path: root/testsuite/vests/vhdl-ams/ashenden/compliant/AMS_CS1_Mixed_Sig
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Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/vests/vhdl-ams/ashenden/compliant/AMS_CS1_Mixed_Sig')
7 files changed, 2923 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/vests/vhdl-ams/ashenden/compliant/AMS_CS1_Mixed_Sig/a2d_nbit.vhd b/testsuite/vests/vhdl-ams/ashenden/compliant/AMS_CS1_Mixed_Sig/a2d_nbit.vhd
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index 000000000..3bc693b2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/vests/vhdl-ams/ashenden/compliant/AMS_CS1_Mixed_Sig/a2d_nbit.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+-- Copyright (C) 2002 Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc
+-- This file is part of VESTs (Vhdl tESTs).
+-- VESTs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+-- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+-- Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
+-- your option) any later version.
+-- VESTs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+-- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with VESTs; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+-- Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+library ieee_proposed; use ieee_proposed.electrical_systems.all;
+entity a2d_nbit is
+ port ( signal start : in std_ulogic; -- Start signal
+ signal clk : in std_ulogic; -- Strobe clock
+ terminal ain : electrical; -- Analog input terminal
+ signal eoc : out std_ulogic := '0'; -- End of conversion pin
+ signal dout : out std_ulogic_vector(9 downto 0) ); -- Digital output signal
+end entity a2d_nbit;
+architecture sar of a2d_nbit is
+ constant Vmax : real := 5.0; -- ADC's maximum range
+ constant delay : time := 10 us; -- ADC's conversion time
+ type states is (input, convert); -- Two states of A2D Conversion
+ constant bit_range : integer := 9; -- Bit range for dtmp and dout
+ quantity Vin across Iin through ain to electrical_ref; -- ADC's input branch
+ sa_adc: process is
+ variable thresh : real := Vmax; -- Threshold to test input voltage against
+ variable Vtmp : real := Vin; -- Snapshot of input voltage
+ -- when conversion starts
+ variable dtmp : std_ulogic_vector(bit_range downto 0); -- Temp. output data
+ variable status : states := input; -- Begin with "input" case
+ variable bit_cnt : integer := bit_range;
+ begin
+ case status is
+ when input => -- Read input voltages when start goes high
+ wait on start until start = '1' or start = 'H';
+ bit_cnt := bit_range; -- Reset bit_cnt for conversion
+ thresh := Vmax;
+ Vtmp := Vin; -- Variable to hold input comparison voltage
+ eoc <= '0'; -- Reset end of conversion
+ status := convert; -- Go to convert state
+ when convert => -- Begin successive approximation conversion
+ wait on clk until clk = '1' or clk = 'H';
+ thresh := thresh / 2.0; -- Get value of MSB
+ if Vtmp > thresh then
+ dtmp(bit_cnt) := '1'; -- Store '1' in dtmp variable vector
+ Vtmp := Vtmp - thresh; -- Prepare for next comparison
+ else
+ dtmp(bit_cnt) := '0'; -- Store '0' in dtmp variable vector
+ end if;
+ if bit_cnt > 0 then
+ bit_cnt := bit_cnt - 1; -- Decrement the bit count
+ else
+ dout <= dtmp; -- Put contents of dtmp on output pins
+ eoc <= '1' after delay; -- Signal end of conversion
+ status := input; -- Go to input state
+ end if;
+ end case;
+ end process sa_adc;
+ Iin == 0.0; -- Ideal input draws no current
+end architecture sar;
diff --git a/testsuite/vests/vhdl-ams/ashenden/compliant/AMS_CS1_Mixed_Sig/dac_10_bit.vhd b/testsuite/vests/vhdl-ams/ashenden/compliant/AMS_CS1_Mixed_Sig/dac_10_bit.vhd
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index 000000000..7f2226f49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/vests/vhdl-ams/ashenden/compliant/AMS_CS1_Mixed_Sig/dac_10_bit.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+-- Copyright (C) 2002 Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc
+-- This file is part of VESTs (Vhdl tESTs).
+-- VESTs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+-- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+-- Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
+-- your option) any later version.
+-- VESTs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+-- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with VESTs; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+-- Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+library ieee_proposed; use ieee_proposed.electrical_systems.all;
+entity dac_10_bit is
+ port ( signal bus_in : in std_ulogic_vector(9 downto 0);
+ signal clk : in std_ulogic;
+ terminal analog_out : electrical );
+end entity dac_10_bit;
+architecture behavioral of dac_10_bit is
+ constant v_max : real := 5.0;
+ signal s_out : real := 0.0;
+ quantity v_out across i_out through analog_out to electrical_ref;
+ convert : process is
+ variable v_sum : real;
+ variable delta_v : real;
+ begin
+ wait until clk'event and (clk = '1' or clk = 'H');
+ v_sum := 0.0;
+ delta_v := v_max;
+ for i in bus_in'range loop
+ delta_v := delta_v / 2.0;
+ if bus_in(i) = '1' or bus_in(i) = 'H' then
+ v_sum := v_sum + delta_v;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ s_out <= v_sum;
+ end process convert;
+ v_out == s_out'ramp(100.0E-9);
+end architecture behavioral;
diff --git a/testsuite/vests/vhdl-ams/ashenden/compliant/AMS_CS1_Mixed_Sig/index-ams.txt b/testsuite/vests/vhdl-ams/ashenden/compliant/AMS_CS1_Mixed_Sig/index-ams.txt
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index 000000000..c262df9e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/vests/vhdl-ams/ashenden/compliant/AMS_CS1_Mixed_Sig/index-ams.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+-- Chapter 8 - Case Study 1: Mixed Signal Focus
+-- Filename Primary Unit Secondary Unit Figure/Section
+----------- ------------ -------------- --------------
+switch_dig_2in.vhd entity switch_dig_2in ideal Figure 8-6
+a2d_nbit.vhd entity a2d_nbit sar Figure 8-7
+dac_10_bit.vhd entity dac_10_bit behavioral Figure 8-12
+-- TestBenches
+-- Filename Primary Unit Secondary Unit Tested Model
+------------ ------------ -------------- ------------
+tb_2in_switch.vhd entity tb_2in_switch TB_2in_switch switch_dig_2in.vhd
+tb_a2d_d2a.vhd entity tb_a2d_d2a TB_a2d_d2a a2d_nbit.vhd, dac_10_bit.vhd
+tb_CS1.vhd entity switch_dig_2in ideal Case Study 1
+-- entity clock ideal
+-- entity clock_duty ideal
+-- entity rc_clk rc_clk
+-- entity bit_cnt behavioral
+-- entity state_mach1 state_diagram
+-- entity sm_cnt sm_cnt
+-- entity a2d_nbit sar
+-- entity shift_reg behavioral
+-- entity frame_gen simple
+-- entity xor2 ideal
+-- entity level_set_tri ideal
+-- entity buffer_tri ideal
+-- entity d2a_bit ideal
+-- entity parity_gen parity_gen
+-- entity tdm_encoder tdm_encoder
+-- entity Digitize_Encode Digitize_Encode
+-- entity stick ideal
+-- entity and2 ideal
+-- entity d_latch_n_edge_rst behav
+-- entity counter_12 counter_12
+-- entity a2d_bit ideal
+-- entity clock_en ideal
+-- entity inverter ideal
+-- entity or2 ideal
+-- entity d2a_nbit behavioral
+-- entity pw2ana pw2ana
+-- entity dig_cmp simple
+-- entity sr_ff simple
+-- entity state_mach_rcvr state_diagram
+-- entity sm_cnt_rcvr sm_cnt_rcvr
+-- entity level_set ideal
+-- entity ser2par a1
+-- entity frame_det simple
+-- entity parity_det parity_det
+-- entity TDM_Demux_dbg TDM_Demux_dbg
+-- entity Decode_PW Decode_PW
+-- entity tb_CS1 TB_CS1
diff --git a/testsuite/vests/vhdl-ams/ashenden/compliant/AMS_CS1_Mixed_Sig/switch_dig_2in.vhd b/testsuite/vests/vhdl-ams/ashenden/compliant/AMS_CS1_Mixed_Sig/switch_dig_2in.vhd
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index 000000000..3793e191a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/vests/vhdl-ams/ashenden/compliant/AMS_CS1_Mixed_Sig/switch_dig_2in.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+-- Copyright (C) 2002 Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc
+-- This file is part of VESTs (Vhdl tESTs).
+-- VESTs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+-- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+-- Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
+-- your option) any later version.
+-- VESTs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+-- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with VESTs; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+-- Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+library ieee_proposed; use ieee_proposed.electrical_systems.all;
+entity switch_dig_2in is
+ port ( sw_state : in std_ulogic; -- Digital control input
+ terminal p_in1, p_in2, p_out : electrical ); -- Analog output
+end entity switch_dig_2in;
+architecture ideal of switch_dig_2in is
+ constant r_open : resistance := 1.0e6; -- Open switch resistance
+ constant r_closed : resistance := 0.001; -- Closed switch resistance
+ constant trans_time : real := 0.00001; -- Transition time to each position
+ signal r_sig1 : resistance := r_closed; -- Closed switch resistance variable
+ signal r_sig2 : resistance := r_open; -- Open switch resistance variable
+ quantity v1 across i1 through p_in1 to p_out; -- V & I for in1 to out
+ quantity v2 across i2 through p_in2 to p_out; -- V & I for in2 to out
+ quantity r1 : resistance; -- Time-varying resistance for in1 to out
+ quantity r2 : resistance; -- Time-varying resistance for in2 to out
+ process (sw_state) is -- Sensitivity to digital control input
+ begin
+ if sw_state = '0' or sw_state = 'L' then -- Close sig1, open sig2
+ r_sig1 <= r_closed;
+ r_sig2 <= r_open;
+ elsif sw_state = '1' or sw_state = 'H' then -- Open sig1, close sig2
+ r_sig1 <= r_open;
+ r_sig2 <= r_closed;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ r1 == r_sig1'ramp(trans_time, trans_time); -- Ensure resistance continuity
+ r2 == r_sig2'ramp(trans_time, trans_time); -- Ensure resistance continuity
+ v1 == r1 * i1; -- Apply Ohm's law to in1
+ v2 == r2 * i2; -- Apply Ohm's law to in2
+end architecture ideal;
diff --git a/testsuite/vests/vhdl-ams/ashenden/compliant/AMS_CS1_Mixed_Sig/tb_2in_switch.vhd b/testsuite/vests/vhdl-ams/ashenden/compliant/AMS_CS1_Mixed_Sig/tb_2in_switch.vhd
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index 000000000..89c37df23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/vests/vhdl-ams/ashenden/compliant/AMS_CS1_Mixed_Sig/tb_2in_switch.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+-- Copyright (C) 2002 Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc
+-- This file is part of VESTs (Vhdl tESTs).
