path: root/passes/pmgen
diff options
authorMarcelina Koƛcielnicka <mwk@0x04.net>2020-07-22 12:27:15 +0200
committerMarcelina Koƛcielnicka <mwk@0x04.net>2020-07-30 22:26:09 +0200
commit8501342fc5898ea1e6aadc33a27df54fa82d9107 (patch)
treef800244288989c3d848a0a283a9d1b4975d4f686 /passes/pmgen
parent4a05cad7f8a6ee57292e5360eb06305e13fc308b (diff)
synth_xilinx: Use opt_dff.
The main part is converting xilinx_dsp to recognize the new FF types created in opt_dff instead of trying to recognize the patterns on its own. The fsm call has been moved upwards because the passes cannot deal with $dffe/$sdff*, and other optimizations don't help it much anyway.
Diffstat (limited to 'passes/pmgen')
5 files changed, 200 insertions, 861 deletions
diff --git a/passes/pmgen/xilinx_dsp.cc b/passes/pmgen/xilinx_dsp.cc
index d05157270..cf7703d36 100644
--- a/passes/pmgen/xilinx_dsp.cc
+++ b/passes/pmgen/xilinx_dsp.cc
@@ -263,17 +263,17 @@ void xilinx_dsp_pack(xilinx_dsp_pm &pm)
log("Analysing %s.%s for Xilinx DSP packing.\n", log_id(pm.module), log_id(st.dsp));
log_debug("preAdd: %s\n", log_id(st.preAdd, "--"));
- log_debug("ffAD: %s %s %s\n", log_id(st.ffAD, "--"), log_id(st.ffADcemux, "--"), log_id(st.ffADrstmux, "--"));
- log_debug("ffA2: %s %s %s\n", log_id(st.ffA2, "--"), log_id(st.ffA2cemux, "--"), log_id(st.ffA2rstmux, "--"));
- log_debug("ffA1: %s %s %s\n", log_id(st.ffA1, "--"), log_id(st.ffA1cemux, "--"), log_id(st.ffA1rstmux, "--"));
- log_debug("ffB2: %s %s %s\n", log_id(st.ffB2, "--"), log_id(st.ffB2cemux, "--"), log_id(st.ffB2rstmux, "--"));
- log_debug("ffB1: %s %s %s\n", log_id(st.ffB1, "--"), log_id(st.ffB1cemux, "--"), log_id(st.ffB1rstmux, "--"));
- log_debug("ffD: %s %s %s\n", log_id(st.ffD, "--"), log_id(st.ffDcemux, "--"), log_id(st.ffDrstmux, "--"));
+ log_debug("ffAD: %s\n", log_id(st.ffAD, "--"));
+ log_debug("ffA2: %s\n", log_id(st.ffA2, "--"));
+ log_debug("ffA1: %s\n", log_id(st.ffA1, "--"));
+ log_debug("ffB2: %s\n", log_id(st.ffB2, "--"));
+ log_debug("ffB1: %s\n", log_id(st.ffB1, "--"));
+ log_debug("ffD: %s\n", log_id(st.ffD, "--"));
log_debug("dsp: %s\n", log_id(st.dsp, "--"));
- log_debug("ffM: %s %s %s\n", log_id(st.ffM, "--"), log_id(st.ffMcemux, "--"), log_id(st.ffMrstmux, "--"));
+ log_debug("ffM: %s\n", log_id(st.ffM, "--"));
log_debug("postAdd: %s\n", log_id(st.postAdd, "--"));
log_debug("postAddMux: %s\n", log_id(st.postAddMux, "--"));
- log_debug("ffP: %s %s %s\n", log_id(st.ffP, "--"), log_id(st.ffPcemux, "--"), log_id(st.ffPrstmux, "--"));
+ log_debug("ffP: %s\n", log_id(st.ffP, "--"));
log_debug("overflow: %s\n", log_id(st.overflow, "--"));
Cell *cell = st.dsp;
@@ -291,9 +291,10 @@ void xilinx_dsp_pack(xilinx_dsp_pm &pm)
cell->setPort(ID(INMODE), Const::from_string("00100"));
if (st.ffAD) {
- if (st.ffADcemux) {
- SigSpec S = st.ffADcemux->getPort(ID::S);
- cell->setPort(ID(CEAD), st.ffADcepol ? S : pm.module->Not(NEW_ID, S));
+ if (st.ffAD->type.in(ID($dffe), ID($sdffe))) {
+ bool pol = st.ffAD->getParam(ID::EN_POLARITY).as_bool();
+ SigSpec S = st.ffAD->getPort(ID::EN);
+ cell->setPort(ID(CEAD), pol ? S : pm.module->Not(NEW_ID, S));
cell->setPort(ID(CEAD), State::S1);
@@ -363,30 +364,24 @@ void xilinx_dsp_pack(xilinx_dsp_pm &pm)
cell->setPort(ID::CLK, st.clock);
- auto f = [&pm,cell](SigSpec &A, Cell* ff, Cell* cemux, bool cepol, IdString ceport, Cell* rstmux, bool rstpol, IdString rstport) {
+ auto f = [&pm,cell](SigSpec &A, Cell* ff, IdString ceport, IdString rstport) {
SigSpec D = ff->getPort(ID::D);
SigSpec Q = pm.sigmap(ff->getPort(ID::Q));
if (!A.empty())
A.replace(Q, D);
- if (rstmux) {
- SigSpec Y = rstmux->getPort(ID::Y);
- SigSpec AB = rstmux->getPort(rstpol ? ID::A : ID::B);
- if (!A.empty())
- A.replace(Y, AB);
- if (rstport != IdString()) {
- SigSpec S = rstmux->getPort(ID::S);
- cell->setPort(rstport, rstpol ? S : pm.module->Not(NEW_ID, S));
+ if (rstport != IdString()) {
+ if (ff->type.in(ID($sdff), ID($sdffe))) {
+ SigSpec srst = ff->getPort(ID::SRST);
+ bool rstpol = ff->getParam(ID::SRST_POLARITY).as_bool();
+ cell->setPort(rstport, rstpol ? srst : pm.module->Not(NEW_ID, srst));
+ } else {
+ cell->setPort(rstport, State::S0);
- else if (rstport != IdString())
- cell->setPort(rstport, State::S0);
- if (cemux) {
- SigSpec Y = cemux->getPort(ID::Y);
- SigSpec BA = cemux->getPort(cepol ? ID::B : ID::A);
- SigSpec S = cemux->getPort(ID::S);
- if (!A.empty())
- A.replace(Y, BA);
- cell->setPort(ceport, cepol ? S : pm.module->Not(NEW_ID, S));
+ if (ff->type.in(ID($dffe), ID($sdffe))) {
+ SigSpec ce = ff->getPort(ID::EN);
+ bool cepol = ff->getParam(ID::EN_POLARITY).as_bool();
+ cell->setPort(ceport, cepol ? ce : pm.module->Not(NEW_ID, ce));
cell->setPort(ceport, State::S1);
@@ -404,9 +399,9 @@ void xilinx_dsp_pack(xilinx_dsp_pm &pm)
if (st.ffA2) {
SigSpec A = cell->getPort(ID::A);
- f(A, st.ffA2, st.ffA2cemux, st.ffA2cepol, ID(CEA2), st.ffA2rstmux, st.ffArstpol, ID(RSTA));
+ f(A, st.ffA2, ID(CEA2), ID(RSTA));
if (st.ffA1) {
- f(A, st.ffA1, st.ffA1cemux, st.ffA1cepol, ID(CEA1), st.ffA1rstmux, st.ffArstpol, IdString());
+ f(A, st.ffA1, ID(CEA1), IdString());
cell->setParam(ID(AREG), 2);
cell->setParam(ID(ACASCREG), 2);
@@ -419,9 +414,9 @@ void xilinx_dsp_pack(xilinx_dsp_pm &pm)
if (st.ffB2) {
SigSpec B = cell->getPort(ID::B);
- f(B, st.ffB2, st.ffB2cemux, st.ffB2cepol, ID(CEB2), st.ffB2rstmux, st.ffBrstpol, ID(RSTB));
+ f(B, st.ffB2, ID(CEB2), ID(RSTB));
if (st.ffB1) {
- f(B, st.ffB1, st.ffB1cemux, st.ffB1cepol, ID(CEB1), st.ffB1rstmux, st.ffBrstpol, IdString());
+ f(B, st.ffB1, ID(CEB1), IdString());
cell->setParam(ID(BREG), 2);
cell->setParam(ID(BCASCREG), 2);
@@ -434,20 +429,20 @@ void xilinx_dsp_pack(xilinx_dsp_pm &pm)
if (st.ffD) {
SigSpec D = cell->getPort(ID::D);
- f(D, st.ffD, st.ffDcemux, st.ffDcepol, ID(CED), st.ffDrstmux, st.ffDrstpol, ID(RSTD));
+ f(D, st.ffD, ID(CED), ID(RSTD));
pm.add_siguser(D, cell);
cell->setPort(ID::D, D);
cell->setParam(ID(DREG), 1);
if (st.ffM) {
SigSpec M; // unused
- f(M, st.ffM, st.ffMcemux, st.ffMcepol, ID(CEM), st.ffMrstmux, st.ffMrstpol, ID(RSTM));
+ f(M, st.ffM, ID(CEM), ID(RSTM));
st.ffM->connections_.at(ID::Q).replace(st.sigM, pm.module->addWire(NEW_ID, GetSize(st.sigM)));
cell->setParam(ID(MREG), State::S1);
if (st.ffP) {
SigSpec P; // unused
- f(P, st.ffP, st.ffPcemux, st.ffPcepol, ID(CEP), st.ffPrstmux, st.ffPrstpol, ID(RSTP));
+ f(P, st.ffP, ID(CEP), ID(RSTP));
st.ffP->connections_.at(ID::Q).replace(st.sigP, pm.module->addWire(NEW_ID, GetSize(st.sigP)));
cell->setParam(ID(PREG), State::S1);
@@ -495,16 +490,16 @@ void xilinx_dsp48a_pack(xilinx_dsp48a_pm &pm)
log("Analysing %s.%s for Xilinx DSP48A/DSP48A1 packing.\n", log_id(pm.module), log_id(st.dsp));
