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1 files changed, 48 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/backends/cxxrtl/cxxrtl_backend.cc b/backends/cxxrtl/cxxrtl_backend.cc
index 588cca12e..fa19a8dd6 100644
--- a/backends/cxxrtl/cxxrtl_backend.cc
+++ b/backends/cxxrtl/cxxrtl_backend.cc
@@ -2426,43 +2426,6 @@ struct CxxrtlWorker {
for (auto item : flow.bit_has_state)
- if (debug_info && debug_alias) {
- // Find wires that alias other wires or are tied to a constant; debug information can be enriched with these
- // at essentially zero additional cost.
- //
- // Note that the information collected here can't be used for optimizing the netlist: debug information queries
- // are pure and run on a design in a stable state, which allows assumptions that do not otherwise hold.
- for (auto wire : module->wires()) {
- if (!wire->name.isPublic())
- continue;
- if (!unbuffered_wires[wire])
- continue;
- const RTLIL::Wire *wire_it = wire;
- while (1) {
- if (!(flow.wire_def_inlinable.count(wire_it) && flow.wire_def_inlinable[wire_it]))
- break; // not an alias: complex def
- log_assert(flow.wire_comb_defs[wire_it].size() == 1);
- FlowGraph::Node *node = *flow.wire_comb_defs[wire_it].begin();
- if (node->type != FlowGraph::Node::Type::CONNECT)
- break; // not an alias: def by cell
- RTLIL::SigSpec rhs_sig = node->connect.second;
- if (rhs_sig.is_wire()) {
- RTLIL::Wire *rhs_wire = rhs_sig.as_wire();
- if (unbuffered_wires[rhs_wire]) {
- wire_it = rhs_wire; // maybe an alias
- } else {
- debug_alias_wires[wire] = rhs_wire; // is an alias
- break;
- }
- } else if (rhs_sig.is_fully_const()) {
- debug_const_wires[wire] = rhs_sig.as_const(); // is a const
- break;
- } else {
- break; // not an alias: complex rhs
- }
- }
- }
- }
if (debug_info && debug_eval) {
// Find wires that can be be outlined, i.e. whose values can be always recovered from
// the values of other wires. (This is the inverse of inlining--any wire that can be
@@ -2471,7 +2434,7 @@ struct CxxrtlWorker {
pool<const RTLIL::Wire*> worklist, visited;
for (auto wire : module->wires()) {
if (!wire->name.isPublic())
- continue; // only outline public wires
+ continue;
while (!worklist.empty()) {
@@ -2487,6 +2450,53 @@ struct CxxrtlWorker {
+ if (debug_info && debug_alias) {
+ // Find wires that alias other wires or are tied to a constant. Both of these cases are
+ // directly expressible in the debug information, improving coverage at zero cost.
+ for (auto wire : module->wires()) {
+ if (!wire->name.isPublic())
+ continue;
+ const RTLIL::Wire *cursor = wire;
+ RTLIL::SigSpec alias_of;
+ while (1) {
+ if (!(flow.wire_def_inlinable.count(cursor) && flow.wire_def_inlinable[cursor]))
+ break; // not an alias: complex def
+ log_assert(flow.wire_comb_defs[cursor].size() == 1);
+ FlowGraph::Node *node = *flow.wire_comb_defs[cursor].begin();
+ if (node->type != FlowGraph::Node::Type::CONNECT)
+ break; // not an alias: def by cell
+ RTLIL::SigSpec rhs_sig = node->connect.second;
+ if (rhs_sig.is_fully_const()) {
+ alias_of = rhs_sig; // alias of const
+ break;
+ } else if (rhs_sig.is_wire()) {
+ RTLIL::Wire *rhs_wire = rhs_sig.as_wire(); // possible alias of wire
+ if (rhs_wire->port_input && !rhs_wire->port_output) {
+ alias_of = rhs_wire; // alias of input
+ break;
+ } else if (!localized_wires.count(rhs_wire) && !inlined_wires.count(rhs_wire)) {
+ alias_of = rhs_wire; // alias of member
+ break;
+ } else {
+ if (rhs_wire->name.isPublic() && debug_outlined_wires.count(rhs_wire))
+ alias_of = rhs_wire; // alias of either outline or another alias
+ cursor = rhs_wire; // keep looking
+ }
+ } else {
+ break; // not an alias: complex rhs
+ }
+ }
+ if (alias_of.empty()) {
+ continue;
+ } else if (alias_of.is_fully_const()) {
+ debug_const_wires[wire] = alias_of.as_const();
+ } else if (alias_of.is_wire()) {
+ debug_alias_wires[wire] = alias_of.as_wire();
+ } else log_abort();
+ if (inlined_wires.count(wire))
+ debug_outlined_wires.erase(wire);
+ }
+ }
if (has_feedback_arcs || has_buffered_comb_wires) {
// Although both non-feedback buffered combinatorial wires and apparent feedback wires may be eliminated