path: root/testsuite/gna/issue317/PoC/src/sim/sim_types.vhdl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/gna/issue317/PoC/src/sim/sim_types.vhdl')
1 files changed, 376 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/gna/issue317/PoC/src/sim/sim_types.vhdl b/testsuite/gna/issue317/PoC/src/sim/sim_types.vhdl
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index 000000000..332cd4e16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/gna/issue317/PoC/src/sim/sim_types.vhdl
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+-- EMACS settings: -*- tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
+-- vim: tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:noexpandtab
+-- kate: tab-width 2; replace-tabs off; indent-width 2;
+-- =============================================================================
+-- Authors: Patrick Lehmann
+-- Thomas B. Preusser
+-- Package: Simulation constants, functions and utilities.
+-- Description:
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- .. TODO:: No documentation available.
+-- License:
+-- =============================================================================
+-- Copyright 2007-2016 Technische Universitaet Dresden - Germany
+-- Chair of VLSI-Design, Diagnostics and Architecture
+-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
+-- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+-- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+-- limitations under the License.
+-- =============================================================================
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
+use IEEE.math_real.all;
+library PoC;
+use PoC.utils.all;
+-- use PoC.strings.all;
+use PoC.vectors.all;
+-- use PoC.physical.all;
+package sim_types is
+ constant C_SIM_VERBOSE : boolean := FALSE; -- POC_VERBOSE
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ -- Simulation Task and Status Management
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ type T_SIM_BOOLVEC is array(integer range <>) of boolean;
+ subtype T_SIM_TEST_ID is integer range -1 to 1023;
+ subtype T_SIM_TEST_NAME is string(1 to 256);
+ subtype T_SIM_PROCESS_ID is natural range 0 to 1023;
+ subtype T_SIM_PROCESS_NAME is string(1 to 64);
+ subtype T_SIM_PROCESS_INSTNAME is string(1 to 256);
+ type T_SIM_PROCESS_ID_VECTOR is array(natural range <>) of T_SIM_PROCESS_ID;
+ type T_SIM_TEST_STATUS is (
+ );
+ );
+ type T_SIM_TEST is record
+ ProcessCount : T_SIM_PROCESS_ID;
+ ActiveProcessCount : T_SIM_PROCESS_ID;
+ end record;
+ type T_SIM_TEST_VECTOR is array(integer range <>) of T_SIM_TEST;
+ type T_SIM_PROCESS is record
+ IsLowPriority : boolean;
+ end record;
+ type T_SIM_PROCESS_VECTOR is array(natural range <>) of T_SIM_PROCESS;
+ constant C_SIM_DEFAULT_TEST_ID : T_SIM_TEST_ID := -1;
+ constant C_SIM_DEFAULT_TEST_NAME : string := "Default test";
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ -- Random Numbers
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ type T_SIM_RAND_SEED is record
+ Seed1 : integer;
+ Seed2 : integer;
+ end record;
+ procedure randInitializeSeed(Seed : inout T_SIM_RAND_SEED);
+ procedure randInitializeSeed(Seed : inout T_SIM_RAND_SEED; SeedValue : in T_SIM_RAND_SEED);
+ procedure randInitializeSeed(Seed : inout T_SIM_RAND_SEED; SeedVector : in T_INTVEC);
+ procedure randInitializeSeed(Seed : inout T_SIM_RAND_SEED; SeedVector : in string);
+ function randInitializeSeed return T_SIM_RAND_SEED;
