path: root/tests/arch/ice40
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/arch/ice40')
22 files changed, 127 insertions, 494 deletions
diff --git a/tests/arch/ice40/add_sub.v b/tests/arch/ice40/add_sub.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 177c32e30..000000000
--- a/tests/arch/ice40/add_sub.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-module top
- input [3:0] x,
- input [3:0] y,
- output [3:0] A,
- output [3:0] B
- );
-assign A = x + y;
-assign B = x - y;
diff --git a/tests/arch/ice40/add_sub.ys b/tests/arch/ice40/add_sub.ys
index 4a998d98d..578ec0803 100644
--- a/tests/arch/ice40/add_sub.ys
+++ b/tests/arch/ice40/add_sub.ys
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-read_verilog add_sub.v
+read_verilog ../common/add_sub.v
hierarchy -top top
equiv_opt -assert -map +/ice40/cells_sim.v synth_ice40 # equivalency check
design -load postopt # load the post-opt design (otherwise equiv_opt loads the pre-opt design)
diff --git a/tests/arch/ice40/adffs.v b/tests/arch/ice40/adffs.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 09dc36001..000000000
--- a/tests/arch/ice40/adffs.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-module adff
- ( input d, clk, clr, output reg q );
- initial begin
- q = 0;
- end
- always @( posedge clk, posedge clr )
- if ( clr )
- q <= 1'b0;
- else
- q <= d;
-module adffn
- ( input d, clk, clr, output reg q );
- initial begin
- q = 0;
- end
- always @( posedge clk, negedge clr )
- if ( !clr )
- q <= 1'b0;
- else
- q <= d;
-module dffs
- ( input d, clk, pre, clr, output reg q );
- initial begin
- q = 0;
- end
- always @( posedge clk, posedge pre )
- if ( pre )
- q <= 1'b1;
- else
- q <= d;
-module ndffnr
- ( input d, clk, pre, clr, output reg q );
- initial begin
- q = 0;
- end
- always @( negedge clk, negedge pre )
- if ( !pre )
- q <= 1'b1;
- else
- q <= d;
-module top (
-input clk,
-input clr,
-input pre,
-input a,
-output b,b1,b2,b3
-dffs u_dffs (
- .clk (clk ),
- .clr (clr),
- .pre (pre),
- .d (a ),
- .q (b )
- );
-ndffnr u_ndffnr (
- .clk (clk ),
- .clr (clr),
- .pre (pre),
- .d (a ),
- .q (b1 )
- );
-adff u_adff (
- .clk (clk ),
- .clr (clr),
- .d (a ),
- .q (b2 )
- );
-adffn u_adffn (
- .clk (clk ),
- .clr (clr),
- .d (a ),
- .q (b3 )
- );
diff --git a/tests/arch/ice40/adffs.ys b/tests/arch/ice40/adffs.ys
index 548060b66..e5dbabb43 100644
--- a/tests/arch/ice40/adffs.ys
+++ b/tests/arch/ice40/adffs.ys
@@ -1,11 +1,39 @@
-read_verilog adffs.v
+read_verilog ../common/adffs.v
+design -save read
+hierarchy -top adff
-equiv_opt -multiclock -assert -map +/ice40/cells_sim.v synth_ice40 # equivalency check
+equiv_opt -async2sync -assert -map +/ice40/cells_sim.v synth_ice40 # equivalency check
design -load postopt # load the post-opt design (otherwise equiv_opt loads the pre-opt design)
-cd top # Constrain all select calls below inside the top module
-select -assert-count 1 t:SB_DFFNS
-select -assert-count 2 t:SB_DFFR
-select -assert-count 1 t:SB_DFFS
-select -assert-count 2 t:SB_LUT4
-select -assert-none t:SB_DFFNS t:SB_DFFR t:SB_DFFS t:SB_LUT4 %% t:* %D
+cd adff # Constrain all select calls below inside the top module
+select -assert-count 1 t:SB_DFFR
+select -assert-none t:SB_DFFR %% t:* %D
+design -load read
+hierarchy -top adffn
+equiv_opt -async2sync -assert -map +/ice40/cells_sim.v synth_ice40 # equivalency check
+design -load postopt # load the post-opt design (otherwise equiv_opt loads the pre-opt design)
+cd adffn # Constrain all select calls below inside the top module
