diff options
authorDavid Shah <dave@ds0.me>2019-01-30 16:36:01 +0000
committerDavid Shah <dave@ds0.me>2019-03-22 10:31:54 +0000
commit70a6379bf65352a62053a70ccfaa6c73898103ed (patch)
parent87edf6305f1e5e2553e239346877a9aa030d3afe (diff)
HeAP: Chain support
Signed-off-by: David Shah <dave@ds0.me>
2 files changed, 103 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/common/placer1.cc b/common/placer1.cc
index 368d9dde..9b4b066e 100644
--- a/common/placer1.cc
+++ b/common/placer1.cc
@@ -475,9 +475,11 @@ class SAPlacer
static const double epsilon = 1e-20;
+ if (is_constrained(cell))
+ return false;
BelId oldBel = cell->bel;
CellInfo *other_cell = ctx->getBoundBelCell(newBel);
- if (other_cell != nullptr && other_cell->belStrength > STRENGTH_WEAK) {
+ if (other_cell != nullptr && (is_constrained(other_cell) || other_cell->belStrength > STRENGTH_WEAK)) {
return false;
int old_dist = get_constraints_distance(ctx, cell);
@@ -529,6 +531,11 @@ class SAPlacer
goto swap_fail;
+#if 0
+ log_info("swap %s -> %s\n", cell->name.c_str(ctx), ctx->getBelName(newBel).c_str(ctx));
+ if (other_cell != nullptr)
+ log_info("swap %s -> %s\n", other_cell->name.c_str(ctx), ctx->getBelName(oldBel).c_str(ctx));
return true;
ctx->bindBel(oldBel, cell, STRENGTH_WEAK);
@@ -547,6 +554,9 @@ class SAPlacer
BelId swap_cell_bels(CellInfo *cell, BelId newBel)
BelId oldBel = cell->bel;
+#if 0
+ log_info("%s old: %s new: %s\n", cell->name.c_str(ctx), ctx->getBelName(cell->bel).c_str(ctx), ctx->getBelName(newBel).c_str(ctx));
CellInfo *bound = ctx->getBoundBelCell(newBel);
if (bound != nullptr)
diff --git a/common/placer_heap.cc b/common/placer_heap.cc
index 08e65f9b..dd948753 100644
--- a/common/placer_heap.cc
+++ b/common/placer_heap.cc
@@ -258,12 +258,24 @@ class HeAPPlacer
ctx->bindBel(bel, cell, strength);
+ for (auto cell : sorted(ctx->cells)) {
+ if (cell.second->bel == BelId())
+ log_error("Found unbound cell %s\n", cell.first.c_str(ctx));
+ if (ctx->getBoundBelCell(cell.second->bel) != cell.second)
+ log_error("Found cell %s with mismatched binding\n", cell.first.c_str(ctx));
+ if (ctx->debug)
+ log_info("AP soln: %s -> %s\n", cell.first.c_str(ctx), ctx->getBelName(cell.second->bel).c_str(ctx));
+ }
auto endtt = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
log_info("HeAP Placer Time: %.02fs\n", std::chrono::duration<double>(endtt - startt).count());
log_info(" of which solving equations: %.02fs\n", solve_time);
log_info(" of which spreading cells: %.02fs\n", cl_time);
log_info(" of which strict legalisation: %.02fs\n", sl_time);
+ ctx->check();
placer1_refine(ctx, Placer1Cfg(ctx));
return true;
@@ -529,7 +541,7 @@ class HeAPPlacer
cell_locs[child->name].y = std::min(max_y, base.y + child->constr_y);
cell_locs[child->name].y = base.y; // better handling of UNCONSTR?