+ function randInitializeSeed(SeedValue : T_SIM_RAND_SEED) return T_SIM_RAND_SEED;
+ function randInitializeSeed(SeedVector : T_INTVEC) return T_SIM_RAND_SEED;
+ function randInitializeSeed(SeedVector : string) return T_SIM_RAND_SEED;
+ -- Uniform distributed random values
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ procedure randUniformDistributedValue(Seed : inout T_SIM_RAND_SEED; Value : out REAL);
+ procedure randUniformDistributedValue(Seed : inout T_SIM_RAND_SEED; Value : out integer; Minimum : integer; Maximum : integer);
+ procedure randUniformDistributedValue(Seed : inout T_SIM_RAND_SEED; Value : out REAL; Minimum : REAL; Maximum : REAL);
+ -- Normal / Gaussian distributed random values
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ procedure randNormalDistributedValue(Seed : inout T_SIM_RAND_SEED; Value : out REAL; StandardDeviation : REAL := 1.0; Mean : REAL := 0.0);
+ procedure randNormalDistributedValue(Seed : inout T_SIM_RAND_SEED; Value : out integer; StandardDeviation : in REAL; Mean : in REAL; Minimum : in integer; Maximum : in integer);
+ procedure randNormalDistributedValue(Seed : inout T_SIM_RAND_SEED; Value : out REAL; StandardDeviation : in REAL; Mean : in REAL; Minimum : in REAL; Maximum : in REAL);
+ -- Poisson distributed random values
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ procedure randPoissonDistributedValue(Seed : inout T_SIM_RAND_SEED; Value : out REAL; Mean : in REAL);
+ procedure randPoissonDistributedValue(Seed : inout T_SIM_RAND_SEED; Value : out integer; Mean : in REAL; Minimum : in integer; Maximum : in integer);
+ procedure randPoissonDistributedValue(Seed : inout T_SIM_RAND_SEED; Value : out REAL; Mean : in REAL; Minimum : in REAL; Maximum : in REAL);
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ -- Clock Generation
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ -- type T_PERCENT is INTEGER'range units
+ type T_PERCENT is range integer'low to INTEGER'high units
+ ppb;
+ ppm = 1000 ppb;
+ permil = 1000 ppm;
+ percent = 10 permil;
+ one = 100 percent;
+ end units;
+ subtype T_WANDER is T_PERCENT range -1 one to 1 one;
+ subtype T_DUTYCYCLE is T_PERCENT range 0 ppb to 1 one;
+ type T_DEGREE is range integer'low to INTEGER'high units
+ second;
+ minute = 60 second;
+ deg = 60 minute;
+ end units;
+ subtype T_PHASE is T_DEGREE range -360 deg to 360 deg;
+ function ite(cond : boolean; value1 : T_DEGREE; value2 : T_DEGREE) return T_DEGREE;
+end package;
+package body sim_types is
+ function ite(cond : boolean; value1 : T_DEGREE; value2 : T_DEGREE) return T_DEGREE is
+ begin
+ if cond then
+ return value1;
+ else
+ return value2;
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ -- Random Numbers
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ constant MAX_SEED1_VALUE : positive := 2147483562;
+ constant MAX_SEED2_VALUE : positive := 2147483398;
+ function randGenerateInitialSeed return T_SIM_RAND_SEED is
+ begin
+ return (
+ Seed1 => 5,
+ Seed2 => 3423
+ );
+ end function;
+ function randBoundSeed(SeedValue : in T_SIM_RAND_SEED) return T_SIM_RAND_SEED is
+ begin
+ return (
+ Seed1 => (SeedValue.Seed1 - 1 mod MAX_SEED1_VALUE) + 1,
+ Seed2 => (SeedValue.Seed2 - 1 mod MAX_SEED2_VALUE) + 1
+ );
+ end function;
+ procedure randInitializeSeed(Seed : inout T_SIM_RAND_SEED) is
+ begin
+ Seed := randGenerateInitialSeed;
+ end procedure;
+ procedure randInitializeSeed(Seed : inout T_SIM_RAND_SEED; SeedValue : in T_SIM_RAND_SEED) is
+ begin
+ Seed := randBoundSeed(SeedValue);