+select -assert-count 1 t:SB_DFFR
+select -assert-count 1 t:SB_LUT4
+select -assert-none t:SB_DFFR t:SB_LUT4 %% t:* %D
+design -load read
+hierarchy -top dffs
+equiv_opt -async2sync -assert -map +/ice40/cells_sim.v synth_ice40 # equivalency check
+design -load postopt # load the post-opt design (otherwise equiv_opt loads the pre-opt design)
+cd dffs # Constrain all select calls below inside the top module
+select -assert-count 1 t:SB_DFFSS
+select -assert-none t:SB_DFFSS %% t:* %D
+design -load read
+hierarchy -top ndffnr
+equiv_opt -async2sync -assert -map +/ice40/cells_sim.v synth_ice40 # equivalency check
+design -load postopt # load the post-opt design (otherwise equiv_opt loads the pre-opt design)
+cd ndffnr # Constrain all select calls below inside the top module
+select -assert-count 1 t:SB_DFFNSR
+select -assert-count 1 t:SB_LUT4
+select -assert-none t:SB_DFFNSR t:SB_LUT4 %% t:* %D
diff --git a/tests/arch/ice40/counter.v b/tests/arch/ice40/counter.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 52852f8ac..000000000
--- a/tests/arch/ice40/counter.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-module top (
- output [7:0] out;
- input clk, reset;
- reg [7:0] out;
- always @(posedge clk, posedge reset)
- if (reset) begin
- out <= 8'b0 ;
- end else
- out <= out + 1;
diff --git a/tests/arch/ice40/counter.ys b/tests/arch/ice40/counter.ys
index c65c21622..f112eb97d 100644
--- a/tests/arch/ice40/counter.ys
+++ b/tests/arch/ice40/counter.ys
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-read_verilog counter.v
+read_verilog ../common/counter.v
hierarchy -top top
diff --git a/tests/arch/ice40/dffs.v b/tests/arch/ice40/dffs.v
deleted file mode 100644
index d97840c43..000000000
--- a/tests/arch/ice40/dffs.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-module dff
- ( input d, clk, output reg q );
- always @( posedge clk )
- q <= d;
-module dffe
- ( input d, clk, en, output reg q );
- initial begin
- q = 0;
- end
- always @( posedge clk )
- if ( en )
- q <= d;
-module top (
-input clk,
-input en,
-input a,
-output b,b1,
-dff u_dff (
- .clk (clk ),
- .d (a ),
- .q (b )
- );
-dffe u_ndffe (
- .clk (clk ),
- .en (en),
- .d (a ),
- .q (b1 )
- );
diff --git a/tests/arch/ice40/dffs.ys b/tests/arch/ice40/dffs.ys
index ee7f884b1..b28a5a91f 100644
--- a/tests/arch/ice40/dffs.ys
+++ b/tests/arch/ice40/dffs.ys
@@ -1,10 +1,19 @@
-read_verilog dffs.v
-hierarchy -top top
+read_verilog ../common/dffs.v
+design -save read
+hierarchy -top dff
equiv_opt -assert -map +/ice40/cells_sim.v synth_ice40 # equivalency check
design -load postopt # load the post-opt design (otherwise equiv_opt loads the pre-opt design)
-cd top # Constrain all select calls below inside the top module
+cd dff # Constrain all select calls below inside the top module
select -assert-count 1 t:SB_DFF
+select -assert-none t:SB_DFF %% t:* %D
+design -load read
+hierarchy -top dffe
+equiv_opt -assert -map +/ice40/cells_sim.v synth_ice40 # equivalency check
+design -load postopt # load the post-opt design (otherwise equiv_opt loads the pre-opt design)
+cd dffe # Constrain all select calls below inside the top module
select -assert-count 1 t:SB_DFFE
-select -assert-none t:SB_DFF t:SB_DFFE %% t:* %D
+select -assert-none t:SB_DFFE %% t:* %D \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/arch/ice40/fsm.v b/tests/arch/ice40/fsm.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 0605bd102..000000000
