path: root/guidelines/Checklists
diff options
authorN. Engelhardt <nak@yosyshq.com>2021-03-22 19:16:25 +0100
committerN. Engelhardt <nak@yosyshq.com>2021-03-22 19:16:25 +0100
commitd9ec35a526b9583727ef484ec68bc288dcddb0c8 (patch)
tree01716e03bbb854262fcd128f9c4b3bba5344b751 /guidelines/Checklists
parent92d5550a90558a0292c8ac63cecabb2de30eb6aa (diff)
split CodingReadme into multiple files
Diffstat (limited to 'guidelines/Checklists')
1 files changed, 120 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/guidelines/Checklists b/guidelines/Checklists
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cc61c7876
--- /dev/null
+++ b/guidelines/Checklists
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+Checklist for adding internal cell types
+Things to do right away:
+ - Add to kernel/celltypes.h (incl. eval() handling for non-mem cells)
+ - Add to InternalCellChecker::check() in kernel/rtlil.cc
+ - Add to techlibs/common/simlib.v
+ - Add to techlibs/common/techmap.v
+Things to do after finalizing the cell interface:
+ - Add support to kernel/satgen.h for the new cell type
+ - Add to manual/CHAPTER_CellLib.tex (or just add a fixme to the bottom)
+ - Maybe add support to the Verilog backend for dumping such cells as expression
+Checklist for creating Yosys releases
+Update the CHANGELOG file:
+ cd ~yosys
+ gitk &
+Update and check documentation:
+ cd ~yosys
+ make update-manual
+ make manual
+ - sanity check the figures in the appnotes and presentation
+ - if there are any odd things -> investigate
+ - make cosmetic changes to the .tex files if necessary
+ cd ~yosys
+ vi README guidelines/*
+ - is the information provided in those file still up to date
+Then with default config setting:
+ cd ~yosys
+ make vgtest
+ cd ~yosys
+ ./yosys -p 'proc; show' tests/simple/fiedler-cooley.v
+ ./yosys -p 'proc; opt; show' tests/simple/fiedler-cooley.v
+ ./yosys -p 'synth; show' tests/simple/fiedler-cooley.v
+ ./yosys -p 'synth_xilinx -top up3down5; show' tests/simple/fiedler-cooley.v
+ cd ~yosys/examples/cmos
+ bash testbench.sh
+ cd ~yosys/examples/basys3
+ bash run.sh
+Test building plugins with various of the standard passes:
+ yosys-config --build test.so equiv_simple.cc
+ - also check the code examples in guidelines/GettingStarted
+And if a version of the verific library is currently available:
+ cd ~yosys
+ cat frontends/verific/build_amd64.txt
+ - follow instructions
+ cd frontends/verific
+ ../../yosys test_navre.ys
+Finally run all tests with "make config-{clang,gcc,gcc-4.8}":
+ cd ~yosys
+ make clean
+ make test
+ make ystests
+ make vloghtb
+ make install
+ cd ~yosys-bigsim
+ make clean
+ make full
+ cd ~vloghammer
+ make purge gen_issues gen_samples
+ make SYN_LIST="yosys" SIM_LIST="icarus yosim verilator" REPORT_FULL=1 world
+ chromium-browser report.html
+ - set YOSYS_VER to x.y.z in Makefile
+ - remove "bumpversion" target from Makefile
+ - update version string in CHANGELOG
+ git commit -am "Yosys x.y.z"
+ - push tag to github
+ - post changelog on github
+ - post short release note on reddit
+Updating the website:
+ cd ~yosys
+ make manual
+ make install
+ - update pdf files on the website
+ cd ~yosys-web
+ make update_cmd
+ make update_show
+ git commit -am update
+ make push