log_debug("preAdd: %s\n", log_id(st.preAdd, "--"));
- log_debug("ffA1: %s %s %s\n", log_id(st.ffA1, "--"), log_id(st.ffA1cemux, "--"), log_id(st.ffA1rstmux, "--"));
- log_debug("ffA0: %s %s %s\n", log_id(st.ffA0, "--"), log_id(st.ffA0cemux, "--"), log_id(st.ffA0rstmux, "--"));
- log_debug("ffB1: %s %s %s\n", log_id(st.ffB1, "--"), log_id(st.ffB1cemux, "--"), log_id(st.ffB1rstmux, "--"));
- log_debug("ffB0: %s %s %s\n", log_id(st.ffB0, "--"), log_id(st.ffB0cemux, "--"), log_id(st.ffB0rstmux, "--"));
- log_debug("ffD: %s %s %s\n", log_id(st.ffD, "--"), log_id(st.ffDcemux, "--"), log_id(st.ffDrstmux, "--"));
+ log_debug("ffA1: %s\n", log_id(st.ffA1, "--"));
+ log_debug("ffA0: %s\n", log_id(st.ffA0, "--"));
+ log_debug("ffB1: %s\n", log_id(st.ffB1, "--"));
+ log_debug("ffB0: %s\n", log_id(st.ffB0, "--"));
+ log_debug("ffD: %s\n", log_id(st.ffD, "--"));
log_debug("dsp: %s\n", log_id(st.dsp, "--"));
- log_debug("ffM: %s %s %s\n", log_id(st.ffM, "--"), log_id(st.ffMcemux, "--"), log_id(st.ffMrstmux, "--"));
+ log_debug("ffM: %s\n", log_id(st.ffM, "--"));
log_debug("postAdd: %s\n", log_id(st.postAdd, "--"));
log_debug("postAddMux: %s\n", log_id(st.postAddMux, "--"));
- log_debug("ffP: %s %s %s\n", log_id(st.ffP, "--"), log_id(st.ffPcemux, "--"), log_id(st.ffPrstmux, "--"));
+ log_debug("ffP: %s\n", log_id(st.ffP, "--"));
Cell *cell = st.dsp;
SigSpec &opmode = cell->connections_.at(ID(OPMODE));
@@ -556,30 +551,24 @@ void xilinx_dsp48a_pack(xilinx_dsp48a_pm &pm)
cell->setPort(ID::CLK, st.clock);
- auto f = [&pm,cell](SigSpec &A, Cell* ff, Cell* cemux, bool cepol, IdString ceport, Cell* rstmux, bool rstpol, IdString rstport) {
+ auto f = [&pm,cell](SigSpec &A, Cell* ff, IdString ceport, IdString rstport) {
SigSpec D = ff->getPort(ID::D);
SigSpec Q = pm.sigmap(ff->getPort(ID::Q));
if (!A.empty())
A.replace(Q, D);
- if (rstmux) {
- SigSpec Y = rstmux->getPort(ID::Y);
- SigSpec AB = rstmux->getPort(rstpol ? ID::A : ID::B);
- if (!A.empty())
- A.replace(Y, AB);
- if (rstport != IdString()) {
- SigSpec S = rstmux->getPort(ID::S);
- cell->setPort(rstport, rstpol ? S : pm.module->Not(NEW_ID, S));
+ if (rstport != IdString()) {
+ if (ff->type.in(ID($sdff), ID($sdffe))) {
+ SigSpec srst = ff->getPort(ID::SRST);
+ bool rstpol = ff->getParam(ID::SRST_POLARITY).as_bool();
+ cell->setPort(rstport, rstpol ? srst : pm.module->Not(NEW_ID, srst));
+ } else {
+ cell->setPort(rstport, State::S0);
- else if (rstport != IdString())
- cell->setPort(rstport, State::S0);
- if (cemux) {
- SigSpec Y = cemux->getPort(ID::Y);
- SigSpec BA = cemux->getPort(cepol ? ID::B : ID::A);
- SigSpec S = cemux->getPort(ID::S);
- if (!A.empty())
- A.replace(Y, BA);
- cell->setPort(ceport, cepol ? S : pm.module->Not(NEW_ID, S));
+ if (ff->type.in(ID($dffe), ID($sdffe))) {
+ SigSpec ce = ff->getPort(ID::EN);
+ bool cepol = ff->getParam(ID::EN_POLARITY).as_bool();
+ cell->setPort(ceport, cepol ? ce : pm.module->Not(NEW_ID, ce));
cell->setPort(ceport, State::S1);
@@ -598,11 +587,11 @@ void xilinx_dsp48a_pack(xilinx_dsp48a_pm &pm)
if (st.ffA0 || st.ffA1) {
SigSpec A = cell->getPort(ID::A);
if (st.ffA1) {
- f(A, st.ffA1, st.ffA1cemux, st.ffAcepol, ID(CEA), st.ffA1rstmux, st.ffArstpol, ID(RSTA));
+ f(A, st.ffA1, ID(CEA), ID(RSTA));
cell->setParam(ID(A1REG), 1);
if (st.ffA0) {
- f(A, st.ffA0, st.ffA0cemux, st.ffAcepol, ID(CEA), st.ffA0rstmux, st.ffArstpol, ID(RSTA));
+ f(A, st.ffA0, ID(CEA), ID(RSTA));
cell->setParam(ID(A0REG), 1);
pm.add_siguser(A, cell);
@@ -611,11 +600,11 @@ void xilinx_dsp48a_pack(xilinx_dsp48a_pm &pm)
if (st.ffB0 || st.ffB1) {
SigSpec B = cell->getPort(ID::B);
if (st.ffB1) {
- f(B, st.ffB1, st.ffB1cemux, st.ffBcepol, ID(CEB), st.ffB1rstmux, st.ffBrstpol, ID(RSTB));
+ f(B, st.ffB1, ID(CEB), ID(RSTB));
cell->setParam(ID(B1REG), 1);
if (st.ffB0) {
- f(B, st.ffB0, st.ffB0cemux, st.ffBcepol, ID(CEB), st.ffB0rstmux, st.ffBrstpol, ID(RSTB));
+ f(B, st.ffB0, ID(CEB), ID(RSTB));
cell->setParam(ID(B0REG), 1);
pm.add_siguser(B, cell);
@@ -623,20 +612,20 @@ void xilinx_dsp48a_pack(xilinx_dsp48a_pm &pm)
if (st.ffD) {
SigSpec D = cell->getPort(ID::D);
- f(D, st.ffD, st.ffDcemux, st.ffDcepol, ID(CED), st.ffDrstmux, st.ffDrstpol, ID(RSTD));
+ f(D, st.ffD, ID(CED), ID(RSTD));
pm.add_siguser(D, cell);
cell->setPort(ID::D, D);
cell->setParam(ID(DREG), 1);
if (st.ffM) {
SigSpec M; // unused
- f(M, st.ffM, st.ffMcemux, st.ffMcepol, ID(CEM), st.ffMrstmux, st.ffMrstpol, ID(RSTM));
+ f(M, st.ffM, ID(CEM), ID(RSTM));
st.ffM->connections_.at(ID::Q).replace(st.sigM, pm.module->addWire(NEW_ID, GetSize(st.sigM)));
cell->setParam(ID(MREG), State::S1);
if (st.ffP) {
SigSpec P; // unused
- f(P, st.ffP, st.ffPcemux, st.ffPcepol, ID(CEP), st.ffPrstmux, st.ffPrstpol, ID(RSTP));
+ f(P, st.ffP, ID(CEP), ID(RSTP));
st.ffP->connections_.at(ID::Q).replace(st.sigP, pm.module->addWire(NEW_ID, GetSize(st.sigP)));
cell->setParam(ID(PREG), State::S1);
@@ -677,7 +666,7 @@ void xilinx_dsp_packC(xilinx_dsp_CREG_pm &pm)
auto &st = pm.st_xilinx_dsp_packC;
log_debug("Analysing %s.%s for Xilinx DSP packing (CREG).\n", log_id(pm.module), log_id(st.dsp));
- log_debug("ffC: %s %s %s\n", log_id(st.ffC, "--"), log_id(st.ffCcemux, "--"), log_id(st.ffCrstmux, "--"));
+ log_debug("ffC: %s\n", log_id(st.ffC, "--"));
Cell *cell = st.dsp;
@@ -685,30 +674,24 @@ void xilinx_dsp_packC(xilinx_dsp_CREG_pm &pm)
cell->setPort(ID::CLK, st.clock);
- auto f = [&pm,cell](SigSpec &A, Cell* ff, Cell* cemux, bool cepol, IdString ceport, Cell* rstmux, bool rstpol, IdString rstport) {
+ auto f = [&pm,cell](SigSpec &A, Cell* ff, IdString ceport, IdString rstport) {
SigSpec D = ff->getPort(ID::D);
SigSpec Q = pm.sigmap(ff->getPort(ID::Q));
if (!A.empty())
A.replace(Q, D);
- if (rstmux) {
- SigSpec Y = rstmux->getPort(ID::Y);
- SigSpec AB = rstmux->getPort(rstpol ? ID::A : ID::B);
- if (!A.empty())
- A.replace(Y, AB);
- if (rstport != IdString()) {
- SigSpec S = rstmux->getPort(ID::S);
- cell->setPort(rstport, rstpol ? S : pm.module->Not(NEW_ID, S));
+ if (rstport != IdString()) {
+ if (ff->type.in(ID($sdff), ID($sdffe))) {
+ SigSpec srst = ff->getPort(ID::SRST);
+ bool rstpol = ff->getParam(ID::SRST_POLARITY).as_bool();
+ cell->setPort(rstport, rstpol ? srst : pm.module->Not(NEW_ID, srst));
+ } else {
+ cell->setPort(rstport, State::S0);
- else if (rstport != IdString())
- cell->setPort(rstport, State::S0);
- if (cemux) {
- SigSpec Y = cemux->getPort(ID::Y);
- SigSpec BA = cemux->getPort(cepol ? ID::B : ID::A);
- SigSpec S = cemux->getPort(ID::S);
- if (!A.empty())
- A.replace(Y, BA);
- cell->setPort(ceport, cepol ? S : pm.module->Not(NEW_ID, S));
+ if (ff->type.in(ID($dffe), ID($sdffe))) {
+ SigSpec ce = ff->getPort(ID::EN);
