path: root/backends/smt2/smt2.cc
diff options
authorJannis Harder <me@jix.one>2022-08-02 16:49:36 +0200
committerJannis Harder <me@jix.one>2022-08-16 13:37:30 +0200
commitf041e36c6e142878c5bca4da5b459177c4f75e07 (patch)
treeb3d9f04b93d12b593a9429e1331bfda5544b8de8 /backends/smt2/smt2.cc
parent96a1173598ec1bf93670b2de3c8bb087f03a8528 (diff)
smtbmc: Add native json based witness format + smt2 backend support
This adds a native json based witness trace format. By having a common format that includes everything we support, and providing a conversion utility (yosys-witness) we no longer need to implement every format for every tool that deals with witness traces, avoiding a quadratic opportunity to introduce subtle bugs. Included: * smt2: New yosys-smt2-witness info lines containing full hierarchical paths without lossy escaping. * yosys-smtbmc --dump-yw trace.yw: Dump results in the new format. * yosys-smtbmc --yw trace.yw: Read new format as constraints. * yosys-witness: New tool to convert witness formats. Currently this can only display traces in a human-readable-only format and do a passthrough read/write of the new format. * ywio.py: Small python lib for reading and writing the new format. Used by yosys-smtbmc and yosys-witness to avoid duplication.
Diffstat (limited to 'backends/smt2/smt2.cc')
1 files changed, 117 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/backends/smt2/smt2.cc b/backends/smt2/smt2.cc
index e6729aade..54783cf1b 100644
--- a/backends/smt2/smt2.cc
+++ b/backends/smt2/smt2.cc
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
#include "kernel/celltypes.h"
#include "kernel/log.h"
#include "kernel/mem.h"
+#include "libs/json11/json11.hpp"
#include <string>
@@ -588,6 +589,9 @@ struct Smt2Worker
if (cell->type.in(ID($ff), ID($dff)))
+ for (auto chunk : cell->getPort(ID::Q).chunks())
+ if (chunk.is_wire())
+ decls.push_back(witness_signal("reg", chunk.width, chunk.offset, "", idcounter, chunk.wire));
makebits(stringf("%s#%d", get_id(module), idcounter), GetSize(cell->getPort(ID::Q)), log_signal(cell->getPort(ID::Q)));
register_bv(cell->getPort(ID::Q), idcounter++);
@@ -610,6 +614,12 @@ struct Smt2Worker
decls.push_back(stringf("; yosys-smt2-minimize %s#%d\n", get_id(module), idcounter));
log("Wire %s is minimized\n", cell->getPort(QY).as_wire()->name.str().c_str());
+ bool init_only = cell->type.in(ID($anyconst), ID($anyinit), ID($allconst));
+ for (auto chunk : cell->getPort(QY).chunks())
+ if (chunk.is_wire())
+ decls.push_back(witness_signal(init_only ? "init" : "seq", chunk.width, chunk.offset, "", idcounter, chunk.wire));
makebits(stringf("%s#%d", get_id(module), idcounter), GetSize(cell->getPort(QY)), log_signal(cell->getPort(QY)));
if (cell->type == ID($anyseq))
ex_input_eq.push_back(stringf(" (= (|%s#%d| state) (|%s#%d| other_state))", get_id(module), idcounter, get_id(module), idcounter));
@@ -760,6 +770,7 @@ struct Smt2Worker
log_error("Memory %s.%s has mixed clocked/nonclocked write ports. This is not supported by \"write_smt2\".\n", log_id(cell), log_id(module));
decls.push_back(stringf("; yosys-smt2-memory %s %d %d %d %d %s\n", get_id(mem->memid), abits, mem->width, GetSize(mem->rd_ports), GetSize(mem->wr_ports), has_async_wr ? "async" : "sync"));
+ decls.push_back(witness_memory(get_id(mem->memid), cell, mem));
string memstate;
if (has_async_wr) {
@@ -852,6 +863,7 @@ struct Smt2Worker
if (m != nullptr)
decls.push_back(stringf("; yosys-smt2-cell %s %s\n", get_id(cell->type), get_id(cell->name)));
+ decls.push_back(witness_cell(get_id(cell->name), cell));
string cell_state = stringf("(|%s_h %s| state)", get_id(module), get_id(cell->name));
for (auto &conn : cell->connections())
@@ -950,14 +962,19 @@ struct Smt2Worker
for (auto wire : module->wires()) {
bool is_register = false;
- for (auto bit : SigSpec(wire))
+ bool contains_clock = false;
+ for (auto bit : SigSpec(wire)) {
if (reg_bits.count(bit))
is_register = true;
+ auto sig_bit = sigmap(bit);
+ if (clock_posedge.count(sig_bit) || clock_negedge.count(sig_bit))
+ contains_clock = true;
+ }
bool is_smtlib2_comb_expr = wire->has_attribute(ID::smtlib2_comb_expr);
if (is_smtlib2_comb_expr && !is_smtlib2_module)
log_error("smtlib2_comb_expr is only valid in a module with the smtlib2_module attribute: wire %s.%s", log_id(module),
