path: root/passes/memory/memory_map.cc
diff options
authorArchie <ac11018@ic.ac.uk>2022-08-21 17:18:20 -0500
committerArchie <ac11018@ic.ac.uk>2022-08-21 17:18:20 -0500
commitdb73f3c26b2768f93c7573b7c7d74b1cc7a0756d (patch)
tree81696fd98770e519aea96fe3a6e40bcc3b3a4360 /passes/memory/memory_map.cc
parente7e8e3b0f65ea1ebfcf04bffd0d9ba90f8e0d7fe (diff)
parent029c2785e810fda0ccc5abbb6057af760f2fc6f3 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/ALGCDG/yosys
Diffstat (limited to 'passes/memory/memory_map.cc')
1 files changed, 155 insertions, 70 deletions
diff --git a/passes/memory/memory_map.cc b/passes/memory/memory_map.cc
index ca1ca483d..e2f74c2e1 100644
--- a/passes/memory/memory_map.cc
+++ b/passes/memory/memory_map.cc
struct MemoryMapWorker
bool attr_icase = false;
+ bool rom_only = false;
+ bool keepdc = false;
+ bool formal = false;
dict<RTLIL::IdString, std::vector<RTLIL::Const>> attributes;
RTLIL::Design *design;
@@ -107,11 +110,8 @@ struct MemoryMapWorker
SigSpec init_data = mem.get_init_data();
- // delete unused memory cell
- if (mem.rd_ports.empty()) {
- mem.remove();
+ if (!mem.wr_ports.empty() && rom_only)
- }
// check if attributes allow us to infer FFRAM for this memory
for (const auto &attr : attributes) {
@@ -143,9 +143,17 @@ struct MemoryMapWorker
+ // delete unused memory cell
+ if (mem.rd_ports.empty()) {
+ mem.remove();
+ return;
+ }
// all write ports must share the same clock
RTLIL::SigSpec refclock;
bool refclock_pol = false;
+ bool async_wr = false;
+ bool static_only = true;
for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(mem.wr_ports); i++) {
auto &port = mem.wr_ports[i];
if (port.en.is_fully_const() && !port.en.as_bool()) {
@@ -159,10 +167,20 @@ struct MemoryMapWorker
- log("Not mapping memory %s in module %s (write port %d has no clock).\n",
- mem.memid.c_str(), module->name.c_str(), i);
- return;
+ static_only = false;
+ if (GetSize(refclock) != 0)
+ log("Not mapping memory %s in module %s (mixed clocked and async write ports).\n",
+ mem.memid.c_str(), module->name.c_str());
+ if (!formal)
+ log("Not mapping memory %s in module %s (write port %d has no clock).\n",
+ mem.memid.c_str(), module->name.c_str(), i);
+ async_wr = true;
+ continue;
+ static_only = false;
+ if (async_wr)
+ log("Not mapping memory %s in module %s (mixed clocked and async write ports).\n",
+ mem.memid.c_str(), module->name.c_str());
if (refclock.size() == 0) {
refclock = port.clk;
refclock_pol = port.clk_polarity;
@@ -180,28 +198,47 @@ struct MemoryMapWorker
std::vector<RTLIL::SigSpec> data_reg_in(1 << abits);
std::vector<RTLIL::SigSpec> data_reg_out(1 << abits);
+ std::vector<RTLIL::SigSpec> &data_read = async_wr ? data_reg_in : data_reg_out;
int count_static = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < mem.size; i++)
int addr = i + mem.start_offset;
int idx = addr & ((1 << abits) - 1);
+ SigSpec w_init = init_data.extract(i*mem.width, mem.width);
if (static_cells_map.count(addr) > 0)
- data_reg_out[idx] = static_cells_map[addr];
+ data_read[idx] = static_cells_map[addr];
+ else if (static_only && (!keepdc || w_init.is_fully_def()))
+ {
+ data_read[idx] = w_init;
+ }
- RTLIL::Cell *c = module->addCell(genid(mem.memid, "", addr), ID($dff));
- c->parameters[ID::WIDTH] = mem.width;
- if (GetSize(refclock) != 0) {
+ RTLIL::Cell *c;
+ auto ff_id = genid(mem.memid, "", addr);
+ if (static_only) {
+ // non-static part is a ROM, we only reach this with keepdc
+ if (formal) {
+ c = module->addCell(ff_id, ID($ff));
+ } else {
+ c = module->addCell(ff_id, ID($dff));
+ c->parameters[ID::CLK_POLARITY] = RTLIL::Const(RTLIL::State::S1);
+ c->setPort(ID::CLK, RTLIL::SigSpec(RTLIL::State::S0));
+ }
+ } else if (async_wr) {
+ log_assert(formal); // General async write not implemented yet, checked against above
+ c = module->addCell(ff_id, ID($ff));