+ end procedure;
+ procedure randInitializeSeed(Seed : inout T_SIM_RAND_SEED; SeedVector : in T_INTVEC) is
+ begin
+ if (SeedVector'length = 0) then
+ Seed := randGenerateInitialSeed;
+ elsif (SeedVector'length = 1) then
+ Seed := randBoundSeed(T_SIM_RAND_SEED'(
+ Seed1 => SeedVector(0),
+ Seed2 => 92346
+ ));
+ elsif (SeedVector'length = 2) then
+ Seed := randBoundSeed(T_SIM_RAND_SEED'(
+ Seed1 => SeedVector(0),
+ Seed2 => SeedVector(1)
+ ));
+ else
+ -- FIXME:
+ -- Seed.Seed1 := SeedVector(0);
+ -- Seed.Seed2 := SeedVector(1);
+ end if;
+ end procedure;
+ procedure randInitializeSeed(Seed : inout T_SIM_RAND_SEED; SeedVector : in string) is
+ begin
+ if (SeedVector'length = 0) then
+ Seed := randGenerateInitialSeed;
+ elsif (SeedVector'length = 1) then
+ Seed := T_SIM_RAND_SEED'(
+ Seed1 => character'pos(SeedVector(1)),
+ Seed2 => 39834
+ );
+ elsif (SeedVector'length = 2) then
+ Seed := T_SIM_RAND_SEED'(
+ Seed1 => character'pos(SeedVector(1)),
+ Seed2 => character'pos(SeedVector(2))
+ );
+ else
+ -- FIXME:
+ -- Seed.Seed1 := CHARACTER'pos(SeedVector(0));
+ -- Seed.Seed2 := CHARACTER'pos(SeedVector(1));
+ end if;
+ end procedure;
+ function randInitializeSeed return T_SIM_RAND_SEED is
+ begin
+ return randGenerateInitialSeed;
+ end function;
+ function randInitializeSeed(SeedValue : T_SIM_RAND_SEED) return T_SIM_RAND_SEED is
+ begin
+ return randBoundSeed(SeedValue);
+ end function;
+ function randInitializeSeed(SeedVector : T_INTVEC) return T_SIM_RAND_SEED is
+ variable Result : T_SIM_RAND_SEED;
+ begin
+ randInitializeSeed(Result, SeedVector);
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function randInitializeSeed(SeedVector : string) return T_SIM_RAND_SEED is
+ variable Result : T_SIM_RAND_SEED;
+ begin
+ randInitializeSeed(Result, SeedVector);
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ -- Uniform distributed random values
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ procedure randUniformDistributedValue(Seed : inout T_SIM_RAND_SEED; Value : out REAL) is
+ begin
+ ieee.math_real.Uniform(Seed.Seed1, Seed.Seed2, Value);
+ end procedure;
+ procedure randUniformDistributedValue(Seed : inout T_SIM_RAND_SEED; Value : out integer; Minimum : integer; Maximum : integer) is
+ variable rand : REAL;
+ begin
+ if Maximum < Minimum then report "randUniformDistributedValue: Maximum must be greater than Minimum." severity FAILURE; end if;
+ ieee.math_real.Uniform(Seed.Seed1, Seed.Seed2, rand);
+ Value := scale(rand, Minimum, Maximum);
+ end procedure;
+ procedure randUniformDistributedValue(Seed : inout T_SIM_RAND_SEED; Value : out REAL; Minimum : REAL; Maximum : REAL) is
+ variable rand : REAL;
+ begin
+ if Maximum < Minimum then report "randUniformDistributedValue: Maximum must be greater than Minimum." severity FAILURE; end if;
+ ieee.math_real.Uniform(Seed.Seed1, Seed.Seed2, rand);
+ Value := scale(rand, Minimum, Maximum);
+ end procedure;
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ -- Normal / Gaussian distributed random values
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ procedure randNormalDistributedValue(Seed : inout T_SIM_RAND_SEED; Value : out REAL; StandardDeviation : REAL := 1.0; Mean : REAL := 0.0) is
+ variable rand1 : REAL;
+ variable rand2 : REAL;
+ begin
+ if StandardDeviation < 0.0 then report "randNormalDistributedValue: Standard deviation must be >= 0.0" severity FAILURE; end if;
+ -- Box Muller transformation
+ ieee.math_real.Uniform(Seed.Seed1, Seed.Seed2, rand1);