+-- VESTs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+-- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+-- Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
+-- your option) any later version.
+-- VESTs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+-- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with VESTs; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+-- Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+library IEEE_proposed; use IEEE_proposed.electrical_systems.all;
+entity tb_2in_switch is
+end tb_2in_switch;
+architecture TB_2in_switch of tb_2in_switch is
+ -- Component declarations
+ -- Signal declarations
+ terminal p_in1, p_in2, p_out : electrical;
+ signal ctl_ulogic : std_ulogic;
+ signal ctl_logic : std_logic;
+ -- Signal assignments
+ ctl_ulogic <= To_X01(ctl_logic); -- Convert X01Z to X01
+ -- Component instances
+ vdc1 : entity work.v_constant(ideal)
+ generic map(
+ level => 1.0
+ )
+ port map(
+ pos => p_in1,
+ );
+ vdc2 : entity work.v_constant(ideal)
+ generic map(
+ level => 3.0
+ )
+ port map(
+ pos => p_in2,
+ );
+ Clk1 : entity work.clock(ideal)
+ generic map(
+ period => 10.0ms
+ )
+ port map(
+ clk_out => ctl_logic
+ );
+ R1 : entity work.resistor(ideal)
+ generic map(
+ res => 100.0
+ )
+ port map(
+ p1 => p_out,
+ p2 => electrical_ref
+ );
+ swtch : entity work.switch_dig_2in(ideal)
+ port map(
+ p_in1 => p_in1,
+ p_in2 => p_in2,
+ p_out => p_out,
+ sw_state => ctl_ulogic
+ );
+end TB_2in_switch;
diff --git a/testsuite/vests/vhdl-ams/ashenden/compliant/AMS_CS1_Mixed_Sig/tb_CS1.vhd b/testsuite/vests/vhdl-ams/ashenden/compliant/AMS_CS1_Mixed_Sig/tb_CS1.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f18d88bed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/vests/vhdl-ams/ashenden/compliant/AMS_CS1_Mixed_Sig/tb_CS1.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,2458 @@
+-- Copyright (C) 2002 Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc
+-- This file is part of VESTs (Vhdl tESTs).
+-- VESTs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+-- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+-- Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
+-- your option) any later version.
+-- VESTs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+-- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with VESTs; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+-- Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+-- Simple Digital-Controlled Two-position Switch Model
+-- Switch position 1 ('0') or switch position 2 ('1')
+USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.ALL;
+use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
+use IEEE.math_real.all;
+-- Use proposed IEEE natures and packages
+LIBRARY IEEE_proposed;
+USE IEEE_proposed.electrical_systems.ALL;
+ENTITY switch_dig_2in is
+ GENERIC (r_open : RESISTANCE := 1.0e6; -- Open switch resistance
+ r_closed : RESISTANCE := 0.001; -- Closed switch resistance
+ trans_time : real := 0.00001); -- Transition time to each position
+ PORT (sw_state : in std_logic; -- Digital control input
+ TERMINAL p_in1, p_in2, p_out : ELECTRICAL); -- Analog output
+END ENTITY switch_dig_2in;
+ARCHITECTURE ideal OF switch_dig_2in IS
+ SIGNAL r_sig1 : RESISTANCE := r_closed; -- Variable to accept switch resistance
+ SIGNAL r_sig2 : RESISTANCE := r_open; -- Variable to accept switch resistance
+ QUANTITY v1 ACROSS i1 THROUGH p_in1 TO p_out; -- V & I for in1 to out
+ QUANTITY v2 ACROSS i2 THROUGH p_in2 TO p_out; -- V & I for in2 to out
+ QUANTITY r1 : RESISTANCE; -- Time-varying resistance for in1 to out
+ QUANTITY r2 : RESISTANCE; -- Time-varying resistance for in2 to out
+ PROCESS (sw_state) -- Sensitivity to digital control input
+ IF (sw_state = '0') THEN -- Close sig1, open sig2
+ r_sig1 <= r_closed;
+ r_sig2 <= r_open;
+ ELSIF (sw_state = '1') THEN -- Open sig1, close sig2
+ r_sig1 <= r_open;
+ r_sig2 <= r_closed;
+ r1 == r_sig1'ramp(trans_time, trans_time); -- Ensure resistance continuity
+ r2 == r_sig2'ramp(trans_time, trans_time); -- Ensure resistance continuity
+ v1 == r1*i1; -- Apply Ohm's law to in1
+ v2 == r2*i2; -- Apply Ohm's law to in2
+-- Digital clock with 50% duty cycle
+LIBRARY ieee;
+USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;
+ENTITY clock IS
+ period : time); -- Clock period
+ PORT (
+ clk_out : OUT std_logic);
+END ENTITY clock;
+-- clock process
+ process
+ begin
+ clk_out <= '0';
+ wait for period/2;
+ clk_out <= '1';
+ wait for period/2;
+ end process;
+-- This digital clock allows user to specify the duty cycle using
+-- the parameters "on_time" and "off_time"
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
+library IEEE_proposed;
+use IEEE_proposed.electrical_systems.all;
+use IEEE_proposed.mechanical_systems.all;
+ENTITY clock_duty IS
+ on_time : time := 20 us;
+ off_time : time := 19.98 ms
+ );
+ PORT (
+ clock_out : OUT std_logic := '0');
+END ENTITY clock_duty;
+ARCHITECTURE ideal OF clock_duty IS
+-- clock process
+ process
+ begin
+ clock_out <= '1';
+ wait for on_time;
+ clock_out <= '0';
+ wait for off_time;
+ end process;
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
+library IEEE_proposed;
+use IEEE_proposed.electrical_systems.all;
+use IEEE_proposed.mechanical_systems.all;
+entity rc_clk is
+ port(
+ clk_100k : out std_logic;
+ clk_6K : out std_logic;
+ clk_50 : out std_logic
+ );
+end rc_clk;
+architecture rc_clk of rc_clk is
+ -- Component declarations
+ -- Signal declarations
+ -- Signal assignments
+ -- Component instances
+ XCMP1 : entity work.clock(ideal)
+ generic map(
+ period => 10us
+ )
+ port map(
+ CLK_OUT => clk_100k
+ );
+ XCMP2 : entity work.clock(ideal)
+ generic map(
+ period => 150us
+ )
+ port map(
+ CLK_OUT => clk_6K
+ );
+ clk_50Hz : entity work.clock_duty(ideal)
+ generic map(
+ on_time => 20 us,
+ off_time => 19.98 ms
+ )
+ port map(
+ CLOCK_OUT => clk_50
+ );
+end rc_clk;
+-- This model counts the number of input clock transitions and outputs
+-- a '1' when this number equals the value of the user-defined constant 'count'
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
+library IEEE_proposed;
+use IEEE_proposed.electrical_systems.all;
+use IEEE_proposed.mechanical_systems.all;
+entity bit_cnt is
+ generic (
+ count : integer -- User-defined value to count up to
+ );
+ bit_in : in std_logic ;
+ clk : in std_logic ;
+ dly_out : out std_logic
+end bit_cnt;
+architecture behavioral of bit_cnt is
+ serial_clock : process is
+ begin
+ wait until bit_in'event AND (bit_in = '1' OR bit_in = 'H');
+ FOR i IN 0 to count LOOP -- Loop for 'count' clock transitions
+ wait until clk'event AND (clk = '1' OR clk = 'H');
+ dly_out <= '1'; -- After count is reached, set output high
+ wait until bit_in'event AND (bit_in = '0' OR bit_in = 'L');
+ dly_out <= '0'; -- Reset output to '0' on next clock input
+ end process serial_clock;
+USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+USE IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
+LIBRARY IEEE_proposed;
+USE IEEE_proposed.electrical_systems.all;
+USE IEEE_proposed.mechanical_systems.all;
+ENTITY state_mach1 IS
+ PORT (
+ a2d_eoc : IN std_logic;
+ clk_50 : IN std_logic;
+ clk_100k : IN std_logic;
+ clk_6k : IN std_logic;
+ ser_done : IN std_logic;
+ ch_sel : OUT std_logic;
+ frm_gen : OUT std_logic;
+ a2d_oe : OUT std_logic;
+ a2d_start : OUT std_logic;
+ p2s_oe : OUT std_logic;
+ p2s_load : OUT std_logic;
+ parity_oe : OUT std_logic;
+ ser_cnt : OUT std_logic;
+ p2s_clr : OUT std_logic);
+END state_mach1;
+ARCHITECTURE state_diagram OF state_mach1 IS
+ TYPE TYP_state_mach1_sm1 IS (V_begin, frm_rd, ser_oe, ch1, data_en, tdm_oe, ch2
+ , load, ad_ch2, delay);
+ SIGNAL CS_state_mach1_sm1, NS_state_mach1_sm1 : TYP_state_mach1_sm1;
+ SIGNAL FB_frm_gen : std_logic;
+ SIGNAL FB_p2s_load : std_logic;
+ SIGNAL FB_ch_sel : std_logic;
+ frm_gen <= FB_frm_gen ;
+ p2s_load <= FB_p2s_load ;
+ ch_sel <= FB_ch_sel ;
+ PROCESS (CS_state_mach1_sm1, clk_50, FB_frm_gen, FB_p2s_load, ser_done, a2d_eoc, FB_ch_sel)
+ CASE CS_state_mach1_sm1 IS
+ WHEN V_begin =>
+ FB_frm_gen <= ('1');
+ a2d_start <= ('0');
+ a2d_oe <= ('0');
+ FB_p2s_load <= ('0');
+ p2s_clr <= ('0');
+ p2s_oe <= ('0');