+ } else {
+ c = module->addCell(ff_id, ID($dff));
c->parameters[ID::CLK_POLARITY] = RTLIL::Const(refclock_pol);
c->setPort(ID::CLK, refclock);
- } else {
- c->parameters[ID::CLK_POLARITY] = RTLIL::Const(RTLIL::State::S1);
- c->setPort(ID::CLK, RTLIL::SigSpec(RTLIL::State::S0));
+ c->parameters[ID::WIDTH] = mem.width;
RTLIL::Wire *w_in = module->addWire(genid(mem.memid, "", addr, "$d"), mem.width);
data_reg_in[idx] = w_in;
@@ -212,17 +249,28 @@ struct MemoryMapWorker
w_out_name = genid(mem.memid, "", addr, "$q");
RTLIL::Wire *w_out = module->addWire(w_out_name, mem.width);
- SigSpec w_init = init_data.extract(i*mem.width, mem.width);
+ if (formal && mem.packed && mem.cell->name.c_str()[0] == '\\') {
+ auto hdlname = mem.cell->get_hdlname_attribute();
+ if (hdlname.empty())
+ hdlname.push_back(mem.cell->name.c_str() + 1);
+ hdlname.push_back(stringf("[%d]", addr));
+ w_out->set_hdlname_attribute(hdlname);
+ }
if (!w_init.is_fully_undef())
w_out->attributes[ID::init] = w_init.as_const();
data_reg_out[idx] = w_out;
c->setPort(ID::Q, w_out);
+ if (static_only)
+ module->connect(RTLIL::SigSig(w_in, w_out));
- log(" created %d $dff cells and %d static cells of width %d.\n", mem.size-count_static, count_static, mem.width);
+ log(" created %d %s cells and %d static cells of width %d.\n",
+ mem.size-count_static, formal && (static_only || async_wr) ? "$ff" : "$dff", count_static, mem.width);
int count_dff = 0, count_mux = 0, count_wrmux = 0;
@@ -260,75 +308,78 @@ struct MemoryMapWorker
for (int j = 0; j < (1 << abits); j++)
- if (data_reg_out[j] != SigSpec())
- module->connect(RTLIL::SigSig(rd_signals[j >> port.wide_log2].extract((j & ((1 << port.wide_log2) - 1)) * mem.width, mem.width), data_reg_out[j]));
+ if (data_read[j] != SigSpec())
+ module->connect(RTLIL::SigSig(rd_signals[j >> port.wide_log2].extract((j & ((1 << port.wide_log2) - 1)) * mem.width, mem.width), data_read[j]));
log(" read interface: %d $dff and %d $mux cells.\n", count_dff, count_mux);
- for (int i = 0; i < mem.size; i++)
+ if (!static_only)
- int addr = i + mem.start_offset;
- int idx = addr & ((1 << abits) - 1);
- if (static_cells_map.count(addr) > 0)
- continue;
- RTLIL::SigSpec sig = data_reg_out[idx];
- for (int j = 0; j < GetSize(mem.wr_ports); j++)
+ for (int i = 0; i < mem.size; i++)
- auto &port = mem.wr_ports[j];
- RTLIL::SigSpec wr_addr = port.addr.extract_end(port.wide_log2);
- RTLIL::Wire *w_seladdr = addr_decode(wr_addr, RTLIL::SigSpec(addr >> port.wide_log2, GetSize(wr_addr)));
+ int addr = i + mem.start_offset;
+ int idx = addr & ((1 << abits) - 1);
+ if (static_cells_map.count(addr) > 0)
+ continue;
- int sub = addr & ((1 << port.wide_log2) - 1);
+ RTLIL::SigSpec sig = data_reg_out[idx];
- int wr_offset = 0;
- while (wr_offset < mem.width)
+ for (int j = 0; j < GetSize(mem.wr_ports); j++)
- int wr_width = 1;
- RTLIL::SigSpec wr_bit = port.en.extract(wr_offset + sub * mem.width, 1);
- while (wr_offset + wr_width < mem.width) {
- RTLIL::SigSpec next_wr_bit = port.en.extract(wr_offset + wr_width + sub * mem.width, 1);
- if (next_wr_bit != wr_bit)
- break;
- wr_width++;
- }
+ auto &port = mem.wr_ports[j];
+ RTLIL::SigSpec wr_addr = port.addr.extract_end(port.wide_log2);
+ RTLIL::Wire *w_seladdr = addr_decode(wr_addr, RTLIL::SigSpec(addr >> port.wide_log2, GetSize(wr_addr)));
- RTLIL::Wire *w = w_seladdr;
+ int sub = addr & ((1 << port.wide_log2) - 1);
- if (wr_bit != State::S1)
+ int wr_offset = 0;
+ while (wr_offset < mem.width)
- RTLIL::Cell *c = module->addCell(genid(mem.memid, "$wren", addr, "", j, "", wr_offset), ID($and));
- c->parameters[ID::A_SIGNED] = RTLIL::Const(0);
- c->parameters[ID::B_SIGNED] = RTLIL::Const(0);
- c->parameters[ID::A_WIDTH] = RTLIL::Const(1);
- c->parameters[ID::B_WIDTH] = RTLIL::Const(1);
- c->parameters[ID::Y_WIDTH] = RTLIL::Const(1);
- c->setPort(ID::A, w);