- chain_root[cell->name] = root;
+ chain_root[child->name] = root;
if (!child->constr_children.empty())
update_chain(child, root);
@@ -697,7 +709,8 @@ class HeAPPlacer
// Unbind all cells placed in this solution
for (auto cell : sorted(ctx->cells)) {
CellInfo *ci = cell.second;
- if (ci->udata != dont_solve && ci->bel != BelId())
+ if (ci->bel != BelId() && (ci->udata != dont_solve ||
+ (chain_root.count(ci->name) && chain_root.at(ci->name)->udata != dont_solve)))
@@ -769,12 +782,13 @@ class HeAPPlacer
- if (ci->constr_children.empty()) {
+ if (ci->constr_children.empty() && !ci->constr_abs_z) {
for (auto sz : fb.at(nx).at(ny)) {
if (ctx->checkBelAvail(sz) || radius > 2) {
CellInfo *bound = ctx->getBoundBelCell(sz);
if (bound != nullptr) {
- if (bound->constr_parent != nullptr || !bound->constr_children.empty())
+ if (bound->constr_parent != nullptr || !bound->constr_children.empty() ||
+ bound->constr_abs_z)
@@ -817,8 +831,78 @@ class HeAPPlacer
} else {
- // FIXME
- NPNR_ASSERT(false);
+ for (auto sz : fb.at(nx).at(ny)) {
+ Loc loc = ctx->getBelLocation(sz);
+ if (ci->constr_abs_z && loc.z != ci->constr_z)
+ continue;
+ std::vector<std::pair<CellInfo *, BelId>> targets;
+ std::vector<std::pair<BelId, CellInfo *>> swaps_made;
+ std::queue<std::pair<CellInfo *, Loc>> visit;
+ visit.emplace(ci, loc);
+ while (!visit.empty()) {
+ CellInfo *vc = visit.front().first;
+ NPNR_ASSERT(vc->bel == BelId());
+ Loc ploc = visit.front().second;
+ visit.pop();
+ BelId target = ctx->getBelByLocation(ploc);
+ CellInfo *bound;
+ if (target == BelId())
+ goto fail;
+ bound = ctx->getBoundBelCell(target);
+ // Chains cannot overlap
+ if (bound != nullptr)
+ if (bound->constr_z != bound->UNCONSTR || bound->constr_parent != nullptr ||
+ !bound->constr_children.empty() || bound->belStrength > STRENGTH_WEAK)
+ goto fail;
+ targets.emplace_back(vc, target);
+ for (auto child : vc->constr_children) {
+ Loc cloc = ploc;
+ if (child->constr_x != child->UNCONSTR)
+ cloc.x += child->constr_x;
+ if (child->constr_y != child->UNCONSTR)
+ cloc.y += child->constr_y;
+ if (child->constr_z != child->UNCONSTR)
+ cloc.z = child->constr_abs_z ? child->constr_z : (ploc.z + child->constr_z);
+ visit.emplace(child, cloc);
+ }
+ }
+ for (auto &target : targets) {
+ CellInfo *bound = ctx->getBoundBelCell(target.second);
+ if (bound != nullptr)
+ ctx->unbindBel(target.second);
+ ctx->bindBel(target.second, target.first, STRENGTH_STRONG);
+ swaps_made.emplace_back(target.second, bound);
+ }
+ for (auto &sm : swaps_made) {
+ if (!ctx->isBelLocationValid(sm.first))
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ if (false) {
+ fail:
+ for (auto &swap : swaps_made) {
+ ctx->unbindBel(swap.first);
+ if (swap.second != nullptr)
+ ctx->bindBel(swap.first, swap.second, STRENGTH_WEAK);
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ for (auto &target : targets) {
+ Loc loc = ctx->getBelLocation(target.second);
+ cell_locs[target.first->name].x = loc.x;
+ cell_locs[target.first->name].y = loc.y;
+ // log_info("%s %d %d %d\n", target.first->name.c_str(ctx), loc.x, loc.y, loc.z);
+ }
+ for (auto &swap : swaps_made) {
+ if (swap.second != nullptr)
+ remaining.emplace(chain_size[swap.second->name], swap.second->name);
+ }
+ placed = true;
+ break;
+ }
@@ -1288,7 +1372,8 @@ class HeAPPlacer
- NPNR_ASSERT(best_tgt_cut != -1);
+ if (best_tgt_cut == -1)
+ return {};
left_bels = target_cut_bels.first;
right_bels = target_cut_bels.second;
// log_info("pivot %d target cut %d lc %d lb %d rc %d rb %d\n", pivot, best_tgt_cut, left_cells, left_bels,