+ FB_ch_sel <= ('0');
+ parity_oe <= ('0');
+ ser_cnt <= ('0');
+ IF ((FB_frm_gen = '1')) THEN
+ NS_state_mach1_sm1 <= frm_rd;
+ NS_state_mach1_sm1 <= V_begin;
+ WHEN frm_rd =>
+ FB_p2s_load <= ('1');
+ IF ((FB_p2s_load = '1')) THEN
+ NS_state_mach1_sm1 <= ser_oe;
+ NS_state_mach1_sm1 <= frm_rd;
+ WHEN ser_oe =>
+ p2s_oe <= ('1');
+ FB_frm_gen <= ('0');
+ FB_p2s_load <= ('0');
+ ser_cnt <= ('1');
+ IF ((ser_done = '1')) THEN
+ NS_state_mach1_sm1 <= ch1;
+ NS_state_mach1_sm1 <= ser_oe;
+ WHEN ch1 =>
+ p2s_oe <= ('0');
+ FB_ch_sel <= ('0');
+ a2d_start <= ('1');
+ ser_cnt <= ('0');
+ IF ((a2d_eoc = '1')) THEN
+ NS_state_mach1_sm1 <= data_en;
+ NS_state_mach1_sm1 <= ch1;
+ WHEN data_en =>
+ a2d_start <= ('0');
+ a2d_oe <= ('1');
+ parity_oe <= ('1');
+ NS_state_mach1_sm1 <= load;
+ WHEN tdm_oe =>
+ a2d_oe <= ('0');
+ parity_oe <= ('0');
+ p2s_oe <= ('1');
+ FB_p2s_load <= ('0');
+ ser_cnt <= ('1');
+ IF (((ser_done = '1') AND (FB_ch_sel = '0'))) THEN
+ NS_state_mach1_sm1 <= ch2;
+ NS_state_mach1_sm1 <= tdm_oe;
+ WHEN ch2 =>
+ p2s_oe <= ('0');
+ ser_cnt <= ('0');
+ FB_ch_sel <= ('1');
+ NS_state_mach1_sm1 <= delay;
+ WHEN load =>
+ FB_p2s_load <= ('1');
+ NS_state_mach1_sm1 <= tdm_oe;
+ WHEN ad_ch2 =>
+ a2d_start <= ('1');
+ IF ((a2d_eoc = '1')) THEN
+ NS_state_mach1_sm1 <= data_en;
+ NS_state_mach1_sm1 <= ad_ch2;
+ WHEN delay =>
+ NS_state_mach1_sm1 <= ad_ch2;
+ PROCESS (clk_100k, clk_50)
+ IF (clk_100k'event AND clk_100k='1') THEN
+ IF (clk_50= '1' ) THEN
+ CS_state_mach1_sm1 <= V_begin;
+ CS_state_mach1_sm1 <= NS_state_mach1_sm1;
+END state_diagram;
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
+library IEEE_proposed;
+use IEEE_proposed.electrical_systems.all;
+use IEEE_proposed.mechanical_systems.all;
+entity sm_cnt is
+ port(
+ a2d_eoc : in std_logic;
+ clk_50 : in std_logic;
+ clk_100k : in std_logic;
+ clk_6k : in std_logic;
+ p2s_load : out std_logic;
+ p2s_oe : out std_logic;
+ parity_oe : out std_logic;
+ a2d_start : out std_logic;
+ a2d_oe : out std_logic;
+ frm_gen : out std_logic;
+ ch_sel : out std_logic;
+ p2s_clr : out std_logic
+ );
+end sm_cnt;
+architecture sm_cnt of sm_cnt is
+ -- Component declarations
+ -- Signal declarations
+ signal serial_cnt : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010022 : std_logic;
+ -- Signal assignments
+ -- Component instances
+ bit_cnt1 : entity work.bit_cnt(behavioral)
+ generic map(
+ count => 15
+ )
+ port map(
+ bit_in => serial_cnt,
+ clk => clk_6k,
+ dly_out => XSIG010022
+ );
+ state_mach16 : entity work.state_mach1
+ port map(
+ ser_cnt => serial_cnt,
+ ch_sel => ch_sel,
+ frm_gen => frm_gen,
+ a2d_oe => a2d_oe,
+ a2d_start => a2d_start,
+ parity_oe => parity_oe,
+ p2s_oe => p2s_oe,
+ p2s_load => p2s_load,
+ p2s_clr => p2s_clr,
+ clk_6k => clk_6k,
+ clk_100k => clk_100k,
+ clk_50 => clk_50,
+ a2d_eoc => a2d_eoc,
+ ser_done => XSIG010022
+ );
+end sm_cnt;
+--This is a VHDL-AMS model of a simple analog to digital converter. The model
+--describes the general behavior of A/D converters for system level design and
+--The format of the digital output is binary coding.
+--N.B, dout(n-1) is the MSB while dout(0) is the LSB.
+-- Use IEEE natures and packages
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
+library IEEE_proposed;
+use IEEE_proposed.electrical_systems.all;
+entity a2d_nbit is
+ generic (
+ Vmax: REAL := 5.0 ; -- ADC's maximum range
+ Nbits: INTEGER := 10 ; -- number bits in ADC's output
+ delay: TIME := 10 us -- ADC's conversion time
+ );
+port (
+ signal start: in std_logic ; -- Start signal
+ signal clk: in std_logic ; -- Strobe clock
+ signal oe: in std_logic ; -- Output enable
+ terminal ain: ELECTRICAL ; -- ADC's analog input terminal
+ signal eoc: out std_logic := '0' ; -- End Of Conversion pin
+ signal dout: out std_logic_vector(0 to (Nbits-1))); -- ADC's digital output signal
+end entity a2d_nbit;
+architecture sar of a2d_nbit is
+ type states is (input, convert, output) ; -- Three states of A2D Conversion
+ constant bit_range : INTEGER := Nbits-1 ; -- Bit range for dtmp and dout
+ quantity Vin across Iin through ain to electrical_ref; -- ADC's input branch
+ sa_adc: process
+ variable thresh: REAL := Vmax ; -- Threshold to test input voltage against
+ variable Vtmp: REAL := Vin ; -- Snapshot of input voltage when conversion starts
+ variable dtmp: std_logic_vector(0 to (Nbits-1)); -- Temp. output data
+ variable status: states := input ; -- Begin with "input" CASE
+ variable bit_cnt: integer := Nbits -1 ;
+ begin
+ CASE status is
+ when input => -- Read input voltages when start goes high
+ wait on start until start = '1' or start = 'H' ;
+ thresh := Vmax ;
+ Vtmp := Vin ;
+ eoc <= '0' ;
+ status := convert ; -- Go to convert state
+ when convert => -- Begin successive approximation conversion
+ thresh := thresh / 2.0 ; -- Get value of MSB
+ wait on clk until clk = '1' OR clk = 'H';
+ if Vtmp > thresh then
+ dtmp(bit_cnt) := '1' ;
+ Vtmp := Vtmp - thresh ;
+ else
+ dtmp(bit_cnt) := '0' ;
+ end if ;
+ if bit_cnt < 1 then
+ status := output ; -- Go to output state
+ end if;
+ bit_cnt := bit_cnt - 1 ;
+ when output => -- Wait for output enable, then put data on output pins
+ eoc <= '1' after delay ;
+ wait on oe until oe = '1' OR oe = 'H' ;
+ dout <= dtmp ;
+ wait on oe until oe = '0' OR oe = 'L' ; -- Hi Z when OE is low
+ dout <= (others => 'Z') ;
+ bit_cnt := bit_range ;
+ status := input ; -- Set up for next conversion
+ end process sa_adc ;
+ Iin == 0.0 ; -- Ideal input draws no current
+end architecture sar ;
+-- Parallel input/serial output shift register
+-- With 4 trailing zeros
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
+library IEEE_proposed;
+use IEEE_proposed.electrical_systems.all;
+use IEEE_proposed.mechanical_systems.all;
+entity shift_reg is
+generic ( td : time := 0 ns);
+ bus_in : in std_logic_vector ; -- Input bus
+ clk : in std_logic ; -- Shift clock
+ oe : in std_logic ; -- Output enable
+ ser_out : out std_logic := '0'; -- Output port
+ load : in std_logic ; -- Parallel input load
+ clr : in std_logic -- Clear register
+end entity shift_reg;
+architecture behavioral of shift_reg is
+control_proc : process
+ VARIABLE bit_val : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0); -- Default 12-bit input
+ begin
+ IF (clr = '1' OR clr = 'H') then
+ bit_val := "000000000000"; -- Set all input bits to zero
+ wait until load'event AND (load = '1' OR load = 'H');
+ FOR i IN bus_in'high DOWNTO bus_in'low LOOP
+ bit_val(i) := bus_in(i) ; -- Transfer input data to variable
+ wait until oe'event AND (oe = '1' OR oe = 'H'); -- Shift if output enabled
+ FOR i IN bit_val'high DOWNTO bit_val'low LOOP
+ wait until clk'event AND (clk = '1' OR clk = 'H');
+ ser_out <= bit_val(i) ;
+ FOR i IN 1 TO 4 LOOP -- This loop pads the serial output with 4 zeros
+ wait until clk'event AND (clk = '1' OR clk = 'H');
+ ser_out <= '0';
+END process;
+end architecture behavioral;
+-- This model generates a 12-bit data frame synchronization code
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
+library IEEE_proposed;
+use IEEE_proposed.electrical_systems.all;
+use IEEE_proposed.mechanical_systems.all;
+entity frame_gen is
+ oe : in std_logic := '0';
+ sync_out : out std_logic_vector (11 downto 0) := "ZZZZZZZZZZZZ");
+end entity frame_gen;
+architecture simple of frame_gen is
+ enbl: PROCESS
+ IF OE = '1' THEN
+ sync_out <= "010101010101"; -- Sync code
+ sync_out <= "ZZZZZZZZZZZZ";
+end architecture simple;
+-- Two input XOR gate
+LIBRARY ieee;
+USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;
+ delay : time := 0 ns); -- Delay time
+ PORT (
+ in1, in2 : IN std_logic;
+ output : OUT std_logic);
+ output <= in1 XOR in2 AFTER delay;
+-- level_set_tri.vhd
+-- If OE = '1' set digital output "level" with parameter "logic_val" (default is 'Z')
+-- If OE = '0' set output to high impedance
+LIBRARY ieee;
+USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;
+ENTITY level_set_tri IS
+ logic_val : std_logic := 'Z');
+ PORT (
+ OE : IN std_logic;
+ level : OUT std_logic := 'Z');
+END ENTITY level_set_tri;
+-- Simple architecture
+ARCHITECTURE ideal OF level_set_tri IS
+ oe_ctl: PROCESS
+ IF OE = '1' THEN
+ level <= logic_val;