+ bool cepol = ff->getParam(ID::EN_POLARITY).as_bool();
+ cell->setPort(ceport, cepol ? ce : pm.module->Not(NEW_ID, ce));
cell->setPort(ceport, State::S1);
@@ -726,7 +709,7 @@ void xilinx_dsp_packC(xilinx_dsp_CREG_pm &pm)
if (st.ffC) {
SigSpec C = cell->getPort(ID::C);
- f(C, st.ffC, st.ffCcemux, st.ffCcepol, ID(CEC), st.ffCrstmux, st.ffCrstpol, ID(RSTC));
+ f(C, st.ffC, ID(CEC), ID(RSTC));
pm.add_siguser(C, cell);
cell->setPort(ID::C, C);
cell->setParam(ID(CREG), 1);
diff --git a/passes/pmgen/xilinx_dsp.pmg b/passes/pmgen/xilinx_dsp.pmg
index d40f073c9..0cd23c09d 100644
--- a/passes/pmgen/xilinx_dsp.pmg
+++ b/passes/pmgen/xilinx_dsp.pmg
@@ -2,9 +2,7 @@
// forms the `xilinx_dsp` pass described in xilinx_dsp.cc
// At a high level, it works as follows:
// ( 1) Starting from a DSP48E1 cell
-// ( 2) Match the driver of the 'A' input to a possible $dff cell (ADREG)
-// (attached to at most two $mux cells that implement clock-enable or
-// reset functionality, using a subpattern discussed below)
+// ( 2) Match the driver of the 'A' input to a possible $sdffe cell (ADREG)
// If ADREG matched, treat 'A' input as input of ADREG
// ( 3) Match the driver of the 'A' and 'D' inputs for a possible $add cell
// (pre-adder)
@@ -44,7 +42,7 @@
// DSP48E1 cells inferred from multiply operations by Yosys, as well as for
// user instantiations that may already contain the cells being packed...
// (though the latter is currently untested)
-// - Since the $dff-with-optional-clock-enable-or-reset-mux pattern is used
+// - Since the $sdffe pattern is used
// for each *REG match, it has been factored out into two subpatterns:
// in_dffe and out_dffe located at the bottom of this file.
// - Matching for pattern detector features is currently incomplete. For
@@ -57,20 +55,15 @@ pattern xilinx_dsp_pack
state <SigBit> clock
state <SigSpec> sigA sigB sigC sigD sigM sigP
state <IdString> postAddAB postAddMuxAB
-state <bool> ffA1cepol ffA2cepol ffADcepol ffB1cepol ffB2cepol ffDcepol ffMcepol ffPcepol
-state <bool> ffArstpol ffADrstpol ffBrstpol ffDrstpol ffMrstpol ffPrstpol
-state <Cell*> ffAD ffADcemux ffADrstmux ffA1 ffA1cemux ffA1rstmux ffA2 ffA2cemux ffA2rstmux
-state <Cell*> ffB1 ffB1cemux ffB1rstmux ffB2 ffB2cemux ffB2rstmux
-state <Cell*> ffD ffDcemux ffDrstmux ffM ffMcemux ffMrstmux ffP ffPcemux ffPrstmux
+state <Cell*> ffAD ffA1 ffA2
+state <Cell*> ffB1 ffB2
+state <Cell*> ffD ffM ffP
// Variables used for subpatterns
state <SigSpec> argQ argD
-state <bool> ffcepol ffrstpol
-state <int> ffoffset
udata <SigSpec> dffD dffQ
udata <SigBit> dffclock
-udata <Cell*> dff dffcemux dffrstmux
-udata <bool> dffcepol dffrstpol
+udata <Cell*> dff
// (1) Starting from a DSP48E1 cell
match dsp
@@ -115,25 +108,15 @@ code sigA sigB sigC sigD sigM clock
clock = port(dsp, \CLK, SigBit());
-// (2) Match the driver of the 'A' input to a possible $dff cell (ADREG)
-// (attached to at most two $mux cells that implement clock-enable or
-// reset functionality, using a subpattern discussed above)
+// (2) Match the driver of the 'A' input to a possible $sdffe cell (ADREG)
// If matched, treat 'A' input as input of ADREG
-code argQ ffAD ffADcemux ffADrstmux ffADcepol ffADrstpol sigA clock
+code argQ ffAD sigA clock
if (param(dsp, \ADREG).as_int() == 0) {
argQ = sigA;
if (dff) {
ffAD = dff;
clock = dffclock;
- if (dffrstmux) {
- ffADrstmux = dffrstmux;
- ffADrstpol = dffrstpol;
- }
- if (dffcemux) {
- ffADcemux = dffcemux;
- ffADcepol = dffcepol;
- }
sigA = dffD;
@@ -172,7 +155,7 @@ endcode
// (4) If pre-adder was present, find match 'A' input for A2REG
// If pre-adder was not present, move ADREG to A2REG
// Then match 'A' input for A1REG
-code argQ ffAD ffADcemux ffADrstmux ffADcepol ffADrstpol sigA clock ffA2 ffA2cemux ffA2rstmux ffA2cepol ffArstpol ffA1 ffA1cemux ffA1rstmux ffA1cepol
+code argQ ffAD sigA clock ffA2 ffA1
// Only search for ffA2 if there was a pre-adder
// (otherwise ffA2 would have been matched as ffAD)
if (preAdd) {
@@ -182,14 +165,6 @@ code argQ ffAD ffADcemux ffADrstmux ffADcepol ffADrstpol sigA clock ffA2 ffA2cem
if (dff) {
ffA2 = dff;
clock = dffclock;
- if (dffrstmux) {
- ffA2rstmux = dffrstmux;
- ffArstpol = dffrstpol;
- }
- if (dffcemux) {
- ffA2cepol = dffcepol;
- ffA2cemux = dffcemux;
- }
sigA = dffD;
@@ -197,12 +172,8 @@ code argQ ffAD ffADcemux ffADrstmux ffADcepol ffADrstpol sigA clock ffA2 ffA2cem
// And if there wasn't a pre-adder,
// move AD register to A
else if (ffAD) {
- log_assert(!ffA2 && !ffA2cemux && !ffA2rstmux);
+ log_assert(!ffA2);
std::swap(ffA2, ffAD);
- std::swap(ffA2cemux, ffADcemux);
- std::swap(ffA2rstmux, ffADrstmux);
- ffA2cepol = ffADcepol;
- ffArstpol = ffADrstpol;
// Now attempt to match A1
@@ -210,23 +181,23 @@ code argQ ffAD ffADcemux ffADrstmux ffADcepol ffADrstpol sigA clock ffA2 ffA2cem
argQ = sigA;
if (dff) {
- if ((ffA2rstmux != nullptr) ^ (dffrstmux != nullptr))
+ if (dff->type != ffA2->type)
goto ffA1_end;
- if (dffrstmux) {
- if (ffArstpol != dffrstpol)
+ if (dff->type.in($sdff, $sdffe, $sdffce)) {
+ if (param(dff, \SRST_POLARITY) != param(ffA2, \SRST_POLARITY))
goto ffA1_end;
- if (port(ffA2rstmux, \S) != port(dffrstmux, \S))
+ if (port(dff, \SRST) != port(ffA2, \SRST))
+ goto ffA1_end;
+ }
+ if (dff->type.in($dffe, $sdffe, $sdffce)) {
+ if (param(dff, \EN_POLARITY) != param(ffA2, \EN_POLARITY))
+ goto ffA1_end;
+ if (port(dff, \EN) != port(ffA2, \EN))
goto ffA1_end;
- ffA1rstmux = dffrstmux;
ffA1 = dff;
clock = dffclock;
- if (dffcemux) {
- ffA1cemux = dffcemux;
- ffA1cepol = dffcepol;
- }
sigA = dffD;
ffA1_end: ;
@@ -236,21 +207,13 @@ endcode
// (5) Match 'B' input for B2REG
// If B2REG, then match 'B' input for B1REG
-code argQ ffB2 ffB2cemux ffB2rstmux ffB2cepol ffBrstpol sigB clock ffB1 ffB1cemux ffB1rstmux ffB1cepol
+code argQ ffB2 sigB clock ffB1
if (param(dsp, \BREG).as_int() == 0) {
argQ = sigB;
if (dff) {
ffB2 = dff;
clock = dffclock;
- if (dffrstmux) {
- ffB2rstmux = dffrstmux;
- ffBrstpol = dffrstpol;
- }
- if (dffcemux) {
- ffB2cemux = dffcemux;
- ffB2cepol = dffcepol;
- }
sigB = dffD;
// Now attempt to match B1
@@ -258,23 +221,23 @@ code argQ ffB2 ffB2cemux ffB2rstmux ffB2cepol ffBrstpol sigB clock ffB1 ffB1cemu
argQ = sigB;
if (dff) {
- if ((ffB2rstmux != nullptr) ^ (dffrstmux != nullptr))
+ if (dff->type != ffB2->type)
goto ffB1_end;
- if (dffrstmux) {
- if (ffBrstpol != dffrstpol)
+ if (dff->type.in($sdff, $sdffe, $sdffce)) {
+ if (param(dff, \SRST_POLARITY) != param(ffB2, \SRST_POLARITY))
+ goto ffB1_end;
+ if (port(dff, \SRST) != port(ffB2, \SRST))
+ goto ffB1_end;
+ }
+ if (dff->type.in($dffe, $sdffe, $sdffce)) {
+ if (param(dff, \EN_POLARITY) != param(ffB2, \EN_POLARITY))