- if (wire->port_id || is_register || wire->get_bool_attribute(ID::keep) || (wiresmode && wire->name.isPublic())) {
+ if (wire->port_id || is_register || contains_clock || wire->get_bool_attribute(ID::keep) || (wiresmode && wire->name.isPublic())) {
RTLIL::SigSpec sig = sigmap(wire);
std::vector<std::string> comments;
if (wire->port_input)
@@ -968,9 +985,20 @@ struct Smt2Worker
comments.push_back(stringf("; yosys-smt2-register %s %d\n", get_id(wire), wire->width));
if (wire->get_bool_attribute(ID::keep) || (wiresmode && wire->name.isPublic()))
comments.push_back(stringf("; yosys-smt2-wire %s %d\n", get_id(wire), wire->width));
- if (GetSize(wire) == 1 && (clock_posedge.count(sig) || clock_negedge.count(sig)))
+ if (contains_clock && GetSize(wire) == 1 && (clock_posedge.count(sig) || clock_negedge.count(sig)))
comments.push_back(stringf("; yosys-smt2-clock %s%s%s\n", get_id(wire),
clock_posedge.count(sig) ? " posedge" : "", clock_negedge.count(sig) ? " negedge" : ""));
+ if (contains_clock) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(sig); i++) {
+ bool is_posedge = clock_posedge.count(sig[i]);
+ bool is_negedge = clock_negedge.count(sig[i]);
+ if (is_posedge != is_negedge)
+ comments.push_back(witness_signal(
+ is_posedge ? "posedge" : "negedge", 1, i, get_id(wire), -1, wire));
+ }
+ }
+ if (wire->port_input)
+ comments.push_back(witness_signal("input", wire->width, 0, get_id(wire), -1, wire));
std::string smtlib2_comb_expr;
if (is_smtlib2_comb_expr) {
smtlib2_comb_expr =
@@ -980,6 +1008,8 @@ struct Smt2Worker
if (!bvmode && GetSize(sig) > 1)
log_error("smtlib2_comb_expr is unsupported on multi-bit wires when -nobv is specified: wire %s.%s",
log_id(module), log_id(wire));
+ comments.push_back(witness_signal("blackbox", wire->width, 0, get_id(wire), -1, wire));
auto &out_decls = is_smtlib2_comb_expr ? smtlib2_decls : decls;
if (bvmode && GetSize(sig) > 1) {
@@ -1447,6 +1477,90 @@ struct Smt2Worker
f << "true)";
f << stringf(" ; end of module %s\n", get_id(module));
+ template<class T> static std::vector<std::string> witness_path(T *obj) {
+ std::vector<std::string> path;
+ if (obj->name.isPublic()) {
+ auto hdlname = obj->get_string_attribute(ID::hdlname);
+ for (auto token : split_tokens(hdlname))
+ path.push_back("\\" + token);
+ }
+ if (path.empty())
+ path.push_back(obj->name.str());
+ return path;
+ }
+ std::string witness_signal(const char *type, int width, int offset, const std::string &smtname, int smtid, RTLIL::Wire *wire)
+ {
+ std::vector<std::string> hiername;
+ const char *wire_name = wire->name.c_str();
+ if (wire_name[0] == '\\') {
+ auto hdlname = wire->get_string_attribute(ID::hdlname);
+ for (auto token : split_tokens(hdlname))
+ hiername.push_back("\\" + token);
+ }
+ if (hiername.empty())
+ hiername.push_back(wire->name.str());
+ std::string line = "; yosys-smt2-witness ";
+ (json11::Json { json11::Json::object {
+ { "type", type },
+ { "offset", offset },
+ { "width", width },
+ { "smtname", smtname.empty() ? json11::Json(smtid) : json11::Json(smtname) },
+ { "path", witness_path(wire) },
+ }}).dump(line);
+ line += "\n";
+ return line;
+ }
+ std::string witness_cell(const char *smtname, RTLIL::Cell *cell)
+ {
+ std::string line = "; yosys-smt2-witness ";
+ (json11::Json {json11::Json::object {
+ { "type", "cell" },
+ { "smtname", smtname },
+ { "path", witness_path(cell) },
+ }}).dump(line);
+ line += "\n";
+ return line;
+ }
+ std::string witness_memory(const char *smtname, RTLIL::Cell *cell, Mem *mem)
+ {
+ json11::Json::array uninitialized;
+ auto init_data = mem->get_init_data();
+ int cursor = 0;
+ while (cursor < init_data.size()) {
+ while (cursor < init_data.size() && init_data[cursor] != State::Sx)
+ cursor++;
+ int offset = cursor;
+ while (cursor < init_data.size() && init_data[cursor] == State::Sx)
+ cursor++;
+ int width = cursor - offset;
+ if (width)
+ uninitialized.push_back(json11::Json::object {
+ {"width", width},
+ {"offset", offset},
+ });
+ }
+ std::string line = "; yosys-smt2-witness ";
+ (json11::Json { json11::Json::object {
+ { "type", "mem" },
+ { "width", mem->width },
+ { "size", mem->size },
+ { "rom", mem->wr_ports.empty() },
+ { "statebv", statebv },
+ { "smtname", smtname },
+ { "uninitialized", uninitialized },
+ { "path", witness_path(cell) },
+ }}).dump(line);
+ line += "\n";
+ return line;
+ }
struct Smt2Backend : public Backend {