+ level <= 'Z';
+-- Simple Tri-state Buffer with delay time
+-- If OE = 1, output = input after delay
+-- If OE /= 1, output = Z after delay
+LIBRARY ieee;
+USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;
+ENTITY buffer_tri IS
+ delay : time := 0 ns); -- Delay time
+ PORT (
+ input : IN std_logic;
+ OE : IN std_logic;
+ output : OUT std_logic);
+END ENTITY buffer_tri;
+ARCHITECTURE ideal OF buffer_tri IS
+ oe_ctl: PROCESS
+ WAIT ON OE, input;
+ IF OE = '1' THEN
+ output <= input AFTER delay;
+ output <= 'Z' AFTER delay;
+-- ideal one bit D/A converter
+LIBRARY IEEE_proposed;
+USE IEEE_proposed.electrical_systems.ALL;
+USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.ALL;
+ENTITY d2a_bit IS
+ GENERIC (vlow : real :=0.0; -- output high voltage
+ vhigh : real :=5.0); -- output low voltage
+ PORT (D : IN std_logic; -- digital (std_logic) intout
+ TERMINAL A : electrical); -- analog (electrical) output
+END ENTITY d2a_bit;
+ARCHITECTURE ideal OF d2a_bit IS
+ SIGNAL vin : real := 0.0;
+ vin <= vhigh WHEN D = '1' ELSE vlow;
+ -- Use 'RAMP for discontinuous signal
+ vout == vin'RAMP(1.0e-9);
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
+library IEEE_proposed;
+use IEEE_proposed.electrical_systems.all;
+use IEEE_proposed.mechanical_systems.all;
+entity parity_gen is
+ port(
+ parity : in std_logic_vector(1 to 10);
+ oe : in std_logic;
+ parity_out : out std_logic_vector(0 to 11)
+ );
+end parity_gen;
+architecture parity_gen of parity_gen is
+ -- Component declarations
+ -- Signal declarations
+ terminal par_bit_gen_a : electrical;
+ signal XSIG010002 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010003 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010004 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010005 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010006 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010007 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010008 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010009 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010098 : std_logic;
+ -- Signal assignments
+ -- Component instances
+ XCMP1 : entity work.xor2(ideal)
+ port map(
+ in1 => parity(1),
+ in2 => parity(2),
+ output => XSIG010002
+ );
+ XCMP2 : entity work.xor2(ideal)
+ port map(
+ in1 => parity(3),
+ in2 => parity(4),
+ output => XSIG010003
+ );
+ XCMP3 : entity work.xor2(ideal)
+ port map(
+ in1 => parity(5),
+ in2 => parity(6),
+ output => XSIG010004
+ );
+ XCMP4 : entity work.xor2(ideal)
+ port map(
+ in1 => parity(7),
+ in2 => parity(8),
+ output => XSIG010005
+ );
+ XCMP5 : entity work.xor2(ideal)
+ port map(
+ in1 => parity(9),
+ in2 => parity(10),
+ output => XSIG010008
+ );
+ XCMP6 : entity work.xor2(ideal)
+ port map(
+ in1 => XSIG010002,
+ in2 => XSIG010003,
+ output => XSIG010006
+ );
+ XCMP7 : entity work.xor2(ideal)
+ port map(
+ in1 => XSIG010004,
+ in2 => XSIG010005,
+ output => XSIG010007
+ );
+ XCMP8 : entity work.xor2(ideal)
+ port map(
+ in1 => XSIG010006,
+ in2 => XSIG010007,
+ output => XSIG010009
+ );
+ XCMP9 : entity work.xor2(ideal)
+ port map(
+ in1 => XSIG010009,
+ in2 => XSIG010008,
+ output => XSIG010098
+ );
+ XCMP18 : entity work.level_set_tri(ideal)
+ generic map(
+ logic_val => '1'
+ )
+ port map(
+ level => parity_out(11),
+ oe => oe
+ );
+ XCMP19 : entity work.buffer_tri(ideal)
+ port map(
+ input => parity(1),
+ output => parity_out(1),
+ oe => oe
+ );
+ XCMP20 : entity work.buffer_tri(ideal)
+ port map(
+ input => parity(2),
+ output => parity_out(2),
+ oe => oe
+ );
+ XCMP21 : entity work.buffer_tri(ideal)
+ port map(
+ input => parity(3),
+ output => parity_out(3),
+ oe => oe
+ );
+ XCMP22 : entity work.buffer_tri(ideal)
+ port map(
+ input => parity(4),
+ output => parity_out(4),
+ oe => oe
+ );
+ XCMP23 : entity work.buffer_tri(ideal)
+ port map(
+ input => parity(5),
+ output => parity_out(5),
+ oe => oe
+ );
+ XCMP24 : entity work.buffer_tri(ideal)
+ port map(
+ input => parity(6),
+ output => parity_out(6),
+ oe => oe
+ );
+ XCMP25 : entity work.buffer_tri(ideal)
+ port map(
+ input => parity(7),
+ output => parity_out(7),
+ oe => oe
+ );
+ XCMP26 : entity work.buffer_tri(ideal)
+ port map(
+ input => parity(8),
+ output => parity_out(8),
+ oe => oe
+ );
+ XCMP27 : entity work.buffer_tri(ideal)
+ port map(
+ input => parity(9),
+ output => parity_out(9),
+ oe => oe
+ );
+ XCMP28 : entity work.buffer_tri(ideal)
+ port map(
+ input => parity(10),
+ output => parity_out(10),
+ oe => oe
+ );
+ XCMP29 : entity work.buffer_tri(ideal)
+ port map(
+ input => XSIG010098,
+ output => parity_out(0),
+ oe => oe
+ );
+ XCMP30 : entity work.d2a_bit(ideal)
+ port map(
+ D => XSIG010098,
+ A => par_bit_gen_a
+ );
+end parity_gen;
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
+library IEEE_proposed;
+use IEEE_proposed.electrical_systems.all;
+use IEEE_proposed.mechanical_systems.all;
+entity tdm_encoder is
+ port(
+ clk : in std_logic;
+ p2s_oe : in std_logic;
+ p2s_load : in std_logic;
+ frm_gen : in std_logic;
+ parity_oe : in std_logic;
+ tdm_out : out std_logic;
+ p2s_clr : in std_logic;
+ a2d_data : in std_logic_vector(1 to 10)
+ );
+end tdm_encoder;
+architecture tdm_encoder of tdm_encoder is
+ -- Component declarations
+ -- Signal declarations
+ signal sync_par : std_logic_vector(0 to 11);
+ -- Signal assignments
+ -- Component instances
+ p2s1 : entity work.shift_reg(behavioral)
+ port map(
+ bus_in => sync_par,
+ clk => clk,
+ oe => p2s_oe,
+ ser_out => tdm_out,
+ load => p2s_load,
+ clr => p2s_clr
+ );
+ sync_gen1 : entity work.frame_gen(simple)
+ port map(
+ oe => frm_gen,
+ sync_out => sync_par
+ );
+ par_gen1 : entity work.parity_gen
+ port map(
+ parity => a2d_data,
+ parity_out => sync_par,
+ oe => parity_oe
+ );
+end tdm_encoder;
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
+library IEEE_proposed;
+use IEEE_proposed.electrical_systems.all;
+use IEEE_proposed.mechanical_systems.all;
+entity Digitize_Encode is
+ port(
+ tdm_out : out std_logic;
+ terminal ch1_in : electrical;
+ terminal ch2_in : electrical
+ );
+end Digitize_Encode;
+architecture Digitize_Encode of Digitize_Encode is
+ -- Component declarations
+ -- Signal declarations
+ terminal a2d_ana_in : electrical;
+ signal a2d_oe : std_logic;
+ signal ch_bus : std_logic_vector(1 to 10);
+ signal frm_gen_ctl : std_logic;
+ signal p2s_clr : std_logic;
+ signal p2s_load : std_logic;
+ signal p2s_oe : std_logic;
+ signal par_oe : std_logic;
+ signal start_a2d1 : std_logic;
+ signal sw_ctl : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010091 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010173 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010180 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010181 : std_logic;
+ -- Signal assignments
+ -- Component instances
+ A_SWITCH1 : entity work.switch_dig_2in(ideal)
+ port map(
+ p_in1 => ch1_in,
+ p_out => a2d_ana_in,
+ sw_state => sw_ctl,
+ p_in2 => ch2_in
+ );
+ rc_clk2 : entity work.rc_clk
+ port map(
+ clk_50 => XSIG010180,
+ clk_6K => XSIG010173,
+ clk_100k => XSIG010181
+ );
+ sm_xmtr1 : entity work.sm_cnt
+ port map(
+ clk_100k => XSIG010181,
+ a2d_start => start_a2d1,
+ a2d_eoc => XSIG010091,
+ p2s_oe => p2s_oe,
+ p2s_load => p2s_load,
+ ch_sel => sw_ctl,
+ frm_gen => frm_gen_ctl,
+ parity_oe => par_oe,
+ a2d_oe => a2d_oe,
+ clk_50 => XSIG010180,
+ clk_6k => XSIG010173,
+ p2s_clr => p2s_clr
+ );
+ a2d1 : entity work.a2d_nbit(sar)
+ generic map(
+ Vmax => 4.8
+ )
+ port map(
+ dout => ch_bus,
+ ain => a2d_ana_in,
+ clk => XSIG010181,
+ start => start_a2d1,
+ eoc => XSIG010091,
+ oe => a2d_oe
+ );
+ tdm_enc1 : entity work.tdm_encoder
+ port map(
+ clk => XSIG010173,
+ p2s_oe => p2s_oe,
+ tdm_out => tdm_out,
+ p2s_load => p2s_load,
+ a2d_data => ch_bus,
+ frm_gen => frm_gen_ctl,
+ parity_oe => par_oe,
+ p2s_clr => p2s_clr
+ );
+end Digitize_Encode;
+-- Electrical sinusoidal voltage source (stick.vhd)
+-- Use proposed IEEE natures and packages
+LIBRARY IEEE_proposed;
+ENTITY stick IS
+-- Initialize parameters
+ freq : real; -- frequency, [Hertz]
+ amplitude : real; -- amplitude, [Volt]
+ phase : real := 0.0; -- initial phase, [Degree]
+ offset : real := 0.0; -- DC value, [Volt]