goto ffB1_end;
- if (port(ffB2rstmux, \S) != port(dffrstmux, \S))
+ if (port(dff, \EN) != port(ffB2, \EN))
goto ffB1_end;
- ffB1rstmux = dffrstmux;
ffB1 = dff;
clock = dffclock;
- if (dffcemux) {
- ffB1cemux = dffcemux;
- ffB1cepol = dffcepol;
- }
sigB = dffD;
ffB1_end: ;
@@ -286,42 +249,26 @@ ffB1_end: ;
// (6) Match 'D' input for DREG
-code argQ ffD ffDcemux ffDrstmux ffDcepol ffDrstpol sigD clock
+code argQ ffD sigD clock
if (param(dsp, \DREG).as_int() == 0) {
argQ = sigD;
if (dff) {
ffD = dff;
clock = dffclock;
- if (dffrstmux) {
- ffDrstmux = dffrstmux;
- ffDrstpol = dffrstpol;
- }
- if (dffcemux) {
- ffDcemux = dffcemux;
- ffDcepol = dffcepol;
- }
sigD = dffD;
// (7) Match 'P' output that exclusively drives an MREG
-code argD ffM ffMcemux ffMrstmux ffMcepol ffMrstpol sigM sigP clock
+code argD ffM sigM sigP clock
if (param(dsp, \MREG).as_int() == 0 && nusers(sigM) == 2) {
argD = sigM;
if (dff) {
ffM = dff;
clock = dffclock;
- if (dffrstmux) {
- ffMrstmux = dffrstmux;
- ffMrstpol = dffrstpol;
- }
- if (dffcemux) {
- ffMcemux = dffcemux;
- ffMcepol = dffcepol;
- }
sigM = dffQ;
@@ -340,9 +287,7 @@ match postAdd
select postAdd->type.in($add)
select GetSize(port(postAdd, \Y)) <= 48
choice <IdString> AB {\A, \B}
- select nusers(port(postAdd, AB)) <= 3
- filter ffMcemux || nusers(port(postAdd, AB)) == 2
- filter !ffMcemux || nusers(port(postAdd, AB)) == 3
+ select nusers(port(postAdd, AB)) == 2
index <SigBit> port(postAdd, AB)[0] === sigP[0]
filter GetSize(port(postAdd, AB)) >= GetSize(sigP)
@@ -362,25 +307,14 @@ code sigC sigP
// (9) Match 'P' output that exclusively drives a PREG
-code argD ffP ffPcemux ffPrstmux ffPcepol ffPrstpol sigP clock
+code argD ffP sigP clock
if (param(dsp, \PREG).as_int() == 0) {
- int users = 2;
- // If ffMcemux and no postAdd new-value net must have three users: ffMcemux, ffM and ffPcemux
- if (ffMcemux && !postAdd) users++;
- if (nusers(sigP) == users) {
+ if (nusers(sigP) == 2) {
argD = sigP;
if (dff) {
ffP = dff;
clock = dffclock;
- if (dffrstmux) {
- ffPrstmux = dffrstmux;
- ffPrstpol = dffrstpol;
- }
- if (dffcemux) {
- ffPcemux = dffcemux;
- ffPcepol = dffcepol;
- }
sigP = dffQ;
@@ -441,22 +375,9 @@ endcode
// #######################
// Subpattern for matching against input registers, based on knowledge of the
-// 'Q' input. Typically, identifying registers with clock-enable and reset
-// capability would be a task would be handled by other Yosys passes such as
-// dff2dffe, but since DSP inference happens much before this, these patterns
-// have to be manually identified.
-// At a high level:
-// (1) Starting from a $dff cell that (partially or fully) drives the given
-// 'Q' argument
-// (2) Match for a $mux cell implementing synchronous reset semantics ---
-// one that exclusively drives the 'D' input of the $dff, with one of its
-// $mux inputs being fully zero
-// (3) Match for a $mux cell implement clock enable semantics --- one that
-// exclusively drives the 'D' input of the $dff (or the other input of
-// the reset $mux) and where one of this $mux's inputs is connected to
-// the 'Q' output of the $dff
+// 'Q' input.
subpattern in_dffe
-arg argD argQ clock
+arg argQ clock
dff = nullptr;
@@ -479,13 +400,14 @@ code
-// (1) Starting from a $dff cell that (partially or fully) drives the given
-// 'Q' argument
match ff
- select ff->type.in($dff)
+ select ff->type.in($dff, $dffe, $sdff, $sdffe)
// DSP48E1 does not support clock inversion
select param(ff, \CLK_POLARITY).as_bool()
+ // Check that reset value, if present, is fully 0.
+ filter ff->type.in($dff, $dffe) || param(ff, \SRST_VALUE).is_fully_zero()
slice offset GetSize(port(ff, \D))
index <SigBit> port(ff, \Q)[offset] === argQ[0]
@@ -494,82 +416,16 @@ match ff
filter port(ff, \Q).extract(offset, GetSize(argQ)) == argQ
filter clock == SigBit() || port(ff, \CLK) == clock
- set ffoffset offset
-code argQ argD
+code argQ
SigSpec Q = port(ff, \Q);
dff = ff;
dffclock = port(ff, \CLK);
dffD = argQ;
- argD = port(ff, \D);
+ SigSpec D = port(ff, \D);
argQ = Q;
- dffD.replace(argQ, argD);
- // Only search for ffrstmux if dffD only
- // has two (ff, ffrstmux) users
- if (nusers(dffD) > 2)
- argD = SigSpec();
-// (2) Match for a $mux cell implementing synchronous reset semantics ---
-// exclusively drives the 'D' input of the $dff, with one of the $mux
-// inputs being fully zero
-match ffrstmux
- if !argD.empty()
- select ffrstmux->type.in($mux)
- index <SigSpec> port(ffrstmux, \Y) === argD
- choice <IdString> BA {\B, \A}
- // DSP48E1 only supports reset to zero
- select port(ffrstmux, BA).is_fully_zero()
- define <bool> pol (BA == \B)
- set ffrstpol pol
- semioptional
-code argD
- if (ffrstmux) {
- dffrstmux = ffrstmux;
- dffrstpol = ffrstpol;
- argD = port(ffrstmux, ffrstpol ? \A : \B);
- dffD.replace(port(ffrstmux, \Y), argD);
- // Only search for ffcemux if argQ has at
- // least 3 users (ff, <upstream>, ffrstmux) and
- // dffD only has two (ff, ffrstmux)
- if (!(nusers(argQ) >= 3 && nusers(dffD) == 2))
- argD = SigSpec();
- }
- else
- dffrstmux = nullptr;
-// (3) Match for a $mux cell implement clock enable semantics --- one that
-// exclusively drives the 'D' input of the $dff (or the other input of
-// the reset $mux) and where one of this $mux's inputs is connected to
-// the 'Q' output of the $dff
-match ffcemux
- if !argD.empty()
- select ffcemux->type.in($mux)
- index <SigSpec> port(ffcemux, \Y) === argD
- choice <IdString> AB {\A, \B}
- index <SigSpec> port(ffcemux, AB) === argQ
- define <bool> pol (AB == \A)
- set ffcepol pol
- semioptional
-code argD
- if (ffcemux) {
- dffcemux = ffcemux;
- dffcepol = ffcepol;
- argD = port(ffcemux, ffcepol ? \B : \A);
- dffD.replace(port(ffcemux, \Y), argD);
- }
- else
- dffcemux = nullptr;
+ dffD.replace(argQ, D);
// #######################
@@ -597,119 +453,26 @@ code
-// (1) Starting from an optional $mux cell that implements clock enable
-// semantics --- one where the given 'D' argument (partially or fully)
-// drives one of its two inputs
-match ffcemux
- select ffcemux->type.in($mux)
- // ffcemux output must have two users: ffcemux and ff.D
- select nusers(port(ffcemux, \Y)) == 2
- choice <IdString> AB {\A, \B}
- // keep-last-value net must have at least three users: ffcemux, ff, downstream sink(s)
- select nusers(port(ffcemux, AB)) >= 3
- slice offset GetSize(port(ffcemux, \Y))
- define <IdString> BA (AB == \A ? \B : \A)
- index <SigBit> port(ffcemux, BA)[offset] === argD[0]
- // Check that the rest of argD is present
- filter GetSize(port(ffcemux, BA)) >= offset + GetSize(argD)
- filter port(ffcemux, BA).extract(offset, GetSize(argD)) == argD
- set ffoffset offset
