diff options
authorEddie Hung <eddie@fpgeh.com>2019-09-06 21:01:36 -0700
committerEddie Hung <eddie@fpgeh.com>2019-09-06 21:01:36 -0700
commit74a5c802f70c181520ce762376e9673a5f6f6465 (patch)
parent6a9205280f4c574db3a779e2f057e8649fe35356 (diff)
2 files changed, 111 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/passes/pmgen/xilinx_dsp.cc b/passes/pmgen/xilinx_dsp.cc
index ba8a1de05..10308de57 100644
--- a/passes/pmgen/xilinx_dsp.cc
+++ b/passes/pmgen/xilinx_dsp.cc
@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ void pack_xilinx_dsp(dict<SigBit, Cell*> &bit_to_driver, xilinx_dsp_pm &pm)
log("ffAmux: %s\n", log_id(st.ffAmux, "--"));
log("ffB: %s\n", log_id(st.ffB, "--"));
log("ffBmux: %s\n", log_id(st.ffBmux, "--"));
+ log("ffC: %s\n", log_id(st.ffC, "--"));
+ log("ffCmux: %s\n", log_id(st.ffCmux, "--"));
log("ffD: %s\n", log_id(st.ffD, "--"));
log("ffDmux: %s\n", log_id(st.ffDmux, "--"));
log("dsp: %s\n", log_id(st.dsp, "--"));
@@ -53,7 +55,6 @@ void pack_xilinx_dsp(dict<SigBit, Cell*> &bit_to_driver, xilinx_dsp_pm &pm)
Cell *cell = st.dsp;
bit_to_driver.insert(std::make_pair(cell->getPort("\\P")[17], cell));
- SigSpec C = st.sigC;
SigSpec P = st.sigP;
if (st.preAdd) {
@@ -91,15 +92,21 @@ void pack_xilinx_dsp(dict<SigBit, Cell*> &bit_to_driver, xilinx_dsp_pm &pm)
opmode[4] = st.postAddMux->getPort("\\S");
- else if (st.ffP && C == P) {
- C = SigSpec();
+ else if (st.ffP && st.sigC == P)
opmode[4] = State::S0;
- }
opmode[4] = State::S1;
opmode[6] = State::S0;
opmode[5] = State::S1;
+ if (opmode[4] != State::S0) {
+ if (st.postAddMuxAB == "\\A")
+ st.sigC.extend_u0(48, st.postAdd->getParam("\\B_SIGNED").as_bool());
+ else
+ st.sigC.extend_u0(48, st.postAdd->getParam("\\A_SIGNED").as_bool());
+ cell->setPort("\\C", st.sigC);
+ }
@@ -143,10 +150,30 @@ void pack_xilinx_dsp(dict<SigBit, Cell*> &bit_to_driver, xilinx_dsp_pm &pm)
cell->setParam("\\BREG", 1);
+ if (st.ffC) {
+ SigSpec C = cell->getPort("\\C");
+ SigSpec D = st.ffC->getPort("\\D");
+ SigSpec Q = st.ffC->getPort("\\Q");
+ C.replace(Q, D);
+ if (st.ffCmux) {
+ SigSpec Y = st.ffCmux->getPort("\\Y");
+ SigSpec AB = st.ffCmux->getPort(st.ffCenpol ? "\\B" : "\\A");
+ SigSpec S = st.ffCmux->getPort("\\S");
+ C.replace(Y, AB);
+ cell->setPort("\\CEC", st.ffCenpol ? S : pm.module->Not(NEW_ID, S));
+ }
+ else
+ cell->setPort("\\CEC", State::S1);
+ cell->setPort("\\C", C);
+ cell->setParam("\\CREG", 1);
+ }
if (st.ffD) {
SigSpec D_ = cell->getPort("\\D");
- SigSpec D = st.ffB->getPort("\\D");
- SigSpec Q = st.ffB->getPort("\\Q");
+ SigSpec D = st.ffD->getPort("\\D");
+ SigSpec Q = st.ffD->getPort("\\Q");
D_.replace(Q, D);
if (st.ffDmux) {
@@ -205,6 +232,12 @@ void pack_xilinx_dsp(dict<SigBit, Cell*> &bit_to_driver, xilinx_dsp_pm &pm)
if (st.ffB)
log(" ffB:%s", log_id(st.ffB));
+ if (st.ffC)
+ log(" ffC:%s", log_id(st.ffC));
+ if (st.ffD)
+ log(" ffD:%s", log_id(st.ffD));
if (st.ffM)
log(" ffM:%s", log_id(st.ffM));
@@ -214,12 +247,6 @@ void pack_xilinx_dsp(dict<SigBit, Cell*> &bit_to_driver, xilinx_dsp_pm &pm)
- if (!C.empty()) {
- if (GetSize(C) < 48)
- C.extend_u0(48, true);
- cell->setPort("\\C", C);
