path: root/backends
diff options
authorEddie Hung <eddie@fpgeh.com>2020-01-28 12:46:18 -0800
committerEddie Hung <eddie@fpgeh.com>2020-01-28 12:46:18 -0800
commita855f23f22c9e6dbba5ff17a9541a7d26342b56a (patch)
treef62715ee5a790615d8d4fcda7814a940608c7310 /backends
parentf5e0a07ad679696b0d3077ef877941d4c1f864d7 (diff)
parent7939727d14f44b5d56ca3806d0907e9fceea2882 (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into eddie/opt_merge_init
Diffstat (limited to 'backends')
4 files changed, 391 insertions, 441 deletions
diff --git a/backends/aiger/aiger.cc b/backends/aiger/aiger.cc
index 44718baae..a51e3648c 100644
--- a/backends/aiger/aiger.cc
+++ b/backends/aiger/aiger.cc
@@ -787,6 +787,14 @@ struct AigerBackend : public Backend {
if (top_module == nullptr)
log_error("Can't find top module in current design!\n");
+ if (!design->selected_whole_module(top_module))
+ log_cmd_error("Can't handle partially selected module %s!\n", log_id(top_module));
+ if (!top_module->processes.empty())
+ log_error("Found unmapped processes in module %s: unmapped processes are not supported in AIGER backend!\n", log_id(top_module));
+ if (!top_module->memories.empty())
+ log_error("Found unmapped memories in module %s: unmapped memories are not supported in AIGER backend!\n", log_id(top_module));
AigerWriter writer(top_module, zinit_mode, imode, omode, bmode, lmode);
writer.write_aiger(*f, ascii_mode, miter_mode, symbols_mode);
diff --git a/backends/aiger/xaiger.cc b/backends/aiger/xaiger.cc
index e0ae118ad..b72dd6890 100644
--- a/backends/aiger/xaiger.cc
+++ b/backends/aiger/xaiger.cc
@@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ struct XAigerWriter
pool<SigBit> input_bits, output_bits;
dict<SigBit, SigBit> not_map, alias_map;
dict<SigBit, pair<SigBit, SigBit>> and_map;
- vector<std::tuple<SigBit,RTLIL::Cell*,RTLIL::IdString,int>> ci_bits;
- vector<std::tuple<SigBit,RTLIL::Cell*,RTLIL::IdString,int,int>> co_bits;
+ vector<SigBit> ci_bits, co_bits;
+ dict<SigBit, Cell*> ff_bits;
dict<SigBit, float> arrival_times;
vector<pair<int, int>> aig_gates;
@@ -93,7 +93,6 @@ struct XAigerWriter
dict<SigBit, int> ordered_outputs;
vector<Cell*> box_list;
- bool omode = false;
int mkgate(int a0, int a1)
@@ -141,7 +140,6 @@ struct XAigerWriter
pool<SigBit> undriven_bits;
pool<SigBit> unused_bits;
- pool<SigBit> keep_bits;
// promote public wires
for (auto wire : module->wires())
@@ -153,362 +151,333 @@ struct XAigerWriter
if (wire->port_input)
+ // promote keep wires
for (auto wire : module->wires())
- {
- bool keep = wire->attributes.count("\\keep");
+ if (wire->get_bool_attribute(ID::keep))
+ sigmap.add(wire);
+ for (auto wire : module->wires())
for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(wire); i++)
SigBit wirebit(wire, i);
SigBit bit = sigmap(wirebit);
- if (bit.wire) {
- undriven_bits.insert(bit);
- unused_bits.insert(bit);
+ if (bit.wire == nullptr) {
+ if (wire->port_output) {
+ aig_map[wirebit] = (bit == State::S1) ? 1 : 0;
+ output_bits.insert(wirebit);
+ }
+ continue;
- if (keep)
- keep_bits.insert(wirebit);
+ undriven_bits.insert(bit);
+ unused_bits.insert(bit);
- if (wire->port_input || keep) {
- if (bit != wirebit)
- alias_map[bit] = wirebit;
- input_bits.insert(wirebit);
- }
+ bool keep = wire->get_bool_attribute(ID::keep);
+ if (wire->port_input || keep)
+ input_bits.insert(bit);
if (wire->port_output || keep) {
- if (bit != RTLIL::Sx) {
- if (bit != wirebit)
- alias_map[wirebit] = bit;
- output_bits.insert(wirebit);
- }
- else
- log_debug("Skipping PO '%s' driven by 1'bx\n", log_signal(wirebit));
+ if (bit != wirebit)
+ alias_map[wirebit] = bit;
+ output_bits.insert(wirebit);
- }
- for (auto bit : input_bits)
- undriven_bits.erase(sigmap(bit));
- for (auto bit : output_bits)
- if (!bit.wire->port_input)
- unused_bits.erase(bit);
- // TODO: Speed up toposort -- ultimately we care about
- // box ordering, but not individual AIG cells
- dict<SigBit, pool<IdString>> bit_drivers, bit_users;
- TopoSort<IdString, RTLIL::sort_by_id_str> toposort;
- bool abc9_box_seen = false;
- for (auto cell : module->selected_cells()) {
- if (cell->type == "$_NOT_")
- {
- SigBit A = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\A").as_bit());
- SigBit Y = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\Y").as_bit());
- unused_bits.erase(A);
- undriven_bits.erase(Y);
- not_map[Y] = A;
- if (!holes_mode) {
- toposort.node(cell->name);
- bit_users[A].insert(cell->name);
- bit_drivers[Y].insert(cell->name);
+ dict<IdString,dict<IdString,int>> arrival_cache;
+ for (auto cell : module->cells()) {
+ RTLIL::Module* inst_module = module->design->module(cell->type);
+ if (!cell->has_keep_attr()) {
+ if (cell->type == "$_NOT_")
+ {