- define <bool> pol (AB == \A)
- set ffcepol pol
- semioptional
-code argD argQ
- dffcemux = ffcemux;
- if (ffcemux) {
- SigSpec BA = port(ffcemux, ffcepol ? \B : \A);
- SigSpec Y = port(ffcemux, \Y);
- argQ = argD;
- argD.replace(BA, Y);
- argQ.replace(BA, port(ffcemux, ffcepol ? \A : \B));
- dffcemux = ffcemux;
- dffcepol = ffcepol;
- }
-// (2) Starting from, or continuing onto, another optional $mux cell that
-// implements synchronous reset semantics --- one where the given 'D'
-// argument (or the clock enable $mux output) drives one of its two inputs
-// and where the other input is fully zero
-match ffrstmux
- select ffrstmux->type.in($mux)
- // ffrstmux output must have two users: ffrstmux and ff.D
- select nusers(port(ffrstmux, \Y)) == 2
- choice <IdString> BA {\B, \A}
- // DSP48E1 only supports reset to zero
- select port(ffrstmux, BA).is_fully_zero()
- slice offset GetSize(port(ffrstmux, \Y))
- define <IdString> AB (BA == \B ? \A : \B)
- index <SigBit> port(ffrstmux, AB)[offset] === argD[0]
- // Check that offset is consistent
- filter !ffcemux || ffoffset == offset
- // Check that the rest of argD is present
- filter GetSize(port(ffrstmux, AB)) >= offset + GetSize(argD)
- filter port(ffrstmux, AB).extract(offset, GetSize(argD)) == argD
- set ffoffset offset
- define <bool> pol (AB == \A)
- set ffrstpol pol
- semioptional
-code argD argQ
- dffrstmux = ffrstmux;
- if (ffrstmux) {
- SigSpec AB = port(ffrstmux, ffrstpol ? \A : \B);
- SigSpec Y = port(ffrstmux, \Y);
- argD.replace(AB, Y);
- dffrstmux = ffrstmux;
- dffrstpol = ffrstpol;
- }
-// (3) Match for a $dff cell (whose 'D' input is the 'D' argument, or the
-// output of the previous clock enable or reset $mux cells)
match ff
- select ff->type.in($dff)
+ select ff->type.in($dff, $dffe, $sdff, $sdffe)
// DSP48E1 does not support clock inversion
select param(ff, \CLK_POLARITY).as_bool()
slice offset GetSize(port(ff, \D))
index <SigBit> port(ff, \D)[offset] === argD[0]
- // Check that offset is consistent
- filter (!ffcemux && !ffrstmux) || ffoffset == offset
// Check that the rest of argD is present
filter GetSize(port(ff, \D)) >= offset + GetSize(argD)
filter port(ff, \D).extract(offset, GetSize(argD)) == argD
- // Check that FF.Q is connected to CE-mux
- filter !ffcemux || port(ff, \Q).extract(offset, GetSize(argQ)) == argQ
filter clock == SigBit() || port(ff, \CLK) == clock
- set ffoffset offset
code argQ
SigSpec D = port(ff, \D);
SigSpec Q = port(ff, \Q);
- if (!ffcemux) {
- argQ = argD;
- argQ.replace(D, Q);
- }
+ argQ = argD;
+ argQ.replace(D, Q);
// Abandon matches when 'Q' has a non-zero init attribute set
// (not supported by DSP48E1)
diff --git a/passes/pmgen/xilinx_dsp48a.pmg b/passes/pmgen/xilinx_dsp48a.pmg
index 16f5e598d..dce1b61b0 100644
--- a/passes/pmgen/xilinx_dsp48a.pmg
+++ b/passes/pmgen/xilinx_dsp48a.pmg
@@ -4,8 +4,6 @@
// At a high level, it works as follows:
// ( 1) Starting from a DSP48A/DSP48A1 cell
// ( 2) Match the driver of the 'B' input to a possible $dff cell (B1REG)
-// (attached to at most two $mux cells that implement clock-enable or
-// reset functionality, using a subpattern discussed below)
// If B1REG matched, treat 'B' input as input of B1REG
// ( 3) Match the driver of the 'B' and 'D' inputs for a possible $add cell
// (pre-adder)
@@ -40,20 +38,15 @@ pattern xilinx_dsp48a_pack
state <SigBit> clock
state <SigSpec> sigA sigB sigC sigD sigM sigP
state <IdString> postAddAB postAddMuxAB
-state <bool> ffAcepol ffBcepol ffDcepol ffMcepol ffPcepol
-state <bool> ffArstpol ffBrstpol ffDrstpol ffMrstpol ffPrstpol
-state <Cell*> ffA0 ffA0cemux ffA0rstmux ffA1 ffA1cemux ffA1rstmux
-state <Cell*> ffB0 ffB0cemux ffB0rstmux ffB1 ffB1cemux ffB1rstmux
-state <Cell*> ffD ffDcemux ffDrstmux ffM ffMcemux ffMrstmux ffP ffPcemux ffPrstmux
+state <Cell*> ffA0 ffA1
+state <Cell*> ffB0 ffB1
+state <Cell*> ffD ffM ffP
// Variables used for subpatterns
state <SigSpec> argQ argD
-state <bool> ffcepol ffrstpol
-state <int> ffoffset
udata <SigSpec> dffD dffQ
udata <SigBit> dffclock
-udata <Cell*> dff dffcemux dffrstmux
-udata <bool> dffcepol dffrstpol
+udata <Cell*> dff
// (1) Starting from a DSP48A/DSP48A1 cell
match dsp
@@ -98,21 +91,13 @@ endcode
// (attached to at most two $mux cells that implement clock-enable or
// reset functionality, using a subpattern discussed above)
// If matched, treat 'B' input as input of B1REG
-code argQ ffB1 ffB1cemux ffB1rstmux ffBcepol ffBrstpol sigB clock
+code argQ ffB1 sigB clock
if (param(dsp, \B1REG).as_int() == 0 && param(dsp, \B0REG).as_int() == 0 && port(dsp, \OPMODE, SigSpec()).extract(4, 1).is_fully_zero()) {
argQ = sigB;
if (dff) {
ffB1 = dff;
clock = dffclock;
- if (dffrstmux) {
- ffB1rstmux = dffrstmux;
- ffBrstpol = dffrstpol;
- }
- if (dffcemux) {
- ffB1cemux = dffcemux;
- ffBcepol = dffcepol;
- }
sigB = dffD;
@@ -147,41 +132,29 @@ code sigB sigD
// (4) Match 'B' input for B0REG
-code argQ ffB0 ffB0cemux ffB0rstmux ffBcepol ffBrstpol sigB clock
+code argQ ffB0 sigB clock
if (param(dsp, \B0REG).as_int() == 0) {
argQ = sigB;
if (dff) {
if (ffB1) {
- if ((ffB1rstmux != nullptr) ^ (dffrstmux != nullptr))
+ if (dff->type != ffB1->type)
goto ffB0_end;
- if ((ffB1cemux != nullptr) ^ (dffcemux != nullptr))
- goto ffB0_end;
- if (dffrstmux) {
- if (ffBrstpol != dffrstpol)
+ if (dff->type.in($sdff, $sdffe, $sdffce)) {
+ if (param(dff, \SRST_POLARITY) != param(ffB1, \SRST_POLARITY))
goto ffB0_end;
- if (port(ffB1rstmux, \S) != port(dffrstmux, \S))
+ if (port(dff, \SRST) != port(ffB1, \SRST))
goto ffB0_end;
- ffB0rstmux = dffrstmux;
- if (dffcemux) {
- if (ffBcepol != dffcepol)
+ if (dff->type.in($dffe, $sdffe, $sdffce)) {
+ if (param(dff, \EN_POLARITY) != param(ffB1, \EN_POLARITY))
goto ffB0_end;
- if (port(ffB1cemux, \S) != port(dffcemux, \S))
+ if (port(dff, \EN) != port(ffB1, \EN))
goto ffB0_end;
- ffB0cemux = dffcemux;
ffB0 = dff;
clock = dffclock;
- if (dffrstmux) {
- ffB0rstmux = dffrstmux;
- ffBrstpol = dffrstpol;
- }
- if (dffcemux) {
- ffB0cemux = dffcemux;
- ffBcepol = dffcepol;
- }
sigB = dffD;
@@ -190,21 +163,13 @@ endcode
// (5) Match 'A' input for A1REG
// If A1REG, then match 'A' input for A0REG
-code argQ ffA1 ffA1cemux ffA1rstmux ffAcepol ffArstpol sigA clock ffA0 ffA0cemux ffA0rstmux
+code argQ ffA1 sigA clock ffA0
if (param(dsp, \A0REG).as_int() == 0 && param(dsp, \A1REG).as_int() == 0) {
argQ = sigA;
if (dff) {
ffA1 = dff;
clock = dffclock;
- if (dffrstmux) {
- ffA1rstmux = dffrstmux;
- ffArstpol = dffrstpol;
- }
- if (dffcemux) {
- ffA1cemux = dffcemux;
- ffAcepol = dffcepol;
- }
sigA = dffD;
// Now attempt to match A0
@@ -212,32 +177,23 @@ code argQ ffA1 ffA1cemux ffA1rstmux ffAcepol ffArstpol sigA clock ffA0 ffA0cemux