- }
if (GetSize(P) < 48)
P.append(pm.module->addWire(NEW_ID, 48-GetSize(P)));
cell->setPort("\\P", P);
@@ -265,6 +292,8 @@ struct XilinxDspPass : public Pass {
for (auto cell : module->cells()) {
if (cell->type != "\\DSP48E1")
+ if (cell->parameters.at("\\CREG", State::S1).as_bool())
+ continue;
SigSpec &opmode = cell->connections_.at("\\OPMODE");
if (opmode.extract(4,3) != Const::from_string("011"))
diff --git a/passes/pmgen/xilinx_dsp.pmg b/passes/pmgen/xilinx_dsp.pmg
index 3aab807bd..6b981bc13 100644
--- a/passes/pmgen/xilinx_dsp.pmg
+++ b/passes/pmgen/xilinx_dsp.pmg
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
pattern xilinx_dsp
-state <std::function<SigSpec(const SigSpec&, bool)>> unextend
+state <std::function<SigSpec(const SigSpec&)>> unextend
state <SigBit> clock
-state <SigSpec> sigA sigffAmuxY sigB sigffBmuxY sigC sigD sigffDmuxY sigM sigP
+state <SigSpec> sigA sigffAmuxY sigB sigffBmuxY sigC sigffCmuxY sigD sigffDmuxY sigM sigP
state <IdString> postAddAB postAddMuxAB
-state <bool> ffAenpol ffADenpol ffBenpol ffDenpol ffMenpol ffPenpol
+state <bool> ffAenpol ffADenpol ffBenpol ffCenpol ffDenpol ffMenpol ffPenpol
state <int> ffPoffset
match dsp
select dsp->type.in(\DSP48E1)
-code unextend sigA sigffAmuxY sigB sigffBmuxY sigC sigD sigffDmuxY sigM
- unextend = [](const SigSpec &sig, bool keep_sign) {
+code unextend sigA sigffAmuxY sigB sigffBmuxY sigC sigffCmuxY sigD sigffDmuxY sigM
+ unextend = [](const SigSpec &sig) {
int i;
for (i = GetSize(sig)-1; i > 0; i--)
if (sig[i] != sig[i-1])
// Do not remove non-const sign bit
- if (!keep_sign && sig[i].wire)
+ if (sig[i].wire)
return sig.extract(0, i);
- sigA = unextend(port(dsp, \A), false);
- sigB = unextend(port(dsp, \B), false);
+ sigA = unextend(port(dsp, \A));
+ sigB = unextend(port(dsp, \B));
sigC = dsp->connections_.at(\C, SigSpec());
sigD = dsp->connections_.at(\D, SigSpec());
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ code unextend sigA sigffAmuxY sigB sigffBmuxY sigC sigD sigffDmuxY sigM
sigffAmuxY = SigSpec();
sigffBmuxY = SigSpec();
+ sigffCmuxY = SigSpec();
sigffDmuxY = SigSpec();
@@ -260,9 +261,9 @@ code sigD sigffDmuxY clock
SigSpec D = sigD;
D.replace(port(ffD, \Q), port(ffD, \D));
- // Only search for ffBmux if ffB.Q has at
- // least 3 users (ffB, dsp, ffBmux) and
- // its ffB.D only has two (ffB, ffBmux)
+ // Only search for ffDmux if ffD.Q has at
+ // least 3 users (ffD, dsp, ffDmux) and
+ // its ffD.D only has two (ffD, ffDmux)
if (nusers(sigD) >= 3 && nusers(D) == 2)
sigffDmuxY = sigD;
sigD = std::move(D);
@@ -276,7 +277,7 @@ match ffDmux
filter GetSize(port(ffDmux, \Y)) >= GetSize(sigD)
slice offset GetSize(port(ffDmux, \Y))
filter offset+GetSize(sigD) <= GetSize(port(ffDmux, \Y))
- filter port(ffDmux, \Y).extract(offset, GetSize(sigB)) == sigD
+ filter port(ffDmux, \Y).extract(offset, GetSize(sigD)) == sigD
choice <IdString> AB {\A, \B}
filter offset+GetSize(sigffDmuxY) <= GetSize(port(ffDmux, \Y))
filter port(ffDmux, AB).extract(offset, GetSize(sigffDmuxY)) == sigffDmuxY
@@ -290,17 +291,17 @@ match ffMmux
if nusers(sigM) == 2
select ffMmux->type.in($mux)