+ SigBit A = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\A").as_bit());
+ SigBit Y = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\Y").as_bit());
+ unused_bits.erase(A);
+ undriven_bits.erase(Y);
+ not_map[Y] = A;
+ continue;
- continue;
- }
- if (cell->type == "$_AND_")
- {
- SigBit A = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\A").as_bit());
- SigBit B = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\B").as_bit());
- SigBit Y = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\Y").as_bit());
- unused_bits.erase(A);
- unused_bits.erase(B);
- undriven_bits.erase(Y);
- and_map[Y] = make_pair(A, B);
- if (!holes_mode) {
- toposort.node(cell->name);
- bit_users[A].insert(cell->name);
- bit_users[B].insert(cell->name);
- bit_drivers[Y].insert(cell->name);
+ if (cell->type == "$_AND_")
+ {
+ SigBit A = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\A").as_bit());
+ SigBit B = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\B").as_bit());
+ SigBit Y = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\Y").as_bit());
+ unused_bits.erase(A);
+ unused_bits.erase(B);
+ undriven_bits.erase(Y);
+ and_map[Y] = make_pair(A, B);
+ continue;
- continue;
- }
- log_assert(!holes_mode);
+ if (cell->type == "$__ABC9_FF_" &&
+ // The presence of an abc9_mergeability attribute indicates
+ // that we do want to pass this flop to ABC
+ cell->attributes.count("\\abc9_mergeability"))
+ {
+ SigBit D = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\D").as_bit());
+ SigBit Q = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\Q").as_bit());
+ unused_bits.erase(D);
+ undriven_bits.erase(Q);
+ alias_map[Q] = D;
+ auto r YS_ATTRIBUTE(unused) = ff_bits.insert(std::make_pair(D, cell));
+ log_assert(r.second);
+ if (input_bits.erase(Q))
+ log_assert(Q.wire->attributes.count(ID::keep));
+ continue;
+ }
- RTLIL::Module* inst_module = module->design->module(cell->type);
- if (inst_module && inst_module->attributes.count("\\abc9_box_id")) {
- abc9_box_seen = true;
+ if (inst_module) {
+ bool abc9_flop = false;
+ auto it = cell->attributes.find("\\abc9_box_seq");
+ if (it != cell->attributes.end()) {
+ int abc9_box_seq = it->second.as_int();
+ if (GetSize(box_list) <= abc9_box_seq)
+ box_list.resize(abc9_box_seq+1);
+ box_list[abc9_box_seq] = cell;
+ // Only flop boxes may have arrival times
+ abc9_flop = inst_module->get_bool_attribute("\\abc9_flop");
+ if (!abc9_flop)
+ continue;
+ }
- if (!holes_mode) {
- toposort.node(cell->name);
+ auto &cell_arrivals = arrival_cache[cell->type];
for (const auto &conn : cell->connections()) {
- auto port_wire = inst_module->wire(conn.first);
- if (port_wire->port_input) {
- // Ignore inout for the sake of topographical ordering
- if (port_wire->port_output) continue;
- for (auto bit : sigmap(conn.second))
- bit_users[bit].insert(cell->name);
+ auto r = cell_arrivals.insert(conn.first);
+ auto &arrival = r.first->second;
+ if (r.second) {
+ auto port_wire = inst_module->wire(conn.first);
+ if (port_wire->port_output) {
+ auto it = port_wire->attributes.find("\\abc9_arrival");
+ if (it != port_wire->attributes.end()) {
+ if (it->second.flags != 0)
+ log_error("Attribute 'abc9_arrival' on port '%s' of module '%s' is not an integer.\n", log_id(port_wire), log_id(cell->type));
+ arrival = it->second.as_int();
+ }
+ }
- if (port_wire->port_output)
+ if (arrival)
for (auto bit : sigmap(conn.second))
- bit_drivers[bit].insert(cell->name);
+ arrival_times[bit] = arrival;
+ if (abc9_flop)
+ continue;
- else {
- bool cell_known = inst_module || cell->known();
- for (const auto &c : cell->connections()) {
- if (c.second.is_fully_const()) continue;
- auto port_wire = inst_module ? inst_module->wire(c.first) : nullptr;
- auto is_input = (port_wire && port_wire->port_input) || !cell_known || cell->input(c.first);
- auto is_output = (port_wire && port_wire->port_output) || !cell_known || cell->output(c.first);
- if (!is_input && !is_output)
- log_error("Connection '%s' on cell '%s' (type '%s') not recognised!\n", log_id(c.first), log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type));
- if (is_input) {
- for (auto b : c.second) {
- Wire *w = b.wire;
- if (!w) continue;
- if (!w->port_output || !cell_known) {
- SigBit I = sigmap(b);
- if (I != b)
- alias_map[b] = I;
- output_bits.insert(b);
- unused_bits.erase(b);
- if (!cell_known)
- keep_bits.insert(b);
- }
- }
- }
- if (is_output) {
- int arrival = 0;
- if (port_wire) {
- auto it = port_wire->attributes.find("\\abc9_arrival");
- if (it != port_wire->attributes.end()) {
- if (it->second.flags != 0)
- log_error("Attribute 'abc9_arrival' on port '%s' of module '%s' is not an integer.\n", log_id(port_wire), log_id(cell->type));
- arrival = it->second.as_int();
- }
- }
- for (auto b : c.second) {
