path: root/mistral/pack.cc
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Diffstat (limited to 'mistral/pack.cc')
1 files changed, 107 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/mistral/pack.cc b/mistral/pack.cc
index be0128fe..2c0ec80f 100644
--- a/mistral/pack.cc
+++ b/mistral/pack.cc
@@ -171,22 +171,126 @@ struct MistralPacker
+ void prepare_io()
+ {
+ // Find the actual IO buffer corresponding to a port; and copy attributes across to it
+ // Note that this relies on Yosys to do IO buffer inference, to avoid tristate issues once we get to synthesised
+ // JSON. In all cases the nextpnr-inserted IO buffers are removed as redundant.
+ for (auto &port : sorted_ref(ctx->ports)) {
+ if (!ctx->cells.count(port.first))
+ log_error("Port '%s' doesn't seem to have a corresponding top level IO\n", ctx->nameOf(port.first));
+ CellInfo *ci = ctx->cells.at(port.first).get();
+ PortRef top_port;
+ top_port.cell = nullptr;
+ bool is_npnr_iob = false;
+ if (ci->type == ctx->id("$nextpnr_ibuf") || ci->type == ctx->id("$nextpnr_iobuf")) {
+ // Might have an input buffer (IB etc) connected to it
+ is_npnr_iob = true;
+ NetInfo *o = get_net_or_empty(ci, id_O);
+ if (o == nullptr)
+ ;
+ else if (o->users.size() > 1)
+ log_error("Top level pin '%s' has multiple input buffers\n", ctx->nameOf(port.first));
+ else if (o->users.size() == 1)
+ top_port = o->users.at(0);
+ }
+ if (ci->type == ctx->id("$nextpnr_obuf") || ci->type == ctx->id("$nextpnr_iobuf")) {
+ // Might have an output buffer (OB etc) connected to it
+ is_npnr_iob = true;
+ NetInfo *i = get_net_or_empty(ci, id_I);
+ if (i != nullptr && i->driver.cell != nullptr) {
+ if (top_port.cell != nullptr)
+ log_error("Top level pin '%s' has multiple input/output buffers\n", ctx->nameOf(port.first));
+ top_port = i->driver;
+ }
+ // Edge case of a bidirectional buffer driving an output pin
+ if (i->users.size() > 2) {
+ log_error("Top level pin '%s' has illegal buffer configuration\n", ctx->nameOf(port.first));
+ } else if (i->users.size() == 2) {
+ if (top_port.cell != nullptr)
+ log_error("Top level pin '%s' has illegal buffer configuration\n", ctx->nameOf(port.first));
+ for (auto &usr : i->users) {
+ if (usr.cell->type == ctx->id("$nextpnr_obuf") || usr.cell->type == ctx->id("$nextpnr_iobuf"))
+ continue;
+ top_port = usr;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!is_npnr_iob)
+ log_error("Port '%s' doesn't seem to have a corresponding top level IO (internal cell type mismatch)\n",
+ ctx->nameOf(port.first));
+ if (top_port.cell == nullptr) {
+ log_info("Trimming port '%s' as it is unused.\n", ctx->nameOf(port.first));
+ } else {
+ // Copy attributes to real IO buffer
+ if (ctx->io_attr.count(port.first)) {
+ for (auto &kv : ctx->io_attr.at(port.first)) {
+ top_port.cell->attrs[kv.first] = kv.second;
+ }
+ }
+ // Make sure that top level net is set correctly
+ port.second.net = top_port.cell->ports.at(top_port.port).net;
+ }
+ // Now remove the nextpnr-inserted buffer
+ disconnect_port(ctx, ci, id_I);
+ disconnect_port(ctx, ci, id_O);
+ ctx->cells.erase(port.first);
+ }
+ }
+ void pack_io()
+ {
+ // Step 0: deal with top level inserted IO buffers
+ prepare_io();
+ // Stage 1: apply constraints
+ for (auto cell : sorted(ctx->cells)) {
+ CellInfo *ci = cell.second;
+ // Iterate through all IO buffer primitives
+ if (!ctx->is_io_cell(ci->type))
+ continue;
+ // We need all IO constrained at the moment, unconstrained IO are rare enough not to care
+ if (!ci->attrs.count(id_LOC))
+ log_error("Found unconstrained IO '%s', these are currently unsupported\n", ctx->nameOf(ci));
+ // Convert package pin constraint to bel constraint
+ std::string loc = ci->attrs.at(id_LOC).as_string();
+ if (loc.compare(0, 4, "PIN_") != 0)
+ log_error("Expecting PIN_-prefixed pin for IO '%s', got '%s'\n", ctx->nameOf(ci), loc.c_str());
+ auto pin_info = ctx->cyclonev->pin_find_name(loc.substr(4));
+ if (pin_info == nullptr)
+ log_error("IO '%s' is constrained to invalid pin '%s'\n", ctx->nameOf(ci), loc.c_str());
+ BelId bel = ctx->get_io_pin_bel(pin_info);
+ if (bel == BelId()) {
+ log_error("IO '%s' is constrained to pin %s which is not a supported IO pin.\n", ctx->nameOf(ci),
+ loc.c_str());
+ } else {
+ log_info("Constraining IO '%s' to pin %s (bel %s)\n", ctx->nameOf(ci), loc.c_str(),
+ ctx->nameOfBel(bel));
+ ctx->bindBel(bel, ci, STRENGTH_LOCKED);
+ }
+ }
+ }
void run()
+ pack_io();
}; // namespace
bool Arch::pack()
- // TODO:
- // - Constrain IO
MistralPacker packer(getCtx());
+ assignArchInfo();
return true;