argQ = sigA;
if (dff) {
- if ((ffA1rstmux != nullptr) ^ (dffrstmux != nullptr))
+ if (dff->type != ffA1->type)
goto ffA0_end;
- if ((ffA1cemux != nullptr) ^ (dffcemux != nullptr))
- goto ffA0_end;
- if (dffrstmux) {
- if (ffArstpol != dffrstpol)
+ if (dff->type.in($sdff, $sdffe, $sdffce)) {
+ if (param(dff, \SRST_POLARITY) != param(ffA1, \SRST_POLARITY))
goto ffA0_end;
- if (port(ffA1rstmux, \S) != port(dffrstmux, \S))
+ if (port(dff, \SRST) != port(ffA1, \SRST))
goto ffA0_end;
- ffA0rstmux = dffrstmux;
- if (dffcemux) {
- if (ffAcepol != dffcepol)
+ if (dff->type.in($dffe, $sdffe, $sdffce)) {
+ if (param(dff, \EN_POLARITY) != param(ffA1, \EN_POLARITY))
goto ffA0_end;
- if (port(ffA1cemux, \S) != port(dffcemux, \S))
+ if (port(dff, \EN) != port(ffA1, \EN))
goto ffA0_end;
- ffA0cemux = dffcemux;
ffA0 = dff;
clock = dffclock;
- if (dffcemux) {
- ffA0cemux = dffcemux;
- ffAcepol = dffcepol;
- }
sigA = dffD;
ffA0_end: ;
@@ -249,42 +205,26 @@ ffA0_end: ;
// (6) Match 'D' input for DREG
-code argQ ffD ffDcemux ffDrstmux ffDcepol ffDrstpol sigD clock
+code argQ ffD sigD clock
if (param(dsp, \DREG).as_int() == 0) {
argQ = sigD;
if (dff) {
ffD = dff;
clock = dffclock;
- if (dffrstmux) {
- ffDrstmux = dffrstmux;
- ffDrstpol = dffrstpol;
- }
- if (dffcemux) {
- ffDcemux = dffcemux;
- ffDcepol = dffcepol;
- }
sigD = dffD;
// (7) Match 'P' output that exclusively drives an MREG
-code argD ffM ffMcemux ffMrstmux ffMcepol ffMrstpol sigM sigP clock
+code argD ffM sigM sigP clock
if (param(dsp, \MREG).as_int() == 0 && nusers(sigM) == 2) {
argD = sigM;
if (dff) {
ffM = dff;
clock = dffclock;
- if (dffrstmux) {
- ffMrstmux = dffrstmux;
- ffMrstpol = dffrstpol;
- }
- if (dffcemux) {
- ffMcemux = dffcemux;
- ffMcepol = dffcepol;
- }
sigM = dffQ;
@@ -303,9 +243,7 @@ match postAdd
select postAdd->type.in($add)
select GetSize(port(postAdd, \Y)) <= 48
choice <IdString> AB {\A, \B}
- select nusers(port(postAdd, AB)) <= 3
- filter ffMcemux || nusers(port(postAdd, AB)) == 2
- filter !ffMcemux || nusers(port(postAdd, AB)) == 3
+ select nusers(port(postAdd, AB)) == 2
index <SigBit> port(postAdd, AB)[0] === sigP[0]
filter GetSize(port(postAdd, AB)) >= GetSize(sigP)
@@ -325,25 +263,14 @@ code sigC sigP
// (9) Match 'P' output that exclusively drives a PREG
-code argD ffP ffPcemux ffPrstmux ffPcepol ffPrstpol sigP clock
+code argD ffP sigP clock
if (param(dsp, \PREG).as_int() == 0) {
- int users = 2;
- // If ffMcemux and no postAdd new-value net must have three users: ffMcemux, ffM and ffPcemux
- if (ffMcemux && !postAdd) users++;
- if (nusers(sigP) == users) {
+ if (nusers(sigP) == 2) {
argD = sigP;
if (dff) {
ffP = dff;
clock = dffclock;
- if (dffrstmux) {
- ffPrstmux = dffrstmux;
- ffPrstpol = dffrstpol;
- }
- if (dffcemux) {
- ffPcemux = dffcemux;
- ffPcepol = dffcepol;
- }
sigP = dffQ;
@@ -387,26 +314,13 @@ endcode
// #######################
// Subpattern for matching against input registers, based on knowledge of the
-// 'Q' input. Typically, identifying registers with clock-enable and reset
-// capability would be a task would be handled by other Yosys passes such as
-// dff2dffe, but since DSP inference happens much before this, these patterns
-// have to be manually identified.
-// At a high level:
-// (1) Starting from a $dff cell that (partially or fully) drives the given
-// 'Q' argument
-// (2) Match for a $mux cell implementing synchronous reset semantics ---
-// one that exclusively drives the 'D' input of the $dff, with one of its
-// $mux inputs being fully zero
-// (3) Match for a $mux cell implement clock enable semantics --- one that
-// exclusively drives the 'D' input of the $dff (or the other input of
-// the reset $mux) and where one of this $mux's inputs is connected to
-// the 'Q' output of the $dff
+// 'Q' input.
subpattern in_dffe
-arg argD argQ clock
+arg argQ clock
dff = nullptr;
- if (GetSize(argQ) == 0)
+ if (argQ.empty())
for (const auto &c : argQ.chunks()) {
// Abandon matches when 'Q' is a constant
@@ -425,13 +339,14 @@ code
-// (1) Starting from a $dff cell that (partially or fully) drives the given
-// 'Q' argument
match ff
- select ff->type.in($dff)
+ select ff->type.in($dff, $dffe, $sdff, $sdffe)
// DSP48E1 does not support clock inversion
select param(ff, \CLK_POLARITY).as_bool()
+ // Check that reset value, if present, is fully 0.
+ filter ff->type.in($dff, $dffe) || param(ff, \SRST_VALUE).is_fully_zero()
slice offset GetSize(port(ff, \D))
index <SigBit> port(ff, \Q)[offset] === argQ[0]
@@ -440,82 +355,16 @@ match ff
filter port(ff, \Q).extract(offset, GetSize(argQ)) == argQ
filter clock == SigBit() || port(ff, \CLK) == clock
- set ffoffset offset
-code argQ argD
+code argQ
SigSpec Q = port(ff, \Q);
dff = ff;
dffclock = port(ff, \CLK);
dffD = argQ;
- argD = port(ff, \D);
+ SigSpec D = port(ff, \D);
argQ = Q;
- dffD.replace(argQ, argD);
- // Only search for ffrstmux if dffD only
- // has two (ff, ffrstmux) users
- if (nusers(dffD) > 2)
- argD = SigSpec();
-// (2) Match for a $mux cell implementing synchronous reset semantics ---
-// exclusively drives the 'D' input of the $dff, with one of the $mux
-// inputs being fully zero
-match ffrstmux
- if !argD.empty()
- select ffrstmux->type.in($mux)
- index <SigSpec> port(ffrstmux, \Y) === argD
- choice <IdString> BA {\B, \A}
- // DSP48E1 only supports reset to zero
- select port(ffrstmux, BA).is_fully_zero()
- define <bool> pol (BA == \B)
- set ffrstpol pol
- semioptional
-code argD
- if (ffrstmux) {
- dffrstmux = ffrstmux;
- dffrstpol = ffrstpol;
- argD = port(ffrstmux, ffrstpol ? \A : \B);
- dffD.replace(port(ffrstmux, \Y), argD);
- // Only search for ffcemux if argQ has at
- // least 3 users (ff, <upstream>, ffrstmux) and
- // dffD only has two (ff, ffrstmux)
- if (!(nusers(argQ) >= 3 && nusers(dffD) == 2))
- argD = SigSpec();
- }
- else
- dffrstmux = nullptr;
-// (3) Match for a $mux cell implement clock enable semantics --- one that
-// exclusively drives the 'D' input of the $dff (or the other input of
-// the reset $mux) and where one of this $mux's inputs is connected to
-// the 'Q' output of the $dff
-match ffcemux
- if !argD.empty()
- select ffcemux->type.in($mux)
- index <SigSpec> port(ffcemux, \Y) === argD
- choice <IdString> AB {\A, \B}
- index <SigSpec> port(ffcemux, AB) === argQ
- define <bool> pol (AB == \A)
- set ffcepol pol
- semioptional
-code argD
- if (ffcemux) {
- dffcemux = ffcemux;
- dffcepol = ffcepol;
- argD = port(ffcemux, ffcepol ? \B : \A);
- dffD.replace(port(ffcemux, \Y), argD);
- }
- else
- dffcemux = nullptr;
+ dffD.replace(argQ, D);
// #######################
@@ -543,119 +392,26 @@ code