- Wire *w = b.wire;
- if (!w) continue;
- input_bits.insert(b);
- SigBit O = sigmap(b);
- if (O != b)
- alias_map[O] = b;
- undriven_bits.erase(O);
- if (arrival)
- arrival_times[b] = arrival;
+ bool cell_known = inst_module || cell->known();
+ for (const auto &c : cell->connections()) {
+ if (c.second.is_fully_const()) continue;
+ auto port_wire = inst_module ? inst_module->wire(c.first) : nullptr;
+ auto is_input = (port_wire && port_wire->port_input) || !cell_known || cell->input(c.first);
+ auto is_output = (port_wire && port_wire->port_output) || !cell_known || cell->output(c.first);
+ if (!is_input && !is_output)
+ log_error("Connection '%s' on cell '%s' (type '%s') not recognised!\n", log_id(c.first), log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type));
+ if (is_input)
+ for (auto b : c.second) {
+ Wire *w = b.wire;
+ if (!w) continue;
+ // Do not add as PO if bit is already a PI
+ if (input_bits.count(b))
+ continue;
+ if (!w->port_output || !cell_known) {
+ SigBit I = sigmap(b);
+ if (I != b)
+ alias_map[b] = I;
+ output_bits.insert(b);
- }
//log_warning("Unsupported cell type: %s (%s)\n", log_id(cell->type), log_id(cell));
- if (abc9_box_seen) {
- for (auto &it : bit_users)
- if (bit_drivers.count(it.first))
- for (auto driver_cell : bit_drivers.at(it.first))
- for (auto user_cell : it.second)
- toposort.edge(driver_cell, user_cell);
-#if 0
- toposort.analyze_loops = true;
- bool no_loops YS_ATTRIBUTE(unused) = toposort.sort();
-#if 0
- unsigned i = 0;
- for (auto &it : toposort.loops) {
- log(" loop %d\n", i++);
- for (auto cell_name : it) {
- auto cell = module->cell(cell_name);
- log_assert(cell);
- log("\t%s (%s @ %s)\n", log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type), cell->get_src_attribute().c_str());
- }
- }
- log_assert(no_loops);
- for (auto cell_name : toposort.sorted) {
- RTLIL::Cell *cell = module->cell(cell_name);
- log_assert(cell);
+ dict<IdString, std::vector<IdString>> box_ports;
+ for (auto cell : box_list) {
+ log_assert(cell);
- RTLIL::Module* box_module = module->design->module(cell->type);
- if (!box_module || !box_module->attributes.count("\\abc9_box_id"))
- continue;
+ RTLIL::Module* box_module = module->design->module(cell->type);
+ log_assert(box_module);
+ log_assert(box_module->attributes.count("\\abc9_box_id"));
- bool blackbox = box_module->get_blackbox_attribute(true /* ignore_wb */);
- // Fully pad all unused input connections of this box cell with S0
- // Fully pad all undriven output connections of this box cell with anonymous wires
- // NB: Assume box_module->ports are sorted alphabetically
- // (as RTLIL::Module::fixup_ports() would do)
+ auto r = box_ports.insert(cell->type);
+ if (r.second) {
+ // Make carry in the last PI, and carry out the last PO
+ // since ABC requires it this way
+ IdString carry_in, carry_out;
for (const auto &port_name : box_module->ports) {
- RTLIL::Wire* w = box_module->wire(port_name);
+ auto w = box_module->wire(port_name);
- auto it = cell->connections_.find(port_name);
- if (w->port_input) {
- RTLIL::SigSpec rhs;
- if (it != cell->connections_.end()) {
- if (GetSize(it->second) < GetSize(w))
- it->second.append(RTLIL::SigSpec(State::S0, GetSize(w)-GetSize(it->second)));
- rhs = it->second;
+ if (w->get_bool_attribute("\\abc9_carry")) {
+ if (w->port_input) {
+ if (carry_in != IdString())
+ log_error("Module '%s' contains more than one 'abc9_carry' input port.\n", log_id(box_module));
+ carry_in = port_name;
- else {
- rhs = RTLIL::SigSpec(State::S0, GetSize(w));
- cell->setPort(port_name, rhs);
+ if (w->port_output) {
+ if (carry_out != IdString())
+ log_error("Module '%s' contains more than one 'abc9_carry' output port.\n", log_id(box_module));
+ carry_out = port_name;
+ }
+ else
+ r.first->second.push_back(port_name);
+ }
- int offset = 0;
- for (auto b : rhs.bits()) {
- SigBit I = sigmap(b);
- if (b == RTLIL::Sx)
- b = State::S0;
- else if (I != b) {
- if (I == RTLIL::Sx)
- alias_map[b] = State::S0;
- else
- alias_map[b] = I;
- }
- co_bits.emplace_back(b, cell, port_name, offset++, 0);
- unused_bits.erase(b);
+ if (carry_in != IdString() && carry_out == IdString())
+ log_error("Module '%s' contains an 'abc9_carry' input port but no output port.\n", log_id(box_module));
+ if (carry_in == IdString() && carry_out != IdString())
+ log_error("Module '%s' contains an 'abc9_carry' output port but no input port.\n", log_id(box_module));
+ if (carry_in != IdString()) {
+ r.first->second.push_back(carry_in);
+ r.first->second.push_back(carry_out);
+ }
+ }
+ for (auto port_name : r.first->second) {
+ auto w = box_module->wire(port_name);
+ log_assert(w);
+ auto rhs = cell->connections_.at(port_name, SigSpec());
+ rhs.append(Const(State::Sx, GetSize(w)-GetSize(rhs)));