+ df : real := 0.0; -- damping factor, [1/second]
+ ac_mag : real := 1.0; -- AC magnitude, [Volt]
+ ac_phase : real := 0.0); -- AC phase, [Degree]
+-- Define ports as electrical terminals
+ PORT (
+END ENTITY stick;
+-- Ideal Architecture
+-- Declare Branch Quantities
+ QUANTITY v ACROSS i THROUGH v_out TO electrical_ref;
+-- Declare Quantity for Phase in radians (calculated below)
+ QUANTITY phase_rad : real;
+-- Declare Quantity in frequency domain for AC analysis
+ QUANTITY ac_spec : real SPECTRUM ac_mag, math_2_pi*ac_phase/360.0;
+-- Convert phase to radians
+ phase_rad == math_2_pi *(freq * NOW + phase / 360.0);
+ v == offset + amplitude * sin(phase_rad) * EXP(-NOW * df);
+ v == ac_spec; -- used for Frequency (AC) analysis
+-- Two input AND gate
+LIBRARY ieee;
+USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;
+ delay : time := 0 ns); -- Delay time
+ PORT (
+ in1, in2 : IN std_logic;
+ output : OUT std_logic);
+ output <= in1 AND in2 AFTER delay;
+-- D Flip Flop with reset (negative edge triggered)
+LIBRARY ieee;
+USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;
+ENTITY d_latch_n_edge_rst IS
+ delay : time := 0 ns); -- Delay time
+ PORT (
+ data, clk : IN std_logic;
+ q : OUT std_logic := '0';
+ qn : OUT std_logic := '1';
+ rst : IN std_logic := '0'); -- reset
+END ENTITY d_latch_n_edge_rst ;
+ARCHITECTURE behav OF d_latch_n_edge_rst IS
+ data_in : PROCESS(clk, rst) IS
+ IF clk = '0' AND clk'event AND rst /= '1' THEN
+ q <= data AFTER delay;
+ qn <= NOT data AFTER delay;
+ ELSIF rst = '1' THEN
+ q <= '0';
+ qn <= '1';
+ END PROCESS data_in; -- End of process data_in
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
+library IEEE_proposed;
+use IEEE_proposed.electrical_systems.all;
+use IEEE_proposed.mechanical_systems.all;
+entity counter_12 is
+ port(
+ cnt : out std_logic_vector(0 to 11);
+ reset : in std_logic;
+ enable : in std_logic;
+ clk : in std_logic
+ );
+end counter_12;
+architecture counter_12 of counter_12 is
+ -- Component declarations
+ -- Signal declarations
+ signal cdb2vhdl_tmp_1 : std_logic_vector(0 to 11);
+ signal XSIG010078 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010081 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010083 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010085 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010087 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010101 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010102 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010103 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010104 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010115 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010116 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010117 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010132 : std_logic;
+ -- Signal assignments
+ cnt(0) <= cdb2vhdl_tmp_1(0);
+ cnt(1) <= cdb2vhdl_tmp_1(1);
+ cnt(2) <= cdb2vhdl_tmp_1(2);
+ cnt(3) <= cdb2vhdl_tmp_1(3);
+ cnt(4) <= cdb2vhdl_tmp_1(4);
+ cnt(5) <= cdb2vhdl_tmp_1(5);
+ cnt(6) <= cdb2vhdl_tmp_1(6);
+ cnt(7) <= cdb2vhdl_tmp_1(7);
+ cnt(8) <= cdb2vhdl_tmp_1(8);
+ cnt(9) <= cdb2vhdl_tmp_1(9);
+ cnt(10) <= cdb2vhdl_tmp_1(10);
+ cnt(11) <= cdb2vhdl_tmp_1(11);
+ -- Component instances
+ XCMP92 : entity work.and2(ideal)
+ port map(
+ in1 => clk,
+ in2 => enable,
+ output => XSIG010132
+ );
+ XCMP93 : entity work.d_latch_n_edge_rst(behav)
+ port map(
+ CLK => XSIG010132,
+ DATA => XSIG010078,
+ QN => XSIG010078,
+ Q => cdb2vhdl_tmp_1(0),
+ RST => reset
+ );
+ XCMP94 : entity work.d_latch_n_edge_rst(behav)
+ port map(
+ CLK => cdb2vhdl_tmp_1(0),
+ DATA => XSIG010081,
+ QN => XSIG010081,
+ Q => cdb2vhdl_tmp_1(1),
+ RST => reset
+ );
+ XCMP95 : entity work.d_latch_n_edge_rst(behav)
+ port map(
+ CLK => cdb2vhdl_tmp_1(1),
+ DATA => XSIG010083,
+ QN => XSIG010083,
+ Q => cdb2vhdl_tmp_1(2),
+ RST => reset
+ );
+ XCMP96 : entity work.d_latch_n_edge_rst(behav)
+ port map(
+ CLK => cdb2vhdl_tmp_1(2),
+ DATA => XSIG010085,
+ QN => XSIG010085,
+ Q => cdb2vhdl_tmp_1(3),
+ RST => reset
+ );
+ XCMP97 : entity work.d_latch_n_edge_rst(behav)
+ port map(
+ CLK => cdb2vhdl_tmp_1(3),
+ DATA => XSIG010087,
+ QN => XSIG010087,
+ Q => cdb2vhdl_tmp_1(4),
+ RST => reset
+ );
+ XCMP98 : entity work.d_latch_n_edge_rst(behav)
+ port map(
+ CLK => cdb2vhdl_tmp_1(4),
+ DATA => XSIG010101,
+ QN => XSIG010101,
+ Q => cdb2vhdl_tmp_1(5),
+ RST => reset
+ );
+ XCMP99 : entity work.d_latch_n_edge_rst(behav)
+ port map(
+ CLK => cdb2vhdl_tmp_1(5),
+ DATA => XSIG010102,
+ QN => XSIG010102,
+ Q => cdb2vhdl_tmp_1(6),
+ RST => reset
+ );
+ XCMP100 : entity work.d_latch_n_edge_rst(behav)
+ port map(
+ CLK => cdb2vhdl_tmp_1(6),
+ DATA => XSIG010103,
+ QN => XSIG010103,
+ Q => cdb2vhdl_tmp_1(7),
+ RST => reset
+ );
+ XCMP101 : entity work.d_latch_n_edge_rst(behav)
+ port map(
+ CLK => cdb2vhdl_tmp_1(7),
+ DATA => XSIG010104,
+ QN => XSIG010104,
+ Q => cdb2vhdl_tmp_1(8),
+ RST => reset
+ );
+ XCMP102 : entity work.d_latch_n_edge_rst(behav)
+ port map(
+ CLK => cdb2vhdl_tmp_1(8),
+ DATA => XSIG010115,
+ QN => XSIG010115,
+ Q => cdb2vhdl_tmp_1(9),
+ RST => reset
+ );
+ XCMP103 : entity work.d_latch_n_edge_rst(behav)
+ port map(
+ CLK => cdb2vhdl_tmp_1(9),
+ DATA => XSIG010116,
+ QN => XSIG010116,
+ Q => cdb2vhdl_tmp_1(10),
+ RST => reset
+ );
+ XCMP104 : entity work.d_latch_n_edge_rst(behav)
+ port map(
+ CLK => cdb2vhdl_tmp_1(10),
+ DATA => XSIG010117,
+ QN => XSIG010117,
+ Q => cdb2vhdl_tmp_1(11),
+ RST => reset
+ );
+end counter_12;
+-- ideal one bit A/D converter
+USE IEEE.math_real.ALL;
+USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.ALL;
+LIBRARY IEEE_proposed;
+USE IEEE_proposed.electrical_systems.ALL;
+ENTITY a2d_bit IS
+ thres : real := 2.5); -- Threshold to determine logic output
+ PORT (
+ TERMINAL a : electrical; -- analog input
+ SIGNAL d : OUT std_logic); -- digital (std_logic) output
+END ENTITY a2d_bit;
+ARCHITECTURE ideal OF a2d_bit IS
+ BEGIN -- threshold
+-- Process needed to detect threshold crossing and assign output (d)
+ PROCESS (vin'ABOVE(thres)) IS
+ IF vin'ABOVE(thres) THEN
+ d <= '1';
+ d <= '0';
+END ideal;
+-- Digital clock with 50% duty cycle and enable pin
+LIBRARY ieee;
+USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;
+ENTITY clock_en IS
+ pw : time); -- Clock pulse width
+ PORT (
+ enable : IN std_logic ;
+ clock_out : INOUT std_logic := '0');
+END ENTITY clock_en;
+ARCHITECTURE ideal OF clock_en IS
+-- clock process
+ process (clock_out, enable) is
+ begin
+ if clock_out = '0' AND enable = '1' THEN
+ clock_out <= '1' after pw, '0' after 2*pw;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+-- Inverter
+LIBRARY ieee;
+USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;
+ENTITY inverter IS
+ delay : time := 0 ns); -- Delay time
+ PORT (
+ input : IN std_logic;
+ output : OUT std_logic);
+END ENTITY inverter;
+ARCHITECTURE ideal OF inverter IS
+ output <= NOT input AFTER delay;
+-- Two input OR gate
+LIBRARY ieee;
+USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;
+ delay : time := 0 ns); -- Delay time
+ PORT (
+ in1, in2 : IN std_logic;
+ output : OUT std_logic);
+ output <= in1 OR in2 AFTER delay;
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
+library IEEE_proposed;
+use IEEE_proposed.electrical_systems.all;
+use IEEE_proposed.mechanical_systems.all;
+ENTITY d2a_nbit IS
+ vmax : real := 5.0; -- High output
+ vmin : real := 0.0; -- Low output
+ high_bit : integer := 9; -- High end of bit range for D/A
+ low_bit : integer := 0); -- Low end of bit range for D/A
+ PORT (
+ SIGNAL bus_in : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; -- variable width vector input
+ TERMINAL ana_out : electrical); -- analog output
+END ENTITY d2a_nbit ;
+ARCHITECTURE behavioral OF d2a_nbit IS
+ SIGNAL sout : real := 0.0;
+ QUANTITY vout across iout through ana_out TO electrical_ref;
+ proc : PROCESS
+ VARIABLE v_sum : real; -- Sum of voltage contribution from each bit
+ VARIABLE delt_v : real; -- Represents the voltage value of each bit
+ WAIT UNTIL (latch'event and latch = '1'); -- Begin when latch goes high
+ v_sum := vmin;
+ delt_v := vmax - vmin;
+ FOR i IN high_bit DOWNTO low_bit LOOP -- Perform the conversions