--- a/tests/arch/ice40/fsm.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
- module fsm (
- clock,
- reset,
- req_0,
- req_1,
- gnt_0,
- gnt_1
- );
- input clock,reset,req_0,req_1;
- output gnt_0,gnt_1;
- wire clock,reset,req_0,req_1;
- reg gnt_0,gnt_1;
- parameter SIZE = 3 ;
- parameter IDLE = 3'b001,GNT0 = 3'b010,GNT1 = 3'b100,GNT2 = 3'b101 ;
- reg [SIZE-1:0] state;
- reg [SIZE-1:0] next_state;
- always @ (posedge clock)
- begin : FSM
- if (reset == 1'b1) begin
- state <= #1 IDLE;
- gnt_0 <= 0;
- gnt_1 <= 0;
- end else
- case(state)
- IDLE : if (req_0 == 1'b1) begin
- state <= #1 GNT0;
- gnt_0 <= 1;
- end else if (req_1 == 1'b1) begin
- gnt_1 <= 1;
- state <= #1 GNT0;
- end else begin
- state <= #1 IDLE;
- end
- GNT0 : if (req_0 == 1'b1) begin
- state <= #1 GNT0;
- end else begin
- gnt_0 <= 0;
- state <= #1 IDLE;
- end
- GNT1 : if (req_1 == 1'b1) begin
- state <= #1 GNT2;
- gnt_1 <= req_0;
- end
- GNT2 : if (req_0 == 1'b1) begin
- state <= #1 GNT1;
- gnt_1 <= req_1;
- end
- default : state <= #1 IDLE;
- endcase
- end
- endmodule
- module top (
-input clk,
-input rst,
-input a,
-input b,
-output g0,
-output g1
-fsm u_fsm ( .clock(clk),
- .reset(rst),
- .req_0(a),
- .req_1(b),
- .gnt_0(g0),
- .gnt_1(g1));
diff --git a/tests/arch/ice40/fsm.ys b/tests/arch/ice40/fsm.ys
index 4cc8629d6..5aacc6c73 100644
--- a/tests/arch/ice40/fsm.ys
+++ b/tests/arch/ice40/fsm.ys
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-read_verilog fsm.v
-hierarchy -top top
+read_verilog ../common/fsm.v
+hierarchy -top fsm
equiv_opt -assert -map +/ice40/cells_sim.v synth_ice40 # equivalency check
design -load postopt # load the post-opt design (otherwise equiv_opt loads the pre-opt design)
-cd top # Constrain all select calls below inside the top module
+cd fsm # Constrain all select calls below inside the top module
select -assert-count 2 t:SB_DFFESR
select -assert-count 2 t:SB_DFFSR
diff --git a/tests/arch/ice40/latches.v b/tests/arch/ice40/latches.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 9dc43e4c2..000000000
--- a/tests/arch/ice40/latches.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-module latchp
- ( input d, clk, en, output reg q );
- always @*
- if ( en )
- q <= d;
-module latchn
- ( input d, clk, en, output reg q );
- always @*
- if ( !en )
- q <= d;
-module latchsr
- ( input d, clk, en, clr, pre, output reg q );
- always @*
- if ( clr )
- q <= 1'b0;
- else if ( pre )
- q <= 1'b1;
- else if ( en )
- q <= d;
-module top (
-input clk,
-input clr,
-input pre,
-input a,
-output b,b1,b2
-latchp u_latchp (
- .en (clk ),
- .d (a ),
- .q (b )
- );
-latchn u_latchn (
- .en (clk ),
- .d (a ),
- .q (b1 )
- );
-latchsr u_latchsr (
- .en (clk ),
- .clr (clr),
- .pre (pre),
- .d (a ),
- .q (b2 )
- );
diff --git a/tests/arch/ice40/latches.ys b/tests/arch/ice40/latches.ys
index 708734e44..b06dd630b 100644
--- a/tests/arch/ice40/latches.ys
+++ b/tests/arch/ice40/latches.ys
@@ -1,12 +1,33 @@
-read_verilog latches.v
+read_verilog ../common/latches.v
+design -save read
+hierarchy -top latchp
# Can't run any sort of equivalence check because latches are blown to LUTs
-#equiv_opt -async2sync -assert -map +/ice40/cells_sim.v synth_ice40 # equivalency check
+cd latchp # Constrain all select calls below inside the top module
+select -assert-count 1 t:SB_LUT4
+select -assert-none t:SB_LUT4 %% t:* %D
+design -load read
+hierarchy -top latchn
+# Can't run any sort of equivalence check because latches are blown to LUTs
+cd latchn # Constrain all select calls below inside the top module