+ if (w->port_input)
+ for (auto b : rhs) {
+ SigBit I = sigmap(b);
+ if (b == RTLIL::Sx)
+ b = State::S0;
+ else if (I != b) {
+ if (I == RTLIL::Sx)
+ alias_map[b] = State::S0;
+ else
+ alias_map[b] = I;
+ co_bits.emplace_back(b);
+ unused_bits.erase(I);
- if (w->port_output) {
- RTLIL::SigSpec rhs;
- auto it = cell->connections_.find(w->name);
- if (it != cell->connections_.end()) {
- if (GetSize(it->second) < GetSize(w))
- it->second.append(module->addWire(NEW_ID, GetSize(w)-GetSize(it->second)));
- rhs = it->second;
- }
- else {
- Wire *wire = module->addWire(NEW_ID, GetSize(w));
- if (blackbox)
- wire->set_bool_attribute(ID(abc9_padding));
- rhs = wire;
- cell->setPort(port_name, rhs);
- }
- int offset = 0;
- for (const auto &b : rhs.bits()) {
- ci_bits.emplace_back(b, cell, port_name, offset++);
- SigBit O = sigmap(b);
- if (O != b)
- alias_map[O] = b;
- undriven_bits.erase(O);
- input_bits.erase(b);
+ if (w->port_output)
+ for (const auto &b : rhs) {
+ SigBit O = sigmap(b);
+ if (O != b)
+ alias_map[O] = b;
+ ci_bits.emplace_back(b);
+ undriven_bits.erase(O);
+ // If PI and CI, then must be a (* keep *) wire
+ if (input_bits.erase(O)) {
+ log_assert(output_bits.count(O));
+ log_assert(O.wire->get_bool_attribute(ID::keep));
- }
- box_list.emplace_back(cell);
- // TODO: Free memory from toposort, bit_drivers, bit_users
- }
- for (auto bit : input_bits) {
- if (!output_bits.count(bit))
- continue;
- RTLIL::Wire *wire = bit.wire;
- // If encountering an inout port, or a keep-ed wire, then create a new wire
- // with $inout.out suffix, make it a PO driven by the existing inout, and
- // inherit existing inout's drivers
- if ((wire->port_input && wire->port_output && !undriven_bits.count(bit))
- || keep_bits.count(bit)) {
- RTLIL::IdString wire_name = stringf("$%s$inout.out", wire->name.c_str());
- RTLIL::Wire *new_wire = module->wire(wire_name);
- if (!new_wire)
- new_wire = module->addWire(wire_name, GetSize(wire));
- SigBit new_bit(new_wire, bit.offset);
- module->connect(new_bit, bit);
- if (not_map.count(bit)) {
- auto a = not_map.at(bit);
- not_map[new_bit] = a;
- }
- else if (and_map.count(bit)) {
- auto a = and_map.at(bit);
- and_map[new_bit] = a;
- }
- else if (alias_map.count(bit)) {
- auto a = alias_map.at(bit);
- alias_map[new_bit] = a;
+ // Connect <cell>.abc9_ff.Q (inserted by abc9_map.v) as the last input to the flop box
+ if (box_module->get_bool_attribute("\\abc9_flop")) {
+ SigSpec rhs = module->wire(stringf("%s.abc9_ff.Q", cell->name.c_str()));
+ if (rhs.empty())
+ log_error("'%s.abc9_ff.Q' is not a wire present in module '%s'.\n", log_id(cell), log_id(module));
+ for (auto b : rhs) {
+ SigBit I = sigmap(b);
+ if (b == RTLIL::Sx)
+ b = State::S0;
+ else if (I != b) {
+ if (I == RTLIL::Sx)
+ alias_map[b] = State::S0;
+ else
+ alias_map[b] = I;
+ }
+ co_bits.emplace_back(b);
+ unused_bits.erase(I);
- else
- alias_map[new_bit] = bit;
- output_bits.erase(bit);
- output_bits.insert(new_bit);
+ for (auto bit : input_bits)
+ undriven_bits.erase(bit);
+ for (auto bit : output_bits)
+ unused_bits.erase(sigmap(bit));
for (auto bit : unused_bits)
- if (!undriven_bits.empty() && !holes_mode) {
- undriven_bits.sort();
- for (auto bit : undriven_bits) {
- log_warning("Treating undriven bit %s.%s like $anyseq.\n", log_id(module), log_signal(bit));
- input_bits.insert(bit);
- }
- log_warning("Treating a total of %d undriven bits in %s like $anyseq.\n", GetSize(undriven_bits), log_id(module));
+ // Make all undriven bits a primary input
+ for (auto bit : undriven_bits) {
+ input_bits.insert(bit);
+ undriven_bits.erase(bit);
if (holes_mode) {
struct sort_by_port_id {
bool operator()(const RTLIL::SigBit& a, const RTLIL::SigBit& b) const {
- return a.wire->port_id < b.wire->port_id;
+ return a.wire->port_id < b.wire->port_id ||
+ (a.wire->port_id == b.wire->port_id && a.offset < b.offset);
- else {
- input_bits.sort();
- output_bits.sort();
- }
- not_map.sort();
- and_map.sort();
aig_map[State::S0] = 0;
aig_map[State::S1] = 1;
- for (auto bit : input_bits) {
+ for (const auto &bit : input_bits) {
aig_m++, aig_i++;
aig_map[bit] = 2*aig_m;
- for (auto &c : ci_bits) {
- RTLIL::SigBit bit = std::get<0>(c);
+ for (const auto &i : ff_bits) {
+ const Cell *cell = i.second;
+ const SigBit &q = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\Q"));
aig_m++, aig_i++;
- aig_map[bit] = 2*aig_m;
+ log_assert(!aig_map.count(q));
+ aig_map[q] = 2*aig_m;
- for (auto &c : co_bits) {
- RTLIL::SigBit bit = std::get<0>(c);
- std::get<4>(c) = ordered_outputs[bit] = aig_o++;
- aig_outputs.push_back(bit2aig(bit));
+ for (auto &bit : ci_bits) {
+ aig_m++, aig_i++;
+ // 1'bx may exist here due to a box output
+ // that has been padded to its full width
+ if (bit == State::Sx)
