diff options
2 files changed, 182 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nexus/main.cc b/nexus/main.cc
index 6ffc9a20..667b6d80 100644
--- a/nexus/main.cc
+++ b/nexus/main.cc
@@ -51,6 +51,8 @@ po::options_description NexusCommandHandler::getArchOptions()
specific.add_options()("fasm", po::value<std::string>(), "fasm file to write");
specific.add_options()("pdc", po::value<std::string>(), "physical constraints file");
specific.add_options()("no-post-place-opt", "disable post-place repacking (debugging use only)");
+ specific.add_options()("no-pack-lutff", "disable packing (clustering) LUTs and FFs together");
+ specific.add_options()("carry-lutff-ratio", po::value<float>(), "ratio of FFs to be added to carry-chain LUT clusters");
return specific;
@@ -76,6 +78,15 @@ std::unique_ptr<Context> NexusCommandHandler::createContext(dict<std::string, Pr
auto ctx = std::unique_ptr<Context>(new Context(chipArgs));
if (vm.count("no-post-place-opt"))
ctx->settings[ctx->id("no_post_place_opt")] = Property::State::S1;
+ if (vm.count("no-pack-lutff"))
+ ctx->settings[ctx->id("no_pack_lutff")] = Property::State::S1;
+ if (vm.count("carry-lutff-ratio")) {
+ float ratio = vm["carry-lutff-ratio"].as<float>();
+ if (ratio < 0.0f || ratio > 1.0f) {
+ log_error("Carry LUT+FF packing ration must be between 0.0 and 1.0");
+ }
+ ctx->settings[ctx->id("carry_lutff_ratio")] = ratio;
+ }
return ctx;
diff --git a/nexus/pack.cc b/nexus/pack.cc
index 281a7cf2..0c771e82 100644
--- a/nexus/pack.cc
+++ b/nexus/pack.cc
@@ -2304,6 +2304,172 @@ struct NexusPacker
+ FFControlSet gather_ff_settings(CellInfo* cell) {
+ NPNR_ASSERT(cell->type == id_OXIDE_FF);
+ FFControlSet ctrlset;
+ ctrlset.async = str_or_default(cell->params, id_SRMODE, "LSR_OVER_CE") == "ASYNC";
+ ctrlset.regddr_en = is_enabled(cell, id_REGDDR);
+ ctrlset.gsr_en = is_enabled(cell, id_GSR);
+ ctrlset.clkmux = ctx->id(str_or_default(cell->params, id_CLKMUX, "CLK")).index;
+ ctrlset.cemux = ctx->id(str_or_default(cell->params, id_CEMUX, "CE")).index;
+ ctrlset.lsrmux = ctx->id(str_or_default(cell->params, id_LSRMUX, "LSR")).index;
+ ctrlset.clk = get_net_or_empty(cell, id_CLK);
+ ctrlset.ce = get_net_or_empty(cell, id_CE);
+ ctrlset.lsr = get_net_or_empty(cell, id_LSR);
+ return ctrlset;
+ }
+ void pack_lutffs () {
+ log_info("Inferring LUT+FF pairs...\n");
+ float carry_ratio = 1.0f;
+ if (ctx->settings.find(ctx->id("carry_lutff_ratio")) != ctx->settings.end()) {
+ carry_ratio = ctx->setting<float>("carry_lutff_ratio");
+ }
+ // FF control settings/signals are slice-wide. The dict below is used
+ // to track settings of FFs glued to clusters which may span more than
+ // one slice (eg. carry-chains). For now it is assumed that all FFs
+ // in one cluster share the same settings and control signals.
