path: root/fpga_interchange
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authorKeith Rothman <537074+litghost@users.noreply.github.com>2021-03-25 17:54:44 -0700
committerKeith Rothman <537074+litghost@users.noreply.github.com>2021-03-25 17:56:15 -0700
commitf33d02dca9f6080c2497a4e058554c9908677888 (patch)
tree5848ef72f0d60227e010ee2d7ca315d1e137cbc5 /fpga_interchange
parent55c9d43c7025392b098697e2085e537af07ae6e7 (diff)
Update README with latest develpment progress.
Signed-off-by: Keith Rothman <537074+litghost@users.noreply.github.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'fpga_interchange')
2 files changed, 39 insertions, 146 deletions
diff --git a/fpga_interchange/README.md b/fpga_interchange/README.md
index 78dd23ce..f5530c0e 100644
--- a/fpga_interchange/README.md
+++ b/fpga_interchange/README.md
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ island based FPGA. It consists of three primary file formats:
design, a partially or fully placed design, and a partially or fully
routed design.
-### Current status
+### Current development status
This architecture implementation can be compiled in conjunction with a FPGA
interchange device database, and the outputs from
@@ -36,157 +36,43 @@ library.
The current implementation is missing essential features for place and route.
As these features are added, this implementation will become more useful.
- - [ ] The router lookahead is missing, meaning that router runtime
- performance will be terrible.
- - [ ] Pseudo pips (e.g. pips that consume BELs and or site resources) should
- block their respective resources. This effects designs that have some
- routing in place before placement.
- - [ ] Pseudo site pips (e.g. site pips that route through BELs) should block
- their respective resources. Without this, using some pseudo site pips
- could result in invalid placements.
- - [ ] Implemented site router lacks important features for tight packing.
- Also the current site router is relatively untested, so legal
- configurations may be rejected and illegal configurations may be
- accepted.
- [ ] Logical netlist macro expansion is not implemented, meaning that any
macro primitives are unplaceable. Common macro primitives examples are
differential IO buffers (IBUFDS) and some LUT RAM (e.g. RAM64X1D).
- [ ] Timing information is missing from the FPGA interchange device
database, so it is also currently missing from the FPGA interchange
architecture. Once timing information is added to the device database
- schema, it needs to be added to the architecture.
-#### FPGA interchange fabrics
-Currently only Xilinx 7-series, UltraScale and UltraScale+ fabrics have a
+#### Weaknesses of current implementation
+Initial development on the following features is started, but needs more
+ - [ ] BEL validity checking is too expensive. The majority of the runtime
+ is currently in the LUT rotation. Profiling, optimization and
+ algorithm review is likely required to bring strict legalisation
+ runtimes into expected levels.
+ - [ ] The router lookahead is disabled by default. Without the lookahead,
+ router runtime is terrible. However the current lookahead
+ implementation is slow to compute and memory intensive, hence why it is
+ disabled by default.
+ - [ ] Pseudo pips (e.g. pips that consume BELs and or site resources) and
+ pseudo site pips (e.g. site pips that route through BELs) consume site
+ wires to indicate that they block some resources. This covers many
+ validity check cases, but misses some. In particular, when a pseudo
+ pip / pseudo site pip has an implication on the constraint system (e.g.
+ LUT on a LUT-RAM BEL), an edge may be allowed incorrectly, resulting
+ in an illegal design.
+### FPGA interchange fabrics
+Xilinx 7-series, UltraScale and UltraScale+ fabrics have a
device database generator, via [RapidWright](https://github.com/Xilinx/RapidWright).
-##### Artix 35T example
-Install capnproto if not already installed:
-# Or equivalent for your local system.
-sudo apt-get install capnproto libcapnp-dev
-Install capnproto-java if not already installed:
-git clone https://github.com/capnproto/capnproto-java.git
-cd capnproto-java
-sudo make install
-##### Makefile-driven BBA creation
-In `${NEXTPNR_DIR}/fpga_interchange/examples/create_bba` is a Makefile that
-should compile nextpnr and create a Xilinx A35 chipdb if java, capnproto and
-capnproto-java are installed.
-cd ${NEXTPNR_DIR}/fpga_interchange/examples/create_bba
-This will create a virtual env in
-`${NEXTPNR_DIR}/fpga_interchange/examples/create_bba/build/env` that has the
-python-fpga-interchange library installed. Before running the design examples,
-enter the virtual env, e.g.:
-source ${NEXTPNR_DIR}/fpga_interchange/examples/create_bba/build/env/bin/activate
-The chipdb will be written to `${NEXTPNR_DIR}/fpga_interchange/examples/create_bba/build/xc7a35.bin`
-once completed.