+ continue;
+ log_assert(!aig_map.count(bit));
+ aig_map[bit] = 2*aig_m;
- if (output_bits.empty()) {
- output_bits.insert(State::S0);
- omode = true;
+ for (auto bit : co_bits) {
+ ordered_outputs[bit] = aig_o++;
+ aig_outputs.push_back(bit2aig(bit));
- for (auto bit : output_bits) {
+ for (const auto &bit : output_bits) {
ordered_outputs[bit] = aig_o++;
- aig_outputs.push_back(bit2aig(bit));
+ int aig;
+ // Unlike bit2aig() which checks aig_map first, for
+ // inout/keep bits, since aig_map will point to
+ // the PI, first attempt to find the NOT/AND driver
+ // before resorting to an aig_map lookup (which
+ // could be another PO)
+ if (input_bits.count(bit)) {
+ if (not_map.count(bit)) {
+ aig = bit2aig(not_map.at(bit)) ^ 1;
+ } else if (and_map.count(bit)) {
+ auto args = and_map.at(bit);
+ int a0 = bit2aig(args.first);
+ int a1 = bit2aig(args.second);
+ aig = mkgate(a0, a1);
+ }
+ else
+ aig = aig_map.at(bit);
+ }
+ else
+ aig = bit2aig(bit);
+ aig_outputs.push_back(aig);
+ for (auto &i : ff_bits) {
+ const SigBit &d = i.first;
+ aig_o++;
+ aig_outputs.push_back(aig_map.at(d));
+ }
void write_aiger(std::ostream &f, bool ascii_mode)
@@ -570,7 +539,6 @@ struct XAigerWriter
f << "c";
- log_assert(!output_bits.empty());
auto write_buffer = [](std::stringstream &buffer, int i32) {
int32_t i32_be = to_big_endian(i32);
buffer.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&i32_be), sizeof(i32_be));
@@ -578,14 +546,14 @@ struct XAigerWriter
std::stringstream h_buffer;
auto write_h_buffer = std::bind(write_buffer, std::ref(h_buffer), std::placeholders::_1);
- log_debug("ciNum = %d\n", GetSize(input_bits) + GetSize(ci_bits));
- write_h_buffer(input_bits.size() + ci_bits.size());
- log_debug("coNum = %d\n", GetSize(output_bits) + GetSize(co_bits));
- write_h_buffer(output_bits.size() + GetSize(co_bits));
- log_debug("piNum = %d\n", GetSize(input_bits));
- write_h_buffer(input_bits.size());
- log_debug("poNum = %d\n", GetSize(output_bits));
- write_h_buffer(output_bits.size());
+ log_debug("ciNum = %d\n", GetSize(input_bits) + GetSize(ff_bits) + GetSize(ci_bits));
+ write_h_buffer(input_bits.size() + ff_bits.size() + ci_bits.size());
+ log_debug("coNum = %d\n", GetSize(output_bits) + GetSize(ff_bits) + GetSize(co_bits));
+ write_h_buffer(output_bits.size() + GetSize(ff_bits) + GetSize(co_bits));
+ log_debug("piNum = %d\n", GetSize(input_bits) + GetSize(ff_bits));
+ write_h_buffer(input_bits.size() + ff_bits.size());
+ log_debug("poNum = %d\n", GetSize(output_bits) + GetSize(ff_bits));
+ write_h_buffer(output_bits.size() + ff_bits.size());
log_debug("boxNum = %d\n", GetSize(box_list));
@@ -601,134 +569,100 @@ struct XAigerWriter
//for (auto bit : output_bits)
// write_o_buffer(0);
- if (!box_list.empty()) {
- RTLIL::Module *holes_module = module->design->addModule("$__holes__");
- log_assert(holes_module);
+ if (!box_list.empty() || !ff_bits.empty()) {
+ dict<IdString, std::tuple<int,int,int>> cell_cache;
- dict<IdString, Cell*> cell_cache;
- int port_id = 1;
int box_count = 0;
for (auto cell : box_list) {
+ log_assert(cell);
RTLIL::Module* box_module = module->design->module(cell->type);
- IdString derived_name = box_module->derive(module->design, cell->parameters);
- box_module = module->design->module(derived_name);
- if (box_module->has_processes())
- log_error("ABC9 box '%s' contains processes!\n", box_module->name.c_str());
- int box_inputs = 0, box_outputs = 0;
- auto r = cell_cache.insert(std::make_pair(derived_name, nullptr));
- Cell *holes_cell = r.first->second;
- if (r.second && !holes_cell && box_module->get_bool_attribute("\\whitebox")) {
- holes_cell = holes_module->addCell(cell->name, cell->type);
- holes_cell->parameters = cell->parameters;
- r.first->second = holes_cell;
- }
- // NB: Assume box_module->ports are sorted alphabetically
- // (as RTLIL::Module::fixup_ports() would do)
- for (const auto &port_name : box_module->ports) {
- RTLIL::Wire *w = box_module->wire(port_name);
- log_assert(w);
- RTLIL::Wire *holes_wire;
- RTLIL::SigSpec port_sig;
- if (w->port_input)
- for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(w); i++) {
- box_inputs++;
- holes_wire = holes_module->wire(stringf("\\i%d", box_inputs));
- if (!holes_wire) {
- holes_wire = holes_module->addWire(stringf("\\i%d", box_inputs));
- holes_wire->port_input = true;
- holes_wire->port_id = port_id++;
- holes_module->ports.push_back(holes_wire->name);
- }
- if (holes_cell)
- port_sig.append(holes_wire);
- }
- if (w->port_output) {
- box_outputs += GetSize(w);
- for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(w); i++) {
- if (GetSize(w) == 1)
- holes_wire = holes_module->addWire(stringf("%s.%s", cell->name.c_str(), log_id(w->name)));
- else