-// (1) Starting from an optional $mux cell that implements clock enable
-// semantics --- one where the given 'D' argument (partially or fully)
-// drives one of its two inputs
-match ffcemux
- select ffcemux->type.in($mux)
- // ffcemux output must have two users: ffcemux and ff.D
- select nusers(port(ffcemux, \Y)) == 2
- choice <IdString> AB {\A, \B}
- // keep-last-value net must have at least three users: ffcemux, ff, downstream sink(s)
- select nusers(port(ffcemux, AB)) >= 3
- slice offset GetSize(port(ffcemux, \Y))
- define <IdString> BA (AB == \A ? \B : \A)
- index <SigBit> port(ffcemux, BA)[offset] === argD[0]
- // Check that the rest of argD is present
- filter GetSize(port(ffcemux, BA)) >= offset + GetSize(argD)
- filter port(ffcemux, BA).extract(offset, GetSize(argD)) == argD
- set ffoffset offset
- define <bool> pol (AB == \A)
- set ffcepol pol
- semioptional
-code argD argQ
- dffcemux = ffcemux;
- if (ffcemux) {
- SigSpec BA = port(ffcemux, ffcepol ? \B : \A);
- SigSpec Y = port(ffcemux, \Y);
- argQ = argD;
- argD.replace(BA, Y);
- argQ.replace(BA, port(ffcemux, ffcepol ? \A : \B));
- dffcemux = ffcemux;
- dffcepol = ffcepol;
- }
-// (2) Starting from, or continuing onto, another optional $mux cell that
-// implements synchronous reset semantics --- one where the given 'D'
-// argument (or the clock enable $mux output) drives one of its two inputs
-// and where the other input is fully zero
-match ffrstmux
- select ffrstmux->type.in($mux)
- // ffrstmux output must have two users: ffrstmux and ff.D
- select nusers(port(ffrstmux, \Y)) == 2
- choice <IdString> BA {\B, \A}
- // DSP48E1 only supports reset to zero
- select port(ffrstmux, BA).is_fully_zero()
- slice offset GetSize(port(ffrstmux, \Y))
- define <IdString> AB (BA == \B ? \A : \B)
- index <SigBit> port(ffrstmux, AB)[offset] === argD[0]
- // Check that offset is consistent
- filter !ffcemux || ffoffset == offset
- // Check that the rest of argD is present
- filter GetSize(port(ffrstmux, AB)) >= offset + GetSize(argD)
- filter port(ffrstmux, AB).extract(offset, GetSize(argD)) == argD
- set ffoffset offset
- define <bool> pol (AB == \A)
- set ffrstpol pol
- semioptional
-code argD argQ
- dffrstmux = ffrstmux;
- if (ffrstmux) {
- SigSpec AB = port(ffrstmux, ffrstpol ? \A : \B);
- SigSpec Y = port(ffrstmux, \Y);
- argD.replace(AB, Y);
- dffrstmux = ffrstmux;
- dffrstpol = ffrstpol;
- }
-// (3) Match for a $dff cell (whose 'D' input is the 'D' argument, or the
-// output of the previous clock enable or reset $mux cells)
match ff
- select ff->type.in($dff)
+ select ff->type.in($dff, $dffe, $sdff, $sdffe)
// DSP48E1 does not support clock inversion
select param(ff, \CLK_POLARITY).as_bool()
slice offset GetSize(port(ff, \D))
index <SigBit> port(ff, \D)[offset] === argD[0]
- // Check that offset is consistent
- filter (!ffcemux && !ffrstmux) || ffoffset == offset
// Check that the rest of argD is present
filter GetSize(port(ff, \D)) >= offset + GetSize(argD)
filter port(ff, \D).extract(offset, GetSize(argD)) == argD
- // Check that FF.Q is connected to CE-mux
- filter !ffcemux || port(ff, \Q).extract(offset, GetSize(argQ)) == argQ
filter clock == SigBit() || port(ff, \CLK) == clock
- set ffoffset offset
code argQ
SigSpec D = port(ff, \D);
SigSpec Q = port(ff, \Q);
- if (!ffcemux) {
- argQ = argD;
- argQ.replace(D, Q);
- }
+ argQ = argD;
+ argQ.replace(D, Q);
// Abandon matches when 'Q' has a non-zero init attribute set
// (not supported by DSP48E1)
diff --git a/passes/pmgen/xilinx_dsp_CREG.pmg b/passes/pmgen/xilinx_dsp_CREG.pmg
index 42d4d1b9b..95379771a 100644
--- a/passes/pmgen/xilinx_dsp_CREG.pmg
+++ b/passes/pmgen/xilinx_dsp_CREG.pmg
@@ -26,17 +26,14 @@ pattern xilinx_dsp_packC
udata <std::function<SigSpec(const SigSpec&)>> unextend
state <SigBit> clock
state <SigSpec> sigC sigP
-state <bool> ffCcepol ffCrstpol
-state <Cell*> ffC ffCcemux ffCrstmux
+state <Cell*> ffC
// Variables used for subpatterns
state <SigSpec> argQ argD
-state <bool> ffcepol ffrstpol
state <int> ffoffset
udata <SigSpec> dffD dffQ
udata <SigBit> dffclock
-udata <Cell*> dff dffcemux dffrstmux
-udata <bool> dffcepol dffrstpol
+udata <Cell*> dff
// (1) Starting from a DSP48* cell that (a) doesn't have a CREG already,
// and (b) uses the 'C' port
@@ -80,20 +77,12 @@ endcode
// (2) Match the driver of the 'C' input to a possible $dff cell (CREG)
// (attached to at most two $mux cells that implement clock-enable or
// reset functionality, using the in_dffe subpattern)
-code argQ ffC ffCcemux ffCrstmux ffCcepol ffCrstpol sigC clock
+code argQ ffC sigC clock
argQ = sigC;
if (dff) {
ffC = dff;
clock = dffclock;
- if (dffrstmux) {
- ffCrstmux = dffrstmux;
- ffCrstpol = dffrstpol;
- }
- if (dffcemux) {
- ffCcemux = dffcemux;
- ffCcepol = dffcepol;
- }
sigC = dffD;
@@ -106,25 +95,14 @@ endcode
// #######################
// Subpattern for matching against input registers, based on knowledge of the
-// 'Q' input. Typically, identifying registers with clock-enable and reset
-// capability would be a task would be handled by other Yosys passes such as
-// dff2dffe, but since DSP inference happens much before this, these patterns
-// have to be manually identified.
-// At a high level:
-// (1) Starting from a $dff cell that (partially or fully) drives the given
-// 'Q' argument
-// (2) Match for a $mux cell implementing synchronous reset semantics ---
-// one that exclusively drives the 'D' input of the $dff, with one of its
-// $mux inputs being fully zero
-// (3) Match for a $mux cell implement clock enable semantics --- one that
-// exclusively drives the 'D' input of the $dff (or the other input of
-// the reset $mux) and where one of this $mux's inputs is connected to
-// the 'Q' output of the $dff
+// 'Q' input.
subpattern in_dffe
-arg argD argQ clock
+arg argQ clock
dff = nullptr;
+ if (argQ.empty())
+ reject;
for (const auto &c : argQ.chunks()) {
// Abandon matches when 'Q' is a constant
if (!c.wire)
@@ -135,19 +113,21 @@ code
// Abandon matches when 'Q' has a non-zero init attribute set
// (not supported by DSP48E1)
Const init = c.wire->attributes.at(\init, Const());
- for (auto b : init.extract(c.offset, c.width))
- if (b != State::Sx && b != State::S0)
- reject;
+ if (!init.empty())
+ for (auto b : init.extract(c.offset, c.width))
+ if (b != State::Sx && b != State::S0)
+ reject;
-// (1) Starting from a $dff cell that (partially or fully) drives the given
-// 'Q' argument
match ff
- select ff->type.in($dff)
+ select ff->type.in($dff, $dffe, $sdff, $sdffe)
// DSP48E1 does not support clock inversion
select param(ff, \CLK_POLARITY).as_bool()
+ // Check that reset value, if present, is fully 0.