+ dict<IdString, FFControlSet> cluster_ffinfo;
+ size_t num_comb = 0;
+ size_t num_ff = 0;
+ size_t num_pair = 0;
+ size_t num_glue = 0;
+ for (auto &cell : ctx->cells) {
+ CellInfo *ff = cell.second.get();
+ if (ff->type != id_OXIDE_FF) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ num_ff++;
+ // Get input net
+ // At the packing stage all inputs go to M
+ NetInfo *di = get_net_or_empty(ff, id_M);
+ if (di == nullptr || di->driver.cell == nullptr) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Skip if there are multiple sinks on that net
+ if (di->users.size() != 1) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Check if the driver is a LUT and the direct connection is from F
+ CellInfo* lut = di->driver.cell;
+ if (lut->type != id_OXIDE_COMB) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (di->driver.port != id_F &&
+ di->driver.port != id_OFX)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // The FF must not use M and DI at the same time
+ if (get_net_or_empty(ff, id_DI)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // The LUT must be in LOGIC/CARRY mode
+ if (str_or_default(lut->params, id_MODE, "LOGIC") != "LOGIC" &&
+ str_or_default(lut->params, id_MODE, "LOGIC") != "CCU2") {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // The FF cannot be in another cluster
+ if (ff->cluster != ClusterId()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Get FF settings
+ auto ffinfo = gather_ff_settings(ff);
+ // A free LUT, create a new cluster
+ if (lut->cluster == ClusterId()) {
+ lut->cluster = lut->name;
+ lut->constr_children.push_back(ff);
+ ff->cluster = lut->name;
+ ff->constr_x = 0;
+ ff->constr_y = 0;
+ ff->constr_z = 2;
+ ff->constr_abs_z = false;
+ num_pair++;
+ }
+ // Attach the FF to the existing cluster of the LUT
+ else {
+ // Check if the FF settings match those of others in this
+ // cluster. If not then reject this FF.
+ //
+ // This is a greedy approach - the first attached FF will
+ // enforce its settings on all following candidates. A better
+ // approach would be to first form groups of matching FFs for
+ // a cluster and then attach only the largest group to it.
+ if (cluster_ffinfo.count(lut->cluster)) {
+ if (ffinfo != cluster_ffinfo.at(lut->cluster)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ // No order not to make too large carry clusters pack only the
+ // given fraction of FFs there.
+ if(str_or_default(lut->params, id_MODE, "LOGIC") == "CCU2") {
+ float r = (float)(ctx->rng() % 1000) * 1e-3f;
+ if (r > carry_ratio) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ // Get the cluster root
+ CellInfo* root = ctx->cells.at(lut->cluster).get();
+ // Constrain the FF relative to the LUT
+ ff->cluster = root->cluster;
+ ff->constr_x = lut->constr_x;
+ ff->constr_y = lut->constr_y;
+ ff->constr_z = lut->constr_z + 2;
+ ff->constr_abs_z = lut->constr_abs_z;
+ root->constr_children.push_back(ff);
+ num_glue++;
+ }
+ // Reconnect M to DI
+ rename_port(ctx, ff, id_M, id_DI);
+ ff->params[id_SEL] = std::string("DL");
+ // Store FF settings of the cluster
+ if (!cluster_ffinfo.count(lut->cluster)) {
+ cluster_ffinfo.emplace(lut->cluster, ffinfo);
+ }
+ }
+ // Count OXIDE_COMB, OXIDE_FF are already counted
+ for (auto &cell : ctx->cells) {
+ CellInfo *ff = cell.second.get();
+ if (ff->type == id_OXIDE_COMB) {
+ num_comb++;
+ }
+ }
+ // Print statistics
+ log_info(" Created %zu LUT+FF pairs and extended %zu clusters using total %zu FFs and %zu LUTs\n",
+ num_pair,
+ num_glue,
+ num_ff,
+ num_comb
+ );
+ }
explicit NexusPacker(Context *ctx) : ctx(ctx) {}
void operator()()
@@ -2323,6 +2489,11 @@ struct NexusPacker
+ if (!bool_or_default(ctx->settings, ctx->id("no_pack_lutff"))) {
+ pack_lutffs();
+ }