- holes_wire = holes_module->addWire(stringf("%s.%s[%d]", cell->name.c_str(), log_id(w->name), i));
- holes_wire->port_output = true;
- holes_wire->port_id = port_id++;
- holes_module->ports.push_back(holes_wire->name);
- if (holes_cell)
- port_sig.append(holes_wire);
- else
- holes_module->connect(holes_wire, State::S0);
- }
- }
- if (!port_sig.empty()) {
- if (r.second)
- holes_cell->setPort(w->name, port_sig);
- else
- holes_module->connect(holes_cell->getPort(w->name), port_sig);
+ auto r = cell_cache.insert(cell->type);
+ auto &v = r.first->second;
+ if (r.second) {
+ int box_inputs = 0, box_outputs = 0;
+ for (auto port_name : box_module->ports) {
+ RTLIL::Wire *w = box_module->wire(port_name);
+ log_assert(w);
+ if (w->port_input)
+ box_inputs += GetSize(w);
+ if (w->port_output)
+ box_outputs += GetSize(w);
+ // For flops only, create an extra 1-bit input that drives a new wire
+ // called "<cell>.abc9_ff.Q" that is used below
+ if (box_module->get_bool_attribute("\\abc9_flop"))
+ box_inputs++;
+ std::get<0>(v) = box_inputs;
+ std::get<1>(v) = box_outputs;
+ std::get<2>(v) = box_module->attributes.at("\\abc9_box_id").as_int();
- write_h_buffer(box_inputs);
- write_h_buffer(box_outputs);
- write_h_buffer(box_module->attributes.at("\\abc9_box_id").as_int());
+ write_h_buffer(std::get<0>(v));
+ write_h_buffer(std::get<1>(v));
+ write_h_buffer(std::get<2>(v));
std::stringstream r_buffer;
auto write_r_buffer = std::bind(write_buffer, std::ref(r_buffer), std::placeholders::_1);
- write_r_buffer(0);
+ log_debug("flopNum = %d\n", GetSize(ff_bits));
+ write_r_buffer(ff_bits.size());
+ std::stringstream s_buffer;
+ auto write_s_buffer = std::bind(write_buffer, std::ref(s_buffer), std::placeholders::_1);
+ write_s_buffer(ff_bits.size());
+ for (const auto &i : ff_bits) {
+ const SigBit &d = i.first;
+ const Cell *cell = i.second;
+ int mergeability = cell->attributes.at(ID(abc9_mergeability)).as_int();
+ log_assert(mergeability > 0);
+ write_r_buffer(mergeability);
+ Const init = cell->attributes.at(ID(abc9_init));
+ log_assert(GetSize(init) == 1);
+ if (init == State::S1)
+ write_s_buffer(1);
+ else if (init == State::S0)
+ write_s_buffer(0);
+ else {
+ log_assert(init == State::Sx);
+ write_s_buffer(0);
+ }
+ write_i_buffer(arrival_times.at(d, 0));
+ //write_o_buffer(0);
+ }
f << "r";
std::string buffer_str = r_buffer.str();
int32_t buffer_size_be = to_big_endian(buffer_str.size());
f.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&buffer_size_be), sizeof(buffer_size_be));
f.write(buffer_str.data(), buffer_str.size());
- if (holes_module) {
- log_push();
- // NB: fixup_ports() will sort ports by name
- //holes_module->fixup_ports();
- holes_module->check();
- holes_module->design->selection_stack.emplace_back(false);
- RTLIL::Selection& sel = holes_module->design->selection_stack.back();
- sel.select(holes_module);
- Pass::call(holes_module->design, "flatten -wb");
- // Cannot techmap/aigmap all lib_whitebox-es just once per design
- // instead of per write_xaiger call, since boxes may be parameterised
- // and new $paramod-s may have been created...
- Pass::call(holes_module->design, "techmap");
- Pass::call(holes_module->design, "aigmap");
- for (auto cell : holes_module->cells())
- if (!cell->type.in("$_NOT_", "$_AND_"))
- log_error("Whitebox contents cannot be represented as AIG. Please verify whiteboxes are synthesisable.\n");
- holes_module->design->selection_stack.pop_back();
- // Move into a new (temporary) design so that "clean" will only
- // operate (and run checks on) this one module
- RTLIL::Design *holes_design = new RTLIL::Design;
- holes_module->design->modules_.erase(holes_module->name);
- holes_design->add(holes_module);
- Pass::call(holes_design, "clean -purge");
+ f << "s";
+ buffer_str = s_buffer.str();
+ buffer_size_be = to_big_endian(buffer_str.size());
+ f.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&buffer_size_be), sizeof(buffer_size_be));
+ f.write(buffer_str.data(), buffer_str.size());
+ RTLIL::Module *holes_module = module->design->module(stringf("%s$holes", module->name.c_str()));
+ if (holes_module) {
std::stringstream a_buffer;
XAigerWriter writer(holes_module, true /* holes_mode */);
writer.write_aiger(a_buffer, false /*ascii_mode*/);
- delete holes_design;
f << "a";
std::string buffer_str = a_buffer.str();
int32_t buffer_size_be = to_big_endian(buffer_str.size());
f.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&buffer_size_be), sizeof(buffer_size_be));
f.write(buffer_str.data(), buffer_str.size());
- log_pop();
@@ -750,19 +684,20 @@ struct XAigerWriter
//f.write(buffer_str.data(), buffer_str.size());
f << stringf("Generated by %s\n", yosys_version_str);
+ module->design->scratchpad_set_int("write_xaiger.num_ands", and_map.size());