+ ieee.math_real.Uniform(Seed.Seed1, Seed.Seed2, rand2);
+ -- standard normal distribution: mean 0, variance 1
+ Value := StandardDeviation * (sqrt(-2.0 * log(rand1)) * cos(MATH_2_PI * rand2)) + Mean;
+ end procedure;
+ procedure randNormalDistributedValue(Seed : inout T_SIM_RAND_SEED; Value : out integer; StandardDeviation : in REAL; Mean : in REAL; Minimum : in integer; Maximum : in integer) is
+ variable rand_real : REAL;
+ variable rand_int : integer;
+ begin
+ if Maximum < Minimum then report "randNormalDistributedValue: Maximum must be greater than Minimum." severity FAILURE; end if;
+ if StandardDeviation < 0.0 then report "randNormalDistributedValue: Standard deviation must be >= 0.0" severity FAILURE; end if;
+ while TRUE loop
+ randNormalDistributedValue(Seed, rand_real, StandardDeviation, Mean);
+ rand_int := integer(round(rand_real));
+ exit when ((Minimum <= rand_int) and (rand_int <= Maximum));
+ end loop;
+ Value := rand_int;
+ end procedure;
+ procedure randNormalDistributedValue(Seed : inout T_SIM_RAND_SEED; Value : out REAL; StandardDeviation : in REAL; Mean : in REAL; Minimum : in REAL; Maximum : in REAL) is
+ variable rand : REAL;
+ begin
+ if Maximum < Minimum then report "randNormalDistributedValue: Maximum must be greater than Minimum." severity FAILURE; end if;
+ if StandardDeviation < 0.0 then report "randNormalDistributedValue: Standard deviation must be >= 0.0" severity FAILURE; end if;
+ while TRUE loop
+ randNormalDistributedValue(Seed, rand, StandardDeviation, Mean);
+ exit when ((Minimum <= rand) and (rand <= Maximum));
+ end loop;
+ Value := rand;
+ end procedure;
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ -- Poisson distributed random values
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ procedure randPoissonDistributedValue(Seed : inout T_SIM_RAND_SEED; Value : out REAL; Mean : in REAL) is
+ variable Product : Real;
+ variable Bound : Real;
+ variable rand : Real;
+ variable Result : Real;
+ begin
+ Product := 1.0;
+ Result := 0.0;
+ Bound := exp(-1.0 * Mean);
+ if ((Mean <= 0.0) or (Bound <= 0.0)) then
+ report "randPoissonDistributedValue: Mean must be greater than 0.0." severity FAILURE;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ while (Product >= Bound) loop
+ ieee.math_real.Uniform(Seed.Seed1, Seed.Seed2, rand);
+ Product := Product * rand;
+ Result := Result + 1.0;
+ end loop;
+ Value := Result;
+ end procedure;
+ procedure randPoissonDistributedValue(Seed : inout T_SIM_RAND_SEED; Value : out integer; Mean : in REAL; Minimum : in integer; Maximum : in integer) is
+ variable rand_real : REAL;
+ variable rand_int : integer;
+ begin
+ if Maximum < Minimum then report "randPoissonDistributedValue: Maximum must be greater than Minimum." severity FAILURE; end if;
+ while TRUE loop
+ randPoissonDistributedValue(Seed, rand_real, Mean);
+ rand_int := integer(round(rand_real));
+ exit when ((Minimum <= rand_int) and (rand_int <= Maximum));
+ end loop;
+ Value := rand_int;
+ end procedure;
+ procedure randPoissonDistributedValue(Seed : inout T_SIM_RAND_SEED; Value : out REAL; Mean : in REAL; Minimum : in REAL; Maximum : in REAL) is
+ variable rand : REAL;
+ begin
+ if Maximum < Minimum then report "randPoissonDistributedValue: Maximum must be greater than Minimum." severity FAILURE; end if;
+ while TRUE loop
+ randPoissonDistributedValue(Seed, rand, Mean);
+ exit when ((Minimum <= rand) and (rand <= Maximum));
+ end loop;
+ Value := rand;
+ end procedure;
+end package body;