path: root/icefuzz/tests/dsp_cbit/fuzz_dsp_cbit.py
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authorDavid Shah <davey1576@gmail.com>2017-11-13 16:15:16 +0000
committerDavid Shah <davey1576@gmail.com>2017-11-17 15:08:58 +0000
commit64e3c1a9cd81e61d9a3b163c9e9f9390fa4c5c21 (patch)
treedf2fde90d49ad463b7551ea3e8dfcd707f135e27 /icefuzz/tests/dsp_cbit/fuzz_dsp_cbit.py
parent88eebff7db9d76e418ccbddd884c4e617596a428 (diff)
Figure out DSP config bits for all locs
Diffstat (limited to 'icefuzz/tests/dsp_cbit/fuzz_dsp_cbit.py')
1 files changed, 132 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/icefuzz/tests/dsp_cbit/fuzz_dsp_cbit.py b/icefuzz/tests/dsp_cbit/fuzz_dsp_cbit.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..79f376c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icefuzz/tests/dsp_cbit/fuzz_dsp_cbit.py
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import os, sys
+device = "up5k"
+# This script is designed to determine which DSPs have configuration bits
+# not in their usual position, as in some cases DSP and IPConnect tiles have
+# their config bits swapped
+# Unfortunately, arbitrary configurations are not allowed by icecube, so
+# we define a set that gives us maximum coverage (full coverage is not
+# possible as one CBIT is never set)
+allowed_configs = ["1110000010000001001110110", "0010000101000010111111111", "0001111000101100000000000"]
+coverage = set()
+for c in allowed_configs:
+ for i in range(25):
+ if c[i] == "1":
+ coverage.add(i)
+assert len(coverage) >= 24
+def parse_exp(f):
+ current_x = 0
+ current_y = 0
+ bits = set()
+ for line in f:
+ splitline = line.split(' ')
+ if splitline[0].endswith("_tile"):
+ current_x = int(splitline[1])
+ current_y = int(splitline[2])
+ elif splitline[0] == "IpConfig":
+ if splitline[1][:5] == "CBIT_":
+ bitidx = int(splitline[1][5:])
+ bits.add((current_x, current_y, bitidx))
+ return bits
+dsp_locs = [( 0, 5, 0), ( 0, 10, 0), ( 0, 15, 0), ( 0, 23, 0),
+ (25, 5, 0), (25, 10, 0), (25, 15, 0), (25, 23, 0)]
+dsp_data = {}
+if not os.path.exists("./work_dsp_cbit"):
+ os.mkdir("./work_dsp_cbit")
+for loc in dsp_locs:
+ x, y, z = loc
+ missing_bits = set()
+ new_bits = set()
+ for config in allowed_configs:
+ params = config[::-1]
+ with open("./work_dsp_cbit/dsp_cbit.v","w") as f:
+ print("""
+ module top(input clk, input a, input b, input c, input d, output y);
+ """, file=f)
+ print("""
+ SB_MAC16 #(
+ .C_REG(1'b%s),
+ .A_REG(1'b%s),
+ .B_REG(1'b%s),
+ .D_REG(1'b%s),
+ .TOP_8x8_MULT_REG(1'b%s),
+ .BOT_8x8_MULT_REG(1'b%s),
+ .PIPELINE_16x16_MULT_REG1(1'b%s),
+ .PIPELINE_16x16_MULT_REG2(1'b%s),
+ .MODE_8x8(1'b%s),
+ .A_SIGNED(1'b%s),
+ .B_SIGNED(1'b%s)
+ ) dsp (
+ .CLK(clk),
+ .C(c),
+ .A(a),
+ .B(b),
+ .D(d),
+ .O(y)
+ );"""
+ % (
+ params[0], params[1], params[2], params[3],
+ params[4], params[5], params[6], params[7],
+ params[8:10][::-1], params[10:12][::-1], params[12], params[13:15][::-1],
+ params[15:17][::-1], params[17:19][::-1], params[19], params[20:22][::-1],
+ params[22], params[23], params[24]), file=f)
+ print("endmodule",file=f)
+ with open("./work_dsp_cbit/dsp_cbit.pcf","w") as f:
+ print("set_location dsp %d %d %d" % loc, file=f)
+ retval = os.system("bash ../../icecube.sh -" + device + " ./work_dsp_cbit/dsp_cbit.v > ./work_dsp_cbit/icecube.log 2>&1")
+ if retval != 0:
+ sys.stderr.write('ERROR: icecube returned non-zero error code\n')
+ sys.exit(1)
+ retval = os.system("../../../icebox/icebox_explain.py ./work_dsp_cbit/dsp_cbit.asc > ./work_dsp_cbit/dsp_cbit.exp")
+ if retval != 0:
+ sys.stderr.write('ERROR: icebox_explain returned non-zero error code\n')
+ sys.exit(1)
+ bits = set()
+ known = set()
+ with open('./work_dsp_cbit/dsp_cbit.exp', 'r') as f:
+ bits = parse_exp(f)
+ for i in range(25):
+ if params[i] == "1":
+ exp_pos = (x, y + (i // 8), i % 8)
+ if exp_pos not in bits:
+ missing_bits.add(exp_pos)
+ else:
+ known.add(exp_pos)
+ for bit in bits:
+ if bit not in known:
+ new_bits.add(bit)
+ if len(missing_bits) > 0 or len(new_bits) > 0:
+ print("DSP (%d, %d):" % (x, y))
+ for bit in missing_bits:
+ print("\tMissing (%d, %d, CBIT_%d)" % bit)
+ for bit in new_bits:
+ print("\tNew: (%d, %d, CBIT_%d)" % bit)
+ dsp_data[loc] = (missing_bits, new_bits)
+with open("dsp_cbits_%s.txt" % device, 'w') as f:
+ for loc in dsp_data:
+ x, y, z = loc
+ missing_bits, new_bits = dsp_data[loc]
+ print("DSP (%d, %d):" % (x, y), file=f)
+ for bit in missing_bits:
+ print("\tMissing (%d, %d, CBIT_%d)" % bit,file=f)
+ for bit in new_bits:
+ print("\tNew: (%d, %d, CBIT_%d)" % bit,file=f)