (Get_Identifier (Str (1 .. Len)), No_Sname);
end Create_Module_Name;
+ -- Create the name of an interface.
+ function Create_Inter_Name (Decl : Node; Enc : Name_Encoding) return Sname
+ is
+ Id : Name_Id;
+ begin
+ case Enc is
+ when Name_Asis
+ | Name_Parameters =>
+ Id := Get_Source_Identifier (Decl);
+ when others =>
+ Id := Get_Identifier (Decl);
+ end case;
+ return New_Sname_User (Id, No_Sname);
+ end Create_Inter_Name;
function Build (Params : Inst_Params) return Inst_Object
Decl : constant Node := Params.Decl;
@@ -432,7 +453,7 @@ package body Synth.Insts is
if Id = Id_User_Parameters then
use Vhdl.Std_Package;
- Params : Param_Desc_Array (1 .. Nbr_Params);
+ Descs : Param_Desc_Array (1 .. Nbr_Params);
Ptype : Param_Type;
Inter := Get_Generic_Chain (Decl);
@@ -456,12 +477,12 @@ package body Synth.Insts is
end case;
end if;
Nbr_Params := Nbr_Params + 1;
- Params (Nbr_Params) :=
- (Name => New_Sname_User (Get_Identifier (Inter), No_Sname),
+ Descs (Nbr_Params) :=
+ (Name => Create_Inter_Name (Inter, Params.Encoding),
Typ => Ptype);
Inter := Get_Chain (Inter);
end loop;
- Set_Params_Desc (Cur_Module, Params);
+ Set_Params_Desc (Cur_Module, Descs);
end if;
@@ -470,21 +491,28 @@ package body Synth.Insts is
Inports : Port_Desc_Array (1 .. Nbr_Inputs);
Outports : Port_Desc_Array (1 .. Nbr_Outputs);
Pkind : Port_Kind;
+ Desc : Port_Desc;
+ Val : Value_Acc;
Inter := Get_Port_Chain (Decl);
Nbr_Inputs := 0;
Nbr_Outputs := 0;
while Is_Valid (Inter) loop
Pkind := Mode_To_Port_Kind (Get_Mode (Inter));
+ Val := Get_Value (Syn_Inst, Inter);
+ Desc := (Name => Create_Inter_Name (Inter, Params.Encoding),
+ Is_Inout => Pkind = Port_Inout,
+ W => Get_Type_Width (Val.Typ));
case Pkind is
when Port_In =>
Nbr_Inputs := Nbr_Inputs + 1;
- Inports (Nbr_Inputs) := Make_Port_Desc (Syn_Inst, Inter);
+ Inports (Nbr_Inputs) := Desc;
when Port_Out
| Port_Inout =>
Nbr_Outputs := Nbr_Outputs + 1;
- Outports (Nbr_Outputs) :=
- Make_Port_Desc (Syn_Inst, Inter, Pkind = Port_Inout);
+ Outports (Nbr_Outputs) := Desc;
end case;
Inter := Get_Chain (Inter);
end loop;
@@ -922,10 +950,11 @@ package body Synth.Insts is
Get_Port_Chain (Ent),
Get_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Stmt));
- -- TODO: change.
- if True or Arch /= Null_Node then
+ if Arch /= Null_Node then
+ -- For whiteboxes: append parameters or/and hash.
Enc := Name_Hash;
+ -- For blackboxes: define the parameters.
Enc := Name_Parameters;
end if;