+select -assert-count 1 t:SB_LUT4
+select -assert-none t:SB_LUT4 %% t:* %D
-#design -load preopt
+design -load read
+hierarchy -top latchsr
+# Can't run any sort of equivalence check because latches are blown to LUTs
-cd top
-select -assert-count 4 t:SB_LUT4
+cd latchsr # Constrain all select calls below inside the top module
+select -assert-count 2 t:SB_LUT4
select -assert-none t:SB_LUT4 %% t:* %D
diff --git a/tests/arch/ice40/logic.v b/tests/arch/ice40/logic.v
deleted file mode 100644
index e5343cae0..000000000
--- a/tests/arch/ice40/logic.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-module top
- input [0:7] in,
- output B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6,B7,B8,B9,B10
- );
- assign B1 = in[0] & in[1];
- assign B2 = in[0] | in[1];
- assign B3 = in[0] ~& in[1];
- assign B4 = in[0] ~| in[1];
- assign B5 = in[0] ^ in[1];
- assign B6 = in[0] ~^ in[1];
- assign B7 = ~in[0];
- assign B8 = in[0];
- assign B9 = in[0:1] && in [2:3];
- assign B10 = in[0:1] || in [2:3];
diff --git a/tests/arch/ice40/logic.ys b/tests/arch/ice40/logic.ys
index fc5e5b1d8..7432f5b1f 100644
--- a/tests/arch/ice40/logic.ys
+++ b/tests/arch/ice40/logic.ys
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-read_verilog logic.v
+read_verilog ../common/logic.v
hierarchy -top top
equiv_opt -assert -map +/ice40/cells_sim.v synth_ice40 # equivalency check
design -load postopt # load the post-opt design (otherwise equiv_opt loads the pre-opt design)
diff --git a/tests/arch/ice40/mul.v b/tests/arch/ice40/mul.v
deleted file mode 100644
index d5b48b1d7..000000000
--- a/tests/arch/ice40/mul.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-module top
- input [5:0] x,
- input [5:0] y,
- output [11:0] A,
- );
-assign A = x * y;
diff --git a/tests/arch/ice40/mul.ys b/tests/arch/ice40/mul.ys
index 8a0822a84..9891b77d6 100644
--- a/tests/arch/ice40/mul.ys
+++ b/tests/arch/ice40/mul.ys
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-read_verilog mul.v
+read_verilog ../common/mul.v
hierarchy -top top
equiv_opt -assert -map +/ice40/cells_sim.v synth_ice40 -dsp # equivalency check
design -load postopt # load the post-opt design (otherwise equiv_opt loads the pre-opt design)
diff --git a/tests/arch/ice40/mux.v b/tests/arch/ice40/mux.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 0814b733e..000000000
--- a/tests/arch/ice40/mux.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-module mux2 (S,A,B,Y);
- input S;
- input A,B;
- output reg Y;
- always @(*)
- Y = (S)? B : A;
-module mux4 ( S, D, Y );
-input[1:0] S;
-input[3:0] D;
-output Y;
-reg Y;
-wire[1:0] S;
-wire[3:0] D;
-always @*
- case( S )
- 0 : Y = D[0];
- 1 : Y = D[1];
- 2 : Y = D[2];
- 3 : Y = D[3];
- endcase
-module mux8 ( S, D, Y );
-input[2:0] S;
-input[7:0] D;
-output Y;
-reg Y;
-wire[2:0] S;
-wire[7:0] D;
-always @*
- case( S )
- 0 : Y = D[0];
- 1 : Y = D[1];
- 2 : Y = D[2];
- 3 : Y = D[3];
- 4 : Y = D[4];
- 5 : Y = D[5];
- 6 : Y = D[6];
- 7 : Y = D[7];
- endcase
-module mux16 (D, S, Y);
- input [15:0] D;
- input [3:0] S;
- output Y;
-assign Y = D[S];
-module top (
-input [3:0] S,
-input [15:0] D,
-output M2,M4,M8,M16
-mux2 u_mux2 (
- .S (S[0]),
- .A (D[0]),
- .B (D[1]),
- .Y (M2)
- );
-mux4 u_mux4 (
- .S (S[1:0]),
- .D (D[3:0]),
- .Y (M4)
- );
-mux8 u_mux8 (
- .S (S[2:0]),
- .D (D[7:0]),
- .Y (M8)
- );
-mux16 u_mux16 (
- .S (S[3:0]),
- .D (D[15:0]),
- .Y (M16)
- );
diff --git a/tests/arch/ice40/mux.ys b/tests/arch/ice40/mux.ys
index 182b49499..99822391d 100644