+ module->design->scratchpad_set_int("write_xaiger.num_wires", aig_map.size());
+ module->design->scratchpad_set_int("write_xaiger.num_inputs", input_bits.size());
+ module->design->scratchpad_set_int("write_xaiger.num_outputs", output_bits.size());
- void write_map(std::ostream &f, bool verbose_map)
+ void write_map(std::ostream &f)
dict<int, string> input_lines;
dict<int, string> output_lines;
- dict<int, string> wire_lines;
for (auto wire : module->wires())
- //if (!verbose_map && wire->name[0] == '$')
- // continue;
SigSpec sig = sigmap(wire);
for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(wire); i++)
@@ -776,17 +711,10 @@ struct XAigerWriter
if (output_bits.count(b)) {
int o = ordered_outputs.at(b);
- output_lines[o] += stringf("output %d %d %s\n", o - GetSize(co_bits), i, log_id(wire));
+ int init = 2;
+ output_lines[o] += stringf("output %d %d %s %d\n", o - GetSize(co_bits), i, log_id(wire), init);
- if (verbose_map) {
- if (aig_map.count(sig[i]) == 0)
- continue;
- int a = aig_map.at(sig[i]);
- wire_lines[a] += stringf("wire %d %d %s\n", a, i, log_id(wire));
- }
@@ -800,15 +728,9 @@ struct XAigerWriter
f << stringf("box %d %d %s\n", box_count++, 0, log_id(cell->name));
- if (omode)
- output_lines[State::S0] = "output 0 0 $__dummy__\n";
for (auto &it : output_lines)
f << it.second;
log_assert(output_lines.size() == output_bits.size());
- wire_lines.sort();
- for (auto &it : wire_lines)
- f << it.second;
@@ -820,8 +742,11 @@ struct XAigerBackend : public Backend {
log(" write_xaiger [options] [filename]\n");
- log("Write the current design to an XAIGER file. The design must be flattened and\n");
- log("all unsupported cells will be converted into psuedo-inputs and pseudo-outputs.\n");
+ log("Write the top module (according to the (* top *) attribute or if only one module\n");
+ log("is currently selected) to an XAIGER file. Any non $_NOT_, $_AND_, $_ABC9_FF_, or");
+ log("non (* abc9_box_id *) cells will be converted into psuedo-inputs and\n");
+ log("pseudo-outputs. Whitebox contents will be taken from the '<module-name>$holes'\n");
+ log("module, if it exists.\n");
log(" -ascii\n");
log(" write ASCII version of AIGER format\n");
@@ -829,14 +754,10 @@ struct XAigerBackend : public Backend {
log(" -map <filename>\n");
log(" write an extra file with port and box symbols\n");
- log(" -vmap <filename>\n");
- log(" like -map, but more verbose\n");
- log("\n");
void execute(std::ostream *&f, std::string filename, std::vector<std::string> args, RTLIL::Design *design) YS_OVERRIDE
bool ascii_mode = false;
- bool verbose_map = false;
std::string map_filename;
log_header(design, "Executing XAIGER backend.\n");
@@ -852,11 +773,6 @@ struct XAigerBackend : public Backend {
map_filename = args[++argidx];
- if (map_filename.empty() && args[argidx] == "-vmap" && argidx+1 < args.size()) {
- map_filename = args[++argidx];
- verbose_map = true;
- continue;
- }
extra_args(f, filename, args, argidx, !ascii_mode);
@@ -866,6 +782,14 @@ struct XAigerBackend : public Backend {
if (top_module == nullptr)
log_error("Can't find top module in current design!\n");
+ if (!design->selected_whole_module(top_module))
+ log_cmd_error("Can't handle partially selected module %s!\n", log_id(top_module));
+ if (!top_module->processes.empty())
+ log_error("Found unmapped processes in module %s: unmapped processes are not supported in XAIGER backend!\n", log_id(top_module));
+ if (!top_module->memories.empty())
+ log_error("Found unmapped memories in module %s: unmapped memories are not supported in XAIGER backend!\n", log_id(top_module));
XAigerWriter writer(top_module);
writer.write_aiger(*f, ascii_mode);
@@ -874,7 +798,7 @@ struct XAigerBackend : public Backend {
mapf.open(map_filename.c_str(), std::ofstream::trunc);
if (mapf.fail())
log_error("Can't open file `%s' for writing: %s\n", map_filename.c_str(), strerror(errno));
- writer.write_map(mapf, verbose_map);
+ writer.write_map(mapf);
} XAigerBackend;
diff --git a/backends/edif/edif.cc b/backends/edif/edif.cc
index 6d9469538..60a098917 100644
--- a/backends/edif/edif.cc
+++ b/backends/edif/edif.cc
@@ -300,6 +300,26 @@ struct EdifBackend : public Backend {
*f << stringf(" (library DESIGN\n");
*f << stringf(" (edifLevel 0)\n");
*f << stringf(" (technology (numberDefinition))\n");
+ auto add_prop = [&](IdString name, Const val) {
+ if ((val.flags & RTLIL::CONST_FLAG_STRING) != 0)
+ *f << stringf("\n (property %s (string \"%s\"))", EDIF_DEF(name), val.decode_string().c_str());
+ else if (val.bits.size() <= 32 && RTLIL::SigSpec(val).is_fully_def())
+ *f << stringf("\n (property %s (integer %u))", EDIF_DEF(name), val.as_int());
+ else {
+ std::string hex_string = "";
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < val.bits.size(); i += 4) {