choice <IdString> BA {\B, \A}
- // new-value net must have exactly two users: dsp and ffM
+ // new-value net must have exactly two users: dsp and ffMmux
select nusers(port(ffMmux, BA)) == 2
define <IdString> AB (BA == \B ? \A : \B)
// keep-last-value net must have at least three users: ffMmux, ffM, downstream sink(s)
select nusers(port(ffMmux, AB)) >= 3
// ffMmux output must have two users: ffMmux and ffM.D
select nusers(port(ffMmux, \Y)) == 2
- filter GetSize(port(ffMmux, \Y)) <= GetSize(sigM)
- filter port(ffMmux, BA) == sigM.extract(0, GetSize(port(ffMmux, \Y)))
+ filter GetSize(unextend(port(ffMmux, BA))) <= GetSize(sigM)
+ filter unextend(port(ffMmux, BA)) == sigM.extract(0, GetSize(unextend(port(ffMmux, BA))))
// Remaining bits on sigM must not have any other users
- filter nusers(sigM.extract_end(GetSize(port(ffMmux, BA)))) <= 1
+ filter nusers(sigM.extract_end(GetSize(unextend(port(ffMmux, BA))))) <= 1
define <bool> pol (AB == \A)
set ffMenpol pol
@@ -367,9 +368,9 @@ match postAdd
select nusers(port(postAdd, AB)) <= 3
filter ffMmux || nusers(port(postAdd, AB)) == 2
filter !ffMmux || nusers(port(postAdd, AB)) == 3
- filter GetSize(port(postAdd, AB)) <= GetSize(sigP)
- filter port(postAdd, AB) == sigP.extract(0, GetSize(port(postAdd, AB)))
- filter nusers(sigP.extract_end(GetSize(port(postAdd, AB)))) <= 1
+ filter GetSize(unextend(port(postAdd, AB))) <= GetSize(sigP)
+ filter unextend(port(postAdd, AB)) == sigP.extract(0, GetSize(unextend(port(postAdd, AB))))
+ filter nusers(sigP.extract_end(GetSize(unextend(port(postAdd, AB))))) <= 1
set postAddAB AB
@@ -495,6 +496,56 @@ code sigC
sigC = port(postAddMux, postAddMuxAB == \A ? \B : \A);
+match ffC
+ if param(dsp, \CREG).as_int() == 0
+ select ffC->type.in($dff)
+ // DSP48E1 does not support clock inversion
+ select param(ffC, \CLK_POLARITY).as_bool()
+ filter GetSize(port(ffC, \Q)) >= GetSize(sigD)
+ slice offset GetSize(port(ffC, \Q))
+ filter offset+GetSize(sigC) <= GetSize(port(ffC, \Q))
+ filter port(ffC, \Q).extract(offset, GetSize(sigC)) == sigC
+ optional
+code sigC sigffCmuxY clock
+ if (ffC) {
+ for (auto b : port(ffC, \Q))
+ if (b.wire->get_bool_attribute(\keep))
+ reject;
+ SigBit c = port(ffC, \CLK).as_bit();
+ if (clock != SigBit() && c != clock)
+ reject;
+ clock = c;
+ SigSpec C = sigC;
+ C.replace(port(ffC, \Q), port(ffC, \D));
+ // Only search for ffCmux if ffC.Q has at
+ // least 3 users (ffC, dsp, ffCmux) and
+ // its ffC.D only has two (ffC, ffCmux)
+ if (nusers(sigC) >= 3 && nusers(C) == 2)
+ sigffCmuxY = sigC;
+ sigC = std::move(C);
+ }
+match ffCmux
+ if !sigffCmuxY.empty()
+ select ffCmux->type.in($mux)
+ index <SigSpec> port(ffCmux, \Y) === port(ffC, \D)
+ filter GetSize(port(ffCmux, \Y)) >= GetSize(sigC)
+ slice offset GetSize(port(ffCmux, \Y))
+ filter offset+GetSize(sigC) <= GetSize(port(ffCmux, \Y))
+ filter port(ffCmux, \Y).extract(offset, GetSize(sigC)) == sigC
+ choice <IdString> AB {\A, \B}
+ filter offset+GetSize(sigffCmuxY) <= GetSize(port(ffCmux, \Y))
+ filter port(ffCmux, AB).extract(offset, GetSize(sigffCmuxY)) == sigffCmuxY
+ define <bool> pol (AB == \A)
+ set ffCenpol pol
+ optional