+ delt_v := delt_v / 2.0;
+ IF bus_in(i) = '1' OR bus_in(i) = 'H' THEN
+ v_sum := v_sum + delt_v;
+ sout <= v_sum;
+ vout == sout'ramp(100.0E-9); -- Ensure continuous transition between levels
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
+library IEEE_proposed;
+use IEEE_proposed.electrical_systems.all;
+use IEEE_proposed.mechanical_systems.all;
+entity pw2ana is
+ port(
+ terminal ana_out : electrical;
+ terminal pw_in : electrical
+ );
+end pw2ana;
+architecture pw2ana of pw2ana is
+ -- Component declarations
+ -- Signal declarations
+ signal bus_servo : std_logic_vector(0 to 11);
+ signal XSIG010008 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010013 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010019 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010020 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010021 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010022 : std_logic;
+ -- Signal assignments
+ -- Component instances
+ counter_rudder : entity work.counter_12
+ port map(
+ enable => XSIG010022,
+ cnt => bus_servo,
+ reset => XSIG010021,
+ clk => XSIG010008
+ );
+ XCMP3 : entity work.a2d_bit(ideal)
+ port map(
+ D => XSIG010022,
+ A => pw_in
+ );
+ clk_en_rudder : entity work.clock_en(ideal)
+ generic map(
+ pw => 500ns
+ )
+ port map(
+ CLOCK_OUT => XSIG010008,
+ enable => XSIG010022
+ );
+ XCMP5 : entity work.inverter(ideal)
+ generic map(
+ delay => 2us
+ )
+ port map(
+ input => XSIG010022,
+ output => XSIG010013
+ );
+ XCMP8 : entity work.inverter(ideal)
+ generic map(
+ delay => 2us
+ )
+ port map(
+ input => XSIG010020,
+ output => XSIG010021
+ );
+ XCMP9 : entity work.inverter(ideal)
+ generic map(
+ delay => 2us
+ )
+ port map(
+ input => XSIG010022,
+ output => XSIG010019
+ );
+ or_rudder : entity work.or2(ideal)
+ port map(
+ in1 => XSIG010022,
+ in2 => XSIG010019,
+ output => XSIG010020
+ );
+ DA1 : entity work.d2a_nbit(behavioral)
+ generic map(
+ vmax => 4.8,
+ high_bit => 9,
+ low_bit => 0
+ )
+ port map(
+ bus_in => bus_servo,
+ ana_out => ana_out,
+ latch => XSIG010013
+ );
+end pw2ana;
+-- 12-bit digital comparator model
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
+entity dig_cmp is
+ eq : out std_logic := '0';
+ in1 : in std_logic_vector (0 to 11);
+ in2 : in std_logic_vector (0 to 11);
+ latch_in1 : in std_logic := '0'; -- Currently unused
+ latch_in2 : in std_logic := '0';
+ cmp : in std_logic := '0';
+ clk : in std_logic
+ );
+end entity dig_cmp ;
+architecture simple of dig_cmp is
+ compare: PROCESS (latch_in2, cmp, clk) -- Sensitivity list
+ variable in2_hold : std_logic_vector (0 to 11) := "000000000000";
+ if latch_in2 = '1' then -- in2 data is latched and stored
+ in2_hold := in2;
+ end if;
+ if cmp = '1' then
+ if in1 = in2_hold then -- latched in2 checked against current in1
+ eq <= '0';
+ else eq <= '1';
+ end if;
+ end if;
+end architecture simple;
+-- Set/reset flip flop
+-- When S goes high, Q is set high until reset
+-- When R goes high, Q is set low until set
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
+library IEEE_proposed;
+use IEEE_proposed.electrical_systems.all;
+use IEEE_proposed.mechanical_systems.all;
+entity sr_ff is
+ S : in std_logic ;
+ R : in std_logic ;
+ Q : out std_logic
+end sr_ff ;
+architecture simple of sr_ff is
+ set_reset: PROCESS(S, R) IS
+-- assert S='1' nand R='1' -- Warning if both inputs are high
+-- report "S and R are both active. Use with caution"
+-- severity warning;
+ if S'event AND S = '1' then
+ Q <= '1';
+ end if;
+ if R'event AND R = '1' then
+ Q <= '0';
+ end if;
+ END PROCESS set_reset;
+USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+USE IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
+LIBRARY IEEE_proposed;
+USE IEEE_proposed.electrical_systems.all;
+USE IEEE_proposed.mechanical_systems.all;
+ENTITY state_mach_rcvr IS
+ PORT (
+ clk_50 : IN std_logic;
+ clk_100k : IN std_logic;
+ ser_done : IN std_logic;
+ par_det : IN std_logic;
+ frm_det : IN std_logic;
+ clk_6k : IN std_logic;
+ start_pulse : IN std_logic;
+ dly_done : IN std_logic;
+ s2p_rst : OUT std_logic;
+ s2p_en : OUT std_logic;
+ cnt1_en : OUT std_logic;
+ cnt1_rst : OUT std_logic;
+ cmp1_ltch1 : OUT std_logic;
+ cmp1_ltch2 : OUT std_logic;
+ cnt2_en : OUT std_logic;
+ cnt2_rst : OUT std_logic;
+ cmp2_ltch1 : OUT std_logic;
+ cmp2_ltch2 : OUT std_logic;
+ da_latch : OUT std_logic;
+ ser_cnt : OUT std_logic;
+ dly_cnt : OUT std_logic;
+ par_oe : OUT std_logic);
+END state_mach_rcvr;
+ARCHITECTURE state_diagram OF state_mach_rcvr IS
+ TYPE TYP_state_mach_rcvr_sm1 IS (V_begin, cnt, ch1, rst1, ch2, rst2, cnt_cmp, rst_cnt
+ , s_bit, par1, par2);
+ SIGNAL CS_state_mach_rcvr_sm1, NS_state_mach_rcvr_sm1 : TYP_state_mach_rcvr_sm1;
+ PROCESS (CS_state_mach_rcvr_sm1, clk_50, frm_det, ser_done, start_pulse, dly_done, par_det)
+ CASE CS_state_mach_rcvr_sm1 IS
+ WHEN V_begin =>
+ cnt1_en <= ('0');
+ cnt1_rst <= ('1');
+ cmp1_ltch1 <= ('0');
+ cmp1_ltch2 <= ('0');
+ cnt2_en <= ('0');
+ cnt2_rst <= ('1');
+ cmp2_ltch1 <= ('0');
+ cmp2_ltch2 <= ('0');
+ s2p_en <= ('1');
+ s2p_rst <= ('0');
+ da_latch <= ('0');
+ ser_cnt <= ('0');
+ dly_cnt <= ('0');
+ par_oe <= ('0');
+ IF ((frm_det = '1')) THEN
+ NS_state_mach_rcvr_sm1 <= s_bit;
+ NS_state_mach_rcvr_sm1 <= V_begin;
+ WHEN cnt =>
+ ser_cnt <= ('1');
+ cnt1_rst <= ('0');
+ cnt2_rst <= ('0');
+ IF ((ser_done = '1')) THEN
+ NS_state_mach_rcvr_sm1 <= par1;
+ NS_state_mach_rcvr_sm1 <= cnt;
+ WHEN ch1 =>
+ cmp1_ltch2 <= ('1');
+ ser_cnt <= ('0');
+ dly_cnt <= ('1');
+ IF (((start_pulse = '1') AND (dly_done = '1'))) THEN
+ NS_state_mach_rcvr_sm1 <= rst1;
+ NS_state_mach_rcvr_sm1 <= ch1;
+ WHEN rst1 =>
+ cmp1_ltch2 <= ('0');
+ ser_cnt <= ('1');
+ dly_cnt <= ('0');
+ par_oe <= ('0');
+ IF ((ser_done = '1')) THEN
+ NS_state_mach_rcvr_sm1 <= par2;
+ NS_state_mach_rcvr_sm1 <= rst1;
+ WHEN ch2 =>
+ cmp2_ltch2 <= ('1');
+ ser_cnt <= ('0');
+ da_latch <= ('1');
+ NS_state_mach_rcvr_sm1 <= rst2;
+ WHEN rst2 =>
+ cmp2_ltch2 <= ('0');
+ s2p_en <= ('0');
+ par_oe <= ('0');
+ da_latch <= ('0');
+ NS_state_mach_rcvr_sm1 <= cnt_cmp;
+ WHEN cnt_cmp =>
+ cnt1_en <= ('1');
+ cmp1_ltch1 <= ('1');
+ cnt2_en <= ('1');
+ cmp2_ltch1 <= ('1');
+ NS_state_mach_rcvr_sm1 <= rst_cnt;
+ WHEN rst_cnt =>
+ cnt1_en <= ('0');
+ cmp1_ltch1 <= ('0');
+ cnt2_en <= ('0');
+ cmp2_ltch1 <= ('0');
+ NS_state_mach_rcvr_sm1 <= rst_cnt;
+ WHEN s_bit =>
+ IF ((start_pulse = '1')) THEN
+ NS_state_mach_rcvr_sm1 <= cnt;
+ NS_state_mach_rcvr_sm1 <= s_bit;
+ WHEN par1 =>
+ par_oe <= ('1');
+ IF ((par_det = '0')) THEN
+ NS_state_mach_rcvr_sm1 <= ch1;
+ ELSIF ((par_det = '1')) THEN
+ NS_state_mach_rcvr_sm1 <= rst1;
+ NS_state_mach_rcvr_sm1 <= par1;
+ WHEN par2 =>
+ par_oe <= ('1');
+ IF ((par_det = '0')) THEN
+ NS_state_mach_rcvr_sm1 <= ch2;
+ ELSIF ((par_det = '1')) THEN
+ NS_state_mach_rcvr_sm1 <= rst2;
+ NS_state_mach_rcvr_sm1 <= par2;
+ PROCESS (clk_100k, clk_50)
+ IF (clk_100k'event AND clk_100k='1') THEN
+ IF (clk_50= '1' ) THEN
+ CS_state_mach_rcvr_sm1 <= V_begin;
+ CS_state_mach_rcvr_sm1 <= NS_state_mach_rcvr_sm1;
+END state_diagram;
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
+library IEEE_proposed;
+use IEEE_proposed.electrical_systems.all;
+use IEEE_proposed.mechanical_systems.all;
+entity sm_cnt_rcvr is
+ port(
+ cmp1_ltch1 : out std_logic;
+ cmp2_ltch1 : out std_logic;
+ s2p_en : out std_logic;
+ s2p_rst : out std_logic;
+ frm_det : in std_logic;
+ par_det : in std_logic;
+ clk_100k : in std_logic;
+ clk_6k : in std_logic;
+ clk_50 : in std_logic;
+ start_pulse : in std_logic;
+ cnt1_en : out std_logic;
+ cnt1_rst : out std_logic;
+ cmp1_ltch2 : out std_logic;
+ cnt2_en : out std_logic;
+ cnt2_rst : out std_logic;
+ cmp2_ltch2 : out std_logic;
+ da_latch : out std_logic;
+ par_oe : out std_logic
+ );
+end sm_cnt_rcvr;
+architecture sm_cnt_rcvr of sm_cnt_rcvr is
+ -- Component declarations
+ -- Signal declarations
+ signal ser_cnt : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010002 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010145 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010146 : std_logic;
+ -- Signal assignments
+ -- Component instances
+ bit_cnt3 : entity work.bit_cnt(behavioral)