-##### Manual BBA creation
-This covers the manual set of steps to create a Xilinx A35 chipdb.
-Download RapidWright and generate the device database.
-# FIXME: Use main branch once interchange branch is merged.
-git clone -b interchange https://github.com/Xilinx/RapidWright.git
-cd RapidWright
-make update_jars
-# FIXME: Current RapidWright jars generate database with duplicate PIPs
-# https://github.com/Xilinx/RapidWright/issues/127
-# Remove this wget once the latest RapidWright JAR is published.
-wget https://github.com/Xilinx/RapidWright/releases/download/v2020.2.1-beta/rapidwright-api-lib-2020.2.1_update1.jar
-mv rapidwright-api-lib-2020.2.1_update1.jar jars/rapidwright-api-lib-2020.2.0.jar
-./scripts/invoke_rapidwright.sh com.xilinx.rapidwright.interchange.DeviceResourcesExample xc7a35tcpg236-1
-export RAPIDWRIGHT_PATH=$(pwd)
-Set `INTERCHANGE_DIR` to point to 3rdparty/fpga-interchange-schema:
-export INTERCHANGE_DIR=$(NEXTPNR_DIR)/3rdparty/fpga-interchange-schema/interchange
-Install python FPGA interchange library.
-git clone https://github.com/SymbiFlow/python-fpga-interchange.git
-cd python-fpga-interchange
-pip install -r requirements.txt
-Patch device database with cell constraints and LUT annotations:
-python3 -mfpga_interchange.patch \
- --schema_dir ${INTERCHANGE_DIR} \
- --schema device \
- --patch_path constraints \
- --patch_format yaml \
- ${RAPIDWRIGHT_PATH}/xc7a35tcpg236-1.device \
- test_data/series7_constraints.yaml \
- xc7a35tcpg236-1_constraints.device
-python3 -mfpga_interchange.patch \
- --schema_dir ${INTERCHANGE_DIR} \
- --schema device \
- --patch_path lutDefinitions \
- --patch_format yaml \
- xc7a35tcpg236-1_constraints.device \
- test_data/series7_luts.yaml \
- xc7a35tcpg236-1_constraints_luts.device
-Generate nextpnr BBA and constids.inc from device database:
-python3 -mfpga_interchange.nextpnr_emit \
- --schema_dir ${INTERCHANGE_DIR} \
- --output_dir ${NEXTPNR_DIR}/fpga_interchange/ \
- --bel_bucket_seeds test_data/series7_bel_buckets.yaml \
- --device xc7a35tcpg236-1_constraints_luts.device \
-Build nextpnr:
-cmake -DARCH=fpga_interchange .
-make -j
-Compile generated BBA:
-bba/bbasm -l fpga_interchange/chipdb.bba fpga_interchange/chipdb.bin
-Run nextpnr archcheck:
-./nextpnr-fpga_interchange --chipdb fpga_interchange/chipdb.bin --test
-Once nextpnr can complete the place and route task and output the physical
-netlist, RapidWright can be used to generate a DCP suitable for bitstream
-output and DRC checks.
-${RAPIDWRIGHT_PATH}/scripts/invoke_rapidwright.sh \
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.interchange.PhysicalNetlistToDcp \
- <logical netlist file> <physical netlist file> <XDC file> <output DCP>
+A Lattice Nexus device database is being worked on, via
+### FPGA interchange build system
+Construction of chipdb's is currently integrated into nextpnr's CMake build
+system. See fpga\_interchange/examples/README.md for more details.
diff --git a/fpga_interchange/examples/README.md b/fpga_interchange/examples/README.md
index c7df6d5a..6c1da117 100644
--- a/fpga_interchange/examples/README.md
+++ b/fpga_interchange/examples/README.md
@@ -29,6 +29,13 @@ Install python-fpga-interchange if not already installed:
git clone https://github.com/SymbiFlow/python-fpga-interchange.git
cd python-fpga-interchange.git
+# Note: Recommend checking out a specific release, for example:
+# git checkout v0.0.5
+# Release of python-fpga-interchange library does have to match nextpnr
+# implementation.
python -m pip install -e .