+ filter ff->type.in($dff, $dffe) || param(ff, \SRST_VALUE).is_fully_zero()
slice offset GetSize(port(ff, \D))
index <SigBit> port(ff, \Q)[offset] === argQ[0]
@@ -156,80 +136,14 @@ match ff
filter port(ff, \Q).extract(offset, GetSize(argQ)) == argQ
filter clock == SigBit() || port(ff, \CLK) == clock
- set ffoffset offset
-code argQ argD
+code argQ
SigSpec Q = port(ff, \Q);
dff = ff;
dffclock = port(ff, \CLK);
dffD = argQ;
- argD = port(ff, \D);
+ SigSpec D = port(ff, \D);
argQ = Q;
- dffD.replace(argQ, argD);
- // Only search for ffrstmux if dffD only
- // has two (ff, ffrstmux) users
- if (nusers(dffD) > 2)
- argD = SigSpec();
-// (2) Match for a $mux cell implementing synchronous reset semantics ---
-// exclusively drives the 'D' input of the $dff, with one of the $mux
-// inputs being fully zero
-match ffrstmux
- if !argD.empty()
- select ffrstmux->type.in($mux)
- index <SigSpec> port(ffrstmux, \Y) === argD
- choice <IdString> BA {\B, \A}
- // DSP48E1 only supports reset to zero
- select port(ffrstmux, BA).is_fully_zero()
- define <bool> pol (BA == \B)
- set ffrstpol pol
- semioptional
-code argD
- if (ffrstmux) {
- dffrstmux = ffrstmux;
- dffrstpol = ffrstpol;
- argD = port(ffrstmux, ffrstpol ? \A : \B);
- dffD.replace(port(ffrstmux, \Y), argD);
- // Only search for ffcemux if argQ has at
- // least 3 users (ff, <upstream>, ffrstmux) and
- // dffD only has two (ff, ffrstmux)
- if (!(nusers(argQ) >= 3 && nusers(dffD) == 2))
- argD = SigSpec();
- }
- else
- dffrstmux = nullptr;
-// (3) Match for a $mux cell implement clock enable semantics --- one that
-// exclusively drives the 'D' input of the $dff (or the other input of
-// the reset $mux) and where one of this $mux's inputs is connected to
-// the 'Q' output of the $dff
-match ffcemux
- if !argD.empty()
- select ffcemux->type.in($mux)
- index <SigSpec> port(ffcemux, \Y) === argD
- choice <IdString> AB {\A, \B}
- index <SigSpec> port(ffcemux, AB) === argQ
- define <bool> pol (AB == \A)
- set ffcepol pol
- semioptional
-code argD
- if (ffcemux) {
- dffcemux = ffcemux;
- dffcepol = ffcepol;
- argD = port(ffcemux, ffcepol ? \B : \A);
- dffD.replace(port(ffcemux, \Y), argD);
- }
- else
- dffcemux = nullptr;
+ dffD.replace(argQ, D);
diff --git a/passes/pmgen/xilinx_dsp_cascade.pmg b/passes/pmgen/xilinx_dsp_cascade.pmg
index 8babb88e6..06601554c 100644
--- a/passes/pmgen/xilinx_dsp_cascade.pmg
+++ b/passes/pmgen/xilinx_dsp_cascade.pmg
@@ -51,12 +51,10 @@ state <int> AREG BREG
// Variables used for subpatterns
state <SigSpec> argQ argD
-state <bool> ffcepol ffrstpol
state <int> ffoffset
udata <SigSpec> dffD dffQ
udata <SigBit> dffclock
-udata <Cell*> dff dffcemux dffrstmux
-udata <bool> dffcepol dffrstpol
+udata <Cell*> dff
#define MAX_DSP_CASCADE 20
@@ -254,9 +252,9 @@ code argQ clock AREG
clock = port(prev, \CLK);
if (dff) {
- if (!dffrstmux && port(prev, \RSTA, State::S0) != State::S0)
+ if (!dff->type.in($sdff, $sdffe) && port(prev, \RSTA, State::S0) != State::S0)
goto reject_AREG;
- if (dffrstmux && port(dffrstmux, \S) != port(prev, \RSTA, State::S0))
+ if (dff->type.in($sdff, $sdffe) && (port(dff, \SRST) != port(prev, \RSTA, State::S0) || !param(dff, \SRST_POLARITY).as_bool()))
goto reject_AREG;
IdString CEA;
if (param(prev, \AREG) == 1)
@@ -264,9 +262,9 @@ code argQ clock AREG
else if (param(prev, \AREG) == 2)
CEA = \CEA1;
else log_abort();
- if (!dffcemux && port(prev, CEA, State::S0) != State::S1)
+ if (!dff->type.in($dffe, $sdffe) && port(prev, CEA, State::S0) != State::S1)
goto reject_AREG;
- if (dffcemux && port(dffcemux, \S) != port(prev, CEA, State::S0))
+ if (dff->type.in($dffe, $sdffe) && (port(dff, \EN) != port(prev, CEA, State::S0) || !param(dff, \EN_POLARITY).as_bool()))
goto reject_AREG;
if (dffD == unextend(port(prev, \A)))
AREG = 1;
@@ -295,9 +293,9 @@ code argQ clock BREG
clock = port(prev, \CLK);
if (dff) {
- if (!dffrstmux && port(prev, \RSTB, State::S0) != State::S0)
+ if (!dff->type.in($sdff, $sdffe) && port(prev, \RSTB, State::S0) != State::S0)
goto reject_BREG;
- if (dffrstmux && port(dffrstmux, \S) != port(prev, \RSTB, State::S0))
+ if (dff->type.in($sdff, $sdffe) && (port(dff, \SRST) != port(prev, \RSTB, State::S0) || !param(dff, \SRST_POLARITY).as_bool()))
goto reject_BREG;
IdString CEB;
if (next->type.in(\DSP48A, \DSP48A1))
@@ -310,9 +308,9 @@ code argQ clock BREG
else log_abort();
else log_abort();
- if (!dffcemux && port(prev, CEB, State::S0) != State::S1)
+ if (!dff->type.in($dffe, $sdffe) && port(prev, CEB, State::S0) != State::S1)
goto reject_BREG;
- if (dffcemux && port(dffcemux, \S) != port(prev, CEB, State::S0))
+ if (dff->type.in($dffe, $sdffe) && (port(dff, \EN) != port(prev, CEB, State::S0) || !param(dff, \EN_POLARITY).as_bool()))
goto reject_BREG;
if (dffD == unextend(port(prev, \B))) {
if (next->type.in(\DSP48A, \DSP48A1) && param(prev, \B0REG) != 0)
@@ -357,25 +355,14 @@ endcode
// #######################
// Subpattern for matching against input registers, based on knowledge of the
-// 'Q' input. Typically, identifying registers with clock-enable and reset
-// capability would be a task would be handled by other Yosys passes such as
-// dff2dffe, but since DSP inference happens much before this, these patterns
-// have to be manually identified.
-// At a high level:
-// (1) Starting from a $dff cell that (partially or fully) drives the given
-// 'Q' argument
-// (2) Match for a $mux cell implementing synchronous reset semantics ---
-// one that exclusively drives the 'D' input of the $dff, with one of its
-// $mux inputs being fully zero
-// (3) Match for a $mux cell implement clock enable semantics --- one that
-// exclusively drives the 'D' input of the $dff (or the other input of
-// the reset $mux) and where one of this $mux's inputs is connected to
-// the 'Q' output of the $dff
+// 'Q' input.
subpattern in_dffe
-arg argD argQ clock
+arg argQ clock
dff = nullptr;
+ if (argQ.empty())
+ reject;
for (const auto &c : argQ.chunks()) {
// Abandon matches when 'Q' is a constant
if (!c.wire)
@@ -386,19 +373,21 @@ code
// Abandon matches when 'Q' has a non-zero init attribute set
// (not supported by DSP48E1)
Const init = c.wire->attributes.at(\init, Const());
- for (auto b : init.extract(c.offset, c.width))
- if (b != State::Sx && b != State::S0)
- reject;
+ if (!init.empty())
+ for (auto b : init.extract(c.offset, c.width))
+ if (b != State::Sx && b != State::S0)
+ reject;
-// (1) Starting from a $dff cell that (partially or fully) drives the given
-// 'Q' argument
match ff
- select ff->type.in($dff)
+ select ff->type.in($dff, $dffe, $sdff, $sdffe)
// DSP48E1 does not support clock inversion
select param(ff, \CLK_POLARITY).as_bool()
+ // Check that reset value, if present, is fully 0.
+ filter ff->type.in($dff, $dffe) || param(ff, \SRST_VALUE).is_fully_zero()
slice offset GetSize(port(ff, \D))
index <SigBit> port(ff, \Q)[offset] === argQ[0]
@@ -407,80 +396,14 @@ match ff
filter port(ff, \Q).extract(offset, GetSize(argQ)) == argQ
filter clock == SigBit() || port(ff, \CLK) == clock
- set ffoffset offset
-code argQ argD
+code argQ
SigSpec Q = port(ff, \Q);
dff = ff;
dffclock = port(ff, \CLK);
dffD = argQ;
- argD = port(ff, \D);
+ SigSpec D = port(ff, \D);
argQ = Q;
- dffD.replace(argQ, argD);
- // Only search for ffrstmux if dffD only
- // has two (ff, ffrstmux) users
- if (nusers(dffD) > 2)
- argD = SigSpec();
-// (2) Match for a $mux cell implementing synchronous reset semantics ---
-// exclusively drives the 'D' input of the $dff, with one of the $mux
-// inputs being fully zero
-match ffrstmux
- if !argD.empty()
- select ffrstmux->type.in($mux)
- index <SigSpec> port(ffrstmux, \Y) === argD
- choice <IdString> BA {\B, \A}
- // DSP48E1 only supports reset to zero
- select port(ffrstmux, BA).is_fully_zero()
- define <bool> pol (BA == \B)
- set ffrstpol pol
- semioptional
-code argD
- if (ffrstmux) {
- dffrstmux = ffrstmux;
- dffrstpol = ffrstpol;
- argD = port(ffrstmux, ffrstpol ? \A : \B);
- dffD.replace(port(ffrstmux, \Y), argD);
- // Only search for ffcemux if argQ has at
- // least 3 users (ff, <upstream>, ffrstmux) and
- // dffD only has two (ff, ffrstmux)
- if (!(nusers(argQ) >= 3 && nusers(dffD) == 2))
- argD = SigSpec();
- }
- else
- dffrstmux = nullptr;
-// (3) Match for a $mux cell implement clock enable semantics --- one that
-// exclusively drives the 'D' input of the $dff (or the other input of
-// the reset $mux) and where one of this $mux's inputs is connected to
-// the 'Q' output of the $dff
-match ffcemux
- if !argD.empty()
- select ffcemux->type.in($mux)
- index <SigSpec> port(ffcemux, \Y) === argD
- choice <IdString> AB {\A, \B}
- index <SigSpec> port(ffcemux, AB) === argQ
- define <bool> pol (AB == \A)
- set ffcepol pol
- semioptional
-code argD
- if (ffcemux) {
- dffcemux = ffcemux;
- dffcepol = ffcepol;
- argD = port(ffcemux, ffcepol ? \B : \A);
- dffD.replace(port(ffcemux, \Y), argD);
- }
- else
- dffcemux = nullptr;
+ dffD.replace(argQ, D);