+ generic map(
+ count => 2
+ )
+ port map(
+ bit_in => XSIG010145,
+ clk => clk_6k,
+ dly_out => XSIG010146
+ );
+ bit_cnt4 : entity work.bit_cnt(behavioral)
+ generic map(
+ count => 10
+ )
+ port map(
+ bit_in => ser_cnt,
+ clk => clk_6k,
+ dly_out => XSIG010002
+ );
+ state_mach_rcvr8 : entity work.state_mach_rcvr
+ port map(
+ clk_100k => clk_100k,
+ clk_50 => clk_50,
+ s2p_rst => s2p_rst,
+ s2p_en => s2p_en,
+ cnt1_en => cnt1_en,
+ cnt1_rst => cnt1_rst,
+ cmp1_ltch1 => cmp1_ltch1,
+ cmp1_ltch2 => cmp1_ltch2,
+ cnt2_en => cnt2_en,
+ cnt2_rst => cnt2_rst,
+ cmp2_ltch1 => cmp2_ltch1,
+ cmp2_ltch2 => cmp2_ltch2,
+ da_latch => da_latch,
+ ser_cnt => ser_cnt,
+ ser_done => XSIG010002,
+ par_det => par_det,
+ frm_det => frm_det,
+ clk_6k => clk_6k,
+ start_pulse => start_pulse,
+ dly_done => XSIG010146,
+ dly_cnt => XSIG010145,
+ par_oe => par_oe
+ );
+end sm_cnt_rcvr;
+-- level_set.vhd
+-- Set digital output "level" with parameter "logic_val" (default is '1')
+LIBRARY ieee;
+USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;
+ENTITY level_set IS
+ logic_val : std_logic := '1');
+ PORT (
+ level : OUT std_logic);
+END ENTITY level_set;
+-- Simple architecture
+ARCHITECTURE ideal OF level_set IS
+ level <= logic_val;
+-- Serial to parallel data converter
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
+library IEEE_proposed;
+use IEEE_proposed.electrical_systems.all;
+use IEEE_proposed.mechanical_systems.all;
+entity ser2par is
+ par_out : inout std_logic_vector(0 to 11) := "ZZZZZZZZZZZZ";
+ clk : in std_logic ;
+ load_en : in std_logic ;
+ ser_in : in std_logic ;
+ reset : in std_logic
+end ser2par;
+architecture a1 of ser2par is
+ sr_sm: PROCESS (load_en, clk, reset, ser_in)
+ if (reset = '1' and load_en = '1') then
+ par_out <= "000000000000"; -- Reset the parallel data out
+ elsif (reset = '0' and load_en = '1') then
+ if (clk'event and clk = '1') then
+ -- The register will shift when load is enabled
+ -- and will shift at rising edge of clock
+ par_out(0) <= ser_in; -- Input data shifts into bit 0
+ par_out(1) <= par_out(0);
+ par_out(2) <= par_out(1);
+ par_out(3) <= par_out(2);
+ par_out(4) <= par_out(3);
+ par_out(5) <= par_out(4);
+ par_out(6) <= par_out(5);
+ par_out(7) <= par_out(6);
+ par_out(8) <= par_out(7);
+ par_out(9) <= par_out(8);
+ par_out(10) <= par_out(9);
+ par_out(11) <= par_out(10);
+ end if;
+ else
+ par_out <= "ZZZZZZZZZZZZ"; -- No change in output. Tri-state if load_en = 0.
+ end if;
+-- This model ouputs a '1' when a specific bit pattern is encountered
+-- Otherwise, it outputs a zero
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
+library IEEE_proposed;
+use IEEE_proposed.electrical_systems.all;
+use IEEE_proposed.mechanical_systems.all;
+entity frame_det is
+ bus_in : in std_logic_vector (0 to 11);
+ clk : in std_logic;
+ frm_bit : out std_logic := '0' -- Initialize output to zero
+ );
+end entity frame_det;
+architecture simple of frame_det is
+ enbl: PROCESS (bus_in, clk) -- Sensitivity list
+ if bus_in = "010101010101" then -- This is the pre-defined bit pattern
+ if clk'event AND clk = '0' then -- Output updated synchronously
+ frm_bit <= '1';
+ end if;
+ else frm_bit <= '0';
+ end if;
+end architecture simple;
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
+library IEEE_proposed;
+use IEEE_proposed.electrical_systems.all;
+use IEEE_proposed.mechanical_systems.all;
+entity parity_det is
+ port(
+ bus_in : in std_logic_vector(0 to 11);
+ par_bit : out std_logic;
+ oe : in std_logic
+ );
+end parity_det;
+architecture parity_det of parity_det is
+ -- Component declarations
+ -- Signal declarations
+ signal XSIG010010 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010011 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010012 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010013 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010014 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010015 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010016 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010017 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010019 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010057 : std_logic;
+ -- Signal assignments
+ -- Component instances
+ XCMP1 : entity work.xor2(ideal)
+ port map(
+ in1 => bus_in(1),
+ in2 => bus_in(2),
+ output => XSIG010010
+ );
+ XCMP2 : entity work.xor2(ideal)
+ port map(
+ in1 => bus_in(3),
+ in2 => bus_in(4),
+ output => XSIG010011
+ );
+ XCMP3 : entity work.xor2(ideal)
+ port map(
+ in1 => bus_in(5),
+ in2 => bus_in(6),
+ output => XSIG010012
+ );
+ XCMP4 : entity work.xor2(ideal)
+ port map(
+ in1 => bus_in(7),
+ in2 => bus_in(8),
+ output => XSIG010013
+ );
+ XCMP5 : entity work.xor2(ideal)
+ port map(
+ in1 => bus_in(9),
+ in2 => bus_in(10),
+ output => XSIG010016
+ );
+ XCMP6 : entity work.xor2(ideal)
+ port map(
+ in1 => XSIG010010,
+ in2 => XSIG010011,
+ output => XSIG010014
+ );
+ XCMP7 : entity work.xor2(ideal)
+ port map(
+ in1 => XSIG010012,
+ in2 => XSIG010013,
+ output => XSIG010015
+ );
+ XCMP8 : entity work.xor2(ideal)
+ port map(
+ in1 => XSIG010014,
+ in2 => XSIG010015,
+ output => XSIG010017
+ );
+ XCMP9 : entity work.xor2(ideal)
+ port map(
+ in1 => XSIG010017,
+ in2 => XSIG010016,
+ output => XSIG010019
+ );
+ XCMP10 : entity work.xor2(ideal)
+ port map(
+ in1 => XSIG010019,
+ in2 => bus_in(0),
+ output => XSIG010057
+ );
+ XCMP12 : entity work.and2(ideal)
+ port map(
+ in1 => oe,
+ in2 => XSIG010057,
+ output => par_bit
+ );
+end parity_det;
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
+library IEEE_proposed;
+use IEEE_proposed.electrical_systems.all;
+use IEEE_proposed.mechanical_systems.all;
+entity TDM_Demux_dbg is
+ port(
+ s2p_en : in std_logic;
+ tdm_in : in std_logic;
+ clk_6k : in std_logic;
+ s2p_rst : in std_logic;
+ par_det : out std_logic;
+ frm_det : out std_logic;
+ da_latch : in std_logic;
+ par_oe : in std_logic;
+ data_bus : out std_logic_vector(1 to 10);
+ start_bit : out std_logic
+ );
+end TDM_Demux_dbg;
+architecture TDM_Demux_dbg of TDM_Demux_dbg is
+ -- Component declarations
+ -- Signal declarations
+ terminal d2a_out : electrical;
+ signal rcvr_bus : std_logic_vector(0 to 11);
+ -- Signal assignments
+ data_bus(1) <= rcvr_bus(1);
+ data_bus(2) <= rcvr_bus(2);
+ data_bus(3) <= rcvr_bus(3);
+ data_bus(4) <= rcvr_bus(4);
+ data_bus(5) <= rcvr_bus(5);
+ data_bus(6) <= rcvr_bus(6);
+ data_bus(7) <= rcvr_bus(7);
+ data_bus(8) <= rcvr_bus(8);
+ data_bus(9) <= rcvr_bus(9);
+ data_bus(10) <= rcvr_bus(10);
+ start_bit <= rcvr_bus(0);
+ -- Component instances
+ s2p1 : entity work.ser2par(a1)
+ port map(
+ par_out => rcvr_bus,
+ clk => clk_6k,
+ load_en => s2p_en,
+ ser_in => tdm_in,
+ reset => s2p_rst
+ );
+ frm_det1 : entity work.frame_det(simple)
+ port map(
+ bus_in => rcvr_bus,
+ frm_bit => frm_det,
+ clk => clk_6k
+ );
+ par_det1 : entity work.parity_det
+ port map(
+ bus_in => rcvr_bus,
+ par_bit => par_det,
+ oe => par_oe
+ );
+ XCMP113 : entity work.d2a_nbit(behavioral)
+ generic map(
+ low_bit => 1,
+ high_bit => 10,
+ vmax => 4.8
+ )
+ port map(
+ bus_in => rcvr_bus(1 to 10),
+ ana_out => d2a_out,
+ latch => da_latch
+ );
+end TDM_Demux_dbg;
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
+library IEEE_proposed;
+use IEEE_proposed.electrical_systems.all;
+use IEEE_proposed.mechanical_systems.all;
+entity Decode_PW is
+ port(
+ bit_stream_in : in std_logic;
+ terminal ch1_pw : electrical;
+ terminal ch2_pw : electrical
+ );
+end Decode_PW;
+architecture Decode_PW of Decode_PW is
+ -- Component declarations
+ -- Signal declarations
+ signal cmp_bus : std_logic_vector(0 to 11);
+ signal cnt1 : std_logic_vector(0 to 11);
+ signal cnt2 : std_logic_vector(0 to 11);
+ signal rud_clk : std_logic;
+ signal rud_cmp : std_logic;
+ signal rud_eq : std_logic;
+ signal rud_ff_rst : std_logic;
+ signal rud_ff_set : std_logic;
+ signal rud_ltch1 : std_logic;
