diff options
2 files changed, 116 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/common/place_common.cc b/common/place_common.cc
index b3eb4267..0a7b29c7 100644
--- a/common/place_common.cc
+++ b/common/place_common.cc
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ class ConstraintLegaliseWorker
// Set the strength to locked on all cells in chain
void lockdown_chain(CellInfo *root)
- root->belStrength = STRENGTH_LOCKED;
+ root->belStrength = STRENGTH_STRONG;
for (auto child : root->constr_children)
@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ class ConstraintLegaliseWorker
- ctx->bindBel(target, ctx->cells.at(cp.first).get(), STRENGTH_LOCKED);
+ ctx->bindBel(target, ctx->cells.at(cp.first).get(), STRENGTH_STRONG);
for (auto cp : solution) {
diff --git a/common/placer1.cc b/common/placer1.cc
index 9b8b4de0..bf8ccd09 100644
--- a/common/placer1.cc
+++ b/common/placer1.cc
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
#include "placer1.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
+#include <boost/range/adaptor/reversed.hpp>
#include <chrono>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
@@ -42,6 +43,8 @@
#include "place_common.h"
#include "timing.h"
#include "util.h"
namespace std {
template <> struct hash<std::pair<NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_PREFIX IdString, std::size_t>>
@@ -152,6 +155,8 @@ class SAPlacer
// Sort to-place cells for deterministic initial placement
std::vector<CellInfo *> autoplaced;
+ std::vector<CellInfo *> chain_basis;
for (auto &cell : ctx->cells) {
CellInfo *ci = cell.second.get();
if (ci->bel == BelId()) {
@@ -219,6 +224,13 @@ class SAPlacer
if (try_bel != BelId() && try_bel != cell->bel)
try_swap_position(cell, try_bel);
+ // Also try swapping chains, if applicable
+ for (auto cb : chain_basis) {
+ Loc chain_base_loc = ctx->getBelLocation(cb->bel);
+ BelId try_base = random_bel_for_cell(cb, chain_base_loc.z);
+ if (try_base != BelId() && try_base != cb->bel)
+ try_swap_chain(cb, try_base);
+ }
if (curr_wirelen_cost < min_wirelen) {
@@ -276,8 +288,11 @@ class SAPlacer
if (legalise_relative_constraints(ctx)) {
// Only increase temperature if something was moved
+ chain_basis.clear();
for (auto cell : sorted(ctx->cells)) {
- if (cell.second->belStrength < STRENGTH_STRONG)
+ if (cell.second->belStrength <= STRENGTH_STRONG && cell.second->constr_parent == nullptr && !cell.second->constr_children.empty())
+ chain_basis.push_back(cell.second);
+ else if (cell.second->belStrength < STRENGTH_STRONG)
temp = post_legalise_temp;
@@ -458,9 +473,101 @@ class SAPlacer
return false;
+ inline bool is_constrained(CellInfo *cell) {
+ return cell->constr_parent != nullptr || !cell->constr_children.empty();
+ }
+ // Swap the Bel of a cell with another, return the original location
+ BelId swap_cell_bels(CellInfo *cell, BelId newBel) {
+ BelId oldBel = cell->bel;
+ CellInfo *bound = ctx->getBoundBelCell(newBel);
+ if (bound != nullptr)
+ ctx->unbindBel(newBel);
+ ctx->unbindBel(oldBel);
+ ctx->bindBel(newBel, cell, is_constrained(cell) ? STRENGTH_STRONG : STRENGTH_WEAK);
+ if (bound != nullptr)
+ ctx->bindBel(oldBel, bound, is_constrained(bound) ? STRENGTH_STRONG : STRENGTH_WEAK);
+ return oldBel;
+ }
+ // Discover the relative positions of all cells in a chain
+ void discover_chain(Loc baseLoc, CellInfo *cell, std::vector<std::pair<CellInfo*, Loc>> &cell_rel) {
