path: root/icestick/uart
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'icestick/uart')
6 files changed, 0 insertions, 209 deletions
diff --git a/icestick/uart/README.md b/icestick/uart/README.md
deleted file mode 100755
index b53def6..0000000
--- a/icestick/uart/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-# icestick-uart
-Simple UART sender and receiver for the lattice icestick. It echoes every received word back.
-Configuration: 115200 8N1
-## Repository structure
-- hdl: Contains the hardware design.
-- syn: Contains the scripts and constraints for synthesis.
-## Usage
-- `cd syn && ./synth.sh`
-- configure and open putty or another serial terminal and type something \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/icestick/uart/hdl/uart_rx.vhd b/icestick/uart/hdl/uart_rx.vhd
deleted file mode 100755
index 5f488cc..0000000
--- a/icestick/uart/hdl/uart_rx.vhd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-library ieee;
- use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
-entity uart_rx is
- generic (
- C_BITS : integer := 8;
- C_CYCLES_PER_BIT : integer := 104
- );
- port (
- isl_clk : in std_logic;
- isl_data_n : in std_logic;
- oslv_data : out std_logic_vector(C_BITS-1 downto 0);
- osl_valid : out std_logic
- );
-end entity uart_rx;
-architecture rtl of uart_rx is
- signal int_cycle_cnt : integer range 0 to C_CYCLES_PER_BIT-1 := 0;
- signal int_bit_cnt : integer range 0 to C_BITS+1 := 0;
- signal slv_data : std_logic_vector(C_BITS-1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
- signal sl_valid : std_logic := '0';
- type t_state is (IDLE, INIT, RECEIVE);
- signal state : t_state;
- process(isl_clk)
- begin
- if rising_edge(isl_clk) then
- case state is
- when IDLE =>
- sl_valid <= '0';
- if isl_data_n = '0' then
- -- wait for the start bit
- state <= INIT;
- end if;
- when INIT =>
- int_cycle_cnt <= C_CYCLES_PER_BIT / 2;
- int_bit_cnt <= 0;
- state <= RECEIVE;
- when RECEIVE =>
- if int_bit_cnt < C_BITS+1 then
- if int_cycle_cnt < C_CYCLES_PER_BIT-1 then
- int_cycle_cnt <= int_cycle_cnt+1;
- else
- -- receive data bits
- int_cycle_cnt <= 0;
- int_bit_cnt <= int_bit_cnt+1;
- slv_data <= not isl_data_n & slv_data(slv_data'LEFT downto 1); -- low active
- end if;
- elsif isl_data_n = '1' then
- -- wait for the stop bit
- sl_valid <= '1';
- state <= IDLE;
- end if;
- end case;
- end if;
- end process;
- oslv_data <= slv_data;
- osl_valid <= sl_valid;
-end architecture rtl;
diff --git a/icestick/uart/hdl/uart_top.vhd b/icestick/uart/hdl/uart_top.vhd
deleted file mode 100755
index 889a3a0..0000000
--- a/icestick/uart/hdl/uart_top.vhd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-library ieee;
- use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
-entity uart_top is
- generic (
- C_BITS : integer := 8
- );
- port (
- isl_clk : in std_logic;
- isl_data_n : in std_logic;
- osl_data_n : out std_logic;
- osl_ready : out std_logic
- );
-end uart_top;
-architecture behavioral of uart_top is
- constant C_QUARTZ_FREQ : integer := 12000000; -- Hz
- constant C_BAUDRATE : integer := 115200; -- words / s
- constant C_CYCLES_PER_BIT : integer := C_QUARTZ_FREQ / C_BAUDRATE;
- signal sl_valid_out_tx : std_logic := '0';
- signal slv_data_out_tx : std_logic_vector(C_BITS-1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
- i_uart_rx: entity work.uart_rx
- generic map (
- )
- port map (
- isl_clk => isl_clk,
- isl_data_n => isl_data_n,
- oslv_data => slv_data_out_tx,
- osl_valid => sl_valid_out_tx
- );
- i_uart_tx: entity work.uart_tx
- generic map (
- )
- port map (
- isl_clk => isl_clk,
- isl_valid => sl_valid_out_tx,
- islv_data => slv_data_out_tx,
- osl_data_n => osl_data_n,
- osl_ready => osl_ready
- );
-end behavioral; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/icestick/uart/hdl/uart_tx.vhd b/icestick/uart/hdl/uart_tx.vhd
deleted file mode 100755
index b6c5800..0000000
--- a/icestick/uart/hdl/uart_tx.vhd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-library ieee;
- use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
-entity uart_tx is
- generic (
- -- TODO: range in submodules is not yet supported by synthesis
- -- it would be useful to limit between 5 to 8
- C_BITS : integer := 8;
- C_CYCLES_PER_BIT : integer := 104
- );
- port (
- isl_clk : in std_logic;
- isl_valid : in std_logic;
- islv_data : in std_logic_vector(C_BITS-1 downto 0);
- osl_ready : out std_logic;
- osl_data_n : out std_logic
- );
-end entity uart_tx;
-architecture rtl of uart_tx is
- signal int_cycle_cnt : integer range 0 to C_CYCLES_PER_BIT-1 := 0;
- signal int_bit_cnt : integer range 0 to C_BITS+2 := 0;
- signal slv_data : std_logic_vector(C_BITS downto 0) := (others => '0');
- type t_state is (IDLE, INIT, SEND);
- signal state : t_state;
- process(isl_clk)
- begin
- if rising_edge(isl_clk) then
- case state is
- when IDLE =>
- if isl_valid = '1' then
- state <= INIT;
- end if;
- when INIT =>
- int_cycle_cnt <= 0;
- int_bit_cnt <= 0;
- slv_data <= islv_data & '1';
- state <= SEND;
- when SEND =>
- if int_cycle_cnt < C_CYCLES_PER_BIT-1 then
- int_cycle_cnt <= int_cycle_cnt+1;
- elsif int_bit_cnt < C_BITS+1 then
- int_cycle_cnt <= 0;
- int_bit_cnt <= int_bit_cnt+1;
- slv_data <= '0' & slv_data(slv_data'LEFT downto 1);
- else
- state <= IDLE;
- end if;
- end case;
- end if;
- end process;
- osl_ready <= '1' when state = IDLE else '0';
- osl_data_n <= not slv_data(0); -- low active
-end architecture rtl; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/icestick/uart/syn/constraints/uart.pcf b/icestick/uart/syn/constraints/uart.pcf
deleted file mode 100755
index e3e5016..0000000
--- a/icestick/uart/syn/constraints/uart.pcf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-set_io osl_data_n 8 # UART TX
-set_io isl_data_n 9 # UART RX
-# 12 MHz clock
-set_io isl_clk 21
diff --git a/icestick/uart/syn/synth.sh b/icestick/uart/syn/synth.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 884f1b6..0000000
--- a/icestick/uart/syn/synth.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-rm -rf build
-mkdir -p build
-cd build
-ghdl -a "$ROOT"/hdl/uart_rx.vhd
-ghdl -a "$ROOT"/hdl/uart_tx.vhd
-ghdl -a "$ROOT"/hdl/uart_top.vhd
-yosys -m ghdl -p 'ghdl uart_top; synth_ice40 -json uart_top.json'
-nextpnr-ice40 --hx1k --json uart_top.json --pcf ../constraints/uart.pcf --asc uart_top.asc --pcf-allow-unconstrained
-icepack uart_top.asc uart_top.bin
-iceprog uart_top.bin