+ signal rud_ltch2 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010225 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010228 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010229 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010256 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010266 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010267 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010268 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010289 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010315 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010339 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010357 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010371 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010373 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010383 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010384 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010385 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010386 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010390 : std_logic;
+ signal XSIG010433 : std_logic;
+ -- Signal assignments
+ -- Component instances
+ cntr1 : entity work.counter_12
+ port map(
+ enable => XSIG010384,
+ cnt => cnt1,
+ reset => XSIG010357,
+ clk => XSIG010433
+ );
+ cntr2 : entity work.counter_12
+ port map(
+ enable => rud_cmp,
+ cnt => cnt2,
+ reset => XSIG010385,
+ clk => rud_clk
+ );
+ cmp1 : entity work.dig_cmp(simple)
+ port map(
+ in1 => cnt1,
+ eq => XSIG010371,
+ clk => XSIG010433,
+ in2 => cmp_bus,
+ cmp => XSIG010384,
+ latch_in1 => XSIG010256,
+ latch_in2 => XSIG010383
+ );
+ cmp2 : entity work.dig_cmp(simple)
+ port map(
+ in1 => cnt2,
+ eq => rud_eq,
+ clk => rud_clk,
+ in2 => cmp_bus,
+ cmp => rud_cmp,
+ latch_in1 => rud_ltch1,
+ latch_in2 => rud_ltch2
+ );
+ clk_1M2 : entity work.clock_en(ideal)
+ generic map(
+ pw => 500 ns
+ )
+ port map(
+ CLOCK_OUT => rud_clk,
+ enable => rud_cmp
+ );
+ clk_1M1 : entity work.clock_en(ideal)
+ generic map(
+ pw => 500 ns
+ )
+ port map(
+ CLOCK_OUT => XSIG010433,
+ enable => XSIG010384
+ );
+ XCMP134 : entity work.d2a_bit(ideal)
+ port map(
+ D => XSIG010371,
+ A => ch1_pw
+ );
+ XCMP135 : entity work.d2a_bit(ideal)
+ port map(
+ D => rud_eq,
+ A => ch2_pw
+ );
+ XCMP137 : entity work.SR_FF(simple)
+ port map(
+ S => rud_ff_set,
+ R => rud_ff_rst,
+ Q => rud_cmp
+ );
+ XCMP138 : entity work.inverter(ideal)
+ port map(
+ input => rud_eq,
+ output => rud_ff_rst
+ );
+ XCMP139 : entity work.SR_FF(simple)
+ port map(
+ S => XSIG010373,
+ R => XSIG010339,
+ Q => XSIG010384
+ );
+ XCMP140 : entity work.inverter(ideal)
+ port map(
+ input => XSIG010371,
+ output => XSIG010339
+ );
+ rc_clk2 : entity work.rc_clk
+ port map(
+ clk_50 => XSIG010289,
+ clk_6K => XSIG010225,
+ clk_100k => XSIG010315
+ );
+ sm_rcvr1 : entity work.sm_cnt_rcvr
+ port map(
+ cnt1_en => XSIG010373,
+ cmp1_ltch1 => XSIG010256,
+ cnt2_rst => XSIG010385,
+ clk_100k => XSIG010315,
+ cnt1_rst => XSIG010357,
+ cnt2_en => rud_ff_set,
+ cmp2_ltch1 => rud_ltch1,
+ frm_det => XSIG010229,
+ par_det => XSIG010228,
+ s2p_en => XSIG010266,
+ s2p_rst => XSIG010267,
+ clk_6k => XSIG010225,
+ clk_50 => XSIG010289,
+ da_latch => XSIG010268,
+ cmp1_ltch2 => XSIG010383,
+ cmp2_ltch2 => rud_ltch2,
+ start_pulse => XSIG010390,
+ par_oe => XSIG010386
+ );
+ XCMP155 : entity work.level_set(ideal)
+ generic map(
+ logic_val => '0'
+ )
+ port map(
+ level => cmp_bus(11)
+ );
+ XCMP157 : entity work.TDM_Demux_dbg
+ port map(
+ data_bus => cmp_bus(0 to 9),
+ tdm_in => bit_stream_in,
+ clk_6k => XSIG010225,
+ s2p_en => XSIG010266,
+ s2p_rst => XSIG010267,
+ da_latch => XSIG010268,
+ frm_det => XSIG010229,
+ par_det => XSIG010228,
+ par_oe => XSIG010386,
+ start_bit => XSIG010390
+ );
+ XCMP172 : entity work.level_set(ideal)
+ generic map(
+ logic_val => '1'
+ )
+ port map(
+ level => cmp_bus(10)
+ );
+end Decode_PW;
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
+library IEEE_proposed;
+use IEEE_proposed.electrical_systems.all;
+use IEEE_proposed.mechanical_systems.all;
+entity tb_CS1 is
+end tb_CS1;
+architecture TB_CS1 of tb_CS1 is
+ -- Component declarations
+ -- Signal declarations
+ terminal rudder : electrical;
+ terminal rudder_out : electrical;
+ terminal rudder_servo : electrical;
+ signal tdm_stream2 : std_logic;
+ terminal throttle : electrical;
+ terminal throttle_out : electrical;
+ terminal throttle_servo : electrical;
+ -- Signal assignments
+ -- Component instances
+ Digitize_Encode1 : entity work.Digitize_Encode
+ port map(
+ ch2_in => rudder,
+ ch1_in => throttle,
+ tdm_out => tdm_stream2
+ );
+ throttle_1 : entity work.stick(ideal)
+ generic map(
+ freq => 1.0,
+ amplitude => 2.397,
+ phase => 0.0,
+ offset => 2.397
+ )
+ port map(
+ v_out => throttle
+ );
+ rudder_1 : entity work.stick(ideal)
+ generic map(
+ offset => 2.397,
+ phase => 90.0,
+ amplitude => 2.397,
+ freq => 1.0
+ )
+ port map(
+ v_out => rudder
+ );
+ pw2ana1 : entity work.pw2ana
+ port map(
+ ana_out => throttle_out,
+ pw_in => throttle_servo
+ );
+ pw2ana2 : entity work.pw2ana
+ port map(
+ ana_out => rudder_out,
+ pw_in => rudder_servo
+ );
+ Decode_PW10 : entity work.Decode_PW
+ port map(
+ bit_stream_in => tdm_stream2,
+ ch2_pw => rudder_servo,
+ ch1_pw => throttle_servo
+ );
+end TB_CS1;
+-- \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/testsuite/vests/vhdl-ams/ashenden/compliant/AMS_CS1_Mixed_Sig/tb_a2d_d2a.vhd b/testsuite/vests/vhdl-ams/ashenden/compliant/AMS_CS1_Mixed_Sig/tb_a2d_d2a.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0a9d3f78e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/vests/vhdl-ams/ashenden/compliant/AMS_CS1_Mixed_Sig/tb_a2d_d2a.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+-- Copyright (C) 2002 Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc
+-- This file is part of VESTs (Vhdl tESTs).
+-- VESTs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+-- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+-- Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
+-- your option) any later version.
+-- VESTs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+-- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with VESTs; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+-- Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
+library IEEE_proposed; use IEEE_proposed.electrical_systems.all;
+entity tb_a2d_d2a is
+end tb_a2d_d2a;
+architecture TB_a2d_d2a of tb_a2d_d2a is
+ -- Component declarations
+ -- Signal declarations
+ terminal ana_out : electrical;
+ terminal analog_in : electrical;
+ signal clock : std_ulogic;
+ signal start : std_ulogic;
+ signal eoc : std_ulogic;
+ signal eoc_logic: std_logic;
+ signal oe : std_logic;
+ signal data_bus : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 9);
+ signal latch : std_ulogic;
+ signal latch_logic : std_logic;
+ signal nn_eoc : std_logic;
+ signal or_out : std_logic;
+ signal n_eoc : std_logic;
+ -- Signal assignments
+ eoc_logic <= To_X01Z(eoc); -- convert std_ulogic to std_logic
+ latch <= To_X01(latch_logic); -- convert std_logic to std_ulogic
+ -- Component instances
+ ad1 : entity work.a2d_nbit(sar)
+ port map(
+ dout => data_bus,
+ ain => analog_in,
+ clk => clock,
+ start => start,
+ eoc => eoc
+ );
+ v1 : entity work.v_sine(ideal)
+ generic map(
+ freq => 2.5,
+ amplitude => 2.5,
+ offset => 2.5,
+ phase => 0.0
+ )
+ port map(
+ pos => analog_in,
+ );
+ inv1 : entity work.inverter(ideal)
+ generic map(
+ delay => 2us
+ )
+ port map(
+ input => or_out,
+ output => oe
+ );
+ inv2 : entity work.inverter(ideal)
+ generic map(
+ delay => 2us
+ )
+ port map(
+ input => n_eoc,
+ output => nn_eoc
+ );
+ or1 : entity work.or2(ideal)
+ port map(
+ in1 => n_eoc,
+ in2 => nn_eoc,
+ output => or_out
+ );
+ inv3 : entity work.inverter(ideal)
+ generic map(
+ delay => 0us
+ )
+ port map(
+ input => eoc_logic,
+ output => n_eoc
+ );
+ U2 : entity work.buff(ideal)
+ generic map(
+ delay => 250ns
+ )
+ port map(
+ input => oe,
+ output => latch_logic
+ );
+ da1 : entity work.dac_10_bit(behavioral)
+ port map(
+ bus_in => data_bus,
+ analog_out => ana_out,
+ clk => latch
+ );
+ -- clock
+ P_clock :
+ process
+ begin
+ clock <= '1';
+ wait for 50.0 us;
+ clock <= '0';
+ wait for 50.0 us;
+ end process P_clock;
+ -- start
+ P_start :
+ process
+ begin
+ start <= '0';
+ wait for 2.0 ms;
+ start <= '1';
+ wait for 0.2 ms;
+ start <= '0';
+ wait for 2.0 ms;
+ end process P_start;
+end TB_a2d_d2a;