- c->setPort(ID::B, wr_bit);
- w = module->addWire(genid(mem.memid, "$wren", addr, "", j, "", wr_offset, "$y"));
- c->setPort(ID::Y, RTLIL::SigSpec(w));
+ int wr_width = 1;
+ RTLIL::SigSpec wr_bit = port.en.extract(wr_offset + sub * mem.width, 1);
+ while (wr_offset + wr_width < mem.width) {
+ RTLIL::SigSpec next_wr_bit = port.en.extract(wr_offset + wr_width + sub * mem.width, 1);
+ if (next_wr_bit != wr_bit)
+ break;
+ wr_width++;
+ }
+ RTLIL::Wire *w = w_seladdr;
+ if (wr_bit != State::S1)
+ {
+ RTLIL::Cell *c = module->addCell(genid(mem.memid, "$wren", addr, "", j, "", wr_offset), ID($and));
+ c->parameters[ID::A_SIGNED] = RTLIL::Const(0);
+ c->parameters[ID::B_SIGNED] = RTLIL::Const(0);
+ c->parameters[ID::A_WIDTH] = RTLIL::Const(1);
+ c->parameters[ID::B_WIDTH] = RTLIL::Const(1);
+ c->parameters[ID::Y_WIDTH] = RTLIL::Const(1);
+ c->setPort(ID::A, w);
+ c->setPort(ID::B, wr_bit);
+ w = module->addWire(genid(mem.memid, "$wren", addr, "", j, "", wr_offset, "$y"));
+ c->setPort(ID::Y, RTLIL::SigSpec(w));
+ }
+ RTLIL::Cell *c = module->addCell(genid(mem.memid, "$wrmux", addr, "", j, "", wr_offset), ID($mux));
+ c->parameters[ID::WIDTH] = wr_width;
+ c->setPort(ID::A, sig.extract(wr_offset, wr_width));
+ c->setPort(ID::B, port.data.extract(wr_offset + sub * mem.width, wr_width));
+ c->setPort(ID::S, RTLIL::SigSpec(w));
+ w = module->addWire(genid(mem.memid, "$wrmux", addr, "", j, "", wr_offset, "$y"), wr_width);
+ c->setPort(ID::Y, w);
+ sig.replace(wr_offset, w);
+ wr_offset += wr_width;
+ count_wrmux++;
- RTLIL::Cell *c = module->addCell(genid(mem.memid, "$wrmux", addr, "", j, "", wr_offset), ID($mux));
- c->parameters[ID::WIDTH] = wr_width;
- c->setPort(ID::A, sig.extract(wr_offset, wr_width));
- c->setPort(ID::B, port.data.extract(wr_offset + sub * mem.width, wr_width));
- c->setPort(ID::S, RTLIL::SigSpec(w));
- w = module->addWire(genid(mem.memid, "$wrmux", addr, "", j, "", wr_offset, "$y"), wr_width);
- c->setPort(ID::Y, w);
- sig.replace(wr_offset, w);
- wr_offset += wr_width;
- count_wrmux++;
- }
- module->connect(RTLIL::SigSig(data_reg_in[idx], sig));
+ module->connect(RTLIL::SigSig(data_reg_in[idx], sig));
+ }
log(" write interface: %d write mux blocks.\n", count_wrmux);
@@ -366,10 +417,25 @@ struct MemoryMapPass : public Pass {
log(" -iattr\n");
log(" for -attr, ignore case of <value>.\n");
+ log(" -rom-only\n");
+ log(" only perform conversion for ROMs (memories with no write ports).\n");
+ log("\n");
+ log(" -keepdc\n");
+ log(" when mapping ROMs, keep x-bits shared across read ports.\n");
+ log("\n");
+ log(" -formal\n");
+ log(" map memories for a global clock based formal verification flow.\n");
+ log(" This implies -keepdc, uses $ff cells for ROMs and sets hdlname\n");
+ log(" attributes. It also has limited support for async write ports\n");
+ log(" as generated by clk2fflogic.\n");
+ log("\n");
void execute(std::vector<std::string> args, RTLIL::Design *design) override
bool attr_icase = false;
+ bool rom_only = false;
+ bool keepdc = false;
+ bool formal = false;
dict<RTLIL::IdString, std::vector<RTLIL::Const>> attributes;
log_header(design, "Executing MEMORY_MAP pass (converting memories to logic and flip-flops).\n");
@@ -406,6 +472,22 @@ struct MemoryMapPass : public Pass {
attr_icase = true;
+ if (args[argidx] == "-rom-only")
+ {
+ rom_only = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (args[argidx] == "-keepdc")
+ {
+ keepdc = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (args[argidx] == "-formal")
+ {
+ formal = true;
+ keepdc = true;
+ continue;
+ }
extra_args(args, argidx, design);
@@ -414,6 +496,9 @@ struct MemoryMapPass : public Pass {
MemoryMapWorker worker(design, mod);
worker.attr_icase = attr_icase;
worker.attributes = attributes;
+ worker.rom_only = rom_only;
+ worker.keepdc = keepdc;
+ worker.formal = formal;