--- a/tests/arch/ice40/mux.ys
+++ b/tests/arch/ice40/mux.ys
@@ -1,8 +1,40 @@
-read_verilog mux.v
+read_verilog ../common/mux.v
+design -save read
+hierarchy -top mux2
equiv_opt -assert -map +/ice40/cells_sim.v synth_ice40 # equivalency check
design -load postopt # load the post-opt design (otherwise equiv_opt loads the pre-opt design)
-cd top # Constrain all select calls below inside the top module
-select -assert-count 19 t:SB_LUT4
+cd mux2 # Constrain all select calls below inside the top module
+select -assert-count 1 t:SB_LUT4
+select -assert-none t:SB_LUT4 %% t:* %D
+design -load read
+hierarchy -top mux4
+equiv_opt -assert -map +/ice40/cells_sim.v synth_ice40 # equivalency check
+design -load postopt # load the post-opt design (otherwise equiv_opt loads the pre-opt design)
+cd mux4 # Constrain all select calls below inside the top module
+select -assert-count 2 t:SB_LUT4
+select -assert-none t:SB_LUT4 %% t:* %D
+design -load read
+hierarchy -top mux8
+equiv_opt -assert -map +/ice40/cells_sim.v synth_ice40 # equivalency check
+design -load postopt # load the post-opt design (otherwise equiv_opt loads the pre-opt design)
+cd mux8 # Constrain all select calls below inside the top module
+select -assert-count 5 t:SB_LUT4
+select -assert-none t:SB_LUT4 %% t:* %D
+design -load read
+hierarchy -top mux16
+equiv_opt -assert -map +/ice40/cells_sim.v synth_ice40 # equivalency check
+design -load postopt # load the post-opt design (otherwise equiv_opt loads the pre-opt design)
+cd mux16 # Constrain all select calls below inside the top module
+select -assert-count 11 t:SB_LUT4
select -assert-none t:SB_LUT4 %% t:* %D
diff --git a/tests/arch/ice40/shifter.v b/tests/arch/ice40/shifter.v
deleted file mode 100644
index c55632552..000000000
--- a/tests/arch/ice40/shifter.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-module top (
- output [7:0] out;
- input signed clk, in;
- reg signed [7:0] out = 0;
- always @(posedge clk)
- begin
-`ifndef BUG
- out <= out >> 1;
- out[7] <= in;
- out <= out << 1;
- out[7] <= in;
- end
diff --git a/tests/arch/ice40/shifter.ys b/tests/arch/ice40/shifter.ys
index 47d95d298..08ea64f3d 100644
--- a/tests/arch/ice40/shifter.ys
+++ b/tests/arch/ice40/shifter.ys
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-read_verilog shifter.v
+read_verilog ../common/shifter.v
hierarchy -top top
diff --git a/tests/arch/ice40/tribuf.v b/tests/arch/ice40/tribuf.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 870a02584..000000000
--- a/tests/arch/ice40/tribuf.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-module tristate (en, i, o);
- input en;
- input i;
- output o;
- assign o = en ? i : 1'bz;
-module top (
-input en,
-input a,
-output b
-tristate u_tri (
- .en (en ),
- .i (a ),
- .o (b )
- );
diff --git a/tests/arch/ice40/tribuf.ys b/tests/arch/ice40/tribuf.ys
index d1e1b3108..10cded954 100644
--- a/tests/arch/ice40/tribuf.ys
+++ b/tests/arch/ice40/tribuf.ys
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
-read_verilog tribuf.v
-hierarchy -top top
+read_verilog ../common/tribuf.v
+hierarchy -top tristate
equiv_opt -assert -map +/ice40/cells_sim.v -map +/simcells.v synth_ice40 # equivalency check
design -load postopt # load the post-opt design (otherwise equiv_opt loads the pre-opt design)
-cd top # Constrain all select calls below inside the top module
+cd tristate # Constrain all select calls below inside the top module
select -assert-count 1 t:$_TBUF_
select -assert-none t:$_TBUF_ %% t:* %D