+ int digit_value = 0;
+ if (i+0 < val.bits.size() && val.bits.at(i+0) == RTLIL::State::S1) digit_value |= 1;
+ if (i+1 < val.bits.size() && val.bits.at(i+1) == RTLIL::State::S1) digit_value |= 2;
+ if (i+2 < val.bits.size() && val.bits.at(i+2) == RTLIL::State::S1) digit_value |= 4;
+ if (i+3 < val.bits.size() && val.bits.at(i+3) == RTLIL::State::S1) digit_value |= 8;
+ char digit_str[2] = { "0123456789abcdef"[digit_value], 0 };
+ hex_string = std::string(digit_str) + hex_string;
+ }
+ *f << stringf("\n (property %s (string \"%d'h%s\"))", EDIF_DEF(name), GetSize(val.bits), hex_string.c_str());
+ }
+ };
for (auto module : sorted_modules)
if (module->get_blackbox_attribute())
@@ -323,14 +343,23 @@ struct EdifBackend : public Backend {
else if (!wire->port_input)
dir = "OUTPUT";
if (wire->width == 1) {
- *f << stringf(" (port %s (direction %s))\n", EDIF_DEF(wire->name), dir);
+ *f << stringf(" (port %s (direction %s)", EDIF_DEF(wire->name), dir);
+ if (attr_properties)
+ for (auto &p : wire->attributes)
+ add_prop(p.first, p.second);
+ *f << ")\n";
RTLIL::SigSpec sig = sigmap(RTLIL::SigSpec(wire));
net_join_db[sig].insert(stringf("(portRef %s)", EDIF_REF(wire->name)));
} else {
int b[2];
b[wire->upto ? 0 : 1] = wire->start_offset;
b[wire->upto ? 1 : 0] = wire->start_offset + GetSize(wire) - 1;
- *f << stringf(" (port (array %s %d) (direction %s))\n", EDIF_DEFR(wire->name, port_rename, b[0], b[1]), wire->width, dir);
+ *f << stringf(" (port (array %s %d) (direction %s)", EDIF_DEFR(wire->name, port_rename, b[0], b[1]), wire->width, dir);
+ if (attr_properties)
+ for (auto &p : wire->attributes)
+ add_prop(p.first, p.second);
+ *f << ")\n";
for (int i = 0; i < wire->width; i++) {
RTLIL::SigSpec sig = sigmap(RTLIL::SigSpec(wire, i));
net_join_db[sig].insert(stringf("(portRef (member %s %d))", EDIF_REF(wire->name), GetSize(wire)-i-1));
@@ -348,27 +377,6 @@ struct EdifBackend : public Backend {
*f << stringf(" (instance %s\n", EDIF_DEF(cell->name));
*f << stringf(" (viewRef VIEW_NETLIST (cellRef %s%s))", EDIF_REF(cell->type),
lib_cell_ports.count(cell->type) > 0 ? " (libraryRef LIB)" : "");
- auto add_prop = [&](IdString name, Const val) {
- if ((val.flags & RTLIL::CONST_FLAG_STRING) != 0)
- *f << stringf("\n (property %s (string \"%s\"))", EDIF_DEF(name), val.decode_string().c_str());
- else if (val.bits.size() <= 32 && RTLIL::SigSpec(val).is_fully_def())
- *f << stringf("\n (property %s (integer %u))", EDIF_DEF(name), val.as_int());
- else {
- std::string hex_string = "";
- for (size_t i = 0; i < val.bits.size(); i += 4) {
- int digit_value = 0;
- if (i+0 < val.bits.size() && val.bits.at(i+0) == RTLIL::State::S1) digit_value |= 1;
- if (i+1 < val.bits.size() && val.bits.at(i+1) == RTLIL::State::S1) digit_value |= 2;
- if (i+2 < val.bits.size() && val.bits.at(i+2) == RTLIL::State::S1) digit_value |= 4;
- if (i+3 < val.bits.size() && val.bits.at(i+3) == RTLIL::State::S1) digit_value |= 8;
- char digit_str[2] = { "0123456789abcdef"[digit_value], 0 };
- hex_string = std::string(digit_str) + hex_string;
- }
- *f << stringf("\n (property %s (string \"%d'h%s\"))", EDIF_DEF(name), GetSize(val.bits), hex_string.c_str());
- }
- };
for (auto &p : cell->parameters)
add_prop(p.first, p.second);
if (attr_properties)
@@ -404,6 +412,8 @@ struct EdifBackend : public Backend {
for (auto &ref : it.second)
log_warning("Exporting x-bit on %s as zero bit.\n", ref.c_str());
sig = RTLIL::State::S0;
+ } else if (sig == RTLIL::State::Sz) {
+ continue;
} else {
for (auto &ref : it.second)
log_error("Don't know how to handle %s on %s.\n", log_signal(sig), ref.c_str());
@@ -431,8 +441,12 @@ struct EdifBackend : public Backend {
*f << stringf(" (portRef %c (instanceRef GND))\n", gndvccy ? 'Y' : 'G');
if (sig == RTLIL::State::S1)
*f << stringf(" (portRef %c (instanceRef VCC))\n", gndvccy ? 'Y' : 'P');
- }
- *f << stringf(" ))\n");
+ }
+ *f << stringf(" )");
+ if (attr_properties && sig.wire != NULL)
+ for (auto &p : sig.wire->attributes)
+ add_prop(p.first, p.second);
+ *f << stringf("\n )\n");
*f << stringf(" )\n");
*f << stringf(" )\n");
diff --git a/backends/smt2/smtio.py b/backends/smt2/smtio.py
index 1df996aa7..34bf7ef38 100644
--- a/backends/smt2/smtio.py
+++ b/backends/smt2/smtio.py
@@ -304,7 +304,11 @@ class SmtIo:
def p_open(self):
assert self.p is None
- self.p = subprocess.Popen(self.popen_vargs, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+ try:
+ self.p = subprocess.Popen(self.popen_vargs, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ print("%s SMT Solver '%s' not found in path." % (self.timestamp(), self.popen_vargs[0]), flush=True)
+ sys.exit(1)
running_solvers[self.p_index] = self.p
self.p_running = True
self.p_next = None