+ Loc cellLoc = ctx->getBelLocation(cell->bel);
+ Loc rel{cellLoc.x - baseLoc.x, cellLoc.y - baseLoc.y, cellLoc.z};
+ cell_rel.emplace_back(std::make_pair(cell, rel));
+ for (auto child : cell->constr_children)
+ discover_chain(baseLoc, child, cell_rel);
+ }
+ // Attempt to swap a chain with a non-chain
+ bool try_swap_chain(CellInfo *cell, BelId newBase) {
+ std::vector<std::pair<CellInfo *, Loc>> cell_rel;
+ std::unordered_set<IdString> cells;
+ std::vector<std::pair<CellInfo*, BelId>> moves_made;
+ std::vector<std::pair<CellInfo *, BelId>> dest_bels;
+ double delta = 0;
+ moveChange.reset();
+ log_info("finding cells for chain swap %s\n", cell->name.c_str(ctx));
+ Loc baseLoc = ctx->getBelLocation(cell->bel);
+ discover_chain(baseLoc, cell, cell_rel);
+ Loc newBaseLoc = ctx->getBelLocation(newBase);
+ NPNR_ASSERT(newBaseLoc.z == baseLoc.z);
+ for (const auto &cr : cell_rel)
+ cells.insert(cr.first->name);
+ for (const auto &cr : cell_rel) {
+ Loc targetLoc = {newBaseLoc.x + cr.second.x, newBaseLoc.y + cr.second.y, cr.second.z};
+ BelId targetBel = ctx->getBelByLocation(targetLoc);
+ if (targetBel == BelId())
+ return false;
+ if (ctx->getBelType(targetBel) != cell->type)
+ return false;
+ CellInfo *bound = ctx->getBoundBelCell(targetBel);
+ // We don't consider swapping chains with other chains, at least for the time being - unless it is
+ // part of this chain
+ if (bound != nullptr && !cells.count(bound->name) && (bound->belStrength >= STRENGTH_STRONG || is_constrained(bound)))
+ return false;
+ dest_bels.emplace_back(std::make_pair(cr.first, targetBel));
+ }
+ log_info("trying chain swap %s\n", cell->name.c_str(ctx));
+ // <cell, oldBel>
+ for (const auto &db : dest_bels) {
+ BelId oldBel = swap_cell_bels(db.first, db.second);
+ moves_made.emplace_back(std::make_pair(db.first, oldBel));
+ }
+ for (const auto &mm : moves_made) {
+ if (!ctx->isBelLocationValid(mm.first->bel))
+ goto swap_fail;
+ if (!ctx->isBelLocationValid(mm.second))
+ goto swap_fail;
+ add_move_cell(moveChange, mm.first, mm.second);
+ CellInfo *bound = ctx->getBoundBelCell(mm.second);
+ if (bound != nullptr)
+ add_move_cell(moveChange, bound, mm.first->bel);
+ }
+ compute_cost_changes(moveChange);
+ delta = lambda * (moveChange.timing_delta / last_timing_cost) +
+ (1 - lambda) * (double(moveChange.wirelen_delta) / last_wirelen_cost);
+ n_move++;
+ // SA acceptance criterea
+ if (delta < 0 || (temp > 1e-8 && (ctx->rng() / float(0x3fffffff)) <= std::exp(-delta / temp))) {
+ n_accept++;
+ log_info("accepted chain swap %s\n", cell->name.c_str(ctx));
+ } else {
+ goto swap_fail;
+ }
+ commit_cost_changes(moveChange);
+ return true;
+ for (const auto &entry : boost::adaptors::reverse(moves_made))
+ swap_cell_bels(entry.first, entry.second);
+ return false;
+ }
// Find a random Bel of the correct type for a cell, within the specified
// diameter
- BelId random_bel_for_cell(CellInfo *cell)
+ BelId random_bel_for_cell(CellInfo *cell, int force_z = -1)
IdString targetType = cell->type;
Loc curr_loc = ctx->getBelLocation(cell->bel);
@@ -479,6 +586,11 @@ class SAPlacer
if (fb.size() == 0)
BelId bel = fb.at(ctx->rng(int(fb.size())));
+ if (force_z != -1) {
+ Loc loc = ctx->getBelLocation(bel);
+ if (loc.z != force_z)
+ continue;
+ }
if (locked_bels.find(bel) != locked_bels.end())
return bel;